Tài liệu miễn phí PR - Truyền thông

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Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Public relations. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Defining public relations, a short history of public relations, public relations in the digital age, organization of the public relations industry, departments and staff, the public relations program, economics.

8/30/2018 5:31:36 AM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age - Chapter 15

Chapter 15 - Advertising. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Defining advertising, a brief history of advertising, advertising in the digital age, organization of the consumer advertising industry, producing advertising, economics, business-to-business advertising.

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Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Formal controls: laws, rules, regulations. The following will be discussed in this chapter: The press, the law, and the courts; protecting news sources; covering the courts; reporters’ access to information; defamation; invasion of privacy; copyright; obscenity and pornography; regulating broadcasting; regulating cable TV; the telecommunications act of 1996; regulating advertising.

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Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age - Chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Ethics and other informal controls. The learning objectives for this chapter include: distinguish among the types of informal controls on the media, explain the most important ethical principles, explain what the standards departments and performance codes are, discuss the relationship between the media and their advertisers vis-à-vis ethical practices, understand the pros and cons of pressure groups.

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Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age - Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - International and comparative media systems. The learning objectives for this chapter include: recognize the global leaders in newspapers, radio, and television; distinguish among the four main theories of government-press relationships; categorize media systems by ownership patterns and degree of government control; understand how politics, culture, geography, history, and economics affect a country's media system.

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Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Social effects of mass communication. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Investigating mass communication effects, effects on knowledge and attitudes, media effects on behavior: a short history, the impact of televised violence, encouraging prosocial behavior, other behavior effects, research about the social effects of the internet, communication in the future: social impact.

8/30/2018 5:31:36 AM +00:00

Ebook Contemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications (15th edition): Part 2

(BQ) Part 2 book Contemporary advertising and integrated marketing communications has contents: Print, electronic, and digital media production; using electronic media - Television and radio; using digital interactive media; social media; relationship building - Direct marketing, personal selling, and sales promotion,...and other contents.

8/30/2018 5:31:30 AM +00:00

Ebook Essentials of business communication (7th edition): Part 1

Essentials of business communications is a must-have resource for students who are looking to succeed in today's technologically enhanced workplace. Retained in this new edition are the elements that have made it so successful -- clear and concise examples, accurate model documents and strong practice exercises that do not overwhelm the students.

8/30/2018 5:31:28 AM +00:00

Ebook Essentials of business communication (7th edition): Part 2

The textbook/workbook format is a convenient all-in-one learning package. The text builds on grammar and mechanics skills to help students learn to effectively communicate in the workplace.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 1 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 1 - Succeeding in business communication. After studying this chapter, you will know: What the benefits of good communication are, why students need to be able to communicate well, what the costs of communication are, what the costs of poor communication are, what the basic criteria for effective messages are, what role conventions play in business communication, how to solve business communication problems.

8/30/2018 5:29:30 AM +00:00

Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 2 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 2 - Adapting your message to your audience. In this chapter, we will address the following questions: How to identify your audience, ways to analyze different kinds of audiences, how to choose channels to reach audiences, how to adapt your message to the audience, how to characterize good audience benefits, how to create audience benefits, how to communicate with multiple audiences.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 3 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 3 - Building goodwill. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Create you-attitude, create positive emphasis, improve tone in business communications, reduce bias in business communications.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 4 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 4 - Navigating the business communication environment. After studying this chapter, you will know: Why ethics is so important in business communication, how corporate culture impacts business environments, why interpersonal communication is important, how to use your time more efficiently, what the trends in business communication are.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 5 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 5 - Planning, composing, and revising. After studying this chapter, you will know: Activities involved in the composing process, and how to use these activities to your advantage; guidelines for effective word choice, sentence constructions, and paragraph organization; techniques to revise, edit, and proofread your communications.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 6 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 6 - Designing documents. In this chapter, we will address the following questions: What document design is important and how to incorporate it into the writing process, the four levels of document design, and how they can help you critique documents, guidelines for document design, how to design brochures, how to design infographics, how to design web pages, how to do basic usability testing on your documents.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 7 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 7 - Communicating across cultures. After studying this chapter, you will know: Why global business is important, why diversity is becoming more important, how our values and beliefs affect our responses to other people, how nonverbal communication impacts cross-cultural communications, how to adapt oral communication for cross-cultural communications, how to adapt written communications for global audiences, why it is important to...

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 8 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 8 - Working and writing in teams. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Different kinds of productive and nonproductive roles in teams, group decision-making strategies, characteristics of successful teams, techniques for resolving conflict, techniques for making meetings effective, technologies to use in teamwork, techniques for collaborative writing.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 9 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 9 - Sharing informative and positive messages with appropriate technology. After studying this chapter, you will know: What the purposes of informative and positive messages are, what kinds of newer communication hardware are entering offices, when and how to use common business media effectively, how to organize informative and positive messages, how to compose some of the common varieties of informative and positive messages.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 10 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 10 - Delivering negative messages. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Different purposes of negative messages; different ways to organize negative messages; ways to construct the different parts of negative messages; how to improve the tone of negative messages; ways to construct different kinds of negative messages; how, and how not, to use technology for negative messages.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 11 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 11 - Crafting persuasive messages. After studying this chapter, you will know: Identify the purposes of persuasive messages; analyze a persuasive situation; identify basic persuasive strategies; write persuasive direct requests; write persuasive problem-solving messages; write sales and fund-raising messages; use technology for persuasive messages.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 12 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 12 - Building résumés. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Prepare a detailed time line for your job search, conduct an effective job search, prepare a résumé that makes you look attractive to employers, deal with common difficulties that arise during job searches, handle the online portion of job searches, keep your résumé honest.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 13 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 13 - Writing job application letters. After studying this chapter, you will know: Find the information you need to write a good job letter to a specific employer, write a job letter that makes you look attractive to employers, use social networking and a personal website to create a virtual cover letter.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 14 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 14 - Interviewing, writing follow-up messages, and succeeding in the job. After studying this chapter, you will know: What interview channels you may encounter, how to create a strategy for successful interviewing, what preparations to make before you start interviewing, what to do during an interview, how to answer common interview questions, how to prepare for less common interview types, what to do after an interview.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 15 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 15 - Researching proposals and reports. After studying this chapter, you will know: Recognize varieties of reports, define report problems, employ various research strategies, use and document sources.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 16 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 16 - Creating visuals and data displays. In this chapter, we will address the following questions: When to use visuals and data displays, how to create effective visuals and data displays, how to integrate visuals and data displays into text, how to use conventions for specific visuals and data displays.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 17 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 17 - Writing proposals and progress reports. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Define proposals, brainstorm for writing proposals, organize proposals, prepare budget and costs sections, write different proposal varieties, write progress reports.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 18 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 18 - Analyzing Information and writing reports. After studying this chapter, you will know: Use your time efficiently when writing reports; analyze data, information, and logic; choose information for reports; organize reports; present information effectively in reports; prepare the different components of formal reports.

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Lecture Business and administrative communication: Chapter 19 - Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler

Chapter 19 - Making oral presentations. In this chapter, students will be able to understand: Identify purposes of presentations, plan strategy for presentations, organize effective presentations, plan visuals for presentations, deliver effective presentations, handle questions during presentations.

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Quan hệ công chúng (public relations - PR) công cụ hữu hiệu xây dựng văn hóa tổ chức trong thời kỳ hội nhập

Bài viết Quan hệ công chúng (public relations - PR) công cụ hữu hiệu xây dựng văn hóa tổ chức trong thời kỳ hội nhập trình bày khái niệm và vai trò của văn hóa của tổ chức; các khái niệm, vai trò, các hoạt động PR; ứng dụng của PR và đưa ra các kiến nghị việc sử dụng PR trong lĩnh vực xây dựng văn hóa của tổ chức. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

8/30/2018 5:27:47 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Chương 5 Integrated Marketing Communication (Truyền thông tiếp thị tổng hợp)

Bài giảng Chương 5 Integrated Marketing Communication (Truyền thông tiếp thị tổng hợp) tổng quan về truyền thông tiếp thị tổng hợp, hỗn hợp truyền thông tiếp thị, các loại hình truyền thông, quá trình truyền thông, yếu tố chính trong quá trình truyền thông.

8/30/2018 5:23:21 AM +00:00