Tài liệu miễn phí PR - Truyền thông

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Bài giảng Quản trị thương hiệu - Chương 5: Tổng quan về thương hiệu

Chương 5: Tổng quan về thương hiệu thuộc bài giảng Quản trị thương hiệu được chia thành 5 phần: Sự ra đời và phát triển của thương hiệu, khái niệm thương hiệu và các thuật ngữ liên quan, phạm vi thương hiệu, chức năng vai trò và nhiệm vụ thương hiệu, quá trình quản trị thương hiệu. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài giảng.

4/3/2019 1:55:29 AM +00:00

Probabilistic splitting table helps in back pressure based packet by packet adoptive routing in communication network

In the case of wireless networks the scheduling decisions are made using counters called shadow queues. The results are also extended to the case of networks that employ simple forms of network coding. In that case, our algorithm provides a low-complexity solution to optimally exploit the routing–coding tradeoff.

3/24/2019 11:50:10 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 19 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 19 - Social effects of mass communication. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Investigating mass communication effects, effects on knowledge and attitudes, media effects on behavior: a short history, the impact of televised violence, encouraging prosocial behavior, other behavior effects, research about the social effects of the internet, communication in the future: social impact.

3/14/2019 5:47:42 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 18 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 18 - International and comparative media systems. The learning objectives for this chapter include: recognize the global leaders in newspapers, radio, and television; distinguish among the four main theories of government-press relationships; categorize media systems by ownership patterns and degree of government control; understand how politics, culture, geography, history, and economics affect a country's media system.

3/14/2019 5:47:36 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 17 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 17 - Ethics and other informal controls. distinguish among the types of informal controls on the media, explain the most important ethical principles, explain what the standards departments and performance codes are, discuss the relationship between the media and their advertisers vis-à-vis ethical practices, understand the pros and cons of pressure groups.

3/14/2019 5:47:29 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 16 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 16 - Formal controls: laws, rules, regulations. The following will be discussed in this chapter: The press, the law, and the courts; protecting news sources; covering the courts; reporters’ access to information; defamation; invasion of privacy; copyright; obscenity and pornography; regulating broadcasting; regulating cable TV; the telecommunications act of 1996; regulating advertising.

3/14/2019 5:47:22 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 15 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 15 - Advertising. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Defining advertising, a brief history of advertising, advertising in the digital age, organization of the consumer advertising industry, producing advertising, economics, business-to-business advertising.

3/14/2019 5:47:16 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 14 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 14 - Public relations. The following will be discussed in this chapter: Defining public relations, a short history of public relations, public relations in the digital age, organization of the public relations industry, departments and staff, the public relations program, economics.

3/14/2019 5:47:09 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 13 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 13 - News gathering and reporting. This chapter includes contents: Deciding what is news, news reporting in the digital age, categories of news and reporting, the news flow, the wire services, media differences in news coverage, readership and viewership.

3/14/2019 5:47:02 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 12 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 12 - The internet and the world wide web. In this chapter we will discuss: A brief history of the computer, the internet, structure and features of the internet, the evolving internet, economics, feedback, social implications, the future: the evernet.

3/14/2019 5:46:56 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 11 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 11 - Cable, satellite, and internet television. Learning objectives of this chapter include: trace the development of cable, satellite, and Internet television; describe the implications of the digital age for these media; understand the structure, content, and finances of cable, satellite, and Internet TV; appreciate the potential of user-generated content; explain the audience measurement techniques used for these media.

3/14/2019 5:46:49 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 10 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 10 - Broadcast television. The following will be discussed in this chapter: History, contemporary broadcast television, television in the digital age, defining features of broadcast television, organization of the broadcast television industry, ownership in the television industry, producing television programs, economics, public broadcasting, home video, feedback.

3/14/2019 5:46:42 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 9 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 9 - Motion pictures. explain how the motion picture industry developed, describe how the studios dominated the industry, discuss how television affected the film industry and its audience, understand the implications that digital moviemaking holds for the industry, explain how the digital age is affecting film, describe the components of the movie industry and how a motion picture is produced.

3/14/2019 5:46:35 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 8 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 8 - Sound recording. In this chapter, you will learn: understand the development of the recording process, explain the impact of the Depression and World War II on the industry, recognize the significance of the CD, discuss the impact of Napster and its successors, explain how the digital age is affecting the recording industry, describe the departments that make up the recording industry.

3/14/2019 5:46:28 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 7 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 7 - Radio. In this chapter students will be able to: explain how radio broadcasting developed in the 1920s; recognize how television affected radio discuss the; defining features of radio understand that radio gets programming from local stations, networks, and syndication companies; explain how the digital age is affecting radio; appreciate the potential of high-definition radio; understand how consolidation has affected the radio industry.

3/14/2019 5:46:22 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 6 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 6 - Books. In this chapter, you will learn: understand that books are the oldest form of mass communications, recognize the factors that led to the commercialization of book publishing, explain how the digital revolution may change the underlying structure of the book industry, identify the main parts of the book industry, understand the -economics that support the book industry.

3/14/2019 5:46:15 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 5 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 5 - Magazines. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: History, magazines in the digital age, defining features of magazines, organization of the magazine industry, magazine ownership, producing the magazine, economics, feedback.

3/14/2019 5:46:08 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 4 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 4 - Newspapers. In this chapter we will discuss: History, newspapers in the digital age, defining features of newspapers, organization of the newspaper industry, newspaper ownership, producing the print and online newspaper, economics, feedback.

3/14/2019 5:46:01 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 3 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 3 - Historical and cultural context. This chapter include objectives: describe the major events and general trends in media history recognize the milestones in the development of human communication understand the role that these advances played in prompting significant changes in our culture and society learn that the emergence of new communications advances changes but does not make extinct those communications that came before understand that each advance in communication increases our power to convey and record -information.

3/14/2019 5:45:54 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 2 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 2 - Perspectives on mass communication. In this chapter, you will learn to: understand the differences between the functional approach and the critical/cultural approach to studying mass communications; explain the value of each approach in the analysis of the mass communication process; describe the five functions mass media perform for society; explain uses and gratifications analysis; recognize the dysfunctions of mass communication; understand the concepts of meaning, hegemony, and ideology.

3/14/2019 5:45:47 PM +00:00

Lecture The dynamics of mass communication: Media in the digital age (10/e): Chapter 1 - Joseph R. Dominick

Chapter 1 - Communication: mass and other forms. This chapter include objectives: recognize the elements of the communication process, understand the different types of communication settings, identify the function of gatekeepers, describe how the Internet has changed mass communication, explain the various types of mass media convergence, understand the implications of the trend toward audience segmentation.

3/14/2019 5:45:39 PM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông: Chương 1 - ThS. Lê Thị Ngọc Tiền

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông - Chương 1: Tổng quan về kỹ năng truyền thông cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Các khái niệm, quá trình truyền đạt thông tin, các kỹ năng truyền thông tin cơ bản. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:52:55 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông: Chương 2 - ThS. Lê Thị Ngọc Tiền

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông - Chương 2: Kỹ năng thuyết trình cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Các khái niệm, chuẩn bị thuyết trình, quá trình thực hiện, sau khi thuyết trình. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:52:55 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông: Chương 3 - ThS. Lê Thị Ngọc Tiền

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông - Chương 3: Kỹ năng hội họp cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Tổng quan, các thành viên trong cuộc họp, các kỹ thuật hỗ trợ. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:52:55 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông: Chương 4 - ThS. Lê Thị Ngọc Tiền

Bài giảng Quản trị truyền thông - Chương 4: Giao tiếp nơi công sở cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Giao tiếp là gì, nguyên nhân giao tiếp kém hiệu quả, các kênh giao tiếp. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:52:55 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị PR: Chương 1 - Đại học Thương mại

Bài giảng Quản trị PR - Chương 1: Tổng quan về quan hệ công chúng cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Lịch sử PR và hoạt động PR trong các tổ chức; khái niệm, vai trò và chức năng của PR, tiến trình quản trị PR (RACE), luật pháp và đạo đức trong hoạt động PR.

8/30/2018 5:51:38 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị PR: Chương 2 - Đại học Thương mại

Bài giảng Quản trị PR - Chương 2: Công chúng và nghiên cứu công chúng trong hoạt động PR cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Công chúng trong hoạt động PR, nội dung nghiên cứu PR, phương pháp và kỹ thuật nghiên cứu trong PR. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

8/30/2018 5:51:38 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị PR: Chương 3 - Đại học Thương mại

Bài giảng Quản trị PR - Chương 3: Lập kế hoạch PR cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Lập kế hoạch và ý nghĩa lập kế hoạch PR, các thành phần của chương trình PR. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:51:38 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị PR: Chương 4 - Đại học Thương mại

Bài giảng Quản trị PR - Chương 4: Triển khai chương trình truyền thông PR cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Quá trình truyền thông PR, các công cụ truyền thông PR, văn phong trong PR. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:51:38 AM +00:00

Bài giảng Quản trị PR: Chương 5 - Đại học Thương mại

Bài giảng Quản trị PR - Chương 5: Sự kiện, tài trợ và quản trị khủng hoảng cung cấp cho người học các kiến thức: Sự kiện, tài trợ, quản trị khủng hoảng. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

8/30/2018 5:51:38 AM +00:00