Tài liệu miễn phí Tiếng Anh thương mại

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Stroke and the Family a new guide

The diagnosis of stroke is a feared yet unfortunately common event. Despite its prevalence, however, both the lay public and medical profes- sionals harbor many misconceptions about it. The very term “stroke” describes the way this disorder often occurs. Frequently an active, inde- pendent person is literally “struck down.” Stroke is a sudden, life-altering event that often gives no warning of its approach.

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00


We owe many people a debt of gratitude for their assistance and support in helping us finally finish this venture. This book has been (too) many years in gestation. Only with the help of many colleagues and students over the years could we have persevered to the end.

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Principles of Forensic Mental Health Assessment

Most of the literature in forensic mental health assessment is organized around the particular legal issue that is the focus of a given assessment, tool, or research study. This book starts with a different assumption: There are broad principles of forensic assessment that are applicable across different legal issues. If such principles exist, they should be derived from and supported by sources of authority in ethics, law, science, and profes- sional practice. This is what I seek to do in this book, with each of the 29 broad principles of forensic mental health assessment described and ana- lyzed from the...

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Family, Inc.

I am a 37-year veteran of an enormously successful fam- ily business. I started out by driving my grandfather to his business appointments and ended up as chairman of Colin Service Systems—a fourth generation, 92-year-old family business.

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Environmental Justice and the Rights of Unborn and Future Generations

The globalization of human rights implies, too, the globalization of human responsibilities. For individual human rights holders, there is the responsibility to act in ways that show appropriate respect for the rights of fellow humans wherever they are located in the global community of rights. More significantly, for political and legal institutions – whether international, regional, national or sub-national – the responsibilities include promoting a culture of respect for human rights and exercising stewardship over those conditions that are essential for a flourishing community of rights....

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00


I am writing this Foreword in my role as the founding editor of the new Springer Series on Family Violence and editor of Volume I in the series entitled Battered Women and Their Families: Interven- tion Strategies and Treatment Programs, 2nd edition (1998).

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Counseling Military Families: What Mental Health Professionals Need to Know

According to the United States Department of Defense, by the end of 1993 there were 2,036,646 reservists and family members and 3,343,235 active duty and family members for a total of 5,379,781 people affected by the military. Since then, because of the conflict in Iraq, the numbers have dramatically increased. While we have always had military families in our midst, not since the Vietnam War have their struggles been so vivid, particularly with alarming rates of increase of both suicide and divorce among military personnel. The face of the military has changed; for the first time a volunteer army is...

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage

The history of the LGBT movement has been a serpentine series of crusades to identify and combat the myriad legal discriminations, oppressions, and social proscriptions that faced its constituents. Choosing what battles to fight—for any group—is always a compli- cated historical and cultural process, and the choices made depend on a wide range of factors. In recent years the battle for marriage equality has become, for many activists, the central struggle of the fight for lesbian and gay rights. This is understandable since marriage equality deals with relationships, legal rights, medical and economic benefits, and sustaining family units. But in the midst of any conflict it is often di‰cult to...

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00


In introducing this symposium, I am expecting that this will be an interesting meeting for three reasons. First, I have much to learn. Secondly, this is an interest- ing family of transporters, because there are multiple members, there is rich diver- sity, and there are some common themes. Thirdly, this is a small meeting which should permit some excellent discussion.

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Family Matters

A 7-year-old, only child of a single mother develops a sleep disturbance in which he resists going to bed and, once in his bedroom, cries for hours on end for his mother to comfort him. She regularly ends up sleeping in his bed with him as the only way to get him to go to sleep and to allow her to have any peace. She has a history of depressive episodes with suicidal thoughts which have required recurrent admissions to psychiatric wards and, in her more hopeless states of mind, she talks to her son about preparing for a life without her....

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

Enterprise Two: English for the Commercial World - Tiếng Anh trong thương mại

Giáo trình Tiếng Anh trong thương mại tập 2 này được biên soạn với mục đích nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh và kiến thức thương mại dành cho sinh viên học sinh các trường kinh tế, ngoại thương và thương mại. Cuốn sách cung cấp cho học viên trình độ sau sơ cấp những tình huống đa dạng, phức tạp hơn trong thế giới thương mại hiện đại đồng thời giúp học viên nắm được những kiến thức và hình thành những kỹ năng trong thương mại với các bài như: con số và sự thật trong công ty, chuyến đi công tác, viếng thăm công ty, du lịch, mua bán,... cùng các bài tập tổng hợp. Phần sau sách có phần danh sách từ vựng và danh sách các động từ đặc biệt, giúp người học tóm tắt lại kiến thức đã học.

8/30/2018 2:35:36 AM +00:00

Ebook Tiếng Anh trong thương mại (tập 1)

Ebook Tiếng Anh trong thương mại (Enterprise One: English for the Commercial World) cung cấp cho học viên các kỹ năng cơ bản của tiếng Anh: nghe, nói, đọc, viết trong 10 chương (mỗi chương gồm 6 bài học) với các tình huống trong công việc thương mại hằng ngày như: trong văn phòng, ở sân bay, ở khách sạn, cuộc hẹn, trò chuyện điện thoại, cuộc phỏng vấn,... dành cho học viên ở trình độ sơ cấp kèm minh họa thực tế và các bài tập thực hành liên quan đến nhiều kỹ năng. Phần sau của ebook tóm tắt một cách khái quát các từ vựng và cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học.

8/30/2018 2:35:36 AM +00:00

Electric Capitalism

Although Africa is the most under-supplied region of the world for electricity, its economies are utterly dependent on it. There are enormous inequalities in electricity access, with industry receiving abundant supplies of cheap power while more than 80 per cent of the continent's

8/30/2018 2:35:22 AM +00:00

COSATU’S Contested Legacy

Images of striking COSATU workers, singing, marching and toyi-toying are a familiar sight for most South Africans and external observers of the country's politics. Similarly, COSATU's feisty general secretary, Zwelinzima Vavi has become a household name, commanding respect and admiration among millions and loathing and fear among his enemies and those who are on the

8/30/2018 2:35:21 AM +00:00

Earnings inequality in South Africa 1995–2003

It is generally accepted that the gap between the earnings of unskilled and semi-skilled workers on the one hand, and skilled and highly skilled workers, on the other, narrowed in South Africa during the 1970s and 1980s. This paper investigates whether the gap between the real earnings of highly skilled and low-skilled workers in the formal sector of the South African economy continued to narrow after this country’s transition to democracy.

8/30/2018 2:35:21 AM +00:00

Government Incentivisation of Higher Education-Industry Research Partnerships in South Africa

This research monograph is part of a series that explores the ways in which South African higher education and industry have formed research partnerships in response to global trends and national policy imperatives. The series examines these partnerships in relation to knowledge production, enterprise productivity and innovation in biotechnology, ICT and new materials development.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Higher education and work

Tham khảo sách 'higher education and work', giáo dục - đào tạo, cao đẳng - đại học phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Human Resources Development Review 2008

Through 25 chapters authored by some of the leading researchers in the field, Human Resources Development Review 2008 provides an extensive overview of the contextual factors driving human resources development in South Africa. A key theme throughout the volume is the importance of a multi-faceted skills development strategy operating at three levels.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

In Search of Best Practice in South African Desegregated Schools

One of the daunting challenges facing South Africa in the contemporary period is that of achieving social cohesion. Educational institutions should be at the cutting edge of the project to weave a common identity whilst promoting respect for difference. It was this challenge that motivated us to convene colloquia in 2003 and 2006 to discuss the current state of school desegregation and innovative ways to forge ahead in the complex processes of dismantling the legacies of the past and creating inclusive paradigms for our classrooms....

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Independent Schooling in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Increasing learner access to information and communication technologies (ICT) in the curriculum is strategically important to ensure that school leavers moving into the labour market or into further study have the appropriate background and capacities to succeed, as work and educational environments becoming increasingly information intensive.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Knowledge, curriculum and qualifications for South African Further Education

All countries, and South Africa is no exception, face acute dilemmas in modernising their systems of upper secondary and further education and training. Faced with pressures from the fast changing world of work, this education sector has become characterized by political slogans stressing skill development, improved access and participation, and the accountability of providers through some form of market. On the other hand, the phenomenon of ‘academic drift’ reveals that students increasingly see their future as progressing to higher education. Policymakers attempt to resolve these competing demands by calling for transferable, portable outcomes and qualifications as the new currency of...

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Learner Performance in South Africa

This monograph reports on the nature of private post-school technical and vocational education and training (TVET) within the further education and training (FET) band in the South African education system. It provides, for the first time, empirical data about the participants, the location and ownership of institutions, the programmes offered, and the delivery of private TVET provision in the country, as well as case studies which explore the character of the sector.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

The low achievement trap

The Low Achievement Trap is an empirical study of student mathematics learning in Grade 6 classrooms that is unique in its focus on two school systems shaped by different political histories on either side of the Botswana-South Africa border. The study provides a detailed examination of the capacity of teachers - how they teach, how much they teach, and what they teach. Because of this wealth of detail, The Low Achievement Trap gives us much greater insight

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Marking Matric

The past ten years in South Africa has seen many changes in education: the creation of a single department of education; common examinations for all learners in public schools in the country, a new outcomes based education curriculum which was introduced to learners in the General Education and Training Phase since 1998 and will be introduced to the Further Education and Training Phase from 2006. To evaluate the success of these changes South African researchers still use the indicator of student achievement....

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Mathematics and Science Achievement at South African Schools in TIMSS 2003

Mathematics and science are key areas of knowledge for the development of individuals and for the social and economic development of South Africa. In November 2002, about 9000 Grade 8 learners from South African public schools participated in the Trends in International Mathematics...

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Private Further Education and Training in South Africa

Private Further Education and Training in South Africa provides the most up-to-date data and analysis of the sector. It provides, for the first time, empirical data about the participants, the location and ownership of institutions, the programmes offered, and the delivery of private TVET provision in South Africa. This is supplemented by a qualitative analysis using select case studies to explore the character of the sector.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Prophets and Profits

In a compelling blend of narrative history and social analysis, Prophets and Profits contributes to the global literature on educational change by analysing the impact of both managerialism and religious extremism on the restructuring of Jewish community schools in Johannesburg. A landmark study in South Africa, this work is also of international interest because it brings together two divergent yet connected tendencies in current educational transformation.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Sectors and Skills

SSCs achieve these aims by contributing to the development of National Occupational Standards, the design and approval of Apprenticeship frameworks, brokering Sector Skills Agreements and creating Sector Qualification Strategies. There are currently twenty-five SSCs, covering about 85 per cent of the British workforce. SSCs are licensed by the Government through the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES).[1]

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

South-South Cooperation in Education & Development

Almost all developed countries have well-established science policy research centres providing training and policy advice, in addition to research. In many developing countries, however, this capacity is lacking, leading to fragmented, poorly coordinated science systems.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00

Technical College Responsiveness

This monograph investigates the responsiveness of technical colleges within the South African Further Education and Training (FET) sector. The report also explores technical and vocational education elsewhere in Africa and abroad. This study will be of interest to all who are involved in the FET sector, whether as policy-makers, practitioners or students.

8/30/2018 2:35:17 AM +00:00