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Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 10

The beasts of Plato In the Republic, Plato describes the essential nature of the soul and the inner workings of the human person, and he does it “by forming in speech an image of the soul” (Republic, 588b–589b). According to this image, the human soul has three parts.

8/29/2018 6:47:16 PM +00:00

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 11

Animals as boundary markers In this chapter, we will look into how animals marked boundaries between different religions and how they were used internally to indicate distance from one’s neighbours, from those one lived closest to and shared belief with – those who to external observers looked pretty

8/29/2018 6:47:16 PM +00:00

Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12

Theios aner – the divine man In the Acts of the Apostles, there are two stories pertaining to new relations between animals, gods and humans. In Lystra, Paul healed a cripple and made him walk. When people saw what he had done, they shouted that gods had come down to them in the likeness of men (Acts 14:8–11).

8/29/2018 6:47:16 PM +00:00

Animals, Gods and Humans - CONSEQUENCES

CONSEQUENC ES From pagan to Christian conceptions of animals In the Christian process of transforming and shaping ancient culture, conceptions of animals did not remain unaffected. Conceptions of animals are dependent on acceptance and reinterpretation of traditions and narratives about animals from the past

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Animals, Gods and Humans - Notes

NOTES 1 While our predecessors in the field of the history of religions were interested in the roles that animals played in religion, they usually limited animals’ religious significance to the earlier evolutionary stages. In these earlier stages of human cultural development, people believed that animals had souls and that mystical links existed between animals and human beings.

8/29/2018 6:47:16 PM +00:00

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Old-Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value – an Overview Christian Wirth, Gerd Gleixner, and Martin Heimann Old-Growth Forest Perception Most of us, scientists and laymen alike, are deeply fascinated by old-growth forest. ˇ We travel to places like the Tongass National Forest1 in Alaska or the Biatowieza National Park2 in Poland to enjoy the sight of forests left to their own devices

8/29/2018 6:40:10 PM +00:00

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Old-Growth Forest Definitions: a Pragmatic View Christian Wirth, Christian Messier, Yves Bergeron, Dorothea Frank, and Anja Fankhanel Introduction: Many of us possess an archetype of old-growth forest appearance. We expect majestic trees, small pockets of regenerating trees thriving to reach the sun, heaps of dead wood covered with mosses

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Old Trees and the Meaning of ‘Old’ Fritz Hans Schweingruber and Christian Wirth While the mere presence of ‘old’ trees does not automatically indicate oldgrowth conditions (see Chap. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume), it is fair to say that many old-growth forests contain a high number of trees close to their maximum longevity.

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 vEcophysiological Characteristics of Mature Trees and Stands – Consequences for Old-Growth Forest Productivity Trees increase their relative fitness to competing trees or to other life forms both directly and indirectly, by growing tall, as increased light interception increases photosynthesis (direct) and simultaneously making this resource unavailable to competitors (indirect).

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 5

Chapter 5 The Imprint of Species Turnover on Old-Growth Forest Carbon Balances – Insights From a Trait-Based Model of Forest Dynamics Christian Wirth and Jeremy W. Lichstein Succession is the process that eventually transforms a young forest into an oldgrowth forest. Describing and analysing plant succession has been at the core of ecology since its early days

8/29/2018 6:40:10 PM +00:00

Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Functional Relationships Between Old-Growth Forest Canopies, Understorey Light and Vegetation Dynamics Christian Messier, Juan Posada, Isabelle Aubin, and Marilou Beaudet Old-growth forests are characterised by the presence of old trees (200 years of age), considerable amounts of large pieces of dead wood and a complex horizontal and vertical structure

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Biosphere–Atmosphere Exchange of Old-Growth Forests: Processes and Pattern Alexander Knohl, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, and Christian Wirth Forests are important agents of the global climate system in that they absorb and reflect solar radiation, photosynthesise and respire carbon dioxide and transpire water

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Woody Detritus Mass and its Contribution to Carbon Dynamics of Old-Growth Forests: the Temporal Context Mark E. Harmon Woody detritus is an important component of forested ecosystems. It can reduce erosion and affects soil development, stores nutrients and water

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Aboveground and Belowground Consequences of Long-Term Forest Retrogression in the Timeframe of Millennia and Beyond Following the occurrence of a substantial disturbance and creation of a new surface, primary succession occurs. This involves colonisation by new plant species, and their associated aboveground and belowground biota.

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Rooting Patterns of Old-Growth Forests: is Aboveground Structural and Functional Diversity Mirrored Belowground? When we think of old-growth forests, we generally imagine old forests with large trees and possibly a highly diverse forest structure resulting from the death of individual trees and the resulting

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Soil Carbon Accumulation in Old-Growth Forests An area of 4.1 billion ha land is covered with boreal, temperate and tropical forest, together comprising up to 80% of the terrestrial aboveground carbon and 40% of total soil carbon

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 12

Chapter 12Is There a Theoretical Limit to Soil Carbon Storage in Old-Growth Forests? A Model Analysis with Contrasting Approaches Apart from the intrinsic worth that nature and forests have due merely to their existence, old-growth forests have always provided a number of additional values through their function as regulators of the water cycle

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 13

Chapter 13Old-Growth Forests in the Canadian Boreal: the Exception Rather than the Rule? Fire is one of the most important ecological processes in North American boreal forests (Johnson 1992; Payette 1992). Forest fire regimes, defined by fire frequency, size, intensity, seasonality

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Biomass Chronosequences of United States Forests: Implications for Carbon Storage and Forest Management Forest Management and Carbon Sequestration Forests account for a large fraction of the carbon stored in global soils and vegetation (Dixon et al. 1994).

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Temperate and Boreal Old-Growth Forests: How do Their Growth Dynamics and Biodiversity Differ from Young Stands and Managed Forests? Countries in the northern hemisphere are responsible for the emission of most of the 6.5 Gt carbon (C) produced from fossil fuels annually by humankind.

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Old-Growth Temperate Rainforests of South America: Conservation, Plant–Animal Interactions, and Baseline Biogeochemical Processes Defining old-growth forests (Chap. 2 by Wirth et al., this volume) must consider both technical and cultural issues. For instance, the term ‘old-growth forest’ was entirely absent from the most recent survey

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 17

Chapter 17Tropical Rain Forests as Old-Growth Forests In the context of this book, we may begin by making the general observation that many rain forests are par excellence old growth forests. They have the diagnostic characteristics mentioned in the companion chapter

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Detecting Intact Forests from Space: Hot Spots of Loss, Deforestation and the UNFCCC Changes in forest cover have become recognised as an important global environmental issue. This chapter aims to synthesise what is known about areas and rates of forest-cover change in the tropics and boreal Eurasia from the 1990s onwards

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Impacts of Land Use on Habitat Functions of Old-Growth Forests and their Biodiversity While this book has a clear focus on the biogeochemical function of old-growth forest, the pivotal role of old-growth forests in the conservation of biodiversity has been a recurring theme in several chapters

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Old-Growth Forests in the Context of International Environmental Agreements Forests are included in several political negotiations and legal documents under the United Nations (UN). This chapter focusses on the three most relevant and dynamic UN political processes in the context of old-growth forests

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Springer Old Growth Forests - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Old-Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value – a Synthesis The total number of scientific articles on old-growth forests has increased drastically over the last 10 years (Chap. 2 by Wirth et al.), and yet papers on old-growth forests make up only about 1% of all forest- or forestry-related articles listed in the Web of Science.

8/29/2018 6:40:10 PM +00:00

Kỹ thuật trồng cây xanh

Nhằm đảm bảo cho công tác trồng cây, gây rừng phòng hộ bảo vệ môi trường đạt kết quả cao về số lượng và chất lượng. Đối với rừng trồng tập trung, tất cả mọi khâu, giai đoạn của qúa trình thi công, chăm sóc bảo vệ rừng cần phải đảm bảo các quy phạm, quy trình kỹ thuật của các loài cây trồng đã được ban hành.

8/29/2018 6:39:55 PM +00:00

Giáo trình đo đạc lâm nghiệp - ThS. Nguyễn Thanh Tiến

Đo đạc lâm nghiệp là môn học cơ sở giúp cho người học giải quyết vấn đề thực tiễn của chuyên ngành như: quản lý tài nguyên rừng, quy hoạch phát triển tài nguyên rừng, thiết kế kiểu rừng...Lâm nghiệp là ngành sản xuất vật chất độc lập của nền kinh tế quốc dân có chức năng xây dựng rừng....

8/29/2018 6:36:40 PM +00:00


Thông qua sản xuất và cuộc sống hàng ngày, lâm nghiệp đô thị ngày càng được xã hội quan tâm và là một nội dung quan trọng của lâm nghiệp , là vấn đề sinh thái đô thị và là mục tiêu và phương thức kinh doanh của người dân đô thị. Mục tiêu chủ yếu của lâm nghiệp đô thị là thoả mãn các nhu cầu về hiệu ích sinh thái, xã hội bao gồm các yêu cầu về xã hội, văn hóa, sức khỏe con người, môi trường sinh thái. Vì vậy trong quy hoạch đô thị cần chú...

8/29/2018 6:36:34 PM +00:00

Báo cáo thực tập Bệnh cây rừng và Côn trùng rừng

Nắm vững các phương pháp điều tra sâu hại, bệnh hại ở từng đối tượng cây rừng ở từng nơi.Nhân biết được những loại sâu bệnh chủ yếu.Phân tích nguyên nhân sâu bệnh, đánh giá tỷ lệ bị hại( P%) và mức độ bị hại(R%) của từng loại sâu bệnh cho các đối tượng cụ thể: vườn ươm, rừng trồng…Đề xuất biện pháp phòng trừ từng loại sâu bệnh trên từng đối tượng cây trồng, hay trên diện rộng....

8/29/2018 6:36:07 PM +00:00