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The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation - Andrey Zhuravlev - Chapter 18

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Ecology of Nontrilobite Arthropods and Lobopods in the Cambrian Arthropods and lobopods first appear for certain in the body fossil record in the Atdabanian and, at the time of this appearance, already exhibit a wide spread of ecologic strategies.

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The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation - Andrey Zhuravlev - Chapter 19

CHAPTER NINETEEN Ecologic Radiation of Cambro-Ordovician Echinoderms Echinoderms represent a modest component of the initial metazoan radiation during the Cambrian but responded to global environmental changes across the CambroOrdovician boundary with rapid and prolific diversification to more varied lifestyles.

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The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation - Andrey Zhuravlev - Chapter 20

CHAPTER TWENTY Calcified Algae and Bacteria Calcified microbes expanded rapidly in abundance and diversity from NemakitDaldynian to Tommotian. This rapid diversification near the base of the Cambrian reflects a burst of cyanobacterial evolution, and commencement of an environmentally facilitated Cyanobacterial.

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The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation - Andrey Zhuravlev - Chapter 21

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Molecular Fossils Demonstrate Precambrian Origin of Dinoflagellates The natural product chemistry of modern organisms shows that dinosterols are concentrated in, and are nearly exclusive to, dinoflagellates.

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Phần 1: Lịch Sử Điều Tra Rừng Việt Nam. 1. Điều tra rừng trong giai đoạn trước1945. Thời xa xưa, chưa có bút tích ghi chép về tài nguyên rừng mà chỉ có truyền thuyết, truyện dân gian hoặc ca dao, tục ngữ truyền miệng để ca ngợi sự giàu có chúng

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Phần 2: Khuôn Khổ Pháp Lý Điều Tra Rừng Từ ngày thành lập ngành Điều tra rừng đến nay, có rất nhiều văn bản pháp luật liên quan đến công tác điều tra rừng đã được Nhà nước ban hành. Nhưng trong số đó, một số văn bản đã lỗi thời và không còn hiệu lực

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Phần 5. Đo Đếm Cây Riêng Lẻ 1. Đo cây ngả hoặc bộ phận cây ngả 1.1. Mục đích Việc đo cây ngả hoặc bộ phận cây ngả là để nắm được kích thước như đường kính, chiều cao, chiều dài, thể tích (D, L, V...) và các sản phẩm của cây ngả

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Phần 6. Các Hệ Thống Điều Tra Rừng Áp Dụng Ở Việt Nam. 1. Điều tra rừng cục bộ. 1.1. Mục đích chung của công tác điều tra rừng cục bộ. Điều tra rừng cục bộ được áp dụng ở cấp xã, làng bản, dự án, khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên, vườn quốc gia, khu đầu nguồn nhằm (1) phục vụ mục tiêu nghiên cứu khoa học, hoặc thiết kế sản xuất kinh doanh rừng

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Phần 7: Tổ Chức Thực Hiện Điều Tra Rừng 1. Tổ chức thực hiện điều tra rừng của Viện ĐTQH rừng. Kể từ năm 1961, khi thành lập Cục Điều tra rừng đến nay, ngành Điều tra rừng đã và đang thực hiện rất nhiều chương trình điều tra rừng ở các quy mô và mức độ chi tiết khác nhau

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The Nature Of Design - Oxford University Press - Part 1

1 Introduction: The Design of Culture and the Culture of Design Environmentalists are often regarded as people wanting to stop one thing or another, and there are surely lots of things that ought to be stopped. The essays in this book, however, have to do with beginnings.

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The Nature Of Design - Oxford University Press - Part 2

§ 2 PATHOLOGIES AND BARRIERS Between 1978 and 1984 the Asian Development Bank spent $24 million to improve agriculture on the island of Bali. The target for improvement was an ancient agricultural system organized around 173 village cooperatives linked by a network of temples operated.

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The Nature Of Design - Oxford University Press - Part 3

§ 3 THE POLITICS OF DESIGN Willful blindness has reached epidemic proportions in our time. Nowhere is this more evident than in recent actions by the U.S. Congress to deny outright the massive and growing body of scientific data about the deterioration of the earth’s vital signs, while attempting to dismantle.

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The Nature Of Design - Oxford University Press - Part 4

§ 4 DESIGN AS PEDAGOGY As commonly practiced, education has little to do with its specific setting or locality. The typical campus is regarded mostly as a place where learning occurs, but is, itself, believed to be the source of no useful learning.

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The Nature Of Design - Oxford University Press - Part 5

§ 5 CHARITY, WILDNESS, AND CHILDREN What one person has, another cannot have. . . . Every atom of substance, of whatever kind, used or consumed, is so much human life spent. —John Ruskin How do we sell more stuff to more people in more places?

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 1

T his second edition provides an updated and expanded synthesis of feedbacks and interactions between insects and their environment. A number of recent studies have advanced understanding of feedbacks or provided useful examples of principles. Molecular methods have provided new tools for addressing dispersal and interactions among organisms and have clarified mechanisms of feedback between insect effects.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 2

SECTION I ECOLOGY OF INDIVIDUAL INSECTS THE INDIVIDUAL ORGANISM IS A FUNDAMENTAL unit of ecology. Organisms interact with their environment and affect ecosystem processes largely through their cumulative physiological and behavioral responses to environmental variation. Individual success in finding and using necessary habitats and resources to gain reproductive advantage determines fitness.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 3

3 Resource Acquisition ALL ORGANISMS ARE EXAMPLES OF NEGATIVE ENTROPY, IN CONTRAST TO the tendency for energy to be dissipated, according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Organisms acquire energy to collect resources and synthesize the organic molecules that are the basis for life processes, growth, and reproduction.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 4

4 Resource Allocation INSECTS ALLOCATE ACQUIRED RESOURCES IN VARIOUS WAYS, DEPENDING on the energy and nutrient requirements of their physiological and behavioral processes. In addition to basic metabolism, foraging, growth, and reproduction, individual organisms also allocate resources.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 5

SECTION II POPULATION ECOLOGY A POPULATION IS A GROUP OF INTERBREEDING MEMBERS of a species. A number of more or less discrete subpopulations may be distributed over the geographic range of a species population.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 6

6 Population Dynamics POPULATIONS OF INSECTS CAN CHANGE DRAMATICALLY IN SIZE OVER relatively short periods of time as a result of changes in natality, mortality, immigration, and emigration. Under favorable environmental conditions, some species have the capacity to increase population size by orders of magnitude in a few years.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 7

7 Biogeography GEOGRAPHIC RANGES OF SPECIES OCCURRENCE GENERALLY REFLECT THE tolerances of individual organisms to geographic gradients in physical conditions (see Chapter 2). However, most species do not occupy the entire area of potentially suitable environmental conditions.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 8

SECTION III COMMUNITY ECOLOGY SPECIES CO-OCCURRING AT A SITE INTERACT TO VARIOUS degrees, both directly and indirectly, in ways that have intrigued ecologists since earliest times. These interactions represent mechanisms that control population dynamics, hence community structure, and also control rates of energy and matter fluxes.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 9

9 Community Structure A COMMUNITY IS COMPOSED OF ALL THE ORGANISMS OCCUPYING A SITE. The extent to which these organisms are co-evolved to form a consistent and recurring integrated community or represent ad hoc assemblages of loosely interacting species remains a topic of much discussion.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 10

10 Community Dynamics COMMUNITY STRUCTURE CHANGES THROUGH TIME AS SPECIES abundances change, altering the network of interactions. Short-term (e.g., seasonal or annual) changes in community structure represent responses to environmental changes that favor some species or affect interaction strength.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 11

SECTION IV ECOSYSTEM LEVEL THE ECOSYSTEM LEVEL OF ORGANIZATION INTEGRATES species interactions and community structure with their responses to, and effects on, the abiotic environment. Interactions among organisms are the mechanisms governing energy and nutrient fluxes through ecosystems.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 12

12 Herbivory HERBIVORY IS THE RATE OF CONSUMPTION BY ANIMALS OF ANY PLANT parts, including foliage, stems, roots, flowers, fruits, or seeds. Direct effects of insects on plant reproductive parts are addressed in Chapter 13. Herbivory is a key ecosystem process that reduces density of plants or plant materials.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 13

13 Pollination, Seed Predation, and Seed Dispersal INSECTS AFFECT PLANT REPRODUCTION AND ASSOCIATED PROCESSES in a variety of ways. Direct and indirect effects of herbivores on plant production and allocation of resources to reproduction were described in Chapter 12.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 14

14 Decomposition and Pedogenesis DECOMPOSITION IS THE BREAKDOWN OF DEAD ORGANIC MATTER THAT eventually results in release of CO2, other organic trace gases, water, mineral nutrients, and energy. Pedogenesis largely reflects the activities of animals that mix organic matter with mineral soil.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 15

15 Insects as Regulators of Ecosystem Processes INSECTS, AND OTHER ORGANISMS, INEVITABLY AFFECT THEIR ENVIRONMENT through spatial and temporal patterns of resource acquisition and redistribution. Insects respond to environmental changes in ways that dramatically alter ecosystem conditions.

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Insect Ecology - An Ecosystem Approach 2nd ed - Chapter 16

SECTION V SYNTHESIS THE PREVIOUS FOUR SECTIONS HAVE ADDRESSED insect ecology at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of organization. Resource acquisition and allocation by individuals (Section I) can be seen to depend on population (Section II), community (Section III), and ecosystem (Section IV) conditions that the individual also influences.

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