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Sự cần thiết của việc phát triển điện mặt trời lắp mái tại các tỉnh miền Trung và Tây Nguyên

Sản xuất điện năng từ nguồn NLMT là một ngành công nghiệp đã và đang phát triển rất mạnh mẽ, đáp ứng nhu cầu năng lượng của con người ngày càng tăng đáng kể, tạo ra hàng triệu việc làm mới từ chuỗi sản xuất, cung ứng và vận hành các hệ thống NLMT.

3/18/2021 11:42:22 AM +00:00

Xây dựng mô hình tính toán độ phụ thuộc vào lưới của hệ thống năng lượng mặt trời Battery dựa trên tổng lượng bức xạ hàng năm

Bài viết này đề xuất 1 phương pháp tính toán độ phụ thuộc vào lưới của hệ thống điện sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời (PV) và battery cung cấp điện cho một số loại phụ tải khác nhau. Độ phụ thuộc của hệ thống này vào lưới, ký hiệu là GD (Grid Dependency), được tính toán dựa trên số liệu thời tiết thống kê trong 15 năm của 5 địa điểm ở Việt Nam và tương ứng với dung lượng khác nhau của PV và battery.

3/18/2021 11:42:15 AM +00:00

Kết quả nghiên cứu thí điểm điện mặt trời lắp mái nối lưới tại Việt Nam

Bài viết giới thiệu một số kết quả nghiên cứu thí điểm về điện mặt trời lắp mái nối lưới do Hội Điện lực Việt Nam phối hợp với EVNCPC, EVNSPC tiến hành tại Đà Nẵng và Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu trong các năm 2015 - 2016: Các thông số cơ bản của hệ thống được khảo sát và kết quả đo đạc được trong quá trình nghiên cứu.

3/18/2021 11:41:11 AM +00:00

Xác định tối ưu vị trí tua bin trong trang trại gió sử dụng thuật toán tìm kiếm

Nghiên cứu đề xuất áp dụng một số thuật toán gần đây: Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) và Moth-flame optimization algorithm (MFO) để tính toán bố trí tối ưu vị trí tua-bin cho trang trại gió nhằm thu được sản lượng điện gió tối đa có ý nghĩa quan trọng và cấp thiết.

3/18/2021 11:41:04 AM +00:00

Pin mặt trời trên mái nhà: Hiện tại và tương lai với góc nhìn từ Nhật Bản

Bài viết nhằm cung cấp những kết quả đạt được và định hướng trong tương lai của hệ thống pin mặt trời trên mái nhà (rooftop solar) của Nhật Bản. Bài viết này trình bày tổng hợp những kết quả của việc phát triển hệ thống năng lượng mặt trời đồng thời nêu ra dự báo phát triển lưới phân phối trong thời gian tới dựa trên quá trình phát triển của thị trường Nhật Bản.

3/18/2021 11:40:57 AM +00:00

Ảnh hưởng của nhà máy điện mặt trời Solar PV công suất lớn đối với hệ thống điện và giải pháp ngăn ngừa

Bài viết xem xét sử dụng BESS (hệ thống Pin tích năng) so sánh với việc sử dụng STATCOM thông qua đánh giá tính ưu việt của từng loại thiết bị đối với các tác động phục hồi tần số cũng như ổn định hệ thống. Phần mềm PSS/E-33 dùng để mô phỏng phân tích vấn đề này.

3/18/2021 11:40:50 AM +00:00

Nhà máy phát năng lượng gió với kỹ thuật tìm kiếm điểm công suất cực đại MPPT trong hệ thống điện

Trong bài viết sau, các vùng làm việc khác nhau của máy phát không đồng bộ cấp nguồn hai phía (DFIG) của turbine gió đã được khảo sát trên quan điểm về tốc độ rotor, công suất phát, hệ số đầu cánh λ (tip speed ratio- TSR) và góc nghiêng β của cánh quạt.

3/18/2021 11:40:43 AM +00:00

Tổng quan về đầu tư điện gió, mặt trời và đề xuất cho Việt Nam

Thực tế tại các quốc gia phát triển năng lượng tái tạo cho thấy nhà đầu tư dự án điện gió và mặt trời rất đa dạng. Mỗi nhà đầu tư có nguồn lực và mục tiêu khác nhau khi đầu tư vào lĩnh vực này. Bên cạnh nguồn vốn, con người, các yếu tố khách quan thuộc về thể chế chính sách, trình độ phát triển công nghệ, điều kiện tự nhiên có ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến quyết định của nhà đầu tư trong việc lựa chọn công nghệ và quy mô dự án.

3/18/2021 11:40:37 AM +00:00

Tổng quan các quy định và các nghiên cứu nối lưới đối với năng lượng tái tạo và tính toán cho nhà máy điện mặt trời tại Nam Phi

Bài viết trình bày tổng quan các yêu cầu nối lưới đối với nhà máy điện năng lượng tái tạo của một số quốc gia có tỷ trọng năng lượng tái tạo lớn trong hệ thống điện. Đó là các yêu cầu về khả năng vượt qua sự cố điện áp thấp và điện áp cao, đáp ứng công suất tác dụng và công suất phản kháng.

3/18/2021 11:39:52 AM +00:00

Carbon emissions and life expectancy in Nigeria

This study examines the nexus between carbon emissions and life expectancy in Nigeria. Remaining parts of this study are structured as follows: a review of related literature is presented in section two; section three shows the methodology of the study, analysis and discussion of results and policy recommendations of the study are presented in sections four and five, respectively...

3/18/2021 11:21:55 AM +00:00

The natural gas consumption and economic development nexus: Fresh evidence from Indonesia

This study empirically examines the situation of country’s strategic planning to get achieved by utilizing the available resources and the association between capital and labor, natural-gas (NG) consumptions, and exports of the country. The current study is utilizing time-series data from the year 1980 to 2018. In order to confirm the cointegration Johansen Cointegration technique has been used while short-run and long-run coefficients are estimated by applying ARDL bound test. Results indicate that economic growth reduces while exports, and the consumption of capital and labor boost the use of natural gas (NG) in Indonesia. So, an affiliation between consuming natural gas consumption effects inversely by the economic growth of Indonesia.

3/18/2021 11:21:47 AM +00:00

Influence of the renewable and non-renewable energy consumptions and real-income on environmental degradation in Indonesia

This study suggested that in order to reduce the CO2 emissions Indonesian government needs to: adopt renewable energy resources, encourage the industries to adopt clean technology and renewable energies, and raise public-awareness of healthy ways of energy-consumptions.

3/18/2021 11:21:26 AM +00:00

Financing of eco-innovations: Sources and trends in Kazakhstan

Energy efficiency and renewable energy resources should be considered as national priorities of the country, be integrated into energy and socio-economic policies, and become the basis for the development of state programs for sustainable development. Kazakhstan strives to achieve its goals for sustainable development, including improving the environmental situation in the country. This paper focuses on financial issues in ecoinnovations, it represents analyses of current trends in this sphere in Kazakhstan.

3/18/2021 11:21:06 AM +00:00

A comparative systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis on sustainability of renewable energy sources

The rapid growth of the human population of the planet has led to mounting energy demands; conventional sources of energies are not enough to fulfil the energy demand. Therefore, the search for alternative sources has become the most profuse challenge. Presently, many alternatives are being studied and implemented in literature—the renewable sources which are less harmful and environmentally acceptable for future generations. The current study aims to review the renewable resources which are highly examined in the last decade by the researcher. For this purpose, two databases, web of science and Scopus, are selected to extract the data.

3/18/2021 11:20:58 AM +00:00

Determinants of energy consumption in newly industrialised countries of Asia

This study focuses on identifying the factors that lead to energy consumption in select newly industrialized countries of Asia such as China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand. GDP, Exchange rate, industrialization, urbanization and trade openness are the select factors identified and such data is obtained for a period from 1980 to 2018.

3/18/2021 11:20:52 AM +00:00

Impact of custom duties, energy import and government health spending on greenhouse gas emission in Thailand

Data was collected from Thailand for research purpose for period of 28 years. Several tests such as unit root test, co-integration test and ARDL test in long and short run have been applied on the collected data for various purposes. The results of these tests indicate that the impact of three independent variables, custom duty, energy imports and government health spending is significant while the impact of only one control variable, energy consumption is significant in regard of greenhouse gas emission. After the detailed discussion of results, the author has mentioned some important implications related to this study in various contexts. These implications revolve around one common point i.e. reduction in greenhouse gas emission. In the last, the limitations associated with the study have also been discussed.

3/18/2021 11:20:45 AM +00:00

Ensuring renewable energy consumption through innovation, R&D and Energy import in Indonesia: A time series analysis

This research sets the propositions as how factors like innovation, resource development and the imports of energy can help ensure renewable energy consumption in Indonesia for the period of 1995-2019. The independent variables for research are innovation, research and development, and energy import. The dependent variable is renewable energy consumption and the control variables are population growth and energy consumption. The analysis is obtained by using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), unit root tests, co-integration tests and Autoregressive distributed time lag (ARDL) models to understand the effect in chosen time period. The results indicate that innovation, research and development have a significant impact on renewable energy consumption. However, energy import has not been significantly impacting in the short run. The research proposes significant implications for policy makers to make effective policies for R&D and for the companies to go for innovation as to use renewable energy.

3/18/2021 11:20:39 AM +00:00

A study of sustainable palm oil model as energy source considering the economic, social, enviromental and security balance variables

As energy source, palm oil has become a serious concern for various palm oil stakeholders because it is related to the vegetable oil needs for 7.7 billion people in the world. Nagan Raya District is a central of palm oil in the western region of Aceh and inseparable from the issue of sustainability. This study is designed using quantitative approach. The data collected by self-administered questionnaire to 300 palm stakeholders. The results indicated that the social variable has strong contribution to sustain the palm oil as one of primary energy source. Also, the economic, environmental and security variables have moderate strength in sustainable palm oil.

3/18/2021 11:20:32 AM +00:00

Climate change and energy consumption patterns in Thailand: Time trends during 1988-2013

In traditional context, fossil fuel energy consumption is observed as non-renewable sources and contributing its major part for the energy source in the world economy. However, a new term under the title of renewable energy source is also examined and studied too. The focus of this paper is to investigate the impact of fossil fuel energy and renewable energy sources on the factor of climate change. For the measurement of climate change, overall six dimensions were added in the empirical analyses. The time period for the study was 1987 to 2013 and data was collected from World Development Indicator WDI.

3/18/2021 11:20:25 AM +00:00

Banking development, economic growth and energy consumption in Vietnam

This study is aimed towards assessing the role of banking development and energy consumption on economic growth in Vietnam for the period ranging from 1990 to 2019. The researcher has collected data on the variables from 1990 to 2019 related with banking development, energy consumption and economic growth. On the data collected on the specified variables, certain tests have been conducted.

3/18/2021 11:19:39 AM +00:00

The determinants and forecasting of electricity consumption in Pakistan

The current study examined the determinants of electricity consumption and also intends to forecast the electricity consumption in Pakistan. The study has used time series data analysis, applied Johansen Cointegration Test, error correction mechanisms and regression for examining determinants and autoregressive integrated moving average model is used for forecasting. The study has used times series secondary annual data on different variables for the period ranging from 1970 to 2018. The results of the study showed that gross domestic product and population have positive impact on electricity consumption. Whereas, National output (GDP) is statistically significant in the determination of total electricity consumption. The results also indicated that increase in the real economic activities has increases the total electricity consumption.

3/18/2021 11:19:12 AM +00:00

An analysis towards a sustainable energy system in albania highly supported by large scale integration of wind resources: A case study of Mamaj wind farm

This article presents a highly important and detailed techno-economic analysis of a grid-connected wind farm, considered as one of the most potential location in the south of Albania, part of Tepelena region, Mamaj village. The procedure of selection of the wind turbine type is performed by evaluating the maximum Capacity Factor (CF) among 15 different types of wind turbines applied using WAsP energy tool enabling the optimization of energy system while economic analysis uses a Monte Carlo simulation well designed on RETScreen Expert tool.

3/18/2021 11:19:04 AM +00:00

Is coal power generation a sustainable solution for energy needs of Pakistan: A Delphi-SWOT paradigm?

This paper aims to apply Delphi and SWOT tools as a reference theme that diagnosis the sustainability of current status and future road map to develop coal based power generation in Pakistan. The SWOT analysis is performed on the themes of energy security, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Within this analytical framework, the coal power generation has been discussed in the context of Pakistan’s energy scenario through categorical analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

3/18/2021 11:18:42 AM +00:00

Community participation on the self help group of methane gas (Biogas) management as Renewable Energy in Indonesia

This study focuses on social capital as an opportunity for community engagement in the management of methane gas (biogas) as renewable energy, which the Self Help Group carries out on the final disposal site in Supit Urang. Methane gas generated from well-managed sites can provide positive advantages that can be used as an energy source (specially for cooking) for the local community as a replacement for LPG. Community participation in biogas management from methane gasses may improve public welfare, particularly in landfill capture and distribution.

3/18/2021 11:18:33 AM +00:00

Challenges and barriers for renewable energy implementation in the United Arab Emirates: Empirical study

This research aims to address these barriers that limiting the UAE from shifting its focus from fossil fuel to cleaner and renewable energy sources.

3/18/2021 11:18:26 AM +00:00

Evaluation of investment projects in photovoltaic solar energy using the DNPV methodology

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the financial viability of a photovoltaic solar energy self-generation project in a Colombian home, by using DNPV. The different risks associated with the input variables of the project in question and the government policies established to promote the investment of this type of unconventional energy in the country were also considered.

3/18/2021 11:18:19 AM +00:00

Driving factors of community empowerment and development through renewable energy for electricity in Indonesia

This research aims to find out and analyze the driving factors of empowerment and development of rural communities through the development of electrical energy derived from Hybrid Power Plants in Pantai Baru, DIY, Indonesia. Data are analyzed by employing structural equation modeling based partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results reveal that the driving factors of empowerment and development of rural communities are influenced by individual characteristics, environment, and group support.

3/18/2021 11:18:06 AM +00:00

Energy efficiency in OIC countries: SDG 7 output

This study aims to measure the effectiveness of energy access based on the indicators of the seventh sustainable developmet goals (SDGs) in 50 countries that are members of the OIC during the period 2010-2017. Efficiency measurements are carried out using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The productivity measurement is done by using the Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI). The results showed that Yemen was the country that had the highest rate of increase with a TFP value of 1.194. While the State of Egypt was the country that experienced the largest decline with a TFP value of 0.821.

3/18/2021 11:17:46 AM +00:00

Shale gas: An Indian market perspective

This revolution helped the US to turn itself from an importer of gas to an exporter of gas. Thus, it is important to discuss the current shale gas scenario, its prospects as well as its scope for growth in the future Indian energy market. Thus, the country needs to focus on the development of shale oil and shale gas resources as they have the potential to significantly contribute to the gas supply at a relatively low cost.

3/18/2021 11:17:26 AM +00:00

Effect of carbon performance, company characteristics and environmental performance on carbon emission disclosure: Evidence from Indonesia

This study aims to examine and obtain empirical evidence of the factors that influence the disclosure of carbon emissions in public listed companies in Indonesia. The factors tested include carbon performance, firm size, profitability, leverage, capital expenditure, the level of asymmetry of company information and environmental performance. The population in this study are companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample selection method uses a purposive sampling method, namely sampling based on criteria: publishing annual reports and sustainability reports in 2013-2017 and disclosing carbon emissions explicitly.

3/18/2021 11:17:19 AM +00:00