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Hiện trạng và tiềm năng năng lượng từ phế thải nông nghiệp tại tỉnh Daklak

Mục đích của bài viết này là nhận dạng các nguồn phế thải nông nghiệp sẵn có như cà phê, gạo, ngô, sắn, mía… nhằm đánh giá tiềm năng năng lượng. Phương pháp nghiên cứu là tổng hợp các phương pháp phỏng vấn bán cấu trúc, khảo sát và phân tích tạo nên cách tiếp cận hiệu quả để làm rõ được mục tiêu nghiên cứu.

5/22/2021 5:46:49 AM +00:00

So sánh ổn định quá độ của hệ thống máy phát tuabin gió có tốc độ không đổi và hệ thống máy phát tuabin gió có tốc độ thay đổi giới hạn

Bài viết này khảo sát hoạt động của hai hệ thống máy phát điện gió có tốc độ không đổi (FSIG) và có tốc độ thay đổi giới hạn (LVSIG) bằng phần mềm ETAP với sự cố giả định là ngắn mạch ba pha. Các kết quả mô phỏng cho thấy hệ thống LVSIG có nhiều ưu điểm vượt trội, là phương án thay thế hữu hiệu cho hệ thống FSIG, nhờ vào khả năng vận hành ở nhiều tốc độ gió khác nhau và phục hồi tốt sau sự cố.

5/22/2021 5:46:43 AM +00:00

The costs of obtaining food security in Vietnam

This paper overviews some key policies on food security, analyses the current food security, projects food security in Vietnam until 2020, investigates the costs of obtaining food security and draws policy recommendations.

5/22/2021 4:46:01 AM +00:00

Hiệu quả năng lượng với an ninh năng lượng và phát triển bền vững

Bài viết dưới đây cung cấp thông tin về xu hướng chuyển dịch năng lượng toàn cầu cũng như những định hướng chiến lược về quy hoạch và phát triển năng lượng hiệu quả tại Việt Nam trong thời gian tới.

5/22/2021 2:54:55 AM +00:00

Ứng dụng năng lượng nguyên tử vì mục đích hòa bình: Dấu ấn ở nhiều lĩnh vực

Chiến lược ứng dụng năng lượng nguyên tử vì mục đích hòa bình đến năm 2020 (Chiến lược), hoạt động này ở nước ta đã được thúc đẩy phát triển mạnh mẽ. Sau 15 năm thực hiện Chiến lược, hoạt động nghiên cứu và ứng dụng năng lượng nguyên tử vì mục đích hòa bình phục vụ phát triển kinh tế - xã hội đã có những kết quả đáng ghi nhận, được cộng đồng trong nước và quốc tế đánh giá cao. Bài viết này sẽ thông tin đến các bạn về việc ứng dụng năng lượng nguyên tử vì mục đích hòa bình trên các lĩnh vực khác nhau.

5/22/2021 2:54:23 AM +00:00

Xây dựng bộ điều khiển tách kênh nhiệt độ - độ ẩm cho buồng lên men dựa trên mô hình mô phỏng CFD

Bài viết đề xuất một phương pháp nhận dạng đối tượng nhiệt độ, độ ẩm tương đối cho buồng lên men thực phẩm trong điều kiện không thể tiến hành nghiên cứu thực nghiệm do quá trình sản xuất là liên tục. Mô hình mô phỏng CFD được sử dụng để xây dựng đặc tính quá độ của đối tượng điều khiển.

5/22/2021 2:18:40 AM +00:00

Tạp chí Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ hạt nhân: Số 66/2021

Tạp chí Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ hạt nhân: Số 66/2021 được biên soạn với các bài viết Tổng quan nghiên cứu tổng hợp hạt nano Chitosan-polyacrylat chứa Gd-DTPA ứng dụng cho ảnh cộng hưởng từ; nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của chất phụ gia đa nguyên tố chứa Na, Fe, Al, Ca đến hiệu quả đốt than; nghiên cứu quá trình hấp phụ ion Th (IV) trên vật liệu Silica mao quản trung bình SBA-15; đánh giá nguồn gốc các hợp chất nitơ gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước hồ tuyền lâm bằng tỉ số đồng vị bền (δ15N-NO3 ) và các chỉ thị hóa lý...

5/21/2021 10:24:40 PM +00:00

Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ Hạt nhân – Số 66 tháng 3/2021

Tạp chí Khoa học và công nghệ Hạt nhân – Số 66 tháng 3/2021 được biên soạn nhằm thông tin đến các bạn với một số bài viết Tổng quan về các nguyên tố đất hiếm – Một số kết quả ban đầu ứng dụng đất hiếm trong nuôi trồng thủy sản tại Việt Nam; tổng quan nghiên cứu tổng hợp hạt nano Chitosan-polyacrylat chứa Gd-DTPA ứng dụng cho ảnh cộng hưởng từ; nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của chất phụ gia đa nguyên tố chứa Na, Fe, Al, Ca đến hiệu quả đốt than; đánh giá nguồn gốc các hợp chất nitơ gây ô nhiễm nguồn nước hồ tuyền lâm bằng tỉ số đồng vị bền (δ15N-NO3 ) và các chỉ thị hóa lý...

5/21/2021 10:20:47 PM +00:00

The impact of energy consumption on carbon intensity of human Well-Being (CIWB)

The study reveals that the use of energy for economic development is ineffective and inconsistent with the overview of sustainable development due to the result of increasing CIWB. However, the sign of negative coefficients of GDP and FDI per capita in control variables have given the striking findings that these factors will be helpful for lower middle - income countries to pursue sustainable development by reducing CIWB.

5/21/2021 8:34:16 PM +00:00

Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm sấy tiêu bằng máy sấy năng lượng mặt trời

Một mô hình máy sấy sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời kết hợp gia nhiệt bằng điện trở đã được thiết kế và chế tạo để sấy tiêu với năng suất 5 kg/mẻ. Kết quả khảo nghiệm cho thấy thời gian sấy tiêu tỷ lệ nghịch với vận tốc tác nhân sấy và tỷ lệ thuận với bề dày lớp vật liệu sấy.

5/21/2021 8:03:54 PM +00:00

Phát triển nguồn năng lượng sinh khối tại Việt Nam - Cơ hội và thách thức

Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài viết để nắm chi tiết cơ hội để phát triển năng lượng sinh khối tại Việt Nam; thách thức để phát triển năng lượng sinh khối tại Việt Nam.

5/21/2021 3:11:04 PM +00:00

Nghiên cứu điều chế thuốc phóng xạ 32P-chromic phosphate trên lò phản ứng hạt nhân Đà Lạt ứng dụng trong điều trị ung thư

Bài viết tiến hành nghiên cứu điều chế thuốc phóng xạ 32P-Chromic phosphate trên Lò phản ứng Hạt nhân Đà Lạt nhằm mục đích điều trị các ung thư như ung thư tràn dịch màng phổi, phúc mạc ác tính, ung thư buồng trứng, ung thư tiền liệt tuyến… để góp phần nội địa hóa sản phẩm, chủ động được nguồn cung cấp, hạ giá thành sản phẩm đáp ứng kịp thời nhu cầu điều trị của người bệnh một cách tích cực và hiệu quả.

5/21/2021 3:10:00 AM +00:00

Analysis of CO2 emission and economic growth as potential determinants of renewable energy demand in Nigeria: A nonlinear autoregressive distributed lags approach

Concerned by the environmental and economic threats posed by fossil fuels as the source of energy, this study uses the case of Nigeria economy to understand the extent to which economic growth and carbon emissions matters for renewable energy demands. Exploring both the linear and nonlinear ARDL modelling framework, the main empirical findings are that the amplified responsiveness of the consequence of climate change has led to increase in the demand for renewable energy particularly when the underlying source of the emissions is attributable to activities in the transport sector. However, in addition to our findings of oil prices as viable for explaining renewable energy demand, this study further pointed out the economic growth as another potential for explaining renewable energy demand but vary for the boom and recession phases of the business cycle.

5/21/2021 2:17:28 AM +00:00

Computer analysis of energy and resource efficiency in the context of transformation of petrochemical supply chains

The purpose of this study is to identify areas of energy-efficient development in petrochemical supply chains through the use of computer analysis tools. The study uses system approach methods, comparisons, vertical dynamic analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, forecasting, factor analysis. Listed implementation methods helps to meet number of scientific results: systematized programs are applicable for petrochemical product supply management chains, as well as for a number of methods and algorithms developed by the authors in the framework of ensuring resource-saving development of petrochemical enterprises; dynamics assessment of supply chains' petrochemical products in terms of energy consumption and energy efficiency consumption indicators; a production function expressed in the form of dependence of the production energy efficiency between the factors of capital (Costs per 1 ruble of sold products) and labor (Labor intensity) is proposed...

5/21/2021 2:17:21 AM +00:00

Energy consumption, governance quality and sustainable development Nexus: Empirical evidence from MENA countries

The objective of this paper is to empirically examine whether energy consumption and governance quality affect sustainable development in 17 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries over the period 1984-2018 using a simultaneous equation model (SEM). Empirical results provide evidence that control of corruption and the institutional or governance quality of are complementary and essential for energy consumption to have an indirect positive impact on sustainable development. The results also show that sustainable development reacts negatively to energy consumption because the poor governance quality in MENA countries. These empirical insights are of particular interest to policymakers to improve the governance quality and implement sound economic policies to support economic development.

5/21/2021 2:17:14 AM +00:00

Can energy intensity impede the CO2 emissions in Indonesia? LMDI-decomposition index and ARDL: Comparison between Indonesia and ASEAN countries

This study’s ARDL model captured a long-run and short-run relation of the whole cointegrated variables in ASEAN countries. Based on a panel of cross-country and time-series observations, the study analyses that the ARDL model was used to cover a model of short-and long-run implications. Based on the result, we identified the root cause of significantly increasing CO2 emission in the past 36 years. This study’s result was that a positive long-run relationship interacted with a mostly negative short-run relationship between the energy intensity’ EI-effect,’ gross domestic effect’ GDP-effect,’ population effect’ POP-effect “and CO2 emission effect‘ CO2-effect.”

5/21/2021 2:17:01 AM +00:00

Assessing environmental and energetic indexes in 27 European countries

The present work wants to assess the environmental and energetic sustainability of 27 European countries. To this aim, a Multi-criteria decision analysis and an analytical hierarchy process has been implemented to gather and process information from the experts. Results show that only four countries (Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Austria) present very significant performances. The intervention of policymakers must be clear, by penalizing nonresponsible behavior, encouraging the development of circular and green practices, also through the exploitation of subsidies. A continuous monitoring of values over time and the identification of more appropriate criteria to evaluate performances, including economic and social views, are objectives to be addressed in the next future.

5/21/2021 2:16:55 AM +00:00

Modelling the impact of energy consumption, natural resources, and urbanization on ecological footprint in South Africa: Assessing the moderating role of human capital

Apart from being the most urbanized and largest emitter of CO2 emissions in Africa, South Africa currently harbours an ecological deficit territory mainly due to its desire to attain more growth with less attention to its natural environment. Since environmental distortions are mainly an outcome of human activities, this study becomes the first to investigate the linkage between natural resource (NR), human capital, energy consumption, and ecological footprint (EF) in South Africa. Findings from the long-run results reveal that energy consumption, natural resource, economic growth, and urbanization add to the EF, while human capital curtails environmental deterioration. The interaction between human capital and urbanization helps in mitigating environmental degradation, which suggests a moderating effect of human capital in urban sustainability.

5/21/2021 2:16:35 AM +00:00

Indonesia’s new SDGs agenda for green growth – Emphasis in the energy sector

The concept of green growth is one part of the realization of sustainable development. To support this mission, Indonesia is taking part in global change by accelerating the development programs contained in the SDGs. We need to study Green Growth (GG) which is determined by the empowerment of the energy sector such as Source of Electric Lighting (SEL), Renewable Energy Mix (REM), and Primary Energy Intensity (PEI) in Indonesia. Timeseries data were analyzed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) modeling in the 2015-2024 period.

5/21/2021 2:16:29 AM +00:00

The role of electricity and energy consumption influences industrial development between regions in Indonesia

Our research aims to determine the effect of electricity distribution and energy consumption on industrial development dynamics that occur between regions in Indonesia by adding investment and inflation as control variables. The analysis tools that we use are static (Fixed Effect) and dynamic (GMM) panel data model with a dataset of 34 provinces for the 2012-2019 period.

5/21/2021 2:16:23 AM +00:00

A framework from peer-to-peer electricity trading based on communities transactions

The paper is organized as follows: the description and mathematical formulation of the problem is presented in Section 2. Section 3 describes the P2P system representation on 5 and 17-peer systems grouped by communities to test the model described above. At the end of this section, the results are analyzed and discussed. Section 4 provides some concluding remarks on this topic.

5/21/2021 2:16:16 AM +00:00

Energy consumption-poverty reduction nexus in BRICS nations

This study investigated the impact of energy consumption on poverty in BRICS using panel data analysis methods (fixed effects, pooled OLS, random effects, FMOLS) with annual data ranging from 1995 to 2018. Whether economic growth is a channel through which energy consumption influences poverty in BRICS was also a subject of investigation in this study? Although there is acknowledgment that energy consumption reduces poverty through economic growth by authors such as Okwanya et al (2015), Hussein and Filho (2012) and Okwanya and Abah (2018), there is no dedicated empirical study on the subject matter which exclusively focused on BRICS. Nothing is known about the energy consumption-growth-poverty nexus in BRICS, according to the author’s best knowledge.

5/21/2021 2:16:09 AM +00:00

Why doesn’t japan have a natural gas pipeline network? Consideration from the determinant of the choice between LNG tank trucks and pipelines

This study considers the importance of comprehensive pipeline network plans with exploring the determinants of vertical integration in Japan’s natural gas distribution utilities from the perspective of transaction cost economics. Japan’s natural gas industry is reliant on imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) that normally requires regasification prior to consumption. Unbundling of the industry has not been enforced and while some local distribution utilities purchase gas via pipelines that is regasified by the seller, others choose LNG from tank trucks with subsequent regasification occurring inhouse (vertical integration). Estimating the determinants of vertical integration in terms of transaction cost economics, I deduce the cause of poor pipeline networks in Japan. This study found that local distribution utilities prefer to purchase natural gas via pipelines when there are neighboring wholesalers or utilities.

5/21/2021 2:16:03 AM +00:00

Energy transition from fossil to renewable sources in North Africa: Focus on the renewable electricity generation in morocco

The aim of this article is to study the context and the challenges of the North African region in its quest towards energy transition. This work performs firstly a benchmark between the countries namely Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia, in terms of fossil resources and renewable potential based on official data and statistics. The study then focuses on Morocco, who is developing a new energy transition model axed on renewable electricity generation. In order to highlight the importance of legislation and economic evolution, the study compares the high with medium voltage renewable electricity market. In fact, a framework law has been established allowing private investors to benefit from the national electricity grid to inject and sell high voltage renewable electricity.

5/21/2021 2:15:45 AM +00:00

Gaussian process regression for forecasting gasoline prices in Jordan

The purpose of this paper is to forecast monthly gasoline prices in Jordan by applying Gaussian process regression on monthly prices of two types of gasoline (octane-90 and octane-95) during the period January 2008–December 2019. Accurately predicting gasoline prices have several fiscal policy implications concerning fuel subsidies and taxes. Also, they affect the consumption and the production of decisions. Moreover, they are crucial for designing and analyzing environmental policies. The Gaussian process model was able to treat a geometric Brownian motion with a deterministic unknown drift function. The performance of prediction was measured using the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Mean Average Percentage Error (MAPE). Where the numerical results show that the model predictions of gasoline prices were accurate.

5/21/2021 2:15:38 AM +00:00

Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources utilization

The paper presents numerous advantages of using renewable energy in the electricity generation, such as environment preservation in terms of reduced greenhouse gas emissions or improvement of innovations and technical/technological development. There are also presented certain disadvantages of renewables in the production of electricity, such as dependence on weather conditions or low energy efficiency and low ability to produce electricity

5/21/2021 2:15:32 AM +00:00

Data optimization on the accuracy of forecasting electricity energy sales using principal component analysis based on spatial

This paper focuses on the accuracy of forecasting with various numbers of variables to optimize the data held. The initial stage of this research is the division of clusters using the hierarchical clustering method to divide 24 administrative regions into 6 clusters, and to increase the accuracy of forecasting using principal component regression. Based on the results obtained, it can be seen that the MAPE values vary in each cluster.

5/21/2021 2:15:12 AM +00:00

Natural resources depletion, renewable energy consumption and environmental degradation: A comparative analysis of developed and developing world

This article investigates the impact of renewable energy consumption and natural resource depletion on environmental degradation from 1990 to 2014. The analysis of this study is distributed into three parts, developing country analysis, developed country analysis and complete sample analysis. An insignificant relation has found between natural resource depletion and environmental degradation in the case of complete sample analysis and developing country analysis, but vica-versa in developed countries. Fossil fuel energy consumption has a positive and significant impact on environmental degradation in developing countries.

5/21/2021 2:15:06 AM +00:00

Impact of the nature of energy management and responses to policies regarding solar and wind pricing: A qualitative study of the Australian electricity markets

The present study employed various qualitative techniques to investigate the nature and influence of policies and regulations concerning solar and wind pricing on the Australian electricity spot and options markets. The analysis was based on data gathered through interviews conducted with energy managers, chief executive officers and other significant personnel from the Australian electricity industry. The interviewees’ responses regarding the solar and wind policies of relevance to the Australian electricity markets were examined, and the thick and in-depth content data derived from the interviews were used to examine how their views and personal politics influenced pricing within the electricity markets. The results suggest that renewable energy policies lower the electricity prices, reduce the risks for investors and also result in larger deployment mechanisms.

5/21/2021 2:14:53 AM +00:00

Crisis of survival of thermal power plants in India due to consistently falling capacity utilization – Factors responsible and future outlook

Thermal power plants in India are facing unprecedented crisis. Their capacity utilization (known as Plant Load Factor, PLF) has been consistently falling over the years. In the year 2019-2020 the national average PLF stood at 55.4%, down from 78.6% in 2007-2008. It is predicted that the national average PLF may fall to 48% by 2022. Many new thermal power plants, set up with substantial capital investment are staring at a bleak future. It is an irony that on one hand, the country is power deficit and on the other hand, a large amount of new, efficient and low-carbon- footprint thermal power remains grossly unutilised.

5/21/2021 2:14:21 AM +00:00