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Multi-Project Management: Strategy and Organization in Automobile Product Development

The following thesis project addresses the importance and key role of leadership in project management, particularly in the construction field. Project management is a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific one-time task. For example, constructing a building or implementing a new computer system, all need to be well-managed. Projects are conceived and completed by people, who are involved in the whole process of project execution and completion. Thus, project management not only requires an efficient project manager, but also a qualified leader who can lead the team effectively. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Take Root: On-site Project Management Guidebook

A leader is someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction. It is important to have skills in forming, leading and facilitating a project team. However, a coherent theoretical foundation that explains how leadership engages people fully and effectively is lacking (Howell, 2006). This research will provide a clearer understanding of the concept of leadership in projects, discussing how and why it works, and the ways to make project teams more dynamic and effective. The results from the study are applied to these leadership concepts, in an effort understand the role of effective...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Tasmanian Government Project Management Guidelines

With each project, unique tasks are completed in a specified period and contribute to the final result. In contrast, ongoing operations are continuous and do not have a designated end date of completion. People assigned to a specific project may come from different parts of an organization or even from outside the organization; after completion of the project, these people will go to other projects or back to the original functions in their organizations (Levy, 1994). In this case, project management will take on a different form than ordinary management, since each project has its own characteristics and features. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

A Roadmap to Quality - An e-learning Manual for Implementing Total Quality Management

Project management is a relatively new concept. In the 1950s, a conscious effort was made to devise specialized tools for managing the complex weapon systems being built for the Department of Defense. These tools are now widely used in all industries, both public and private. Project management involves a methodological approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish. It is further defined as a carefully planned and organized effort to accomplish a specific one-time task, such as constructing a building or implementing a new computer system. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Management of continual improvement for facilities and activities: A structured approach

Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), the leading national construction trade association representing both the public and private sectors, for each dollar spent on new construction, a total of $11 in economic activity is generated across all industries and other services. Since December 2003, the cumulative increase in the prices of inputs used in construction (45%) has been more than double the increase in the consumer price index (19%), as shown in Figure 1.1. Given the worldwide competition, it appears prudent to expect construction input prices to rise 6 to 8 percent a year for the next several years...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Risk & Project Management eBook // For IT Professionals

Today, many people believe that as long as a person has strong technical skills, demonstrated a certain amount of aggressiveness and enthusiasm, and has worked on several project teams, he or she could be given the role of project manager. However, project managers can no longer depend on their positions or their own personal initiative to accomplish a goal because most projects managed today are from a matrix organization, in which project managers do not have complete authority over team members. Given these challenges, the question is: What kind of skills can make a difference in successfully managing...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

The Construction Project Manager By Robert J. Shaker

This research includes four major steps. The first step involves general information collection, including both first-hand and second-hand data, in order to identify major themes from the literature. Surveys and interviews are conducted, in which a list of important factors in successful leadership are identified. With these factors, expert interviews, conducted in the second step, are used to decide the most significant factors among them. The third step is the case study to show the importance of those factors and how they work in the construction field. The last step is the conclusions and suggestions for researchers...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Manual One-Step “Turn-Key” Method

During this process, a survey for leadership in project management is designed and sent via e-mail; telephone interviews are also conducted. After the response period ended, the data and statistics are collected, reduced and analyzed. For some of the surveys, several respondents did not reply or answered less than half of the questions. Those responses are reduced from the data, in order to maintain the authenticity and accuracy of the survey data. Then key leadership skills are introduced and generalized in a list for reference purposes. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Project Management T-kit

After the general data and statistics information collection, interviews with experts in project management are conducted. Some of the interviewees are project managers in construction industry, and others are university-based scholars. Interviewees are selected from both the United States and China, in order to provide multiple perspectives and more comprehensive results. Respondents are asked several directed questions and also provided their own opinions concerning leadership skills in project management. Some interviewees are non-English speakers; the researcher translated the questions and responses. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00


A case study is a way to test the applicability of a theory using real-world evidence. The intent is not necessarily to select a successful or unsuccessful example, but rather to demonstrate that leadership is a key element in project management, and a project cannot succeed without it. The selected case is tested in this step, with the purpose of showing how leadership skills affect projects. The case study selected is Skanska, a major international construction company. The internal management system, as well as the company’s leadership philosophy and style demonstrated during each construction project, are presented. Projects...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Management Information Systems A Synthesis of Transit Practice

Leadership is one of the most important and essential factors in good project management. Leadership can be seen as the art of influencing others to achieve desired results. Leaders guide behaviors by setting the vision, direction and the key processes; in other words, leadership has a large influence on the whole project process, including the actions of others. Jack Welch, previous CEO of General Electric, is reported to have called his direct reports together one day and issued a three word dictum: “Don’t manage! Lead!”(Slater, 1998). The emphasis in the project management field on leadership...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

The New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual

There are a number of studies on the development of leadership skills. From the review of the literature, there are 11 most commonly identified skills that are characteristic of strong leaders. These skills include: Understanding the needs and characteristics of the post; Communicating; Knowing and using the resources of the group; Planning; Controlling group performance; Setting the example; Sharing leadership; Counseling; Evaluating; Effective teaching; and Representing the group. These skills will be discussed and selected in the following survey. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00


The survey is designed to solicit input from those in the field of construction and project management concerning leadership and the leadership skills. Questions centered on the importance of leadership, the kinds of leadership skills people should pursue, and the most-commonly used skills. A common survey process includes defining the survey objectives, developing a sample frame, specifying the strategy for data collection, and conducting the appropriate analyses. Interviewees are selected from the construction or relevant project management field and all have certain knowledge or experience in project management. The interviewees include project managers in large construction companies (including...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

HSEEP Overview and Exercise Program Management

The first two steps for a formal survey process are defining the survey objectives and determining who will be sampled. The participants are pre-selected and, thus, the response rate and the accuracy are expected to be high. There are 13 total questions included on the survey. For several of the questions, respondents are asked to state whether they agree or disagree with a particular statement; other questions are designed to solicit input with regard to identifying key leadership skills. The following describes the questions asked in the survey and includes an analysis of the data. ...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Program/Project Management Series Work Breakdown Structure Reference Guide

Of the respondents, 73% people in the survey believe successful project managers have a high level of leadership skills and 9% partial agree with that statement, for a total of 82%. Leadership skills can help people run a project more easily, but they are not guarantees of project success. While project managers might be successful with leadership skills, they will definitely fail without those skills. In some cases, projects may be completed by a leader with low-level skills; however, if this leader could acquire more skills, the project may be more successful in some aspects. For example, the project may...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00


According to the survey, only 22% of people are really satisfied with their project managers, while 30% of the interviewees are not satisfied. There may be several reasons for this level of dissatisfaction. As mentioned before, a good leader is supposed to be respected by his or her followers. However, the reality is that almost two thirds of the project managers are not considered successful leaders. While they may be able to complete a project, they may not inspire faith or confidence in their abilities from their subordinates. This may stem from a lack of leadership skills. While project managers...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

LEADERSHIP IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT - A Thesis Presented to The Academic Faculty

This research effort is dedicated to my family, in particular to my mother, LI Yun who has always stood by my side, encouraging and supporting me through the entire process. She talked to me when I faced some difficulties and almost gave up. She taught me hard work disciplines and made me continue my research and this also served me well in all aspect in my life. Additionally, I would like to dedicate this to my best friends, Ziming Zhao, Marianela Rivera, Yuan Cai. Thanks for being there whenever I need you. You are more than friends. You are my...

8/30/2018 2:27:25 AM +00:00

Agile Project Management and the Real World

It’s not surprising then that the planning-related books in the corner of my office disagree heavily with each other. Some focus on business strategy, others on engineering and scheduling processes (the traditional focus of project planning), and a few on understanding and designing for customers. But more distressing than their disagreements is that these books fail to acknowledge that other approaches even exist. This is odd because none of these perspectives—business, technology, customer—can ever exist without the others. More so, I’m convinced that success in project planning occurs at the intersections in these different points of view. Any manager who can see those intersections has a large advantage over those who can’t....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


Project planning involves answering two questions. Answering the first question, “What do we need to do?” is generally called requirements gathering. Answering the second question, “How will we do it?” is called designing or specifying (see Figure 3-1). A requirement is a carefully written description of a criterion that the work is expected to satisfy. (For example, a requirement for cooking a meal might be to make inexpensive food that is tasty and nutritious.) Good requirements are easy to understand and hard to misinterpret. There may be different ways to design something to fulfill a requirement, but it should be easy to recognize whether the requirement has been met when looking...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


These three activities—requirements gathering, designing/ specifying, and implementing—are deep subjects and worthy of their own books (see the Annotated Bibliography). I’ll cover the first two from a project-level perspective in the next few chapters, and implementation will be the focus later on in the book. Different types of projects Several criteria change the nature of how requirements and design work are done. I’ll use three simple and diverse project examples to illustrate these criteria:...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Project Finance as a Risk- Management Tool in International Syndicated Lending

With the three project types in mind, we can examine the basic criteria for project planning. At any time in a project, there are basic questions that everyone should know the answers to. You might not always like the answers, but you and your team should know what they are. Most planning frustrations occur when there’s disagreement or ignorance about these issues. • Who has requirements authority? Someone has to define the requirements and get them approved by the necessary par- ties (client or VP). In the solo-superman case, this is easy: superman will have all of the authority he wants. On a con- tract team, there will be a...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Project Management in e-Governance

Who has design authority? Similar to requirements, some- one has to define the design of the work itself. The design is different from the requirements because there are always many different possible designs to fulfill a set of require- ments. Designs, also like requirements, are often negotiated between two or more parties. One person or team might be responsible for driving the design process and developing ideas (designer), and another team provides guidance and feedback on the first party’s work (VP). Note that because design skill is distributed in the universe independent of political power, people granted design authority might not be people with much design talent....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Lost Roots: How Project Management Came to Emphasize Control Over Flexibility and Novelty

Who has budget authority? The ability to add or remove resources to a project can be independent from other kinds of authority. For example, in the contract team situation, the team might have the power to define the requirements and design, but they might need to return to the client each time they want more money or time. How often will requirements and designs be reviewed, and how will adjustments be decided? The answer depends heavily on previous questions. The more parties involved in requirements, design, and budgets, the more effort will need to be spent keeping them in sync during the project. As a rule of thumb: the...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Cost-benefit Analysis of Natural Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries

Although I’ve identified different kinds of authority, it’s possible for one person to possess several or all of them. However, most of the time, authority is distributed across team leaders. The more complex the distribution of authority is, the more planning effort you’ll need to be effective. In Chapter 16, I’ll cover how to deal with situations where you need more authority than you have. For now, it’s enough to recognize that planning involves these different kinds of power. Common planning deliverables To communicate requirements, someone has to write them down. There are many ways to do this, and I’m not advocating any particular method. What matters most is that the...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Framework Programme 7 (2007-2013) Research infrastructures projets

For reference purposes, I’ll mention some of the common ways to document requirements and planning information. If nothing else, knowing the common lingo helps translate between the various methods used by different organizations. You’ll find some teams document the requirements informally: “Oh, requirements…just go talk to Fred.” Others have elaborate templates and review procedures that break these documents into insanely small (and possibly overlapping) pieces owned by different people. • Marketing requirements document (MRD). This is the busi- ness or marketing team’s analysis of the world. The goal is to explain what business opportunities exist and how a project can exploit those opportunities. In some organizations, this is a reference document to help...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

International Project Risk Assessment: Methods, Procedures, and Critical Factors

• Marketing requirements document (MRD). This is the busi- ness or marketing team’s analysis of the world. The goal is to explain what business opportunities exist and how a project can exploit those opportunities. In some organizations, this is a reference document to help decision makers in their think- ing. In other organizations, it is the core of project definition and everything that follows derives strongly from it. MRDs help to define the “what” of a project. • Vision/scope document. A vision document encapsulates all available thinking about what a project might be into a sin- gle composition. If an MRD exists, a vision document should inherit and refer heavily to...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

2009 AAPM Global Handbook - International Project Management Commission ™ Board of Standards

You may have noticed how each of the deliverables mentioned earlier represents one of two perspectives on the project: business or engineering. On many projects, these two views compete with each other. This is a fundamental planning mistake. Planning should rarely be a binary, or either/or, experience. Instead, it should be an integration and synthesis of what everyone can contribute. To make this happen, a project manager must recognize that each perspective contributes something unique that cannot be replaced by more of something else (i.e., no amount of marketing strategy will improve engineering proficiency, and vice versa). For good results, everyone involved in project planning must have a basic understanding of each...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


The business view focuses on things that impact the profit and loss (P&L) accounting of an organization. This includes sales, profit, expenses, competition, and costs. Everyone should understand their P&L: it’s what pays their salaries or their contracts. When engineering teams are unaware of how their business works, many decisions made by management will appear illogical or stupid. Thus, it’s in the interest of whoever’s responsible for business planning to help others understand their reasoning. In the tech sector, people with job titles like business analyst, marketing, business development, product planner, or senior manager represent the business perspective....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity Exposure Draft

Those responsible for the business perspective take bold views of the importance of these questions. They believe that the answers represent the bottom line for the organization and should strongly influence project decisions. However, the business view doesn’t mean that all projects must be slaves to revenue. Instead, it evaluates projects based on their contributions to the business strategy. For example, a strategic project might be essential to the organization but never generate any revenue....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Project Cycle Management Technical Guide

The most unfair criticism of business folks is that they are just “marketers,” somewhat of a negative label in the tech sector. I think marketing gets a bad rap. In MBA terms, there are four Ps that define marketing: product, price, placement, and promotion. Defining the product and price is a creative process. The goal is to develop a product idea—sold for a profit—that matches the needs of the targeted customer. Research, analysis, and creative work are necessary in order to succeed. Placement, the third P, regards how customers will obtain the product (through a web site? the supermarket? the trunk of Fred’s car?)....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00