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Project management best practices

Finally, the individuals who are at the core of healthcare—patients—face challenges of their own. In early 2010, one out of seven U.S. citizens was uninsured or underin- sured—roughly 45 million people. 6 In addition, uninsured medical costs are the num- ber one cause of personal bankruptcy. 7 Without a doubt, healthcare is currently in a quality, safety, and cost crisis—one that exhibits symptoms at the individual, organizational, and societal level. However, we must acknowledge that this sense of crisis is not new. You can find newspaper reports decrying the healthcare crisis in virtually every decade of this past century. In fact, it may well be...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Methodologies (A book review by R. Max Wideman)

We believe one factor that did not exist in past decades now affects the current healthcare crisis in a grand way, which is the exponential growth of IT. Granted, during the past six decades the healthcare industry used computing and communications tech- nologies, but it is only in the last two decades that the capabilities of IT expanded at a phenomenal rate. IT affects every aspect of society and personal life, for example, the Internet, e-mail, texting, cell phones, and handheld computing. Healthcare is no exception. Many say healthcare is relatively slow to accept IT. The IOM called for nationwide adoption...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


Key events have effectively accelerated this pace. First, there was the election of the Obama administration in 2008 on a platform that emphasized healthcare reform. Sec- ond, there was the contemporaneous global economic meltdown and the subsequent enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), including the sec- tion entitled Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH). HDOs, as well as state and federal legislative and regulatory agencies, are now entrants in an HIT compliance race. Current federal law directs the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), to begin a fundamental redefinition of reim- bursement for healthcare services by...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


Project, IT, and change management are not entirely distinct disciplines or methodolo- gies. The concepts, activities, and outputs in one discipline have parallel—and some- times identical—features in the other two. We argue that to optimally plan and execute HIT projects in HDOs requires all three adopted in concert. In this book, we combined these standards and best practices to create an integrated project, IT, and change man- agement methodology. Success with HIT projects is never a guarantee. There is no management methodol- ogy that guarantees an HDO will complete its HIT projects within scope, on time, and within budget. Projects undertaken without the judicious...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

PMO: Project management office

There is an important lesson that may be inferred from Jason's book. From his descriptions of project management methodologies it is clear that what Jason has in mind is the project life cycle or, as we prefer to call it, the project life span. After all, the project life span is defined as: The complete set of time periods through which a project passes sequentially in a logical and orderly manner. Further, a project may be defined as: A process or undertaking that encompasses an entire set of activities having . . . well defined objectives and a process...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the classic waterfall approach (also arguably a software development methodology); and Solutions-based Project Methodology, a simplified approach for consultants to work with their clients. Possibly there may be hybrid combinations of these. To this list, Jason could have added the TenStep methodology, at least that would have made five. Nevertheless, when it comes to project management frameworks, there appear to be only two or three that are generally applicable. This confirms our contention that there really are very few truly generic project management methodologies out there. And this should come as no surprise,...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Process Maturity „PM… Model

Project management ~PM! tools, techniques, and processes have become a professional management discipline to initiate, plan, control, and close out one-of-a-kind endeavors. Corporate organi- zations are in favor of PM tools and practices that are well suit- able for today’s rapidly changing business environment. Further- more, the level of PM maturity that assesses an organization’s current levels of PM practices has become sophisticated over the years. PM maturity is a well-defined level of sophistication that assesses an organization’s current project management practices and processes. Despite the broad usage of PM tools and practices across dif- ferent industries, organizations are often confused, uncertain, and have difficulties locating their current application of PM. In...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Suite™» 2012 Edition An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox

Project management software is not for the creative mind that thinks big ideas but dismisses minutiae. The kind of individual who uses it best is one who can break big ideas into ordered, finite steps. This is a skill that is not easy to learn and may be beyond some PR practitioners. For those engaged in repeated activities, project management software allows one to systematize procedures and better control costs. Repeated activities might include producing annual reports and annual shareholders meetings, issuing annual studies, following procedures for publishing intellectual capital, producing regular publications like e-mail newsletters...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

The Power of Project Management

Project management is a way to track people, time and resources over the duration of a project using computer software. A project is a defined activity with a beginning, middle and end. Project management software would not be useful for retainer relationships where there is a continued presence and a multiplicity of activities, nor may it be worth the time for simple projects that one will do once and never again. However, since more and more PR agency work is being looked upon as projects, the software may have growing appeal for practitioners tired of “picking budget...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

First Principles of Project Management By R. Max Wideman

A project has discrete steps budgeted into time, and it is in finite steps that project management can go awry. Someone who has never run the kind of project being detailed is likely to assign steps and values that are unrealistic. Therefore, project management is best done by someone who has completed a similar project before and knows the steps that go into it. Like many management principles, project management isn’t new. Henry Laurence Gantt, a mechanical engineer and disciple of scientific management first published the Gantt chart in 1910. The Gantt chart has been...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management General guidelines for digital projects

A second element of Project Management software is the PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart. The PERT chart isn’t new either. It was originally developed for the US Navy in the late 1950s to track the building of missiles. The PERT chart shows the tasks it takes to get a job done and how tasks are interrelated. One discovers which tasks, if not done on schedule, can slow an entire project down. Using the dinner for 200, one cannot invite people to the dinner until the hall is rented and one cannot conduct...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Microsoft Enterprise Project Management 2010 Licensing Guide

Every project management system focuses on the time, cost and scope of a project. Time: how long it will take? Cost: What will it cost in salary and other resources? Scope – what exactly is being delivered at the end of the project? These are essential along with detailed steps of the project. Consider using project management software when dealing with a complex task that has many moving parts and you are not sure that you can track them all. Project management software, when done correctly, allows a manager to have a clear...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management 2.0 – The Ultimate Benefits of the New Approach to Project Management

A quick story... Years ago I was working with an auto manufacturer who had built a racecar for the Indy Car circuit and wanted to unveil it to the media. The manufacturer brought the car to mid-town Manhattan and wanted to unveil it under spotlights in a hotel ballroom. The plan seemed simple enough. Put the car in a truck, carry it to the site, put it on the elevator at the hotel and take it up to the second floor ballroom where workers would push the car into place the night before the event....

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Fundamentals - A guide to the project management body of knowledge

Let’s focus on the dinner for 200 people with live entertainment and a silent auction. It is a simple project but it demonstrates how project management software works and what one can do with it. This example looks only at the time spent to get the dinner ready and not printing and other costs, which are budgeted separately. Before one uses Project Management software, one starts with a work breakdown structure. This is a hierarchy of tasks with roots branching like a tree. It captures all work to be delivered. Defining a work...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


Let’s see what the dinner party will involve? (See illustration of work breakdown structure) It is a lot more complicated than one would think. Major tasks include setting up and running the dinner, entertainment, and silent auction, finding a dinner speaker and clean up after the dinner is over. Beneath these major tasks are subtasks broken into 16 discrete categories. Each of the subtasks will break down into repeated or “one-off” steps. The complete list of steps with milestones runs to 75 entries. (See illustration of task list). ...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


The person who is running the dinner assigns point ratings on the basis of difficulty of getting the task done. Finding the right people and getting them to pay to show for the dinner is the most difficult and time consuming task for the fundraiser – even more than finding items for the silent auction, a band and a speaker. This means in the listing of steps, the planner will concentrate time and resources on finding the right people. He will put his best and most expensive person on that project and less expensive and less...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Blank Project Management Templates

The next step is to enter separate tasks into the project planner software with times associated with each. The software is set up to respect weekends and holidays and will move a task to the following day if one over-allocates someone on a day. One can also ask the software to level resources automatically – and it will so no one is working 14 hours while everyone else is working five. Note that there are a number of tasks throughout the steps that have no hours assigned to them. These are milestones – markers in the...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Tips From web projects through to major change projects

The next task is to assign times for completion of each discrete task. This is where judgment enters in and where the person who has run a similar project has an advantage. Some tasks seem easy but are quite difficult to complete and vice versa. Only an experienced fundraiser and dinner planner would know how easy it might be to get the right 200 people to show up and how willing local businesses would be to donate items for a silent auction. Only an experienced person would know who is not talking to whom and...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

UVa Conference: Advancing Improvement and Innovation

The third task is to assign predecessors for each task if there are any. A predecessor is a task that has to be completed before the next task can begin. Once can’t decorate a hall until one rents it. One can’t have a band play until one hires the band. The fourth task is to assign the resources to each task. In this case, we have four individuals working on the dinner and auction. The goal is to keep them busy getting the dinner done without working any one of them too long...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

PROJECT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK CONTRACT Business Opportunities for UK plc from Fusion & ITER

As the project unfolds, the manager can track tasks that are on schedule, those that are lagging and those that are critical. At the end of the project, the manager can go back over the project plan to see what was close to the mark and what needs improvement in the future. This is but a fraction of what Project Management Software can do for complex management assignments. While many, if not most PR practitioners do not use such software today, it may make sense to look into it and to see if your organization can...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Portfolio Earned Value Management Using Treemaps

To make any money at all, the cost would need to be $200 a ticket for the evening – one reason why so little money is raised for such dinners when professionals run them. If one can run the dinner with all volunteers the return to the client and ticket price drop dramatically. These are all considerations when making a budget. In some cases, clients don’t want to make money on a dinner but to use the dinner as a way to reach influentials and to have the dinner pay for itself. In the...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


The ever-present element of risk and uncertainty means that the events and tasks leading to completion can never be foretold with absolute accuracy. Examples abound of projects that have exceeded their costs by enormous amounts, finishing late or even being abandoned before completion. Such failures are far too common, seen in all kinds of projects in industry, commerce and (especially, it seems) the public sector. The purpose of project management is to foresee or predict as many of the dangers and problems as possible and to plan, organize and control activities so that projects are completed successfully in spite of...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


Clearly, man-made projects are not new: monuments surviving from the earliest civilizations testify to the incredible achievements of our forebears and still evoke our wonder and admiration. Modern projects, for all their technological sophistication, are not necessarily greater in scale than some of those early mammoth works. But economic pressures of the industrialized world, competition between rival companies, and greater regard for the value, well-being and hence the employment costs of working people have all contributed to the development of new project management ideas and techniques. Figure 1.1 is a cursory, rather light-hearted romp through the history of project management....

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Faculty Orientation University of Tennessee

Projects before 1900 were generally managed by the creative architects and engineers themselves. Many of us are familiar with stories of the giants who flourished in the latter part of this historical period; people such as Sir Christopher Wren (1632–1723), Thomas Telford (1757–1834) and Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806–59). You can read about Brunel in Vaughan (1991). There was no separately recognized profession of project management. Commonsense, determination, hard work (sometimes at the expense of neglecting personal health) usually got the job done. The time had not yet come for the industrial engineers and behavioural scientists who would eventually study working...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Ninth Edition

Rapid industrialization and the demands of munitions production in World War 1 saw the emergence of management scientists and industrial engineers such as Elton Mayo and Frederick Winslow Taylor, who studied people and productivity in factories (Kanigel, 1997). Henry Ford made production-line manufacture famous with his Model T automobile and, especially important for project managers, Henry Gantt (1861-1919), who worked for Taylor, developed his now-famous charts which are still popular and used universally today....

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Is Project Management Software Useful for PR?

It is not generally appreciated that early examples of critical path networks were developed before 1950, although their value was not widely appreciated at the time. Without the existence of computers, they were inflexible to change, tedious to translate into working schedules and thus impracticable and difficult to use. Gantt’s bar charts were generally preferred, often set up on proprietary charts that allowed rescheduling using movable magnetic or plug-in strips or cards. Everything from the allocation of work to people and machines to holiday schedules was controlled by charts, usually prominently displayed on office walls....

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management Certificate Program Accelerate Your Career

In today’s competitive business environment, leaders are appointed based on credentials and experience. To stay ahead of the competition, advance your career and increase your earning potential, enroll in one of University of California, Irvine Extension’s professional certificate programs. Convenient and affordable, UC Irvine Extension makes it easy to learn on your own time, in your own way. Courses are designed to ensure you gain mastery of a particular topic, and instructors are highly qualified leaders in their professions. UC Irvine Extension is the only continuing education provider in Orange County that represents the University of California. A certificate bearing the UC seal signifies a well-known, uncompromising standard of academic excellence. ...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project risk management: lessons learned from software development environment

This approach has strengths and weaknesses. Its great strength is that it is supremely logical: think before you build, write it all down, follow a plan, and keep everything as organized as possible. It has just one great weakness: humans are involved. For example: this approach requires that the good ideas all come at the beginning of the development cycle, where they can be incorporated into the plan. But as we all know, good ideas appear spontaneously throughout the process – in the beginning, the middle, and sometimes even the day before launch, and a process that doesn’t permit change...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Project Management: The Basics

Humans also have a poor ability to predict the future. For example, the competition makes an announcement that wasn’t expected. Unanticipated technical problems crop up that force a change in direction. Furthermore, people tend to be particularly bad at planning things far into the future – guessing today how you’ll be spending your week eight months from now is something of a fallacy, and it’s been the downfall of many a Gantt chart. In addition, the Waterfall also tends to foster an adversarial relationship between the team- members that are handing work off from one to the next. “He’s asking me...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

The Art of Project Management: A Competency Model For Project Managers

A rigid, change-resistant process will also tend to produce mediocre products. Customers may get what they first ask for, but is it what they really want once they see the product begin to emerge? By gathering all the requirements up front and having them set in stone with little chance of change, the product is condemned to be only as good as the initial idea, instead of being the best it could be once the team knows more about the possibilities. Many users of the Waterfall experience these shortcomings again and again, but it seems like such a logical approach,...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00