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Successful transport decision-making: A project management and stakeholder engagement handbook

E-mail and the Internet now make day to day to communication easier to organise, but distance makes it even more important to have a clear action plan with proper phases; to plan meetings carefully; to specify deliverables and to keep to them; to be clear from the outset about how outcomes will be assessed. Conference telephone calls, internet chat rooms, project focus groups are all good ways of improving communications.

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

A Brain-Friendly Guide Head First PMP

Do a Google search for “Free PMP Exam Questions”. Go ahead – do it. What do you see? You find that almost all of the sites out there will give away just a few questions as advertisement for an online training course or a book or something really expensive that might help you pass the PMP exam. That bothered us when we were studying for the exam ourselves, and it still bothers us now. We really like the idea of a project management community, where people use the same vocabulary to talk about the job, and help each other grow professionally....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Change management as a part of successful ICT project management

Apparent throughout this report is the outstanding competence and capability of the NASA organiza- tion in its Centers and Headquarters. The Agency’s leadership was clearly committed to providing the bud- get and other requirements to achieve the clearly defined program goals. The major progress in establishing the mission flight system elements and facility infrastructure was started under NASA’s first Administrator, Keith Glennan, well before the Apollo mission was defined. This report shows the major new capabilities that were required in this still-new organization to achieve this objective—operational Field Centers; entirely new facility capabilities; the technology development and equipment base; the organizational strengths, including the integrated management systems;...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets

A clear requirement in achieving this success was establishing the fully integrated management structure and leadership for the various elements of the program. That task obviously received major attention from NASA’s top leadership, with strong emphasis on management clearly enunciated by Administrator James Webb. His focus on management was always very clear to me, especially when he said to me, “How do I make a technical man like you understand the importance of management?” He then made me a special advisory Assistant to the Administrator while I was still serving in my technical program roles. In this new position, I analyzed the need for changes in...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Project/programme monitoring and evaluation (M&E) guide

I was then appointed the Associate Administrator for Organization and Management, combining the various Agency management functions, as Bob Seamans describes. But, well before that, with the initiation of the Apollo program, there was the need to integrate the activities of the Centers and bring strong in-house NASA people together into the newly established Office of Manned Space Flight. The need to identify a strong leader was urgent. During extensive consideration by Webb, Hugh Dryden, and Seamans of various possible candidates for that position, Bob Seamans suggested and then recruited Brainerd Holmes of RCA as that leader. When he left, George Mueller was identified by Bob Seamans...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Participatory Approaches for an Impact-Oriented Project Cycle

Clearly indicated throughout this report are the very important free and open discussions and objective analysis of perceived issues, concerns, and alternative approaches, including various mission concepts, among all of the competent technical and management members of the internal staff, even if those discus- sions might indicate differences of opinion regarding planned approaches. This interchange was certainly strongly encouraged and pursued by Bob Seamans. The most dramatic example of that open view and the examination of alternative approaches and suggestions was the result of Bob Seamans’s actions in responding to the persistent recommendations from John Houbolt that a lunar orbit rendezvous approach was superior to the then-preferred...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Manual

Yes, there were tragic and painful events during this period of great progress, and these are also described in Bob’s report. Certainly, the assassination of President Kennedy on 22 November 1963, only six days after he had visited the launch facilities and walked around the Saturn I launch vehicle, was devastat- ing to the entire United States, including all of us who had been involved in fulfilling his commitment to spaceflight goals. Bob Seamans’s discussion of that terrible event and of his meeting and correspondence with Jacqueline Kennedy shortly after the funeral service depicts one of the warmest, most emotional situa- tions imaginable. That period will...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Report produced for the EC funded project - INNOREGIO: dissemination of innovation and knowledge management techniques

All of this very detailed information, upbeat as well as terrible, is conveyed by Bob Seamans in his fac- tual presentation of the sequence of major activities involved and is amplified by his personal and profes- sional anecdotes. This is truly a unique and important record of the Apollo program’s achievements and the United States’ demonstrated capability and technological preeminence. I hope this capability will be advanced broadly as we move forward with innovative and beneficial aeronautics, space exploration, space science, and applications activities. This book adds substantially to our knowledge base about the Apollo program’s conduct and accomplishments and provides a firm path for further...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


These are not just negative attitudes. They’re very human. Why should people work hard to make a project succeed when their perception is that it’s for someone else’s benefit and that someone else will receive recognition for their work? Therefore, you need to identify the specific features that will give your team members the personal interest and motivation to focus their energy on the project. A team is created not by assigning someone a job but by action and opportunity. Action goes beyond stating that a team exists and expecting it to be true; you need to give the team a chance to act like a...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

An Introduction to Project, Program, and Portfolio Management

Successful teams strike a balance between two conflicting attributes: individual initiative and group needs. On the one hand, each individual wants to believe that he or she has an opportunity to make decisions—the authority to apply his or her talents in coming up with solutions. On the other hand, the larger goal of the project rules, and each individual must work with the others as a single team. How can you achieve a compromise between the desire to satisfy an individual ego and the less personal team priority? The answer is to identify areas of responsibility rather than merely pass out tasks. Building a team is...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

International Digital Curation Curriculum: DigCCurr Project

A critical point concerning this approach: As project manager, you must set boundaries on the range of tasks and also ensure that there is a complete understanding of task goals. For example, a project team member who is assigned the job of interpreting market test data will need you to tell him what tests to apply and to check conclusions with you before simply incorporating them into the final report. As project manager, you must stay in touch with the team, both to supervise when necessary and to be available if problems do arise. But once the team, schedule, and budget have been completed, your...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Negotiations in project sales and delivery process: An application of negotiation analysis

The manager chose two people from her own department to work on the project. She also asked a programmer from data processing to join her team. They met, discussed the project, and decided upon a schedule and deadlines. Then the manager assigned her two employees specific responsibilities. One was asked to design reports that would meet the treasurer’s criteria. The other was asked to define file requirements and changes in input. The two were to meet periodically with the programmer to discuss program changes. The manager’s area of responsibility was to ensure that each employee’s goals were being met and that each phase was being completed on...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

National Library of Australia IT Architecture Project Report

Project managers often run into problems because they try to assign tasks rather than areas of responsibility. In the belief that a highly structured, organized form of management is the only key to project success, they may overlook the need of team members to be given a share of the job, instead of just being told what to do. Scheduling and the giving out of assignments cannot be separated from one another. They are part of the same process of defining areas of responsibility. The person who is given responsibility for a range of duties may be told what to do; or he or she...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

The IT Service Management Forum: An Introductory Overview of ITIL® V3

Whenever a conflict arose, the entire team compared estimates and discussed them. The purpose of this exercise was to identify potential weak links in the schedule and then to plan for them. Ultimately, the project manager allowed each team member to determine his or her own estimate within a phase. The only estimate he imposed on the team member was to complete the phase while adhering to the deadline for the entire project. For some projects the area of responsibility dictates not only tasks but responsibility for an entire phase. For others, one phase will encompass work for several, even for all, of the members. In...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

EGI – European Grid Initiative

The purpose of your meeting is to resolve conflicts so that they won’t recur. Make your position clear: You are meeting because you respect the work of the department, you understand the priority of work, and you want to help. Communicating your desire to work with the manager and not against the goals of his or her department will enlist much more cooperation. Example: One project manager was under a great deal of pressure to complete the last phase of a project. He was already behind schedule, and his boss was applying pressure to finish it up. But two of his team members could not complete...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Lecture 6b Manufacturing - CAM: Instructor(s) Prof. Olivier de Weck

You might be surprised to discover the point of view held by the person who assigned the project to you. In some cases, executives are supportive; in others they are surprised that you can’t solve all problems on your own. Some executives assume that a capable project manager never has to ask for help and that you are competent enough to handle all problems without involving someone else. Given the uncertain nature of some projects and the cultural status in many companies, such points of view may be unrealistic. Nevertheless, some executives do prefer to assign a project and then walk away from it—at least until...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

International Workshop on Software Specification and Design Case Study

• Problem: Emphasis is on assignments, not on people. As a department manager, you are accustomed to facing and overcoming a series of problems. The people working in your department are there on a permanent basis, meaning that their task assignments are usually fixed and well-defined. But as project manager, you face a temporary situation. Problems are unique to the project and nonrecurring in nature. Your team members will not have well-defined areas of responsibility unless you define them. Solution: Pick the right people, not just the right number. You may find yourself thinking about projects in departmental terms, and this could be a mistake....

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


Solution: Lead your team in a different way. Think of your project team differently from how you think of your department. Reduce your role to that of monitor. Watch the budget and the schedule, and ensure that your team comes through; be available to solve problems that your team wants you to solve. For some projects, you may need to work on the same level as your team because of deadline pressures, lack of people on your team, or unexpected problems and delays. But step in only if your team needs you, not because you assume that’s always the best way to proceed. • Problem:...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


In any discussion of a project budget, top management usually begins by asking, “What should this project cost, and is that reasonable?” If the project is optional, the decision to proceed should be based on an estimate of expenses versus future profits. For example, Will the effort reduce operating expenses? Is the project really necessary? The only way to answer these questions is to identify the true cost of the project. Your estimate must include labor expense—the cost of paying members of your project team. This is usually the most significant part of the project budget, but it’s often left out of the budget altogether. Example: A...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00


An effective budget should enable you to monitor progress at each phase and to identify precisely when and why actual expenses vary from your estimate. Thus, your budget cannot be constructed on an overall project basis; it needs to be broken down by phase. All of the budget elements—labor, fixed expenses, and variable expenses—will vary according to the demands of each phase. Some phases will move along relatively quickly and will require minimal team involvement and little or no expense. Others will run to many hours, involve the use of internal and external resources and facilities, and need more detailed monitoring. To identify problems expressed as budget...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Little Black Book of Project Management, The by Michael C. Thomsett

For example, you may have eight phases in your budget. When you have completed phase 2, should your variable expenses and labor equal 25 percent of the total? Not necessarily. The best way to break down the total project budget is on the basis of percentage-of-completion work. As long as labor represents the lion’s share of your expense, the completion phase may be defined by total hours in each phase. The labor-tied method also dictates percentage-of-completion for other expenses, even when expenses do not always follow the same pattern as labor. However, two points offset this disadvantage: First, it is highly probable that expense trends will...

8/30/2018 2:27:23 AM +00:00

Project Management: From Genesis to Content to Classification

A stakeholder is an individual or a group that has an interest in the program, its outcomes or benefits. Stakeholder engagement is the process of identifying and communicating effectively with those people or groups who have an interest or influence on the project’s outcome. Effective communication with key stakeholders, both internal and external, is essential to the program’s success. The development of the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy addresses the vital role of engaging, informing and managing stakeholders in the achievement of public policy. It seeks to ensure that key stakeholders and their interests are identified and strategies are...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Global virtual teams for value creation and project success: A case study

What nature and level of contact is necessary? Consider indirect and direct contact, and if the latter, at what bureaucratic level is contact most appropriate? Would the measure benefit from a communications campaign? What tools and/or communications activities (i.e. newsletter, website, public forums, briefings to the Minister) should be used? The strategy should make clear the intent and logic of consultation with key stakeholders. These should, of course, support the achievement of policy objectives as stated in the scope statement and be adequately costed in the work breakdown structure. Most departments and agencies have their own...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Globalization and Cross-Cultural Issues in Project Management

The success of the implementation of a New Policy Proposal will be judged in terms of the benefits delivered – i.e. the measurable improvements resulting from outcomes which are perceived as an advantage by stakeholders. From the moment the first elements of change are introduced into the operations of a department or agency and on-the-ground in the public arena, expectations will be met or not met. Implementation planning must therefore consider how the transition into this future state will be managed, and how the realisation of benefits will be managed – not only monitored and evaluated. In other words...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


It is not sufficient for departments and agencies to plan to create deliverables without being clear who is accountable for transitioning those deliverables into active use and thereby realisation of benefit. Benefits must be managed from their initial identification to their successful realisation. This requires the planning and management of transition from the old to new ways of doing things for departments, agencies and other stakeholder areas impacted by implementation of the new policy. This element of implementation planning should answer the question – how will we know if the policy objective has been achieved? What method will be...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00


Implementation planning must identify who is accountable for the realisation of benefits – particularly if the stakeholders concerned are external to departments or agencies. You are encouraged to consult the relevant policy area of PM&C in developing your approach to this. Be mindful that the milestones, tracked through the CIU reporting process, will focus on outcomes and benefits, such as the expected impacts or level of user take-up, as well as the development of products, services and programmes and their roll-out. The evaluation methodology should be designed having regard to the objectives and performance measures in your benefits statement....

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Report for ILC-PAC SCRF and ML Technology

The evaluation strategy should include a schedule showing when monitoring and evaluation will occur and who will be responsible for this. Where formal evaluations are undertaken, care must be taken to avoid conflicts of interest. You may need to consider the importance of mid-term evaluations, interim progress reports or post- implementation reviews as a means of providing early feedback to government on progress towards success, and as a means of meeting accountability and transparency requirements. You may also wish to consider the adoption of internal Gateway processes as a way of ensuring continuing alignment between your project and the...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Guide to Implementation Planning: Cabinet Implementation Unit

The development of performance indicators to measure progress, both quantitative and qualitative, should be undertaken with care. If the skills to develop performance indicators are not part of the skill set of the proposed project team, then the project manager may wish to include ‘indicator development’ skills in the ‘Resource’ section and in the ‘Risks’ section of the Implementation Plan. Performance indicators may be developed for both the policy as a whole, and for each phase or activity. Departments and agencies must provide supporting documentation for each indicator identifying information needed, collection cost and method, frequency of reporting,...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Improving Portfolio, Programme and Project Financial Control

The DSS will enable examination of existing conditions, forecasting of future conditions, and simulation of alternatives that will be ecologically sustaining and socially desired. The DSS will address watershed, water quality, water quantity, groundwater and ecosystem restoration needs at the small watershed, major watershed, tributary river, and main stem Minnesota River reach levels of spatial scale. The DSS will enable forecasting future conditions. The primary purpose of the DSS will be to assist in the selection, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of watershed, water quality, water quantity, groundwater, and ecosystem management and restoration measures. The...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00

Agile Project Development at Intel: A Scrum Odyssey

An Interagency Study Team will be formed to refine study goals and guide the modeling and DSS development. The participants on this team will be the lead people representing their respective agencies. The Corps and the EQB may add members to the Interagency Study Team at their discretion. Participation on this team by each member agency will be voluntary but creditable toward the non-Federal cost share as an in-kind service. The Interagency Study Team will make recommendations to the Study Coordination Team regarding conduct of the study; the Corps and the EQB are responsible for decision-making...

8/30/2018 2:23:25 AM +00:00