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Real Coaching and Feedback: How to Help People Improve Their Performance

Overworked managers know that management is about doing the best you can with what you’ve got, in the real world of organisations that are demanding more and more, for less and less.This book is for every manager who knows that if doing that was as easy as most books and trainers make out, they’d be doing it already.The books you’ve read all seem to have been written by people who don’t know what it’s like in the real world of work, and mistake you for a superhero instead of a real manager. You know you could work out a better...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


I have had a lot of shortcomings during my seventy-eight years but lack of prayer has never been one. I have been praying for as far back as I can remember, thanks to my mother, father, and Ruhama Baptist Church. God has always answered my prayers, sometimes yes and sometimes no. It’s amazing but some of the no’s have been some of the wisest things that “never happened” to me.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Sách Life Coaching FOR DUMmIES

Afew years ago I left my well-paid and prestigious job to ven- ture into the scary world of self-employment as a life coach. Many of my colleagues who I’d come to know and love over the years wished me well and asked exactly what I’d be doing. ‘Well,’ said I, ‘I suppose what I’m really interested in is inspiring people to find the right balance, enjoyment, and meaning in their lives.’ ‘Oh,’ they replied, and a faraway look came into their eyes, ‘I could really do with some of that.’ Then their gaze focused back on their overflowing desk and the ringing phone. ‘But I don’t see how...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


People talk lots of hokum about life coaching. Life coaching television programmes, magazines and newspaper columns range in quality from the powerful and inspirational through to the downright misleading and dangerous. True life coaching isn’t about some guru telling you how you should live. Yes, you may be tempted to bask in the comfort of an expert who can fix your life, your fashion sense, your body flaws and your emotional angst. But these fixes are too often like an elegant sticking plaster. Changes don’t last, unless a real change has come from deep within you. True life coaching enables you to call on your very own inner...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

CHALKED Up Inside Elite Gymnastics’ Merciless Coaching, Overzealous Parents, Eating Disorders, and Elusive Olympic Dreams

I’m waiting for the judge to raise her arm and nod her head, signaling to me that it’s my turn. Her polyester royalblue suit with the crest makes her appear pathetically regal, like a homeless woman who used to be a traffic cop, still wearing her uniform with faded pride. Glory days. I whip my head around when the audience gasps. Hope Spivey has fallen from the balance beam. The unthinkable has happened. Opportunity. She was the only true challenger left, and now she’s on the ground, no longer perched high on the beam. ...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching the Little League® Hitter

INTRODUCING THE LATEST ADDITIONS TO THE BEST-SELLING LITTLE LEAGUE GUIDES Packed with valuable information on how to help their players improve at the plate, this guide takes coaches and parents step by step through: Correct techniques of hitting Developmental practice drills Skills kids need to bat .300 And how to have fun along the way

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Be Your Own Sailing Coach 20 Goals for Racing Success

One of the reasons why it is so hard to improve your racing is that sailing is such a time-intensive sport. If you are running, you can start your training session fi ve minutes after you’ve shut your front door, whereas it may take a sailor fi ve hours (or more) to drive to the venue, fully rig the boat and get on the water. This is why full-time sailors have such an advantage over those weekend warriors. If you can sail only at weekends, it can be very unfortunate if there is too much wind to sail on the Saturday and not enough wind on...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

The Power of Self-Coaching The Five Essential Steps to Creating the Life You Want

My father wasn’t a happy man. The stress of his constant anger is probably what killed him at age fifty-two. As did his lack of exercise, lack of self-discipline, deplorable diet, and aversion to doctors. Toward the end of his life he was drawn to gambling—it represented a way out of his cul-de-sac existence. Hitting it big and winning the trifecta represented hope in what was otherwise a sea of hopelessness. I look back at my father now and my heart aches. His life and early death were such wastes. If only I could have shared with him what I know now. If only I could have helped...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching Manual: The Definitive Guide to the Process, Principles & Skills of Personal Coaching

The Coaching Manual is the most current, comprehensive, practical, best-illustrated coaching source I have ever seen. Dr Stephen Covey, author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People This is the practical, readable guide to the skills, insights and perspectives of a highly effective personal coach! Whether you're new to coaching, or have been practicing for some time, The Manual is packed with information that will develop your coaching skills. The Manual provides expert guidance on both what to do and how to do it, right from the start. From simple routines for starting new coaching conversations and asking great...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Executive coaching: Developing managerial wisdom in a world of chaos

Richard Kilburg brings his many years of expertise in working with org anizations in crises to this book on executive coaching. Kilburg demo nstrates how managers untrained in interpersonal skills can, under pre ssure, allow the shadow side of their and their organization's perso nalities to undermine desired change and growth. In clear and engagin g language, Executive Coaching helps consultants and managers understa nd the chaotic processes and psychodynamic problems that can influence executive behavior and performance. This book emphasizes working wit h executives to help them develop wisdom as they learn from mistakes a nd grow in their...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

The wisdom of coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change

During the past decade, consultation activities that focus on managers and senior leaders in organizations have increasingly been referred to as executive coaching. This term has begun to take on a technical meaning within the field of organization development, yet the area of practice has suffered significantly from a relative lack of specific attention to it in the professional literature. The purposes of this chapter are to provide a succinct overview of some of the literature available on the topic, to summarize a way of conceptually understanding the practice of executive coaching, to introduce a preliminary definition of the term as a way of beginning to clarify this practice within the field of...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


Welcome to the second edition of Co-Active Coaching. It is an extraordinary experience to look back and see how much the world of coaching has changed in just a few short years. Back in 1998 when the first edition was published, if you told people you were a coach, their automatic response would likely have been, “Oh? What sport?” Today, the profession of coaching as we know it is widespread, familiar to most, and growing continuously. In our view, it is the demand and desire for coaching that is pulling the profession ever more deeply into the world. As we survey the landscape of coaching today, we see...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO DAY TRADING A Practical Manual From A Professional Day Trading Coach

Day trading can be simple, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that it’s easy. I know that there are many websites and late-night infomercials that try to tell you differently. They make you think that you just have to read a few pages or attend an online class, and then, magically, you’ll become a successful trader.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coach Yourself to Wealth Live the Life You Want

The principles we set out in this book work. For several years now we have been working as WealthCoaches helping people to arrange their money to live a better life. We have applied the principles set out here to many people’s finances over that time, proving that they work in many different situations. Using this book, you too can understand the principles of wealth creation and apply them to your own circumstances. Everyone is different. We all have unique circumstances—no two people, or families, have the same financial situation. Our incomes are all different; our expenditures are all different; what we own is unique, as is what we owe. Even...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Bob Zuppke The Life and Football Legacy of the Illinois Coach

As a youth, I was exposed to football mania in northeastern Ohio. When I was seven, I read about the University of Illinois football team that played Army in the new municipal stadium in Cleveland. In the seventh grade, the boys in my class were photographed as the North Madison Grade School football team. Lacking the ability and time to play on the high school team, I described interscholastic games for the school newspaper. As a college freshman, I played in one game against the local seven-man high school team. In the Navy in World War II, we played flag football and watched professionals and amateurs play for...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Life Coaching A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach

The way you think about events in your life profoundly influences the way you feel about them; change the way you think and this will, in turn, change the way you feel. This is the essence of a widely practised and research-based counselling approach called cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT). Understanding your view of events provides the insight into why you feel and act in the ways that you do (e.g. you are anxious about public speaking and avoid it because you fear that your performance will be less than perfect). Armed with this knowledge, you can then decide if you want to change this viewpoint in...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching, Mentoring and Managing A Coach Guidebook

Tham khảo sách 'coaching, mentoring and managing a coach guidebook', giải trí - thư giãn, thể dục thể thao phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Mentoring-Coaching A guide for education professionals

This book is about mentoring-coaching. It shows how mentoring and coaching are so inseparably linked that they are best viewed as a single process. Hence the hyphen. Research has indicated that there is much for organizations to gain by building mentoring-coaching into the daily practice of leaders and managers at all levels and in all kinds of organization. In work undertaken by Hay McBer and by Daniel Goleman et al. (2002), coaching styles of leadership have been shown to correlate significantly with high levels of performance – output and profits in the private sector, and sustained high standards in public service organizations. The link with sports coaching is highly...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Managing Yourself: Coach Yourself To Optimum Emotional Intelligence

'People skills' are now recognised as being THE single most important factor for success in business. Managing Yourself is a practical, easily absorbed and implemented guide to the assessment and then continuous personal improvement of your emotional intelligence. It provides the reader with easily understood and workable models of how they think, feel, relate to others and perform in the workplace. Often your emotions hold you back or deflect you off course. This book shows you how to master your emotions and get the results you deserve. Discovering how your unconscious and invisible maps significantly influence your emotional intelligence and...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching Standardized Patients For Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence

Many times over the years I have found myself musing about how I ended up working in medicine. On the one hand, my father was a physician, but he discouraged me from following in his footsteps. It was the era when we were told “that’s not a good profession for a woman”—like so many other professions that were not for women in the early 1960s. On the other hand, because I was a young woman, I was free to pursue pretty much anything else I was interested in, which left me free to go where I was being led—to music, to dance, and eventually to film. As...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

FLIRT coach How to Flirt for Friendship, Love and Professional Success

This book is dedicated to Billy Kerr. Billy, because you know what it means to live life positively, being who you are and approaching every day with a smile on your face and hope for the future. That’s why you found your soulmate!

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


Organizational coaching is a premier personal and professional development method in which the coach guides another individual toward the achievement of specifi c goals. In fact, coaching has become the fastest-growing human resource profession over the past two decades. A variety of people function as coaches—for example, managers, mentors, and “professional” coaches, such as certifi ed coaches, human resource personnel, trainers, psychologists, and organizational consultants. With the proliferation of coaches worldwide, it is especially important that individuals who coach others understand what coaching is, how it works, and how to ensure that it actually produces results. Th e following story briefl y illustrates both the potential challenges and dramatic benefi...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Executive wisdom: Coaching and the emergence of virtuous leaders

Pick up any textbook that focuses on human history and you will most probably begin to read a critical assessment of the leaders of the period under study. It is almost axiomatic that history is made by leaders, and in order for later generations to understand what happened to create the foundations for their social, psychological, and physical existence they must understand what the individuals charged with the responsibility for making choices on behalf of large segments of humanity did or did not do. In the past century, the study of leadership itself has taken many turns that have introduced new ways of understanding the phenomenon called leading....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Positive Psychology Coaching

A few years ago, as the world prepared for the change of the millennium, I was living in Calcutta and researching happiness among people living in the slums. I have long had a soft spot in my heart for people living in poverty and have often been inspired by the ways they sometimes rise to the challenges facing them. For anyone who has ever been to Calcutta or traveled through other poor parts of the world, you know the sight of abject poverty can be heartbreaking as well as guilt producing. My time in Calcutta had me thinking about what kind of impact I could make on the lives...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

THE MASTERFUL COACHING FIELDBOOK Grow Your Business, Multiply Your Profits, Win the Talent War! Second Edition

I have been coaching top executives for a decade. In this book I am going to share my secrets of masterful coaching with leaders at all levels.When I wrote Masterful Coaching in 1995, I said that I wanted to map the territory of coaching. I declared that coaching was about expanding people’s capacity to realize an impossible future and win in the great game of business. I articulated the notion that the fastest, most powerful way to develop extraordinary leaders is to coach them to produce extraordinary and tangible results. At the same time, what makes the journey to masterful coaching so fascinating and intriguing is...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching Made Easy: Step-by-Step Techniques That Get Results

This book will help you coach other people simply and easily to improve their performance at work and in any other areas of their lives. We have brought this book together after many years of practice, development, refinement, modelling and analysing what really works for coaches. We have incorporated some of the techniques from disciplines such as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). Other techniques are just ‘common sense’. And some we developed because we couldn’t find anything else that worked to our satisfaction. These techniques will work for you whether you are a full-time coach or coaching is just part of what you do....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Emotional Coaching A practical programme to support young people

Resilient kids ‘bounce back’ from the inevitable crises that come along. Most young people are skilled in dealing with frustration, teasing, disappointments and generally maintain good relationships. For others, emotional control is tricky and any perceived threat is met with furious, sometimes physical defence or taken to heart and added to a store of negative self-concept. Inherited characteristics and the nurturing experience set up patterns of responses, physiology kicks in and emotional first-aid is needed. These young people need a supportive team of people who understand the nature of emotional difficulties and are willing to maintain relationships with them. This team will include parents, teachers, coaches, and when necessary, psychologists...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

The Coaching Handbook: An Action Kit for Trainers & Managers

Everyone is talking about coaching. As people who work within the field of learning and development, we find that we are constantly asked for training in coaching skills and to help organizations introduce coaching schemes. Line managers are told that an important part of their role is coaching. Trainers are increasingly asked to coach individuals. In researching background material for training courses we have found that much of the training and reading material available focuses on the skills of a coach – the art of active listening, asking questions, and summarizing action points. Whilst the skills are essential, there seems to be a lack of an agreed...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

How to Be a Successful Life Coach: A Guide to Setting Up a Profitable Coaching Business

If you have already studied to become a coach you already know the answer to this question. If you think you know exactly what coaching is then you can afford to skip a few pages to Chapter 2 and start thinking about how to develop your coaching skills to the point at which you can run a successful coaching business. If you have any doubts whatsoever then read on. Knowing exactly what we mean by ‘coaching’ is not always as simple as it seems.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Ferguson Career Coach Managing Your Career in the Sports Industry

Managing Your Career in the Sports Industry guides readers through the steps necessary to achieve and sustain a dream career, from assessing your interests and skills, setting goals, planning career actions, and searching for a job to interviewing, entering the field, networking, and thriving in the workplace.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00