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8/30/2018 3:00:37 AM +00:00


Andy Warhol was right. Everyone has their 15 minutes of fame these days. How you perform when your time comes can affect the reputation of your company, how you are seen professionally, and whether the call will ever come again. Many people fear appearing on radio or television. They feel that they will be subjected to an interrogation, and made to reveal their deepest secrets. They think that every journalist is seeking ways to trap them in a corner and cause acute embarrassment.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

The Fundamentals of Literacy Coaching

When I fi rst read the draft of The Fundamentals of Literacy Coaching, a wave of memories and emotions overwhelmed me. Six years ago, I was one of four elementary school principals who initiated the Reading Excellence program in Iowa’s Waterloo Community Schools. I had a lot to learn about such concepts as walk-throughs, gradual release of responsibility, scaffolding, peer coaching, modeling, and cognitive coaching—all while leading the staff of what was then the district’s largest elementary school....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Multiple Streatns OF COACHING INCOME

To be generous, we must first be wealthy. To give, we must have something TO give. To move, for once and for all, beyond worry about money is to open up our ability to live up to our potentialto do our greatest work. With you for company, I am excited about the future we will create ... starting with our wealth. Let's stop ignoring the truth and talk about multiple ways for coaches to earn money. This is about our lives and our livelihoods. Ready, set, engage!

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Performance Coaching: The Handbook for Managers, HR Professionals and Coaches

If you are involved in business training or coaching, this really is the only book you will ever need. Before now, coaching was a muddle of single-model approaches, so finding the right model to get the best results was never certain. In Performance Coaching, Dr. Angus McLeod brings together the fundamentals of all the best practices in coaching and builds up from this foundation. Unlike so many of the coaching books already on the market, this book is for the coaches, not for the clients. Fast, accessible and clearly written, Performance Coaching is comprehensive and rich in real examples of...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Executive Coaching: A Guide for the HR Professional

The purpose of this book is to help human resource professionals and their clients become more savvy consumers of coaching services. With the wide array of coaching services now available in the marketplace, HR professionals need information to allow them to sort through options, ask discerning questions, and understand what constitutes successful coaching engagements.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


If you’re not growing, you’re dying. It’s a basic rule of life here on earth and in the business world today. It’s what drives most of us to be better at what we do and who we are. It’s the desire to “be more.” Because of this desire, the term “coaching” has caught the attention of both the personal-growth and business worlds, creating a multibillion-dollar-a-year industry and a situation in which everyone wants a coach. More than ever, employees are asking for developmental opportunities and managers are being told they need to “coach” their employees on a regular basis....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching High School Basketball

In Coaching High School Basketball, Hall of Famer Bill Kuchar presents an indispensable instruction manual for experienced and rookie coaches alike. A combination of classic tactics and new, cutting-edge strategies, this one-of-a-kind handbook provides easyto- read diagrams and instructions, plus dozens of practice drills to reinforce fundamentals and teach innovative moves.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

The Daily Trading Coach

The goal of The Daily Trading Coach is to teach you as much as possible about coaching, so that you can mentor yourself to success in the financial markets. The key word in the title is “Daily.” This book is designed to be a resource that you can use every day to build upon strengths and overcome weaknesses. After writing two books—The Psychology of Trading and Enhancing Trader Performance—and penning more than 1,800 posts for the Trader- Feed blog (www.traderfeed.blogspot.com/), I thought I had pretty well covered the terrain of trading psychology. Now, just three years after the publication of the performance book, I’ve once again taken electronic pen...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


The journey for this book has been the result of a series of events during the past four years. Like many works before ours, it was simply a story whose time had come. The Background In 2004, Executive Development Associates (EDA) conducted its bi-annual survey of Trends in Executive Development.2 More than 100 Fortune 1000 and Global 500 companies responded. The findings identified executive coaching as the fifth most prevalent learning method among 25 possibilities (Table 1). More importantly, executive coaching represented a top-five learning method for the first time since the study’s inception in 1984. Fifty-six percent of corporations said that they used external executive coaching as a learning...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals, Consultants, and Coaches

The prospect of getting clients—now!—is a delightful concept. It’s a noble endeavor for any business; a desired pot of gold at the end of your rainbow. It is also a tough job, a baffling and daunting task, and a goal not easily reached by the majority of businesses. For those reasons, it is absolutely crucial that you pursue that goal with all the chips stacked in your favor. In Get Clients Now!, C.J. Hayden has stacked those chips for you. They are neatly and generously provided in the upcoming pages—each chip worth far more than its weight in gold. Unlike the chips in a poker game, these chips entail...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


Bien qu’il fût d’essence quasi divine, celui-ci n’avait pas décodé le rêve prémonitoire des sept vaches grasses et des sept vaches maigres. Il n’y a pas de honte à consulter un spécialiste quand l’on est confronté à des questions aussi ardues, à condition de bien clarifier les rôles : c’est bien Pharaon qui est face à la question et qui devra la gérer. Joseph apporte son éclairage, d’un point de vue certes très « pro », mais venant d’un homme hors du système et des jeux de pouvoir, et dont les intérêts sont uniquement ceux de son client....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Responsive Literacy Coaching

These are trying times for teachers. We know more than we ever have about teaching, learning, and literacy and their complexities. Yet we persist with public policies that assume that if we just increase the pressure on teachers to improve their students’ test scores, they will somehow teach better— and perhaps faster—and that children will develop literacies that will engage them and carry them into the future. We persist with administrative strategies based on the assumption that teaching can best be improved by simply having experts write scripted programs for teachers to follow, regardless of the characteristics of the children in their classes. Neither approach is supported by evidence...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Instructional Coaches and Classroom Teachers: Sharing the Road to Success

Looking back in my 26 years in education, I can’t think of a time when a book like this was needed more. Increasingly, we struggle to teach more in less time, prepare students for tests we often find not useful or descriptive, and stay on top of the field by reading new professional titles and research—and we do it all alone. We earnestly seek to improve our teaching practice, but discover how difficult it is to reflect on teaching when we’re so busy just doing it! When we seek another colleague’s perspective, we find that we can’t even have lunch with her—her students are already back in class when...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


This book was written with various readers in mind, including coaching professionals, executives, employees, HR professionals, small business owners, administrators, teachers, doctors, dentists, lawyers, parents, college students, aspiring professionals, and pretty much anyone who interacts with people. Coaching is for anyone who has a desire to help others fi nd their own answers and achieve goals by committing to action. “Coaching is not just a function; it is a state of mind. ”

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching Leaders Guiding People Who Guide Others

Coaching can be seen as a drama replete with possibility, danger, courage, success, and disappointment. In this drama, every client becomes a complex hero facing unique challenges. Every coach-client relationship presents real uncertainties and opportunities. Will clients be able to understand themselves and the situation well enough to accomplish real change? Will they be able to master new skills quickly enough to save the day? Will the coach be able to focus on the client’s real needs rather than the coach’s own assumptions?...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching the Team at Work

While a great deal has been written about coaching individuals, there has been relatively little investigation of coaching teams at work. Yet in discussions with senior human resource and organizational development professionals, this ability is consistently cited as one of the most serious weaknesses in the capability set of managers at all levels. Even in organizations that have made considerable steps towards becoming coaching cultures, 1 the focus of attention for that coaching is the individual. However, few people in organizations work alone. Indeed, the whole point of having an organization is to harness the collective efficiency of people working together....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00


Since you’re reading this, I imagine you want to make some changes to your life, but you’re not entirely sure how to go about it. You’re not alone. That’s why there’s been such a phenomenal growth in life coaching in Britain and many other countries in the past few years. The first time I heard the term was in a talk by the inspirational motivational speaker and author, Anthony Robbins, ten years ago. ‘Some people call me a guru,’ he said, ‘but that’s not true. I’m not a guru, I’m a coach. I coach people to get the best out of themselves.’...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

The naked coach business coaching made simple

This is your book, not mine. Read it as you choose, think whatever you think, write all over it and, above all, please do something as a result of what you read. I have suggested six ‘journeys’. However, the way I have structured this book does not matter. What matters is that you are spending your time and energy in reading it – make that time and investment pay by taking action to help yourself, those whose lives you touch, your team, a project at your organization. This is your own, personal action journal....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching That Counts Harnessing the Power of Leadership Coaching to Deliver Strategic Value

Like so many organizations is today’s global economy, Booz Allen Hamilton requires leadership that is diverse in its thinking, strong in business acumen and open to new ideas and opportunities. Founded in 1914, Booz Allen Hamilton is a strategy and technology consulting firm with more than 16,000 staff located on six continents. We have experienced tremendous growth, averaging 20 percent per year, over the past seven years. This growth has stretched our current leaders and created new challenges for developing future leaders....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

TLC at Work: Training, Leading, Coaching All Types for Star Performance

TLC at Work presents a practical approach for developing workplace competencies. It is designed as a resource for trainers, leaders, coaches, and human resources professionals, and for people who recognize a need to build their performance at work. You can use this book to define, describe, and clarify specific areas of performance key to workplace success. You will learn an effective process for assessing performance gaps and facilitating development in others or in yourself. In Part One of the book, I provide the groundwork for establishing working relationships and facilitating development of people in the workplace. These are the two competencies people in developmental roles must master to be effective...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Mentoring Beginning Teachers: Guiding, Reflecting, Coaching

Th is book has grown out of our own mentoring experiences and studies and from a philosophy that advocates listening, questioning, and collaborating. Using these strategies, mentors help beginning teachers to recognize problems and then to fi nd ways of refl ecting, talking, and responding. As Maya Angelou states, we may infl uence many people we never see; mentors infl uence beginning teachers’ current and future students, making the role of mentoring a vital one for the education profession. We appreciated the warm responses we received to our fi rst book, as well as the questions and suggestions from mentors at workshops and conferences in the United...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Renewal Coaching Workbook

O ur book Renewal Coaching has already had an international impact.We have observed coaches at many levels, from those who are leaders of large organizations with thousands of employees to thosewho are independent practitioners.We have heard from coaches in the business, education, government, and nonprofit sectors. In theUnited States and abroad, their reports are consistent: we need renewal now more than ever, and we need practical tools to help us sustain our work. The Renewal Coaching Workbook is the answer to those requests. In these pages you will find interactive worksheets, assessments, and prompts to help you think, write, react, and most important, inspire others in your journey toward the greater...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

IMPROVING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE through workplace coaching

Supervisors, managers and their co-workers seemed to be attending an awful lot of training courses, but this didn’t seem to have the impact on ‘onthe- job’ performance that it needed to have. In fact many managers were disillusioned with much of the training and development activity going on. At the time, most training programmes suffered from a lack of measurable, clearly specified outcomes and measured results. Most training programmes were evaluated on the ‘Did you enjoy it?’ measure, or people sat for a threehour theory exam. It was rare for any new learning to be assessed on-the-job....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching Evoking Excellence in Others SECOND EDITION

On its surface, James Flaherty’s book looks to be a how-to text for a rapidly emerging set of disciplines and practices called Coaching. Don’t be misled. This book is a lot more than that, although you can read it for no other reason, and it will help you improve your practices as a coach (or as a coachee, a customer of coaching). Not long ago, coaching meant training athletes, performers, and students. Recently, the use of the term has been extended into the worlds of management, leadership, entrepreneurship, and performance in other domains of life....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Improve Your Coaching & Training Skills

Managers have a tough job in the 21st century workplace. There is constant pressure to achieve results, yet constant distractions occur: too little of key resources including money and time, and a pace of change like never before in human history. Furthermore, the stage on which all this takes place is competitive and this fact too adds to the demands to succeed and to keep ahead. Probably management jobs were never easy, but these days they can be downright difficult. But managers have one key asset that makes undertaking their task easier. What is that?...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Be Your Own Career Consultant: How to unlock your career potential

First, a little background. In 1997 the authors were brought together as part of a small team to help deliver a course aimed at teaching people how to take ownership and responsibility for their own careers within a given organization. Happy and excited to do so, we joined in, got briefed and were asked to go away and run two courses back-to-back. By the end of the second course we knew that we had a major job on our hands.

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

50 TopTools for Coaching

This coaching toolkit contains a selection of forms, models and exercises, and an explanation of how and when to use them. We have also included a chapter on setting up the coaching relationship, which provides valuable resources on managing the coaching relationship and your own continuous development. The toolkit is designed to be used like a reference document so that you can dip into the topic you need when you need it. Each tool contains an overview and model diagram so that you get both the words and the big picture. If you want to download the tools, you will find all the templates on the Kogan Page website. Please...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coach U's Essential Coaching Tools: Your Complete Practice Resource

I began my journey in the coaching profession in 1989, when I took a course offered by Thomas Leonard and became certified as a life planner. Over the next five years, I wrote a book, led workshops, and spoke to groups all over the country. During that time, Thomas started Coach U (along with being my own personal coach). I was using my coaching skills at every opportunity, and in 1994 I enrolled in Coach U and became a full-time coach. At that time, most people had no idea what coaching was or how it worked. With the support of my coach, I was coaching 80...

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00

Coaching and Training Your Work Team FIFTH EDITION

Whether you are a tutor/trainer or studying management development to further your career, Super Series provides an exciting and flexible resource to help you to achieve your goals. The fifth edition is completely new and up-to-date, and has been structured to perfectly match the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM)’s new unit-based qualifications for first line managers. It also harmonizes with the 2004 national occupational standards in management and leadership, providing an invaluable resource for S/NVQs at Level 3 in Management....

8/30/2018 3:00:36 AM +00:00