Tài liệu miễn phí Nông nghiệp

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Hợp đồng liên kết trong sản xuất nông nghiệp và việc đảm bảo an ninh lương thực

Bài viết này hy vọng sẽ cung cấp thêm thông tin, làm sáng tỏ những khúc mắc trong thực tế xây dựng và thực thi hợp đồng liên kết trong sản xuất nông nghiệp ở một số ngành hàng, một số địa phương tại Việt Nam. Từ đó có thể rút ra những ngụ ý về mặt chính sách nhằm thúc đẩy phát triển sản xuất nông nghiệp dựa trên hợp đồng và hướng tới đóng góp vào an ninh lương thực quốc gia.

4/7/2023 12:59:13 AM +00:00

Tác động của biến đổi khí hậu, nước biển dâng tới sử dụng đất nông nghiệp ven biển và giải pháp thích ứng

Nhằm đánh giá định lượng mức độ gây thiệt hại của BĐKH, NBD tới sử dụng đất nông nghiệp (gồm các nhóm đất như: Nuôi trồng thủy sản, rừng ngập mặn, đất làm muối và đất trồng lúa) cùng một số điều kiện cơ sở hạ tầng đi kèm, nghiên cứu này tập trung vào tính toán thiệt hại kinh tế của BĐKH, NBD tới sử dụng đất nông nghiệp ở các huyện ven biển tỉnh Nam Định tại các thời điểm năm 2020 - 2050 ứng với mực NBD từ 12- 32 cm (kịch bản RCP6.0) dựa trên bản đồ hiện trạng sử dụng đất 2010, 2015 và bản đồ Quy hoạch sử dụng đất tỉnh Nam Định năm 2020.

4/7/2023 12:58:37 AM +00:00

Chính sách phát triển nông nghiệp bền vững tại một số quốc gia trên thế giới và hàm ý cho Việt Nam

Đối với nông nghiệp, phát triển bền vững đã trở thành xu thế mang tính tất yếu do nhu cầu về nông sản và vai trò của nông nghiệp ngày càng cao, trong khi nguồn lực tự nhiên ngày càng bị khai thác cạn kiệt, do tác động của sự phát triển các ngành phi nông nghiệp và sự biến đổi khí hậu theo chiều hướng ngày càng tiêu cực, do môi trường sinh thái ngày càng bị ô nhiễm. Do đó việc nghiên cứu kinh nghiệm phát triển nong nghiệp bền vững tại một số quốc gia trên thế giới có thể giúp Việt Nam rút ra các bài học kinh nghiệm và tìm ra lối đi riêng trong việc phát triển nông nghiệp bền vững.

4/7/2023 12:58:06 AM +00:00

Chính sách khuyến khích ứng dụng công nghệ cao trong nông nghiệp tại Việt Nam

Bài viết đề cập đến một số vấn đề chính sách có ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến thúc đẩy ứng dụng công nghệ cao trong nông nghiệp, gồm: Tiếp cận đất đai; Tín dụng; Ưu đãi thuế; Hỗ trợ đào tạo, phát triển nguồn nhân lực; Thúc đẩy nông nghiệp ứng dụng công nghệ cao; Cải thiện môi trường đầu tư kinh doanh; Bảo hiểm nông nghiệp.

4/7/2023 12:57:43 AM +00:00

Phát triển ngành hàng lúa gạo tại Việt Nam

Lúa gạo là ngành hàng chủ lực trong sản xuất nông nghiệp và có vị trí quan trọng đối với sự phát triển của nông nghiệp và nông thôn ở Việt Nam. Sự phát triển của ngành lúa gạo một mặt góp phần cho đảm bảo an ninh lương thực quốc gia và mặt khác đóng góp một tỷ trọng lớn trong giá trị xuất khẩu hàng hóa nông sản.

4/7/2023 12:57:19 AM +00:00

Năng suất xanh trong bối cảnh chuyển đổi số thúc đẩy chuỗi giá trị nông nghiệp bền vững

Bài viết trình bày khái niệm năng suất xanh; Năng suất xanh trong bối cảnh chuyển đổi số; Năng suất xanh tạo dựng giá trị bền vững cho sự phát triển chuỗi giá trị nông nghiệp; Những khuyến nghị về năng suất xanh trong bối cảnh đại dịch thúc đẩy phát triển bền vững chuỗi giá trị nông nghiệp.

4/7/2023 12:57:09 AM +00:00

Efficacy of a competitive exclusion culture against extended-spectrum β-lactamaseproducing Escherichia coli strains in broilers using a seeder bird model

Administration of a competitive exclusion culture (CE culture) has the potential to induce protective effects in very young chicks against caecal colonisation by EEC (= extended-spectrum β-lactamases [ESBL] and AmpC-type [AmpC] beta-lactamases producing Escherichia coli).

4/6/2023 11:54:48 PM +00:00

Interventionist videothermometry: A new model of cardiac ischemia evaluation

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, through videothermometry, the temperature variation in the hearts of rabbits, that underwent induced myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. Results: A total of 20 female rabbits were divided into two groups: a treated group and a sham group, the treatment group underwent 5 min of cardiac arrest and reperfusion, using the inflow occlusion technique.

4/6/2023 11:54:41 PM +00:00

MRI perfusion analysis using freeware, standard imaging software

Perfusion-weighted imaging is only scarcely used in veterinary medicine. The exact reasons are unclear. One reason might be the typically high costs of the software packages for image analysis. In addition, a great variability concerning available programs makes it hard to compare results between different studies.

4/6/2023 11:54:33 PM +00:00

Repeated disinfectant use in broiler houses and pig nursery units does not affect disinfectant and antibiotic susceptibility in Escherichia coli field isolates

Disinfectants are frequently used in animal production to reduce or eliminate the load of infectious agents and parasites in buildings and equipment associated with the housing or transportation of animals. There are growing concerns that the use of disinfectants would select for resistance to antibiotics and disinfectants.

4/6/2023 11:54:27 PM +00:00

Fatal metaldehyde poisoning in a dog confirmed by gas chromatography

Metaldehyde is a toxic pesticide used mainly as a molluscicide, responsible for intoxication and deaths in both humans and animals. Accidental exposure to metaldehyde in dogs is considered rare, but severe. Data concerning clinical and veterinary forensic toxicology are largely incomplete, especially regarding case reports in dogs.

4/6/2023 11:54:16 PM +00:00

Identification of single-nucleotide variants associated with susceptibility to Salmonella in pigs using a genome-wide association approach

Salmonella enterica serovars are a major cause of foodborne illness and have a substantial impact on global human health. In Canada, Salmonella is commonly found on swine farms and the increasing concern about drug use and antimicrobial resistance associated with Salmonella has promoted research into alternative control methods, including selecting for pig genotypes associated with resistance to Salmonella.

4/6/2023 11:54:09 PM +00:00

Medical infrared thermal imaging of syringomyelia in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Medical infrared thermal imaging (MITI) is a non-invasive imaging modality gaining popularity in the veterinary field. An infrared camera captures emission of heat and creates a color map in the form of a thermogram. Topical heat emission is influenced by localized disease processes as a result of autonomic nervous system imbalance.

4/6/2023 11:54:02 PM +00:00

Prognostic potential of pre-partum blood biochemical and immune variables for postpartum mastitis risk in dairy cows

Mastitis is the most frequent diseases for transition cows. Identification of potential biomarkers for diagnosis of mastitis is important for its prevention. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate blood variables related to lipid metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammation, and serum variables that are related to health in postpartum cows.

4/6/2023 11:53:54 PM +00:00

Seroprevalence and risk factors of canine distemper virus in the pet and stray dogs in Haa, western Bhutan

Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) is a highly contagious virus belonging to family Paramyxovirade, genus Morbillivirus and responsible for high morbidity and mortality in dogs worldwide. Infected domestic dogs can cause spillover infections to wild carnivores that are in contact.

4/6/2023 11:53:44 PM +00:00

Influence of two different feeding strategies in the dry period on dry matter intake and plasma protein peroxidative and antioxidative profile during dry period and early lactation

Dairy cows undergo dramatic changes in endocrine and metabolic status around parturition and in early lactation. Meeting the nutritional requirements of transition dairy cows is important for animal health, production and animal wellbeing. Dry cow feeding and managing play an essential role in this.

4/6/2023 11:53:33 PM +00:00

Serological and molecular evidence of Brucella species in the rapidly growing pig sector in Kenya

Brucellosis is an emerging yet neglected zoonosis that has been reported in Kenya. Epidemiological data on brucellosis in ruminants is readily accessible; however, reports on brucellosis in pigs remain limited. This study sought to detect Brucella infection in pig serum by both serological and molecular techniques.

4/6/2023 11:53:26 PM +00:00

High frequency of benzimidazole resistance alleles in trichostrongyloids from Austrian sheep flocks in an alpine transhumance management system

Infections of small ruminants with trichostrongyloid nematodes often result in reduced productivity and may be detrimental to the host. Anthelmintic resistance (AR) against most anthelmintic drug classes is now widespread amongst the trichostrongyloids.

4/6/2023 11:53:20 PM +00:00

Profiling Italian cat and dog owners’ perceptions of pet food quality traits

Over recent years, pet owners have started to demonstrate increased sensitivity toward their companion animals, which includes an increase in the attention paid towards their nutrition, seen as a way of safeguarding their pets’ welfare.

4/6/2023 11:53:14 PM +00:00

Rapid and visual detection of porcine deltacoronavirus by recombinase polymerase amplification combined with a lateral flow dipstick

Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a newly emerging Coronavirus that was first identified in 2012 in Hong Kong, China. Since then, PDCoV has subsequently been reported worldwide, causing a high number of neonatal piglet deaths and significant economic losses to the swine industry. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a highly sensitive and specific method for the rapid diagnosis of PDCoV.

4/6/2023 11:53:06 PM +00:00

Live-attenuated Salmonella enterica serotype Choleraesuis vaccine with regulated delayed fur mutation confer protection against Streptococcus suis in mice

Recombinant Salmonella enterica serotype Choleraesuis (S. Choleraesuis) vaccine vector could be used to deliver heterologous antigens to prevent and control pig diseases. The recombinant vaccine rSC0012(pS-SaoA) conferred high percentage of protection against S. suis or S. Choleraesuis challenge in BALB/C mice.

4/6/2023 11:52:58 PM +00:00

Epidemiology and clinico-pathological characteristics of current goat pox outbreak in North Vietnam

In view of the current swine fever outbreak and the government aspiration to increase the goat population, a need arises to control and prevent outbreaks of goat pox. Despite North Vietnam facing sporadic cases of goat pox, this most recent outbreak had the highest recorded morbidity, mortality and case fatality rate.

4/6/2023 11:52:51 PM +00:00

Characterization of Clostridium novyi isolated from a sow in a sudden death case in Korea

Multifocal spherical nonstaining cavities and gram-positive, rod-shaped, and endospore-forming bacteria were found in the liver of a sow that died suddenly. Clostridium novyi type B was identified and isolated from the sudden death case, and the isolate was characterized by molecular analyses and bioassays in the current study.

4/6/2023 11:52:44 PM +00:00

Prevalence of Dal blood type and dog erythrocyte antigens (DEA) 1, 4, and 7 in canine blood donors in Italy and Spain

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Dal, and DEA 1, 4, 7 blood types, in a population of canine blood donors from Italy and Spain. Three hundred and twenty blood donor dogs receiving an annual health evaluation were included in the study. DEA 1 blood type was determined using an immunochromatographic strip technique while Dal, DEA 4 and 7 blood types were determined with polyclonal antisera using agglutination on gel columns.

4/6/2023 11:52:38 PM +00:00

A case-control study to identify risk factors for adult-onset idiopathic megaoesophagus in Australian dogs, 2017–2018

Epidemiological investigations were carried out following detection of an outbreak of megaoesophagus in Victorian Police working dogs in early 2018 and an increase in the number of canine megaoesophagus cases reported by companion animal veterinarians in Eastern Australia starting in late 2017.

4/6/2023 11:52:28 PM +00:00

Computed tomographic features of the prostatic gland in neutered and intact dogs

Aim was to investigate age-dependent changes in the prostate of castrated dogs in computed tomographic (CT) examination. Thirty-six canine prostates were evaluated in pre- and post-contrast CT scans. Dogs were divided in groups with homogenous prostatic tissue (25/36) and with tissue alterations (11/36). Prostatic attenuation in Hounsfield Units (HU) and prostatic size were measured and a ratio of the prostatic size to the sixth lumbar vertebra was calculated.

4/6/2023 11:52:22 PM +00:00

Spatial distribution and incidence of bovine neonatal pancytopenia in Bavaria, Germany

Bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) is a haemorrhagic disease of neonatal calves. BNP was first described in Germany in 2009, later on also in other European countries, and in New Zealand in 2011. The disease is characterised by spontaneous bleeding, pancytopaenia in the bone marrow, and a high case fatality ratio.

4/6/2023 11:52:15 PM +00:00

Postmortem findings in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) caught in a drift gillnet

Penguin interaction with gillnets has been extensively reported in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and is considered a major conservation threat. Among penguin species, Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) are currently considered of great concern, particularly in Brazil, where they are highly susceptible to gillnet bycatch. Nevertheless, information about drowning-associated microscopic findings in penguins is limited.

4/6/2023 11:52:07 PM +00:00

Bovine Alphaherpesvirus 2 infections in Bavaria: An analysis of the current situation - several years after eradicating Bovine Alphaherpesvirus 1

Bavaria, a large federal state in Germany, has been declared free from infections with Bovine Alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) in 2011. To maintain this status the cattle population is monitored for antibodies against BoHV-1 regularly. Several years ago, infrequent but recurrent problems in this sero-surveillance were statistically put into correlation with the presence of antibodies against Bovine Alphaherpesvirus 2 (BoHV-2).

4/6/2023 11:51:56 PM +00:00

Whole genome sequence comparison of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli from acute and chronic salpingitis of egg laying hens

Infection in the oviduct (salpingitis) is the most common bacterial infection in egg laying hens and is mainly caused by Escherichia coli. The disease is responsible for decreased animal welfare, considerable economic loss as well as a risk of horizontal and vertical transmission of pathogenic E. coli.

4/6/2023 11:51:49 PM +00:00