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Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 9: Hazardous Waste Management (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 8: Hazardous Waste Management (CE 431) provide students with knowledge about source-specific wastes - sludge and wastewater from treatment and production processes in specific industries, such as petroleum refining and wood preserving.

4/6/2023 10:57:44 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 8: Ultimate disposal of dolid waste (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 7: Ultimate disposal of dolid waste (CE 431) provide students with knowledge about sanitary Landfill is an engineered method for land disposal of solid and hazardous wastes in a manner that protects the environmental and public health.

4/6/2023 10:57:37 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 7: Composting (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 7: Composting (CE 431) provide students with knowledge about accomplishes all three rs – reduce, reuse and recycle advantages of composting.

4/6/2023 10:57:31 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 6a: Recycle, reuse, resource recovery (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 6a: Recycle, reuse, resource recovery (CE 431) provide students with knowledge about involves recovery of resources from the waste stream in the form of both materials and energy.

4/6/2023 10:57:23 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 6: Anaerobic digestion/biogasification (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 6: Anaerobic digestion/biogasification (CE 43) provide students with knowledge about biogasification, biogas generation, fermentation, methane fermentation and methane production.

4/6/2023 10:57:16 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 5: Transfer (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 4: Transfer (CE 43) provide students with knowledge about transfer stations are the sites on which transfer of waste is carried out, placed on small and then larger vehicles for transportation over long distances directly to the processing or final disposal site.

4/6/2023 10:57:08 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 4: Collection and transfer of solid waste (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 4: Collection and transfer of solid waste (CE 43) provide students with knowledge about collection of solid waste (by external stakeholders) from its various sources or from communal storage facilities, and transportation of this waste to the place of final disposal.

4/6/2023 10:57:02 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 3: Source Reduction, on-site handling and processing of solid waste (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 3: Source Reduction, on-site handling and processing of solid waste (CE 43) provide students with knowledge about first element of any waste management chain for achieving integrated management of solid wastes. Waste minimization refers to waste avoidance through the actions of the waste generators to avoid generating solid waste.

4/6/2023 10:56:53 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 2: Physical and chemical properties of solid waste (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 1: Physical and chemical properties of solid waste (CE 43) provide students with knowledge about materials are materials that are degraded easily by microorganisms (either aerobic or anaerobic), into their basic elements. Most organic solid wastes are biodegradable.

4/6/2023 10:56:47 PM +00:00

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 1: Instructor autobiography (CE 431)

Lecture Solid waste management - Chapter 1: Instructor autobiography provide students with knowledge about physical and chemical properties of solid wastes; Solid wastes generation; On-site handling, storage and processing and collection of solid wastes.

4/6/2023 10:56:35 PM +00:00

Lecture CE 413: Introduction to Hydrology

Lecture CE 413: Introduction to Hydrology provide students with knowledge about what makes up the hydrological cycle: Precipitation, evaporation, Infiltration/percolation and surface runoff.

4/6/2023 10:49:01 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 9

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 9 after studying this section will help you understand: sources and processes of water pollution (surface water and groundwater). National drinking water standards (Maximum contaminant level for inorganics, organic chemicals , herbicides, VOCs and microbiological organisms).

4/6/2023 10:48:54 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 8

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 8 after studying this section will help you understand: Stationary and mobile sources of air pollution, idealized diagram showing some parts of the human body (brain, cardiovascular system and pulmonary system).

4/6/2023 10:48:43 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 7

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 7 after studying this section will help you understand: Rain-fed floods generally happen in the deltas in the southwestern part of the country and are increasing in low-lying urban areas. River floods are the most common; the areas are inundated during monsoon season along the river and in cases far beyond the riverbanks.

4/6/2023 10:48:33 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 6b

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 6b after studying this section will help you understand: Wetlands of coastal and marine origin are less important in Bangladesh. The haors, baors, beels and jheels are of fluvial origin and are commonly identified as freshwater wetlands. These freshwater wetlands occupy four landscape units - floodplains, freshwater marshes, lakes and swamp forests.

4/6/2023 10:48:22 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 6a

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 6a after studying this section will help you understand: Freshwater is an irreplaceable resource, most of the earth’s freshwater Is not available to Us, long-term severe drought is increasing.

4/6/2023 10:48:16 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 5

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 5 after studying this section will help you understand the demographic divide: feveloped and developing nations.

4/6/2023 10:48:07 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 4

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 4 after studying this section will help you understand: the interaction of the biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem can help us to see why particular human activities may be a problem for human survival.

4/6/2023 10:48:00 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 3

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 3 after studying this section will help you understand: man and environment, major components of environment.

4/6/2023 10:47:51 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 2

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 2 after studying this section will help you understand: Regardless of conversion, keeping track of units makes things come out right, must use conversion factors, canceling out units is a way of checking that your calculation is set up right.

4/6/2023 10:47:44 PM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 1

Lecture Introduction to civil and environmental engineering (CE 107): Chapter 1 after studying this section will help you understand: Instructor information; History of civil engineering; Course Overview; Course outline; Introduction to Civil Engineering.

4/6/2023 10:47:35 PM +00:00

Cơ sở khoa học xây dựng hệ thống quan trắc, giám sát các tai biến địa kỹ thuật môi trường đới động sông Hồng khu vực Hà Nội

Bài viết đưa ra cơ sở xây dựng hệ thống quan trắc, giám sát phục vụ phòng chống tai biến Địa kỹ thuật môi trường trên nguyên tắc xây dựng mạng lưới tuyến, điểm quan trắc từ đó đề xuất phương pháp đánh giá và thiết lập hệ thống quan trắc. Căn cứ cơ bản thiết lập bản đồ phân vùng dự báo nguy cơ của từng tai biến khu vực Đới động sông Hồng Hà Nội phục vụ nghiên cứu, khai thác sử dụng hiệu quả nguồn tài nguyên.

4/6/2023 10:33:02 PM +00:00

Quản lý chất thải rắn trong quản lý đô thị Việt Nam - những tồn tại và giải pháp

Bài viết nghiên cứu thực trạng công tác quản lý chất thải rắn trong quá trình quản lý đô thị Việt Nam. Kết quả đó góp phần quan trọng trong việc nhận thức được mức độ nguy hại của chất thải rắn đối với môi trường và đời sống, sức khỏe của người dân đô thị.

4/6/2023 8:14:25 PM +00:00

Rock mechanics and engineering (Second edition): Part 2

Rock mechanics and engineering (Second edition): Part 2 has present the contents rock mechanics and engineering; rock slopes and rock slides; galleries, tunnels, mines and underground excavations; rock mechanics and dam foundations; case histories; dam foundations and tunnelling; incidents, accidents, dam disasters; the Vajont rock slide; two examples of rock slopes supported with cables;...

4/6/2023 7:29:56 PM +00:00

Rock mechanics and engineering (Second edition): Part 1

Rock mechanics and engineering (Second edition): Part 1 has present the contents introduction to rock mechanics; the historical development of rock mechanics; engineering geology and rock mechanics; rock material and rock masses; fundamental concepts and description of fissures; physical and mechanical properties of rock material; residual stresses in rock masses in situ;...

4/6/2023 7:29:49 PM +00:00

Principles of Rock Mechanics: Part 2

Principles of Rock Mechanics: Part 2 has present the contents tensors and deformation analysis; mathematical review; stress tensors; strain and strain tensors; deformation and deformation tensors; particle movements and stream functions; deformation of single layers; practical strain analysis;...

4/6/2023 7:28:38 PM +00:00

Principles of Rock Mechanics: Part 1

Principles of Rock Mechanics: Part 1 has present the contents mechanics and rheology; introduction to rock mechanics; physical quantities and continua; force, pressure, and stress; stress ellipsoid and sign conventions; elasticity; brittle failure; ductile creep; viscosity and flow laws;...

4/6/2023 7:28:28 PM +00:00

Introduction to Rock Mechanics (Second edition): Part 2

Introduction to Rock Mechanics (Second edition): Part 2 has present the contents applications of rock mechanics to rock slope engineering; applications of rock mechanics to foundation engineering; stresses; strains and strains rosettes; identification of rocks and minerals; derivations of equations; the use of stereographic projection;...

4/6/2023 7:18:40 PM +00:00

Introduction to Rock Mechanics (Second edition): Part 1

Introduction to Rock Mechanics (Second edition): Part 1 has present the contents introduction, classification and index properties of rocks; rocks strength and failure criteria; planes of weakness in rocks; deformability of rocks; applications of rock mechanics in engineering for underground openings;...

4/6/2023 7:18:30 PM +00:00

Nghiên cứu xây dựng quy trình nhân giống từ hạt cây chùm ngây ở giai đoạn vườn ươm và xác định, đánh giá hàm lượng một số kim loại trong lá cây chùm ngây (Moringa oleifera) trồng ở khu vực thành phố Đồng Hới tỉnh Quảng Bình bằng phương pháp quang phổ hấp thụ nguyên tử

Nghiên cứu này đã bước đầu xây dựng được quy trình nhân giống cây chùm ngây ở giai đoạn vườn ươm tại địa phương. Xây dựng, thiết kế các mô hình ươm cây chùm ngây với các tiêu chí kĩ thuật khác nhau như: Đất đóng bầu, tiêu chuẩn kích thước bầu…. Sau sáu tuần theo dõi, chăm sóc chúng tôi thu được kết quả về sinh trưởng và phát triển của cây ở chỉ tiêu các loại đất thì chiều cao và đường kính của cây theo thứ tự sau: Đất rừng > Đất ruộng > Đất cát vùng ven biển > Đất vườn đồi.

4/6/2023 2:54:46 PM +00:00