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Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 17

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 17 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 18

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 18 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 19

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 19 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 20

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 20 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 21

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 21 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 22

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 22 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 23

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 23 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 24

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 24 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 25

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 25 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 26

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 26 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 27

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 27 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 28

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 28 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 29

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 29 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 30

Oracle Database Administration for Microsoft SQL Server DBAs part 30 takes the administration topics with which the SQL Server DBA is familiar, translates them into Oracle terms, and then expands on Oracle functionality. Definitions and comparative terms run throughout the book so the SQL Server DBA can easily leverage existing knowledge. This Oracle Press guide also expands on some of the features in Oracle that do not match up directly with SQL Server, and looks at other processes often performed on an Oracle database that would not typically be a standard practice in SQL Server environments....

8/29/2018 6:47:00 PM +00:00

CCNA Security 1.0

This document is exclusive property of Cisco Systems, Inc. Permission is granted to print and copy this document for non-commercial distribution and exclusive use by instructors in the CCNA Security course as part of an official Cisco Networking Academy Program. Network attacks have resulted in the loss of sensitive data and significant network downtime. When a network or the resources in it are inaccessible, worker productivity can suffer, and business income may be lost. Attackers have developed many tools over the......

8/29/2018 6:43:55 PM +00:00

CCNA LabPro - Đặng Quang Minh

Tài liệu về CCNA Labpro giúp người đọc nắm bắt được những kiến thức rất cơ bản của một hệ thống mạng doanh nghiệp. Bước đầu tiếp xúc, làm quen với công nghệ mạng cisco và vận hành trên thiết bị mạng của cisco. Mời các bạn tham khảo

8/29/2018 6:39:58 PM +00:00

Giáo trình môn CCNA - TTĐT Quản trị mạng Athena

CCNA (Cisco Certificated Network Academy) là chứng chỉ cơ sở về mạng của hãng Cisco. Cisco thường liên kết với các trường đại hoc để ủy quyền đào tạo chứng chỉ này. Đạt được chứng chỉ này học viên có thể có được những kiến thức cơ bản để thiết kế hay quản trị một mạng máy tính với số nút mạng dưới 200 nút và không hạn chế những thủ tục giao tiếp như IP, IGRP, IPX, Serial, Apple Talk, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLANs. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo tài liệu để nắm được kiến thức về CCNA

8/29/2018 6:39:58 PM +00:00

Đề thi Winform 14,5 của Aptech

Đây là bộ đè thi Win form của Aptech, Bộ đề gồm 95 câu trắc nghiệm , có sẵn lời giải , các bạn có thê dùng để kham khảo.Chúc mọi người thi tốt .

8/29/2018 5:58:49 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 1

Exchange 2007 Install Exchange Server 2007 I. Các bước chuẩn bị: 1. Máy làm Domain Controller 2. Raise Doman Functional Level 3. Install IIS, có ASP.Net (không cần SMTP, NNTP như Ex2K3) 4. Install các chương trình cần thiết hỗ trợ cho việc cài đặt Exchange Server 2K7 a. Install Net Framework 2.0 b. Install MMC 3.0 c. Install MS PowerShell 3.0 d. Install Hotfix cho Net Framework 2.0 5. Install Exchange Server

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 2

Exchange 2007 Màn hình setup của Exchange Server 2K7 sau khi instal .Net,MMC 3.0 và MS Windows Powershell Lưu ý : Tuy trong chương trình không thông báo, nhưng bạn phải install chương trình Hotfix cho .Net Framework thì bạn mới có thể install Exchange Server 2007. Chạy file NDP20-KB926776-X86.exe và thực hiện theo wizard 6. Install Exchage Server 2007 : (Phiên bản 120 ngày) – Chạy file setup.exe Step 4 : Install Microsoft Exchange click lên.......... ...

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 3

Exchange 2007 Dùng MS Outlook 2007 cấu hình mail client cho Administrator a. Mở MS.Outlook 2007, trong màn hình Welcome to the Outlook … b. Trong màn hình E-mail account, check vào ô Yes Next Next Trong cửa sổ Auto accounts setup, nhấn Next (nếu muốn MS Outlook tự kết nối với Exchange Server) hoặc đánh dấu chọn vào ô Manually configure server …

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 4

Exchange 2007 Trong hộp thoại SMTP address, nhập vào email add bên ngoài của user OK g. Trong màn hình Configuration Sumary, nhấn New h. Trong màn hình Completion, nhấn Finish i. Mở MS Outlook 2007, dùng profile của Administrator, vào trong Global Address List, sẽ thấy email address của các user mới tạo 4. Tạo Contact Mở Exchange Managemen t Console nhấn phải chuột trên Mail Contact New Mail Contact

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 5

Exchange 2007 Store Management I. Mục đích: Tạo mới và khảo sát các thuộc tính của các Mailbox Store và Storage Group - Tạo Storage Group - Tạo Mailbox Database - Các thuộc tính của các Database II. Các bước chuẩn bị: Máy đã cài Exchange 2007 và Outlook 2007 III. Thực hiện: 7. Tạo Storage Group : tên là Sale Staff a. Trong Exchange Management Console Server Configuaration Mailbox. Nhấn phải chuột trên Computer name New Storage Group b. Trong Storage Group name, nhạp vào Sale Staff Next ...

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 6

Exchange 2007 Các thuộc tính của các Database a. Journal : Đặt thuộc tính Journal cho Mailbox Database Sale Staff, những nhân viên nằm trong Mailbox database Sale Staff khi trao đổi email sẽ được lưu về cho admin 1 bản Trong Server Configuration Mailbox nhấn phải chuột trên Sale Staff Properties ..........

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 7

Exchange 2007 nhận được danh sách các thành viên co cùng thuộc tính state là VSIC-HCM OK Trong màn hình này, click Next Nhấn Next Logon bằng t1 thấy được address list VSICHCM Tương tự cho VSIC-HN 4. OFFLINE ADDRESS LIST : Tạo Ofline Address Book cho nhóm “Tech” tại HCM

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 8

Exchange 2007 Email Address Policy Mục đích: Dùng Email Address Policy để thay đổi email address của các Recipient II. Các bước chuẩn bị: Máy đã cài Exchange 2007 và Outlook 2007 - Tạo user Hoang Minh Chau (hmchau@vsiclab.net) - Tạo user Chung Tan Loc (ctloc@vsiclab.net) có thuộc tính Company là : itvietnam.com III. Thực hiện: 1. Chỉnh sửa Default Email Policy : Đổi tên domain VSICLAB.COM VSICOPENLAB.NET và ghép First name, Last name thành email address a. Quan sát email address default : Properties trên mailbox của user chọn tab Email address quan sát sau đó đóng lại...

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 9

Exchange 2007 Trong màn hình Conditions Next Hộp thoại Microsoft Exchange xuất hiện Yes Trong trang Actions đánh dấu check vào ô Append disclaimer text using font, size, color … . Trong phần Step 2: click vào dòng disclaimer text màu xanh f. Nhập vào thông tinh. VD : VSIC EDUCATION

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 10

Exchange 2007 Internet Protocol I. Mục đích: Triển khai các Internet Protocol : SMTP, POP3, IMAP, HTTP, RPC over HTTPs cho các client không sử dụng MAPI II. Các bước chuẩn bị: Máy đã cài Exchange 2007 và Outlook 2007 - Tạo user hpbao và User u1 và cho group Users logon locally - Tạo alias name : mail có IP trỏ đến chính máy exchange III. Thực hiện: 1. SMTP và POP3 a. Cấu hình Service POP3 chứng thực ở chế độ plain text: Gõ vào lệnh sau : Set-PopSettings –LoginType PlainTextLogin Kiểm tra kết quả b. Start services POP3 VSIC Education Corporation...

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 11

Exchange 2007 Incoming mail & Outgoing mail : localhost Trong Server Properties chọn My server require authentication = ..... Outlook Web Access: Cấu hình IIS để HTTP và HTTPs (Default : Exchange 2007 chỉ hổ trợ HTTPS)

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00

Exchange 2007 part 12

Exchange 2007 SMTP I. Mục đích: Tìm hiểu cơ chế hoạt động của SMTP II. Các bước chuẩn bị: Máy đã cài Exchange 2007 và Outlook 2007 - Tạo user hpbao và cấu hình OE để user check mail bằng POP3 III. Thực hiện: 1. Dùng SMTP command để gởi mail trực tiếp a. Dùng nslookup để tìm MX record của mail server cần gởi

8/29/2018 5:58:20 PM +00:00