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Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 32: Motivation

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 32: Motivation. The main topics covered in this chapter include: function prints an array of integer elements, consider the Array class that wraps an array of integers, boolean variables, generic programming, function templates,...

4/8/2023 2:42:11 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 31: Multiple inheritance

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 31: Multiple inheritance. The main topics covered in this chapter include: a class can inherit from more then one class, public Transmitter, public Receiver, calling such function will result in ambiguity, data member,...

4/8/2023 2:42:04 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 30: Polymorphism – Case study

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 30: Polymorphism – Case study. The main topics covered in this chapter include: polymorphism – case study, a simple payroll application, problem statement, OO model, class employee, class SalariedEmp, class HourlyEmp, class CommEmp, void generatePayroll,...

4/8/2023 2:41:58 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 29: Abstract class

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 29: Abstract class. The main topics covered in this chapter include: implements an abstract concept, cannot be instantiated, used for inheriting interface and/or implementation, concrete concept, abstract classes in C++, pure virtual functions, shape hierarchy,...

4/8/2023 2:41:50 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 28: Problem statement

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 28: Problem statement. The main topics covered in this chapter include: develop a function that can draw different types of geometric shapes from an array, shape hierarchy, drawing a scene, function drawshapes(), required switch logic, equivalent if logic,...

4/8/2023 2:41:44 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 27: Class collection

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 27: Class collection. The main topics covered in this chapter include: class collection, class set, specialization (restriction), private inheritance, class hierarchy, class GrandParent,...

4/8/2023 2:41:36 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 26: Hierarchy of inheritance

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 26: Hierarchy of inheritance. The main topics covered in this chapter include: represent the classes involved in inheritance relation in tree like hierarchy, direct base class, indirect base class, base class initialization list, GrandParent class,...

4/8/2023 2:41:27 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 25: Overriding member functions of base class

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 25: Overriding member functions of base class. The main topics covered in this chapter include: overriding member functions of base class, derived class can override the member functions of its base class, overloading vs. overriding, hierarchy of inheritance,...

4/8/2023 2:41:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 24: Copy constructor

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 24: Copy constructor. The main topics covered in this chapter include: compiler generates copy constructor for base and derived classes, if needed, derived class Copy constructor is invoked which in turn calls the Copy constructor of the base class, the base part is copied first and then the derived part,...

4/8/2023 2:41:10 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 23: Date class

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 23: Date class. The main topics covered in this chapter include: creating specialdate class, modify access specifier, modified date class, modified AddSpecialYear, protected members, breaks encapsulation, public inheritance models the “IS A” relationship,...

4/8/2023 2:41:04 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 22: Inheritance in classes

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 22: Inheritance in classes. The main topics covered in this chapter include: inheritance in classes, UML notation, inheritance in C++, IS A relationship, public inheritance, public members of base class become public member of derived class,...

4/8/2023 2:40:58 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 21: Unary operators

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 21: Unary operators. The main topics covered in this chapter include: unary operators, behavior of ++ and -- for pre-defined types, post-increment operator ++, post-decrement --, member function definition, friend function definition,...

4/8/2023 2:40:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 20: Other binary operators

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 20: Other binary operators. The main topics covered in this chapter include: other binary operators, efficiently change a single character, elegant solution, subscript operator, member function,...

4/8/2023 2:40:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 19: Stream insertion operator

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 19: Stream insertion operator. The main topics covered in this chapter include: compiler error: binary, operand of type ‘class Complex’, class complex, void operator, friend ostream, stream extraction operator,...

4/8/2023 2:40:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 18: Assignment operator

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 18: Assignment operator. The main topics covered in this chapter include: modify the operator = function as follows, self-assignment properly handled, primitive types, other binary operators, friend functions minimize encapsulation,...

4/8/2023 2:40:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 17: Binary operators

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 17: Binary operators. The main topics covered in this chapter include: overloading + operator, complex operator, modifying the complex class, assignment operator, other binary operators are overloaded very similar,...

4/8/2023 2:40:24 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 16: Operator overloading

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 16: Operator overloading. The main topics covered in this chapter include: operator overloading, function implementation, perform operations in a single mathematical statement, converting it to C++ code will involve complicated mixture of function calls,...

4/8/2023 2:40:18 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 15: Composition

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 15: Composition. The main topics covered in this chapter include: conceptual notation, to assign meaningful values to the object, the function SetString is called explicitly in the constructor, sub-object name in the student class can be initialized using the constructor,...

4/8/2023 2:40:09 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 14: Composition

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 14: Composition. The main topics covered in this chapter include: creating objects of one class inside another class, conceptual notation, main function, constructors of the sub-objects are always executed before the constructors of the master class,...

4/8/2023 2:40:02 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 13: Pointer to Objects

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 13: Pointer to Objects. The main topics covered in this chapter include: pointer to objects, dynamically allocate objects, allocation with new operator, breakup of new operation, allocating space in memory, calling the appropriate constructor,...

4/8/2023 2:39:55 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 12: Static data member

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 12: Static data member. The main topics covered in this chapter include: class vs. instance variable, defining static data member, initializing static data member, accessing static data member, life of static data member,...

4/8/2023 2:39:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 11: Problem

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 11: Problem. The main topics covered in this chapter include: student class, modified student class, member initializer list, order of initialization, const objects, constant data members, static variables,...

4/8/2023 2:39:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 10: Pointer

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 10: Pointer. The main topics covered in this chapter include: separation of interface and implementation, complex number, old implementation, new implementation, const member functions, this pointer and const member function,...

4/8/2023 2:39:36 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 8: Member functions

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 8: Member functions. The main topics covered in this chapter include: function inside class body, function outside class body, inline functions, constructor, default constructor, constructor overloading, copy constructor,...

4/8/2023 2:39:30 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 7: Class

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 7: Class. The main topics covered in this chapter include: type in C++, abstraction, defining a new user defined type, object and class, declaring class variables, variables of classes, accessing members,...

4/8/2023 2:39:24 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 6: Class compatibility

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 6: Class compatibility. The main topics covered in this chapter include: a class is behaviorally compatible with another if it supports all the operations of the other class, derived class is usually a subtype of the base class,...

4/8/2023 2:39:17 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 5: Multiple inheritance

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 5: Multiple inheritance. The main topics covered in this chapter include: reuse characteristics of more than one parent class, problem – duplicate features, solution – override the common feature, problem – duplicate features (diamond problem),...

4/8/2023 2:39:10 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 4: Concepts related with Inheritance

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 4: Concepts related with Inheritance. The main topics covered in this chapter include: generalization, subtyping (extension), specialization (restriction), sub-typing & specialization, abstract classes, concrete classes,...

4/8/2023 2:39:04 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 3: Abstraction

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 3: Abstraction. The main topics covered in this chapter include: abstraction is a way to cope with complexity, principle of abstraction: capture only those details about an object that are relevant to current perspective,...

4/8/2023 2:38:58 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 2: Information hiding

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 2: Information hiding. The main topics covered in this chapter include: tnformation is stored within the object, it is hidden from the outside world, it can only be manipulated by the object itself,...

4/8/2023 2:38:48 AM +00:00