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Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 17: Format string

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 17: Format string. The main topics covered in this chapter include: format string stored in a character array, prototype of printf() in stdio.h, address of the format string passed to printf, types of windows resources: accelerator, string table, icon, bitmap,...

4/8/2023 3:52:28 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 16: Keyboard, Mouse, Timer

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 16: Keyboard, Mouse, Timer. The main topics covered in this chapter include: keyboard input, extended keyboard characters, status polling vs message driven programming, keyboard messages, keystroke messages, characters messages, keystroke messages format, additional message information,...

4/8/2023 3:52:22 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 15: Z-order

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 15: Z-order. The main topics covered in this chapter include: child windows, prototype of window procedure, accelerator keystroke, notification codes, WM_COMMAND notifications, child windows application, parent-child communication, message routing,...

4/8/2023 3:52:16 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 14: WM_PAINT message

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 14: WM_PAINT message. The main topics covered in this chapter include: conditions under which a WM_PAINT message is always sent, PAINTSTRUCT structure, other GDI text output functions, primitive shapes, pre-defined GDI objects in windows,...

4/8/2023 3:52:09 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 13: Super-classing

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 13: Super-classing. The main topics covered in this chapter include: pre-defined window class, graphics device interface, device context stores, GDI manages, the InvalidateRect() function adds, steps involved in output of a text string in the client area of the application,...

4/8/2023 3:52:03 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 12: System window classes

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 12: System window classes. The main topics covered in this chapter include: system/pre-defined window classes (to be used by user processes only), style of system Window class, sub-classing, super-classing, information about a window class, type 1-subclassing,...

4/8/2023 3:51:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 11: Windows styles

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 11: Windows styles. The main topics covered in this chapter include: windows styles, worker thread, user-interface thread, hierarchy of windows, desktop window, top-level windows, overlapped window, popup window, child windows, client area and non client area,...

4/8/2023 3:51:51 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 10: Architecture of a standard Win32 API application

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 10: Architecture of a standard Win32 API application. The main topics covered in this chapter include: architecture of a standard Win32 API application, register the window class, create the window, retrieve messages from message queue and dispatch to WNDPROC for processing,...

4/8/2023 3:51:45 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 9: Processes in Windows

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 9: Processes in Windows. The main topics covered in this chapter include: window class, window classes process specific, physical layout of windows, associated window, registering a window class, Win32 API function, WNDCLASS structure, null-terminated character string, ATOM datatype,...

4/8/2023 3:51:38 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 8: Brief history of Win32

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 8: Brief history of Win32. The main topics covered in this chapter include: brief history of Win32, WYSIWYG application, windows 3.0 operates in 3 modes, supports multiple dos boxes, virtual memory, Windows components, graphics devise interface,...

4/8/2023 3:51:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 7: Calling convention

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 7: Calling convention. The main topics covered in this chapter include: Calling convention, storage class modifiers, auto - storage class, register - storage class, static - storage class, Const - access modifier, constant variables,...

4/8/2023 3:51:26 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 6: Data types classification

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 6: Data types classification. The main topics covered in this chapter include: data types classification, bitwise shift operators, bitwise left-ahift, bitwise right-shift, bitwise AND, bitwise inclusive OR, bitwise exclusive OR,...

4/8/2023 3:51:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 5: Preprocessor

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 5: Preprocessor. The main topics covered in this chapter include: preprocessor directives, preprocessor operator, null directive, standard predefined macros, conditional compilation, system directories,...

4/8/2023 3:51:13 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 4: User-defined or Custom data types

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 4: User-defined or Custom data types. The main topics covered in this chapter include: how to access members of a structures, member access operator, indirect member access (arrow) operator, nested structures, un-named nested structures,...

4/8/2023 3:51:07 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 3: Pointers and Arrays

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 3: Pointers and Arrays. The main topics covered in this chapter include: arrays according to C language specification, subscript operator and behavior of subscript operator, pointer variable, pointer constant, multidimensional arrays in C,...

4/8/2023 3:51:00 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 2: Pointers

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 2: Pointers. The main topics covered in this chapter include: discussion about Pointers width; Pointer-to-Pointer (a short introduction), RAM (random access memory), address bus, memory model, operators used with pointers,...

4/8/2023 3:50:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 1: Introduction

Lecture Windows programming - Lesson 1: Introduction. The main topics covered in this chapter include: algorithm development, features of a DOS programme, features of windows programming, difference between DOS and windows programmes, DOS program, windows programmes,...

4/8/2023 3:50:48 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 45: Resource management

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 45: Resource management. The main topics covered in this chapter include: function acquiring a resource must properly release it, throwing an exception can cause resource wastage, in case of exception the call to close will be ignored; the destructor of the FilePtr class will close the file;...

4/8/2023 2:43:35 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 44: Stack unwinding

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 44: Stack unwinding. The main topics covered in this chapter include: the flow control of throw is referred to as stack unwinding; stack unwinding is more complex than return statement; return can be used to transfer the control to the calling function only; stack unwinding can transfer the control to any function in nested function calls;...

4/8/2023 2:43:29 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 43: Techniques for error handling

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 43: Techniques for error handling. The main topics covered in this chapter include: techniques for error handling, abnormal termination, graceful termination, return the illegal value, return error code from a function, exception handling,...

4/8/2023 2:43:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 42: Iterators

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 42: Iterators. The main topics covered in this chapter include: iterators are types defined by STL; iterators are for containers like pointers are for ordinary data structures; STL iterators provide pointer operations such as * and ++;...

4/8/2023 2:43:15 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 41: Standard template library

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 41: Standard template library. The main topics covered in this chapter include: C++ programmers commonly use many data structures and algorithms; so C++ standard committee added the STL to C++ standard library; STL is designed to operate efficiently across many different applications;...

4/8/2023 2:43:09 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 40: Cursors

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 40: Cursors. The main topics covered in this chapter include: a better way is to use cursors; a cursor is a pointer that is declared outside the container/aggregate object; aggregate object provides methods that help a cursor to traverse the elements;...

4/8/2023 2:43:03 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 39: Templates & Static members

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 39: Templates & Static members. The main topics covered in this chapter include: each instantiation of a class template has its own copy of static members; these are usually initialized at file scope; generic algorithms revisited;...

4/8/2023 2:42:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 38: Templates and friends

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 38: Templates and friends. The main topics covered in this chapter include: like inheritance, templates or their specializations are compatible with friendship feature of C++; declaring a template as friend implies that all kinds of its specializations – explicit;...

4/8/2023 2:42:51 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 37: Resolution order

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 37: Resolution order. The main topics covered in this chapter include: compiler searches a complete specialization whose type matches exactly with that of declaration; if it fails then it searches for some partial specialization; in the end it searches for some general template,...

4/8/2023 2:42:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 36: Member templates revisited

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 36: Member templates revisited. The main topics covered in this chapter include: member templates revisited - an ordinary class can also have member templates; partial specialization, complete specialization, function templates, non-type parameters,...

4/8/2023 2:42:36 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 35: Member templates

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 35: Member templates. The main topics covered in this chapter include: member templates - a class or class template can have member functions that are themselves templates; tnstantiation, class template specialization,...

4/8/2023 2:42:30 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 34: Generic algorithms

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 34: Generic algorithms. The main topics covered in this chapter include: generic algorithms - a case study, print an array, increment operator (++), dereference operator (*), class templates, facilitates reuse of classes, customization of above class template can be instantiated,...

4/8/2023 2:42:24 AM +00:00

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 33: Multiple type arguments

Lecture Object-Oriented programming - Lesson 33: Multiple type arguments. The main topics covered in this chapter include: user-defined types, compiler performs static type checking to diagnose type errors, different data types, similar operation, template arguments as policy,...

4/8/2023 2:42:17 AM +00:00