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CS606 Compiler Construction - Lecture_02

Lecture Compiler construction: Lesson 1 - Sohail Aslam. The main topics covered in this chapter include: two-pass compiler, intermediate representation, front end maps legal source code into IR, back end maps IR into target machine code, admits multiple front ends & multiple passes,...

4/8/2023 7:03:05 AM +00:00

Lecture Compiler construction: Lesson 1 - Sohail Aslam

Lecture Compiler construction: Lesson 1 - Sohail Aslam. The main topics covered in this chapter include: from programs written in high-level languages to low-level object code and machine code, typical compilation, optimized for human readability, matches human notions of grammar,...

4/8/2023 7:02:59 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 45 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 45 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: comparison of CMMI representations, CMM maturity levels, project management concerns, project management, software quality assurance, organizational maturity pertains,...

4/8/2023 7:02:53 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 44 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 44 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: capability maturity model, CMMI representations, staged representation, maturity level, well-defined evolutionary plateau of process improvement, the maturity levels, process-area-by-process-area basis,...

4/8/2023 7:02:47 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 42 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 42 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: a (very) simple example, consolidate duplicate conditional fragments, bad smells in code, duplicated code, switch statements, parallel inheritance hierarchies, lazy class,...

4/8/2023 7:02:40 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 41 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 41 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: business process reengineering, business process, a BPR model, business definition, process identification, process evaluation, process specification and design, refinement and instantiation,...

4/8/2023 7:02:34 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 40 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 40 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: program restructuring, forward engineering, the economics of reengineering, estimated reengineering cost, estimated reengineering calendar time, reengineering risk factor, predicted annual maintenance cost,...

4/8/2023 7:02:27 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 39 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 39 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: environment assessment, support requirements, maintenance cost, application software assessment, software reengineering, software reengineering process model,...

4/8/2023 7:02:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 38 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 38 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: legacy system components, maintaining legacy system, legacy migration risks, legacy system assessment, business value assessment, subjective judgment, different business viewpoints,...

4/8/2023 7:02:15 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 37 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 37 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: measuring change activity, traced, tracing requirements, motivation for requirement traceability, traceability matrix, rationale of requirements must also be traced,...

4/8/2023 7:02:09 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 36 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 36 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: key process areas (KPAs) as defined by software engineering institute (SEI), software engineering and management practices, requirement management and CMM, the root causes of project failure,...

4/8/2023 7:01:59 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 35 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 35 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: change control process, check-in and check-out, synchronization control, configuration audit, configuration status reporting (CSR), formal technical reviews, software configuration audit,...

4/8/2023 7:01:48 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 34 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 34 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: version control, evolution graph, release version numbering, release numbering, internal release numbering, change control, uncontrolled change rapidly leads to chaos,...

4/8/2023 7:01:38 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 33 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 33 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: baseline – IEEE definition, software configuration item (SCI), software configuration management tasks, version control, change control, configuration auditing, configuration identification,...

4/8/2023 7:01:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 32 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 32 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: Poka-yoke in software, mistake-proofing menu mnemonics, key process areas (KPAs) as defined by software engineering institute (SEI), change chaos, configuration management,...

4/8/2023 7:01:21 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 31 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 31 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software availability, software safety, reliability versus safety, Poka-yoke – developed and Poka-yoke devices – mechanisms, characteristic of a Poka-yoke device,...

4/8/2023 7:01:15 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 30 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 30 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: statistical software quality assurance, incomplete or erroneous specifications (IES), misinterpretation of customer communication (MCC), error index (EI), software reliability,...

4/8/2023 7:01:03 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 29 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 29 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: formal technical reviews, guidelines for walkthroughs, review meetings, review reporting and record keeping, review guidelines,...

4/8/2023 7:00:55 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 28 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 28 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: software reviews, importance of reviews, defect amplification model, after introducing inspections at the design and code level, achieve technical work of more uniform, or at least more predictable,...

4/8/2023 7:00:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 27 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 27 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: cost of quality, quality planning, formal technical reviews, test equipment, appraisal – includes activities to gain insight into the product condition, quality control,...

4/8/2023 7:00:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 26 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 26 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: error tracking, using error tracking to assess progress, software quality, quality assurance, professionally developed software, software requirements are the foundation from which quality is measured,...

4/8/2023 7:00:33 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 25 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 25 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: tracking a schedule, earned value analysis, quantitative technique for assessing progress, the total hours to do the whole project are estimated, and every task is given an earned value based on the estimated percentage of the total,...

4/8/2023 7:00:23 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 24 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 24 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: SE tasks for a concept development project, task or activity network, program evaluation and review techniques (PERT), critical path method (CPM), boundary time,...

4/8/2023 7:00:17 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 23 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 23 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: calculating task set selector (TSS), example of SE tasks for a concept development project, concept scoping, identify needs and benefits, define desired output/control/input,...

4/8/2023 7:00:10 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 22 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 22 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: relationship between people and effort, communication overhead per channel, task set definition, project types and rigor, degree of rigor, defining adaptation criteria,...

4/8/2023 7:00:04 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 21 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 21 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: monitoring risk factors, monitoring effectiveness of risk mitigation steps, risk management and contingency plan, basic concepts, software project scheduling,...

4/8/2023 6:59:53 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 20 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 20 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: assessing risk impact, risk refinement, mitigation/monitoring, management/contingency plan, risk mitigation, monitoring, and management (RMMM), mitigation strategy for reducing turnover,...

4/8/2023 6:59:47 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 19 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 19 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: types of risks, risk identification, generic risks and product specific risks, risk item checklist, assessing overall project risks, risk components and drivers,...

4/8/2023 6:59:40 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 18 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 18 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: decision tree, decision tree analysis, risk analysis and management, risk concerns future happenings, risks might cause the project to go awry,...

4/8/2023 6:59:30 AM +00:00

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 17 - Fakhar Lodhi

Lecture Software engineering II: Lesson 17 - Fakhar Lodhi. The main topics covered in this chapter include: empirical estimation models, based upon historic data, software project estimation, project adjustment components, the software equation, dynamic multivariable estimation model,...

4/8/2023 6:59:23 AM +00:00