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Vocalizations and reproductive behaviour in the smith frog, Hylafaber Wied (Amphibia: Hylidae)

From April 2008 to April 2011, with the support of grants from the Ford Foundation and the United Nations Foundation (UNF) /United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP), WHO and UNFPA developed and delivered a training programme for their staff entitled “Strengthening capacity of UNFPA and WHO to advocate for the integration of sexual and reproductive health issues into national development planning processes”. This project aimed to build capacity within UNFPA and WHO country offices to support SRH in national development and health-sector planning and budgeting processes, and in partnership with civil society organizations. It coincided with other capacity-building initiatives...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

A Resource List for Adolescent Reproductive Health Programming in Conflict Settings

The four case-studies were selected from diverse geographic regions with contrasting political and sectoral structures. All are currently engaged in health-sector reform, and represent differing stages of progress towards a SWAp. The UNFPA and WHO country offices in each of the countries selected had participated in the project’s training course, and two of the four countries had received follow-on grants. The case-study of Senegal provided a point of continuity with the previous case-studies, and offered the longest experience with SWAps among the sites selected; Malawi gave insights into the challenge of strong central policy development and donor coordination in the...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00


The research was undertaken using a common methodology, set of research questions and analytic framework for reporting. Prior to the fieldwork, a policy and situational analysis was undertaken by each team, based on the work of locally recruited consultants who assembled relevant policy documents, programme and project reports and plans, academic articles, and associated “grey” literature. During the site visits, interviews were conducted with key staff of WHO and UNFPA country offices, MOH and other government officials (e.g. finance), and representatives of nongovernmental agencies and donor agencies active in the health-sector reform process or in SRH. Brief field visits were...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Overview of Quality of Care in Reproductive Health: Definitions and Measurements of Quality

Since 2005, the international development perspectives have broadened, with new funding sources, partnerships and configurations of stakeholders. Global public-health initiatives such as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) have matured their operations and increasingly become significant sources of revenue for national health budgets in many low-income countries. Additional, new resources are being accessed from the private sector and corporate philanthropy, broadening the partnerships in health interventions and challenging public-sector models of governance. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) had secured agreement on the Paris Declaration...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Reproductive Senescence in a Long-Lived Seabird: Rates of Decline in Late-Life Performance Are Associated with Varying Costs of Early Reproduction

For Senegal, whose SWAp provided a promising locus for donor coordination in health in 2005 (see Box 1), the situation is increasingly complex: having been a priority in every development plan to date, SRH as an integrated concept does not appear in either the current Document de Politique Économique et Sociale 2011–2015 (Economic and Social Policy Document 2011–2015; Senegal’s third poverty-reduction strategy paper) or the Plan National de Développement Sanitaire 2009–2018 (National Health Development Plan 2009–2018). Health as a whole appears to have lost its prominence in the current Politique Nationale d’Aide Extérieure au Sénégal (National Policy for External Aid...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Seasonal range size in relation to reproductive strategies in brown bears Ursus arctos

Since the 2005 country case-study of Senegal, confidence has waned in the SWAp as a mechanism for effective coordination of donor support for the health sector. With frequent changes of the minister of health and senior staff impacting on the continuity of administration and policy directions, donors and MOH planners are looking to discussions around a proposed compact through IHP+ to provide a new focus for coordination. For SRH, this risks some of the progress in prioritization at the national level, with donors increasingly focusing on MDG4 and 5, and the comprehensive ICPD Programme of Action (3) appears as less...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00


The Lao People’s Democratic Republic National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy (the equivalent of its Poverty Reduction Strategy) marks population issues, including SRH and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), as national priorities, while acknowledging limited success in previous reproductive health initiatives. The current draft for 2011–2015 is targeted towards achieving the MDGs, and priority directions are less explicit in terms of reproductive health (see Box 3). The MDG 5A target is ambitious, given the progress in the previous phase, and in current drafts the MDG 5B target – universal access to reproductive health – does not feature. Securing specific budget allocations...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

ASPECTS OF THE ILLNESS: Reproductive Issues

Despite a well-articulated policy framework and effective use of the SWAp structure to coordinate donor activities through technical working groups, there are difficulties in achieving translation of SRH policy into decentralised operations at district level. While progress with maternal and neonatal mortality rates is encouraging, they remain unacceptably high, and with life expectancy at birth only 54 years for females and 52 years for males, and HIV prevalence at 12% in young pregnant women, the challenges are great. District health offices experience many challenges in balancing the requirements of both the MOH and the Ministry of Local Government. The mix...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Essential interventions, Commodities and Guidelines for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

While reviews of aid effectiveness in Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 2008 and 2009 showed little progress, one positive, concrete example has been the harmonization of key donors around the implementation of the maternal and newborn child health package (MNCH). Where previously donor partners worked on programmes from maternal and child health in parallel, development funding from Luxembourg has enabled a subgroup of partners, the three United Nations (UN) agencies (WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF), to explore a more coordinated approach aligned to the national strategy and framework for MNCH (2010–2015), with plans to introduce a single plan and financial report...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Teratogen Update: Paternal Exposures—Reproductive Risks

SRH policy finds itself at the nexus of a series of transitions in Tajikistan: from centralized Soviet economy to liberal democracy; from acute humanitarian assistance to longer-term development aid; and from hospital-based, government-controlled health services to a more comprehensive and pluralistic health sector. Poorly covered in national planning documents, support for SRH remains largely donor driven, with a failure to gain government recognition apart from issues related to maternal mortality. However, with MDG5 strongly supported within the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the National Development Strategy (2007–2015), the recent National Comprehensive Health Strategy (2010–2020) extends this to include maternal and child...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Comparative tests of reproductive skew in male primates: the roles of demographic factors and incomplete control

In 2005, the baseline country studies pointed to a lack of connection between advocacy for reduction of maternal mortality in national-level planning and the necessary linkage to effective programmatic responses through resource allocation, capacity- building and human-resource development. The 2011 case-studies suggest that this problem persists: despite a closing of the gap between policy and programmes, the limited progress with improving health outcomes has shown the importance of strengthening health systems – particularly for maternal and newborn health. For example, in Malawi and Lao People’s Democratic Republic, progress is being made against the MDG 5A targets, though at levels below their...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Strengthening country office capacity to support Sexual and reproductive health in the new aid environment

Alignment and harmonization of sexual and reproductive health The 6 years since the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (4) have marked a significant change in awareness of the importance of coordination of resources for health and development – though reviews of progress at the Accra Agenda for Action in 2008 (4) suggested that there was a need for a greater shift towards alignment with government policies and national systems (such as monitoring and procurement) than had already occurred. The case-studies have shown how increasing mechanisms for coordination have themselves presented challenges for governments, with a range of coordination structures at national, sectoral...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

engaging Men for Gender equality and improved Reproductive Health

Each of the case-studies reported on how increased donor support for health has made it difficult for MOHs to successfully argue for additional domestic sources of revenue for the sector – each site experienced this dilemma to varying degrees. The findings of the case-study in Malawi show increases in development assistance to the health sector occurring at the same time as government- wide budget allocations to health were reduced or shifted to other line ministries. While there are other constraining factors on increasing domestic resources for health in addition to infusions of overseas development assistance to the sector (such as considerations...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Population structure attributable to reproductive time: isolation by time and adaptation by time

Many populations are composed of a mixture of individuals that reproduce at different times, and these times are often heritable. Under these conditions, gene flow should be limited between early and late reproducers, even within populations having a unimodal temporal distribution of reproductive activity. This temporal restriction on gene flow might be called ‘isolation by time’ (IBT) to acknowledge its analogy with isolation by distance (IBD). IBD and IBT are not exactly equivalent, however, owing to differences between dispersal in space and dispersal in time. We review empirical studies of natural populations that provide evidence for IBT based on heritabilities of reproductive time and on molecular genetic differences...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Breast cancer: Why link early detection to reproductive health interventions in developing countries?

The oviduct is an exquisitely designed organ that functions in picking-up ovulated oocytes, transporting gametes in opposite directions to the site of fertilization, providing a suitable environment for fertilization and early development, and transporting preimplantation embryos to the uterus. A variety of biological processes can be studied in oviducts making them an excellent model for toxicological studies. This review considers the role of the oviduct in oocyte pick-up and embryo transport and the evidence that chemicals in both mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke impair these oviductal functions. Epidemiological data have repeatedly shown that women who smoke are at increased risk for a variety of reproductive...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Progestogen-only Implants

Recent reviews have addressed issues of cigarette smoke exposure and various facets of reproduction including delayed time to conception, ovarian effects and premature menopause, implantation failure, fetal growth restriction and growth retardation, placental abnormalities, reduced fecundity, congenital abnormalities, and effects on male reproduction [32-34]. However, most prior reviews have not considered smoke's interaction with the oviduct, an organ vital to reproduction. The purpose of this paper is to review the functions of the oviduct, in particular those that involve movement of gametes and embryos, and to evaluate evidence that exposure to mainstream or side- stream cigarette smoke can negatively impact oviductal functioning and thereby adversely affect reproductive out- comes. We will also consider evidence...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Health sector reform and reproductive health in Latin America and the Caribbean: strengthening the links

The total number of mammalian cortical granule proteins has been estimated to be between four and fourteen or more [10,19,20]. Several specific proteins have been iden- tified as cortical granule proteins [21]. N-acetylglucosami- nidase was detected in exudates of ionophore-activated mouse oocytes using an enzymatic assay and was local- ized in the cortical granules at the electron microscopic level [13]. Approximately 90% of oocyte N-acetylglu- cosaminidase was released following in vivo fertilization and was shown using competitive inhibitors or anti-N- acetylglucosaminidase antibodies to be responsible for the zona block to polyspermy [13]. Ovoperoxidase was detected in the cortical granules of unfertilized mouse oocytes at the ultrastructural level using the 3.3'-diami- nobenzidine (DAB)...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

In the Supreme Court of Missouri

From previous observations, addition of the antibody raised against the α6-integrin subunit in the GC culture medium impairs cell-spreading on LN substratum and induces the formation of clusters of rounded cells [6]. It can be hypothesized that changes in cell shape might be responsible for all or part of the functional changes observed in survival, proliferation and steroidogenesis of GC. It has been established in various cell models that integrin binding to ECM components promotes changes in the mechanical tension of the cytoskeleton and thereby induces multiple signaling pathways [23,24]. The cytoskeleton consists of actin microfilaments, microtu- bules and intermediate filaments which connect to form a three-dimensional network that runs from the plasma membrane,...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00


Testosterone and estrogen are no longer considered male only and female only hormones. Both hormones are important in both sexes. It was known as early as the 1930's that developmental exposure to a high dose of estrogen causes malformation of the male reproductive tract, but the early formative years of reproductive biology as a discipline did not recognize the importance of estrogen in regulating the normal function of the adult male reproductive tract. In the adult testis, estrogen is synthesized by Leydig cells and the germ cells, producing a relatively high concentration in rete testis fluid. Estrogen receptors are present in the testis, efferent ductules and...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Culture of Silence

Most interesting was the discovery that cytochrome P450 aromatase, which is capable of converting androgens into estrogens, is present in the testis [25–39]. During this same period of discovery, others were using the radioim- munoassay to identify steroids present in body fluids and estrogen concentrations were found to be relatively high in seminal and rete testis plasma [40–48]. Thus, up to the 1990's it appears that most scientific inquiry into estro- gen's presence in the male remained a curiosity, as well as a worry that estrogen exposure during development was harmful. Then, in the decade of the 90's new discoveries in the male led to the hypothesis that estrogen not only has...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Songs as a Medium for Embedded Reproductive Messages

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is one of the most significant swine diseases worldwide. Despite its relevance, serum biomarkers associated with early-onset viral infection, when clinical signs are not detectable and the disease is characterized by a weak anti-viral response and persistent infection, have not yet been identified. Surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) is a reproducible, accurate, and simple method for the identification of biomarker proteins related to disease in serum. This work describes the SELDI-TOF MS analyses of sera of 60 PRRSV-positive and 60 PRRSV-negative, as measured by PCR, asymptomatic Large White piglets at weaning. Sera with comparable...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00


Grace period after the expiry of the 10 - year storage limit W e recommend amending clause 5 of the bill by substituting new text to repeal and replace section 10 of the Act. W e also recommend the adoption of the related new purpose clause 4(aa). These amend- ments would provide a grace period of six months upon the expiry of the 10 - year storage limit and any extensions to it. The grace period would lessen the burden of disposal management for fertility clin- ics. W e also recommend the adoption of replacement section 10(3), which would allow gametes and embryos to be stored and disposed of...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

The long-term reproductive health consequences of female genital cutting in rural Gambia: a community-based survey

W e recommend amendments clarifying the ethics committee’ s func- tions in relation to approving extensions to the applicable period of storage of gametes and embryos. The bill would ensure that the ethics committee made decisions about approving, changing, or cancelling extensions to storage periods in much the same way as it would make decisions on activities listed as requiring approval under the Act. Proposed new sections 10A to 10D and 28(1)(aaa) of the Act relate to the ethics committee’ s functions in dealing with storage issues. These amendments would require the ethics committee’ s decisions about approving storage periods to be made in accordance with the guidelines and advice...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Human Assisted Repr oductive T echnology (Storage) Amendment Bill

The distinctive features of reproduction in squirrels are the lack of allometric influences on the duration of reproductive investment; the strong allometric influences on offspring mass; and a trade-off between number and size of young, suggesting an important developmental component to reproduction. Lengths of gestation and lactation do not vary with body size but neonatal and weaning mass do. Apparently, the major constraint on reproduction in squirrels is not resources per se (food, calories, minerals, or water) but rather the length of time such resources are available. Squirrels adjust growth rate to fit the timing of resource abundance. Within the familial reproductive pattern, arboreal squirrels invest...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Strong reproductive barriers in a narrow hybrid zone of West-Mediterranean green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) with Plio-Pleistocene divergence

Research shows that sensational news stories as well as popular romance novels often feature themes related to important topics in evolutionary psychology. In the first of four studies described in this paper we examined the song lyrics from three Billboard charts: Country, Pop, and R&B. A content analysis of the lyrics revealed 18 reproductive themes that read like an outline for a course in evolutionary psychology. Approximately 92% of the 174 songs that made it into the Top Ten in 2009 contained one or more reproductive messages, with an average of 10.49 reproductive...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Identification of serum proteomic biomarkers for early porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) infection

More recently, Cox and Fisher (2009) analyzed the titles of contemporary romance novels to determine if their popularity might be related to evolutionary themes that would be expected to have widespread appeal when it comes to some of the unique and recurrent reproductive issues that women confront. The five most common words featured in romance novel titles were love, bride, baby, man, and marriage, in that order. Common themes extracted from these titles included commitment, reproduction, masculine/high ranking suitors, and resources. Because the costs of reproduction are so much higher for women than men, because women have a strong vested...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Estrogen in the adult male reproductive tract: A review

In the present series of studies, we analyzed the lyrics in popular songs in an attempt to identify the existence of embedded reproductive/evolutionary messages. Being the first of their kind, these were largely descriptive studies. The adaptive value of music eluded scientists for a long time. While Pinker (1997) has been quick to dismiss music as “auditory cheesecake,” Darwin (1871) suggested that music may have evolved as a form of courtship display by means of sexual selection. Following Darwin’s lead, there is now growing interest in the origins of music (e.g., Mithen, 2006; Wallin, Merker, and Brown, 2000)....

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Induced ovulation and egg deposition in the direct developing anuran Eleutherodactylus coqui

For purposes of deriving/identifying categories, references having to do with courtship, sex, pair-bonding, parenting, fidelity, mate guarding, and provisioning were initially targeted, along with themes related to long-term as well as short-term mating strategies. In the process of attempting to code the lyrics it became apparent that emotional expressions could be partitioned into different action references. For instance, “love” could either convey commitment, fidelity assurance, or a non-specific state. “Love” represents commitment when sung as “I love you.” It represents fidelity assurance when coined as “Do you love me?” And it is rendered non-specific when used in phrases like...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Cytoskeleton reorganization mediates alpha beta integrin-associated actions of laminin on proliferation and survival, but not on steroidogenesis of ovine granulosa cells

To determine the reliability of applying these categories to specific song lyrics, two observers independently classified the reproductive themes present in written versions of the reproductively relevant phrases extracted from a representative sample of the Pop, Country, and R&B songs. The number of phrases containing reproductive messages ranged from 2 (“White Horse” and “Second Chance”) to 29 (“Baby By Me”) for a total of 219 reproductive phrases, with an average of 8.76 different reproductive references per song. Most songs included a few phrases that were judged to contain several (2-3) reproductive messages for a total of 269 reproductive references...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00

Peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) is a mouse cortical granule protein that plays a role in preimplantation embryonic development

The number of reproductive references/phrases for the songs in this sample ranged from 0 to 48, with 160 of these songs, or 92% containing one or more reproductive references. Reproductive phrases that were repeated within a song (such as a chorus) were only counted once. For the 57 Country songs there were a total of 340 reproductive references, for an average of 5.96 different reproductive references per song. For the 59 Pop songs a total of 513 reproductive references were identified, with an average of 8.69 references per song. For the 58 R&B...

8/30/2018 1:57:04 AM +00:00