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i B a c H « ỉ Đ ư u C EC Hà NỘI NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI GS. LẺVẢNKHOA TS. NGUYỄN NGỌCSINH•TS. NGUYỄNTIẾN DŨNG CHIẾNiưỢCVÀCHÌNHSÁCH MÒITRU0NG (In lần thứ II) NHÀ XUẤT BẲN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI - 2 0 0 1 Chịu trách nhiệm xuất bản G iám đốc: NGUYỄN VẢN THỎA Tổng biên tập: NGUYỄN THIỆN GIÁP Người nhận xétĩ GS. LÊ QUÍ AN TS. NGUYỄN ĐẮC HY GS.CAO VẢN SUNG Biên tập và aửa bản in: NGUYỄN v ũ PHẠM NGỌC TRÂM LAN HƯƠNG Trinh bày bìa: NGỌC ANH CHIẾN LƯỢC VẰ CHÍNH SÁCH MÔI TRƯỒN6 Mã SỐ: 01.125.ĐH 2001 - 838. 2001 In 1000 cuốnTại xf nghiệp,in 15 Số xuất bẳn: 9 / 838 / CXB. Số trích ngang 340 KH/XB Inxong và nộp lưu chi&i Quí4 năm 2001 Preface The textbook on “Strategíes and policies for environmental protection" has been established in the framework of the project “Capacity huilding for environmental management in Vietnam”. The educational component of the project targets the Master programme, organised by the Paculty of Environmental Sciences at the Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University. A speciĩic project objective was to develop reference materials for the students. The result is five textbooks, including this one, which have been published with the Vietnam National University Publishing House, whose co-operation enabled 750 copies to be published, instead of the original target of 250 copies. Peer review is crucial for quality control and has been a structural component of the textbook dev`elopment. The main objective of the peer review process was to generate comments and detailed suggestions to improve the manuscripts. Prof. Le Van Khoa, Dr. Nguyen Ngoe Sinh, and Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung, completed a draft textbook in ơanuary 1999. In March 1999, the Hanoi University of Science organised a review workshop, in which twenty-seven academics participated. The review was based on the following main criteria, set by the university; 1 ) scientiíĩc quality; 2) up-to-dateness; 3) pedagogical quality. In addition, an extensive external peer review was compieted, including scientists from universities and research institutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. A final review was organised by the pubỉishing house. The authors have adapted theữ manuscripts according to the comments expressed. Acknowledgements On behalf of the Project Advisory Committee, we would like to congratulate the authors, Prof. Le Van Khoa of the Paculty of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Nguyen Ngoe Sinh and Dr. Nguyeiĩ Tien Dung of the National Environmental Agency at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, for successfully completing the development of this textbook. We take the opportunity to kindly thank Prof. Le Qui An, former Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Dr. Nguyen Dac Hy, from the National Environmentaỉ Agency at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Prof. Cao Van Sung, former director of the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources at the National Centre for Naturaỉ Science and Technology in Hanoi, and Ass. Prof. Doan Canh, vice Director of the sub-Institute of Tropical Biology of the National Centre for Natural Science and Technology in Ho Chi Minh city, for theừ active participation in the peer review process. Also, we acknowledge the constructive co-operation of the Vietnam National University Publishing House. Finally, we express our sincerest gratitude to the European Commission for funding the project on “Capacity building for environmental management in Vietnam” and enabỉỉng the development and publicatỉon of the textbook on “Strategies and policies for environmentcU protection”. The editors, Prof. Mai Dùib Yen, Paculty of Biology, Hanoi University of Sciẹncẹ, Vietmam National University Prof. Luc Hens, Department of Human Ecology, Free University of Brusisels (VUB) M r. Eddy Nierynck, Department of Human Ecology, Free ưniversitjv of Brusseỉs (VUB) 2 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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