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Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 26

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Functions and the lambda calculus; haskell: Introduction, expressions, lists and list comprehensions, elementary types and values, control flow, defining functions, tuples.

12/29/2020 6:58:02 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 25

This chapter focuses on logic pro-gramming with Prolog, studying its applications in natural language processing and , problem solving. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Logic and horn clauses, logic programming in prolog, prolog program elements.

12/29/2020 6:57:56 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 24

This model is supported by the four programming paradigms-imperative, objectoriented, functional, and logic. In this model, the program controls the sequence of steps that occur at run time, and the ordering of input plays a passive role in regulating how those steps are carried out. Moreover, this model supports algorithms that terminate once the input is exhausted.

12/29/2020 6:57:50 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 23

This chapter illustrates each of these scenarios, along with the coordination and data shming strategies that underlie their effective implementation. To provide a focus for this discussion, our examples favor Java as the language of illustration. Concurrency features in several other languages are summalized at the end of the chapter.

12/29/2020 6:57:44 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 22

In this section, we introduce the features of JML as they apply to the formal specification and verification of an individual function, such as the Factorial function that we specified and verified by hand in the previous section. We also show how JML allows us to specify run-time exceptions, providing a more robust vehicle than the pure Hoare triples in a real computational setting where exceptions actually occur.

12/29/2020 6:57:38 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 21

This section addresses the question of program correctness functional programming. We visit the question of how to prove a program conect for the special case when it is written in a pure functional program-one that is state-less and relies instead on functional composition and recursion as a foundation for its semantics.

12/29/2020 6:57:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 20

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: 2 Dimensional array, Initializing 2 Dimensional array, Memory map of 2-D array, Pointer and 2-D array, Array of pointer, Passing 2-D Array to a Function.

12/29/2020 6:57:26 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 19

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Pointer arithmetic – a program, sorting techniques – a program, passing an entire array to a function , array and pointer, 2 dimensional array.

12/29/2020 6:57:20 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 18

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Recursive functions, introduction to array, accessing elements of array, a simple array program, a program to calculate percentage marks, array initialization, bound checking, passing array element to a function, pointer arithmetic.

12/29/2020 6:57:13 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 17

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Define virtual memory; describe the hardware and control structures that support virtual memory; describe the various OS mechanisms used to implement virtual memory; describe the virtual memory management mechanisms in UNIX, Linux, and Windows 7.

12/29/2020 6:57:07 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 16

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Discuss basic concepts related to concurrency, such as race conditions, OS concerns, and mutual exclusion requirements; understand hardware approaches to supporting mutual exclusion; define and explain semaphores; define and explain monitors.

12/29/2020 6:57:02 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 15

This chapter examines some more advanced concepts related to process management, which are found in a number of contemporary operating systems. We show that the concept of process is more complex and subtle than presented so far and in fact embodies two separate and potentially independent concepts: one relating to resource ownership and another relating to execution.

12/29/2020 6:56:55 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 14

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Summarize, at a top level, the key functions of an operating system (OS); discuss the evolution of operating systems for early simple batch systems to modern complex systems; discuss the key design areas that have been instrumental in the development of modern operating systems.

12/29/2020 6:56:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 13

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Describe the basic elements of a computer system and their interrelationship, eplain the steps taken by a processor to execute an instruction, understand the concept of interrupts and how and why a processor uses interrupts,...

12/29/2020 6:56:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 12

After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: Example program – nested loop, break and continue statement, case control structure, a menu driven program using if else, switch case, nested case control structure.

12/29/2020 6:56:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 11

This chapter discusses the implementation of dynamic arrays and other objects using conventional techniques for managing heap memory. Especially important in this context is the notion of heap overflow, along with strategies for dealing with heap overflow when it occurs at run time. We discuss three key algorithms for heap memory management, which are affectionately known as garbage collection algorithms.

12/29/2020 6:56:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 10

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Functions in C, a function with a parameter, example: area of a ring, implementing functions in C, run-time stack, getting it all to work, tying it all together, problem solving using functions,...

12/29/2020 6:56:25 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 9

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Nested if else statement, logical operator in C, how logical operator can be used to make compound conditions, conditional operator, nested conditional operator, nested if-else, nested conditional operator, loops.

12/29/2020 6:56:18 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 8

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: Example programs – printf, scanf; decision control structure; relational operator in C; if statement; if-else statement; nested if else statement; logical operator in C; conditional operator.

12/29/2020 6:56:12 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 7

The contents of this chapter include all of the following: C character set, basic constants and variables, output function – printf, input function – scanf, C instructions, integer to float conversion, hierarchy of operator, control instructions.

12/29/2020 6:56:06 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 6

This lesson looks at the processors most commonly found in personal computers and describes some of their most important features and distinguishing characteristics. You w ill learn how these CPUs arc typically differentiated from one another and sec how their performance is measured. You also w ill learn some of the ways you can extend the power of your PC’s processor to other components by using its expansion capabilities.

12/29/2020 6:56:00 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 5

In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Assembly language programming - Moving up a level, an assembly language program, the assembly process, beyond the assembly of a single assembly language program.

12/29/2020 6:55:54 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 4

After studying this lecture you will be able to understand: Development process model, software development process activities, requirement for a web development process model, rational unified process model (RUP), suitability for web application development.

12/29/2020 6:55:48 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 3

This chapter define the term computer program, describe the use of flowcharts and pseudocode in programming, identify two ways in which a program can work toward a solution, differentiate the two main approaches to computer programming, list and describe three elements of object-oriented programming.

12/29/2020 6:55:42 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 2

This chapter defines system software and discusses two types of system software: operating systems and utility programs. You learn what an operating system is and explore user interfaces, operating systems features, and operating system functions.

12/29/2020 6:55:36 AM +00:00

Lecture Introduction to computer and programming - Lecture No 1

Chapter 1 - Introduction to computers. After studying this lecture you will be able to understand: What is a computer? What computers consist of? How computers work? How they are organized internally? What are the design tradeoffs? How design affects programming and applications?

12/29/2020 6:55:29 AM +00:00

Bài tập lớn học phần PLC và mạng truyền thông CN: Lập trình hệ thống điều khiển 8 bơm trong trạm bơm

Bài tập lớn học phần PLC và mạng truyền thông CN: Lập trình hệ thống điều khiển 8 bơm trong trạm bơm giới thiệu chung về hệ thống lập trình; lập trình hệ thống vận hành bơm nước bằng PLC; chương trình điều khiển. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm chi tiết hơn nội dung nghiên cứu.

12/29/2020 4:13:47 AM +00:00

Hệ tư vấn lọc cộng tác theo người dùng dựa trên độ đo hàm ý thống kê

Bài viết đề xuất một tiếp cận mới cho hệ tư vấn lọc cộng tác dựa trên người dùng. Hệ tư vấn lọc cộng tác theo người dùng được xây dựng dựa trên độ đo hàm ý thống kê. Trong hệ tư vấn này, chúng tôi xây dựng một độ đo tương đồng dựa trên độ đo chỉ số hàm ý thống kê gọi là độ đo tương đồng hàm ý thống kê để xác định sự tương đồng giữa hai người dùng trong hệ thống. Thông qua thực nghiệm trên hai tập dữ liệu MovieLense và MSWeb cho thấy rằng độ đo tương đồng mà chúng tôi đề xuất cho kết quả khá tốt trên hệ tư vấn lọc cộng tác dựa trên người dùng so với các độ đo tương đồng truyền thống như Pearson correlation, Cosine similarity và Jaccard.

12/29/2020 4:02:36 AM +00:00

Một phương pháp học bán giám sát cho lọc kết hợp

Bài báo đã đề xuất một mô hình hợp nhất giữa lọc cộng tác và lọc theo nội dung bằng phương pháp học bán giám sát. Phương pháp được tiến hành bằng cách hợp nhất biểu diễn giá trị các đặc trưng sản phẩm vào lọc cộng tác để thống nhất các phương pháp dự đoán dựa vào người dùng.

12/29/2020 4:01:03 AM +00:00

Một kỹ thuật phát hiện bóng đối tượng kết hợp yếu tố thời gian

Bài viết đề cập đến việc sử dụng yếu tố thời gian nhằm kết hợp hướng nguồn sáng trong việc phát hiện bóng đối tượng. Kỹ thuật đã được cài đặt thử nghiệm và tỏ ra hiệu quả đối với việc giám sát trên các tuyến đường xác định trước và không có sự che khuất.

12/29/2020 4:00:38 AM +00:00