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Particle Swarm Optimization

Volume flow rate of compressed air is provided by a separate rate Pneumatic valve for each engine. This article is structured as follows: first, a mathematical modeling of mechatronic systems origin, which results in a state-space description of nonlinear icon. Second, a floor control structures are proposed: control design for the inner control loop involving a pressure control hierarchy for each mechanical compression with high bandwidth, while design of the outer transaction control with separate control of two crank angle and the other is the pressure of both pairs of compressed air....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Manufacturing the Future Concepts, Technologies & Visions

The role of emotions HRI is also an important research area so that human and robot can follow stand each other's emotional expression. Development of appropriate control architecture facilitate flexible human-machine communication and cooperation cooperation is essential for HRI. A control architecture proposed basis for the interaction and coat drive a sensor research and development, the communication modes and protocols, and system development. In addition, a majority of HRI research related to the application and learn lessons from the man-machine applications....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00


In recent years, earthquake damage caused by the massive earthquake that happened in many countries. For example, more than 250,000 people have been killed by the earthquake Haiti January 2010. In addition, more than 15,000 people have been killed by the Japanese Tohoku The earthquake and Japan Tohoku coast was devastated by a large tidal wave March 2011. Meanwhile, seismic design criteria for road and rail supply Japan two levels of earthquake motion - Level 1, which is small but is created frequently, and level 2, which is intensive, but not create regular basis - to be used for the verification of seismic activity....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00


Many studies of seismic risk management and loss assessment (seismic risk) caused by damage or collapse of a structure, have also been conducted in recent years. In these papers, seismic risk is calculated using a dangerous curve represents the probability the generation of earthquake motion and damage curve represents a probability of damage to structures. While this damage curve is calculated by statistical procedures using the profile losses in the past and analysis, it is necessary to determine the damage to a structure with a single index, such as the horizontal transfer or plastic elements....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00


When damage is identified with an index, it is difficult exactly match the index with the repair of damage. Therefore, the method is considered difficult to apply them to check the seismic risk based on definition of the changes in the process of damage and other details due to differences in design. To reach this goal, it is first necessary to calculate the design solution reflects the damage and the collapse of a structure under a uniform standard values ​​for different seismic forces....

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Thus can be seen that the effect of seismic activity direction perpendicular to the axis is lower than for the direction of the bridge axis when the more powerful seismic forces used for design. In design solutions at 800 gal or more, on the other hand, the collapse does not occur even with a force of 1,000 seismic gal.Next, icon. 12 represents the total repair cost for each design solution matrix calculated from the loss in Table 5.

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This is because the extent of damage of the beam members using design solutions at 800 gal 2 at 350 girls, while the beam member by using design solution at 750 gal is not damaged until the seismic force at 800 gal. Since the repair beam member requires scaffolding and other construction works even if the damage is small, repair costs higher than for the column members.

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Elementary Skills Book_1

The line between depressive and anxiety disorders in perinatal as well as general populations is often blurred; when the EPDS has been factor-analyzed, although there are separate factors corresponding to depression and anxiety, several items have moderate loadings on both factors (Swalm, et al., 2010). Some services refer to antenatal or postnatal “distress” rather than attempt to differentiate depression from anxiety, and often women report a mix of anxious and depressed symptoms. In one large study using structured interviews to assess anxiety and depression among pregnant women, one-third of the sample was found to have comorbid anxiety and depressive diagnoses, more than either those with anxiety alone (8.5%)...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Elementary Skills Book_2

Vascular dysfunction may also reduce oxygen delivery to gingival tissue. Pocket oxygen tension was reported to be significantly lower in smokers than non-smokers providing support for the negative effects of smoking on vascular system (Hanioka et al. 2000). Evidence from both human and experimental studies suggests that smoking has a long-term chronic effect, and its effect is not simply a vasoconstriction. Its suppressive effects on the vascular system of gingiva can be observed through less gingival redness, lower bleeding on probing and fewer vessels visible clinically and histologically....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Elementary Teacher's Book_2

Although most of the research and clinical attention has been on unipolar depression among antenatal and postnatal women, there is evidence that women with bipolar disorders are at increased risk of postnatal psychosis, and women who have depressive symptoms should be screened for bipolar disorder and monitored for elevated mood. However, there is no consensus on the most effective screening method, with a variety of possible tools but no one well validated in antenatal women (Chessick & Dimidjian, 2010)....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Elementary Style guide

Thông minh kinh doanh cung cấp cho bạn hai con đường rõ ràng cho khóa học tiếng Anh doanh nghiệp của bạn sử dụng Coursebook cho các khóa học ngôn ngữ tập trung hoặc Sách Kỹ năng cho kỹ năng, đã tập trung các khóa học. Sản xuất cùng với tạp chí Economist, kinh doanh thông minh tính năng xác thực được phân loại bài viết, kinh tế kiểu trang ....Dạy tham gia bài học bằng cách sử dụng sách của giáo viên, trong đó có nguồn tài nguyên cho các Coursebook và Workbook. ...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Elementary Teacher's Book_1

Tobacco smoking mostly in the form of cigarette smoking has been accused of impairing microcirculatory system and the relevant changes in vascular formations and functions may have a negative influence on the immune and inflammatory reactions in periodontal tissues. Smokers were reported to have significantly less number of vessels in inflamed gingival tissue compared to non-smokers (Rezavandi et al. 2002). Long-term smoking has an established negative effect on the vasculature of periodontal tissues. Acute exposure to cigarette smoke induces gingival hyperaemia, which is caused by the concomitant increase in blood pressure against a small but significant sympathetically induced vasoconstriction in healthy gingiva (Mavropoulos et al. 2003)....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Elementary Workbook

Significantly lower salivary OC concentrations in both healthy and diseased smokers than their non-smoker counterparts were reported by Özçaka et al. (2011b). The detrimental effects of smoking may explain these decreases in salivary levels of OC in smokers also indicating a deficiency in tissue response to the injuries in smoker subjects. The differences in patient numbers and/or the possible differences in the disease activity states may explain the differences in findings of the present study and the previous ones. On the other hand, significantly lower salivary OC concentrations in the smoker patients than the non-smokers as well as the ex-smokers may at least partly explain the mechanisms...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Intermediate Skills Book_1

In another recent study by our group (Gürlek et al. 2009) similar salivary ICTP levels were detected in smoker, non-smoker and ex-smoker patient groups with similar clinical periodontal findings. Smoking status was confirmed by salivary cotinine analysis but there was no clinically healthy control group in that study and the number of teeth present, average probing depths and attachment levels were all similar in the three study groups. There were no significant differences in saliva ICTP concentrations between the smoker and non-smoker patient groups. It may be suggested that the similarity in clinical periodontal disease parameters may explain the similar salivary ICTP levels obtained in these studies....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Pre-Intermediate Workbook

Studies which use structured diagnostic interviews, rather than self-report questionnaires, tend to find lower rates of depression. Using a two-step process with the EPDS as a screen, followed by a structured clinical interview, a Nigerian study found that 8.3% of semiurban pregnant women were diagnosed with major or minor depressive disorder (Adewuya, Ola, Aloba, Dada, & Fasoto, 2007). Using a structured interview alone, Felice and colleagues found that 14.8% of women attending an antenatal clinic in Malta in the second trimester, and 10% of women in the third trimester met criteria for a depressive disorder (Felice, Saliba, Grech, Cox, & Caleja, 2007)....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Intermediate Style Guide

Kinh doanh thông minh là một khóa học mới, năng động và linh hoạt với một phạm vi tích hợp của các thành phần để phát triển kiến thức của sinh viên về thế giới kinh doanh và các kỹ năng để làm việc bên trong nó. * Tìm hiểu Kinh doanh - Các cuốn sách dựa trên chủ đề khóa học cung cấp một giới thiệu tiếp cận các khái niệm và ngôn ngữ của thế giới kinh doanh ngày nay

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Intermediate Workbook

Lower rates have been found in an educationally and economically advantaged sample of Vietnamese women; in this group, 8% of women scored at or above 12 (Fisher, Tran, & Tran, 2007). Texeireira’s group (Teixeira, Figueiredo, Conde, Pacheco, & Costa, 2009) used a lower cut-off of 10 or higher, and so is difficult to compare with the above studies, but in this Portugese sample of women attending obstetric appointments, they found that 22%, 21%, and 18% (by trimester) scored above this threshold, consistent with other studies that suggest somewhat lower rates of depressive symptoms among women in developed countries. A large nationwide study in Australia recently found rates...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Pre Intermediate Cb

Studies assessing the role of ICTP levels in GCF or peri-implant crevicular fluid as a diagnostic marker of periodontal disease activity have reported promising results so far (Oringer et al. 1998, 2002). ICTP was suggested to predict future bone loss, to correlate with clinical parameters and putative periodontal pathogens and also to reduce following periodontal therapy (Giannobile 1999). Apart from the direct cigarette smoke-mediated effects, tissue damage mediated by impaired balance of bone turnover markers originating from tobacco smoke and tobacco-induced inflammation may be a potential mechanism....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Pre Intermediate Teachers Book

Although the EPDS is described as a screen for depression, it contains items such as “I have been anxious or worried for no good reason”, and factor analyses of the scale have revealed factors for depression and anxiety (Bowen, Bowen, Maslany, & Muhajarine, 2008; Swalm, Brooks, Doherty, Nathan, & Jacques, 2010). It may be more appropriate to consider the EPDS a measure of “distress,” the mix of depression and anxiety that so often occurs together (Mauri et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the majority of the items on the scale focus on experiences such as sadness, tearfulness, self-blame, and anhedonia, and most studies use the EPDS as a screen...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Intermediate TB_2

Since the recognition of the importance of antenatal as well as postnatal depression, a number of studies have looked at the prevalence of depression among pregnant women in the developed and developing world. Prevalence rates vary because of a variety of methodological factors. Many studies use the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), a brief, self-report measure intended to screen for depressive symptoms (Cox, Holden, & Sagovksy, 1987), omitting the somatic items in other depression inventories which might produce a spurious over-identification of depression among women in the perinatal period....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate coursebook_1

It is also likely that the toxic components of tobacco smoke, mainly nicotine, may directly or indirectly deteriorate periodontal tissues. Cigarette smoking represents a risk factor for progression of periodontitis, the effect of which may be dose related. Heavy smokers should be considered as high-risk individuals for progression of periodontitis. The clinical implications for this are that smokers should be identified during patient examination and efforts should be made to modify this behavioural risk factor. Furthermore, smoking or molecules related to smoking such as blood cotinine induced by smoking should be considered as important risk markers of periodontal disease that are relevant to the assessment of prognosis (Calsina...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate coursebook_2

This chapter will provide an overview of the literature on depression and anxiety during pregnancy, including prevalence of symptoms and syndromes, studies on the impact of depression, anxiety, and stress on birth outcomes and child development, the mechanisms by which these effects may operate, approaches to treatment of anxiety and depression during pregnancy, and the evidence available on the efficacy of these treatments. Implications for health and public policy, clinical treatment, and research will be discussed....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Upper Intermediate Skills Book

Periodontitis is one of the most common oral diseases and is characterised by gingival inflammation and alveolar bone resorption (Savage et al. 2009). Periodontitis is a multifactorial irreversible and cumulative condition, initiated and propagated by bacteria and host factors (Kinane 2001). More than 500 different bacterial species are able to colonise the oral biofilm and up to 150 different species of bacteria are possible in any individual’s subgingival plaque. There are two forms of periodontitis; chronic and aggressive periodontitis which differ from each other not only in clinical findings but also age of onset and rate of progression. Chronic periodontitis progresses more slowly compared to the aggressive forms...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

Intelligent Business Upper-Intermediate Workbook

In the last decade, scientists began to use signaling molecules such as growth factors in their quest to restore destroyed tooth support (Anusaksathien & Giannobile, 2002) and this reason request a very good knowledge of the biological actions of growth factors, both summative and redundant, in the specific “milieu” of periodontal diseases. This paper highlights a brief review of the literature on growth factors involvement in periodontal disease and our contribution in this field, in order to sustain their use as biomarkers of active periodontal disease and future therapeutic tools....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

New English File Beginner Supplementary Resources

Over the last decade or two, however, there has been increasing awareness on the impact of emotional distress during pregnancy—growing recognition that the incidence of depression during pregnancy is at least as high as it is postnatally (Faisal-Cury & Menezes, 2007; Marcus, 2009), that the majority of cases of postnatal depression begin during pregnancy (Heron et al., 2004), that anxiety during pregnancy is a significant predictor of postnatal depression (Austin, Tully, & Parker, 2007), and that anxiety and stress during pregnancy can have significant long-term effects on the physical and mental health and development of the child....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

New English File Elementary Students Book

There is a need for development of new diagnostic tools to allow earlier detection of active disease, predict disease progression and evaluate the response to periodontal therapy, thereby improving the clinical management of patients with periodontal diseases. Advances in periodontal diseases diagnostic research are moving toward methods whereby periodontal risk can be identified and quantified by objective measures such as biomarkers. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and salivary levels of several growth factors, cytokines and enzymes of host origin appear to hold the greatest promise as valuable biomarkers in assessing development of periodontal disease (Buduneli & Kinane, 2011; Giannobile et al., 2003; Gurkan et al., 2008; Goncalves et al., 2009;...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

New English File Elementary Teacher Book

At the beginning, specialists tried to diagnose the stage of periodontal disease depending on the relation between the clinical appearances and the presence of some specific cell populations or specific matrix components (Havemose-Poulsen & Holmstrup, 1997; Romanos et al., 1993). Traditional clinical measurements (probing pocket depth, bleeding on probing, clinical attachment loss, plaque index) used for the diagnosis of periodontium health are often of limited usefulness because they are not sufficiently accurate to discern between previous periodontal disease and present disease activity....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

New English File Elementary (2004) Test Booklet

Important player for the regulation of gingival connective tissue homeostasis is the fibroblast, cell able to synthesize and breakdown the collagen fibers and other proteins from the ground substance. In vitro studies have shown that fibroblasts from human normal gingiva produce collagens type I and type III, while cells derived from gingiva of patients with chronic periodontitis failed to produce detectable amounts of type III collagen (Hammouda et al., 1980; Chavier et al., 1984, as cited in Bartold & Narayanan, 2006)....

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

New English File Elementary (2004) WB Key

Tập tiếng Anh mới, như tên của nó, là phiên bản mới và cải tiến File tiếng Anh. Không giống như File tiếng Anh ban đầu, trong bốn cấp độ (mới bắt đầu, Pre-Intermediate, trung cấp và Upper-Intermediate), phiên bản mới là một phiên bản của hai cấp độ đầu tiên (mới bắt đầu và Pre-Intermediate.)

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00

New English File Elementary (2004) WB

Histological assessment showed that independently of the etiological factor involved, changes of the mucosa refer both to the gingival epithelium and the lamina propria (Banita et al., 2008, 2011). There is now general agreement that all gingival overgrowth lesions contain fibrotic or expanded connective tissue with various levels of inflammation and an enlarged gingival epithelium. As soon as plaque accumulates adjacent to the gingival margin, inflammatory cells infiltrate in the subjacent connective tissue and initiate its destruction. Simultaneously with collagen destruction, wound repair occurs, which results in fibrosis and scarring coexisting at the foci of inflammation (Bartold & Narayanan, 2006). According to this sequence of events, the stages...

8/30/2018 1:00:34 AM +00:00