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Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies For example, there are special batch verification methods for verifying many digital signatures at once that run much faster than checking each signature individually.[40] On the other hand, sometimes these schemes leave themselves open to attack.[41] [40] Mihir Bellare, Juan A. Garay, and Tal Rabin (1998), "Fast Batch Verification for Modular Exponentiation and Digital Signatures," EUROCRYPT `98, pp. 236-250. [41] Colin Boyd and Chris Pavlovski (2000), "Attacking and Repairing Batch Verification Schemes," ASIACRYPT 2000. The methods we`ve described take advantage of particular properties of the problem at hand. Not all problems are known to have these properties. For example, the SETI@home project would benefit from some quick method of checking correctness of its clients. This is because malicious clients have tried to disrupt the SETI@home project in the past. Unfortunately, no quick, practical methods for checking SETI@home computations are currently known.[42] [42] David Molnar (September 2000), "The SETI@home Problem," ACM Crossroads, http://www.acm.org/crossroads/columns/onpatrol/september2000.html. Verifying bandwidth allocation can be a trickier issue. Bandwidth often goes hand-in-hand with data storage. For instance, Bob might host a web page for Alice, but is he always responding to requests? A starting point for verification is to sample anonymously at random and gain some statistical assurance that Bob`s server is up. Still, the Mixmaster problem returns to haunt us. David Chaum, who proposed mix nets in 1981,[43] suggested that mix nodes publish the outgoing batch of messages. Alternatively, they could publish some number per message, selected at random by Alice and known only to her. This suggestion works well for a theoretical mix net endowed with a public bulletin board, but in Internet systems, it is difficult to ensure that the mix node actually sends out these messages. Even a bulletin board could be tampered with. [43] D. Chaum, "Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms," op. cit. Above, we have described some approaches to addressing accountability in Free Haven. We can protect against bandwidth flooding through the use of micropayments in the mix net that Free Haven uses for communication, and against data flooding through the use of a reputation system. While the exact details of these proposed solutions are not described here, hopefully the techniques described to choose each accountability solution will be useful in the development of similar peer-to-peer publication or storage systems. 16.6 Conclusion Now we`ve seen a range of responses to the accountability problem. How can we tell which ones are best? We can certainly start making some judgments, but how does one know when one technique is better suited than another? Peer-to-peer remains a fuzzy concept. A strict definition has yet to be accepted, and the term covers a wide array of systems that are only loosely related (such as the ones in this book). This makes hard and fast answers to these questions very difficult. When one describes operating systems or databases, there are accepted design criteria that all enterprise systems should fulfill, such as security and fault tolerance. In contrast, the criteria for peer-to-peer systems can differ widely for various distributed application architectures: file sharing, computation, instant messaging, intelligent searching, and so on. Still, we can describe some general themes. This chapter has covered the theme of accountability. Our classification has largely focused on two key issues: • Restricting access and protecting from attack • Selecting favored users Dealing with resource allocation and accountability problems is a fundamental part of designing any system that must serve many users. Systems that do not deal with these problems have found and will continue to find themselves in trouble, especially as adversaries find ways to make such problems glaringly apparent. page 212 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies With all the peer-to-peer hype over the past year - which will probably be spurred on by the publication of this book - we want to note a simple fact: peer-to-peer won`t save you from dealing with resource allocation problems. Two examples of resource allocation problems are the Slashdot effect and distributed denial of service attacks. From these examples, it`s tempting to think that somehow being peer-to-peer will save a system from thinking about such problems - after all, there`s no longer any central point to attack or flood! That`s why we began the chapter talking about Napster and Gnutella. Unfortunately, as can be seen in Gnutella`s scaling problems, the massive amounts of Napster traffic, and flooding attacks on file storage services, being peer-to-peer doesn`t make the problems go away. It just makes the problems different. Indeed, it often makes the problems harder to solve, because with peer-to-peer there might be no central command or central store of data. The history of cryptography provides a cautionary tale here. System designers have realized the limits of theoretical cryptography for providing practical security. Cryptography is not pixie dust to spread liberally and without regard over network protocols, hoping to magically achieve protection from adversaries. Buffer overflow attacks and unsalted dictionary passwords are only two examples of easy exploits. A system is only as secure as its weakest link. The same assertion holds for decentralized peer-to-peer systems. A range of techniques exists for solving accountability and resource allocation problems. Particularly powerful are reputation and micropayment techniques, which allow a system to collect and leverage local information about its users. Which techniques should be used depends on the system being designed. 16.7 Acknowledgments First and foremost, we`d like to thank our editor, Andy Oram, for helping us to make all of these sections fit together and make sense. Without him, this would still be just a jumble of really neat ideas. We would also like to thank a number of others for reviews and comments: Robert Zeithammer for economic discussion of micropayments, Jean-François Raymond and Stefan Brands for micropayments, Nick Mathewson and Blake Meike for the reputations section, and Daniel Freedman, Marc Waldman, Susan Born, and Theo Hong for overall edits and comments. page 213 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Chapter 17. Reputation Richard Lethin, Reputation Technologies, Inc. Reputation is the memory and summary of behavior from past transactions. In real life, we use it to help us set our expectations when we consider future transactions. A buyer depends on the reputation of a seller when he considers buying. A student considers the reputation of a university when she considers applying for admission, and the university considers the student`s reputation when it decides whether to admit her. In selecting a candidate, a voter considers the reputation of a politician for keeping his word. The possible effect on one`s reputation also influences how one behaves: an individual might behave properly or fairly to ensure that her reputation is preserved or enhanced. In situations without reputation, where there is no prospect of memory after the transaction, behavior in the negotiation of the transaction can be zero-sum. This is the classic used car salesman situation in which the customer is sold a lemon at an unreasonable price, because once the customer drives off the lot, the salesman is never going to see her again. A trade with a prospective new partner is risky if we don`t know how he behaved in the past. If we know something about how he`s behaved in the past, and if our prospect puts his reputation on the line, we will be more willing to trade. So reputation makes exchange freer, smoother, and more liquid, removing barriers of risk aversion that interfere with trade`s free flow. Reputation does all this without a central authority. Naturally, therefore, reputation turns up frequently in any discussion about distributed entities interacting peer-to-peer - a situation that occurs at many levels over the Internet. Some of these levels are close to real life, such as trade in the emerging e-marketplaces and private exchanges. Others are more esoteric, such as the interaction of anonymous storage servers in the Free Haven system described in Chapter 12. Chapter 16, includes a discussion of the value of reputation. The use of reputation as a distributed means of control over fairness is a topic of much interest in the research literature. Economists and game theorists have analyzed the way reputation motivates fair play in repeated games, as opposed to a single interaction, which often results in selfish behavior as the most rational choice. Researchers in distributed artificial intelligence look to reputation as a system to control the behavior of distributed agents that are supposed to contribute collectively to intelligence. Researchers in computer security look at deeper meanings of trust, one of which is reputation. In this chapter, I will present a commercial system called the Reputation Server™[1] that tries to bring everyday aspects of reputation and trust into online transactions. While not currently organized in a peer-to-peer fashion itself, the service has the potential to become more distributed and prove useful to peer-to-peer systems as well as traditional online businesses. [1] Reputation Server™ is a trademark of Reputation Technologies, Inc. The Reputation Server is a computer system available to entities engaging in a prospective transaction - a third party to a trade that can be used by any two parties who want reputation to serve as motivation for fair dealing. The server accepts feedback on the performance of the entities after each transaction is finished and stores the information for use by future entities. It also provides scores summarizing the history of transactions that an entity has engaged in. The Reputation Server, by holding onto the histories of transactions, acts as the memory that helps entities build reputations. page 214 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies 17.1 Examples of using the Reputation Server A North American buyer of textiles might be considering purchasing from a new supplier in China. The buyer can check the Reputation Server for scores based on feedback from other buyers who have used that supplier. If the scores are good enough to go forward, the buyer will probably still insist that the trade be recorded in a transaction context on the Reputation Server - that the seller be willing to let others see feedback about its performance - in order to make it costly for the seller to perform poorly in the transaction. Without the Reputation Server, the buyer has to rely solely on other means of reducing risk, such as costly product inspections or insurance.[2] [2] These other risk reduction techniques can also be used with the Reputation Server. But the motivation to use the Reputation Server is not exclusively on the buyer`s side: A reliable seller may insist on using the Reputation Server so that the trade can reinforce his reputation. In some cases, the Reputation Server may be the only way to reduce risk. For example, two entities might want to trade in a securely pseudonymous manner, with payment by a nonrepudiable anonymous digital cash protocol. Product inspection might be unwanted because it reveals the entity behind the pseudonym. Once the digital cash is spent, there`s no chance of getting a refund. Reputation helps ease some of the buyer`s concern about the risk of this transaction: she can check the reputation of the pseudonym, and she has the recourse of lowering that reputation should the transaction go bad. Thus, the inventors of anonymous digital cash have long recognized the interdependence of pseudonymous commerce systems and reputations. Also, the topic gets attention in the Cypherpunks Cyphernomicon as an enabling factor in the adoption of anonymous payment technologies.[3] [3] Tim May (1994). The Cyphernomicon, Sections 15.2-4, archived in various places on the Net, e.g., http://swissnet.ai.mit.edu/6805/articles/crypto/cypherpunks/cyphernomicon/CP-FAQ1994. But more mundane risks can also make using the Reputation Server worthwhile. The example I started with in this section, of a buyer in North America purchasing textiles from China, has some aspects of functional anonymity: even though the buyer and seller aren`t actively hiding from each other, they don`t know each other because of the geographic, political, cultural, class, and language barriers that separate them. Reputation Servers can be the social network that is otherwise lacking and that enforces good behavior or allows the system to correct itself. As the Internet bridges the traditional barriers to create new relationships, the need for Reputation Servers grows. At first, the implementation of this system seems trivial: just a database, some messaging, and some statistics. However, the following architecture discussion will reveal that the issues are quite complex. With keen competition and high-value transactions, the stakes are high. This makes it important to consider the design carefully and take a principled approach. 17.2 Reputation domains, entities, and multidimensional reputations To understand how the Reputation Server accomplishes its task, you have to start with the abstraction of a reputation domain, which is a context in which a sequence of trades will take place and in which reputations are formed and used. A domain is created, administered, and owned by one entity. For example, a consultant integrating the software components for a business-to- business, online e-marketplace might create a reputation domain for that e-marketplace on the Reputation Server. Thousands of businesses that will trade in the e-marketplace can use the same domain. Or someone might create a smaller domain consisting of auto mechanics in Cambridge and the car owners that purchase repairs. Or someone might create a domain for the anonymous servers forming Free Haven. The domain owner can specify the domain`s rules about which entities can join, the definition of reputation within that domain, which information is going to be collected, who can access the data, and what they can access. Reputations form within the domain according to the specified configuration. For the moment, we assume that there is no information transfer among domains: A reputation within one domain is meaningless in another domain.[4] [4] This constraint is relaxed later in the chapter. page 215 Peer to Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies Entities in a Reputation Server correspond to the parties for whom reputations will be forming and the parties who will be providing feedback. Entities might correspond to people, companies, software agents, or Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) public keys. They exist outside the domains, so it is possible for an entity to be a participant in multiple domains. The domain has a great degree of latitude in how it defines reputation. This definition might be a simple scalar quantity representing an overall reputation, or a multidimensional quantity representing different aspects of an entity`s performance in transactions. For example, one of the dimensions of a seller`s reputation might be a metric measuring the quality of goods a seller ships; another might be the ability to ship on time. The scoring algorithms do not depend on what the individual dimensions "mean"; the dimensions are measures within a range, and the domain configuration simply names them and hooks them up to sources and readers. The notion of a domain is powerful, even for definitions that might be considered too small to be meaningful. For example, a domain with only one buyer seems solipsistic (self-absorbed) but can in fact be quite useful to an entity for privately monitoring its suppliers. The domain can provide a common area for the storage and processing of quality, docking, and exception information that might otherwise be used by only one small part of the buyer`s organization or simply lost outright. Reputation information about a supplier might be kept internal to the buyer if the buyer thinks this is of strategic importance (that is, if knowing which supplier is good or bad in particular areas conveys a competitive advantage to the buyer). On the other hand, if the buyer is willing to share the reputation information he has taken the trouble to accumulate, it could be useful so that a seller can attract other buyers. For example, ACME computer company might allow its ratings of suppliers to be shared outside to help its suppliers win other buyers; this benefits ACME by allowing its suppliers to amortize fixed costs, and it might even be able to negotiate preferred terms from the supplier to realize this benefit. 17.3 Identity as an element of reputation Before gaining a reputation, an entity needs to have an identity that is made known to the Reputation Server. The domain defines how identities are determined. Techniques for assuring an entity`s identity are discussed in other areas of this book, notably Chapter 15, and Chapter 18. An entity`s identity, for instance, might be a certified public key or a simple username validated with password login on the Reputation Server. Some properties of identities can influence the scoring system. One of the most critical questions is whether an entity can participate under multiple identities. Multiple participation might be difficult to prevent, because entities might be trivially able to adopt a new identity in a marketplace. In this situation, with weak identities, we have to be careful how we distinguish a bad reputation from a new reputation. This is because we may create a moral hazard: the gain from cheating may exceed the loss to reputation if the identity can be trivially discarded and a new identity trivially constructed. Weak identities also have implications for credibility, because it becomes hard to distinguish true feedback from feedback provided by the entity itself. While it is possible to run a reputation domain for weak identities, it is easier to do so for strong identities. Reputation domains with weak identities require the system to obtain and process more data, while strong identities allow the system to "bootstrap" online reputations with some grounding in the real world. 17.4 Interface to the marketplace We use the term marketplace loosely: generally it corresponds to an online e-marketplace, but a marketplace might also correspond to the distributed block trading that is taking place in Free Haven or the private purchasing activity of the single buyer who has set up a private reputation domain. While some marketplaces, such as eBay, include an embedded reputation system, our Reputation Server exists outside the marketplace so that it can serve many marketplaces of different types. page 216 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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