Tài liệu miễn phí Truyện cười

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Vova và Bố

Bố : Tại sao con đánh bạn? Con có biết lớn đánh nhỏ là hèn không? Vova: Thế sao bố lại đánh con? Giờ họcđầu tiên môn hình học lớp 7. Cô giáo vẽ lên bảng 1 cái vòng tròn và đường kính. - Các em hãy nhìn đây là vòng tròn và đường kính của nó. Vova: - Còn theo em, đó là cái mông! Cô giáo tức quá, chạy đi tìm thầy hiệu trưởng và cùng quay về lớp học: - Thưa đồng chí hiệu trưởng, Vova là 1 học trò hư và không hiểu gì về hình...

8/30/2018 2:44:13 AM +00:00

Vova và cô giáo

Cô giáo hỏi Vova: - Tại sao hôm qua em không đi học? Vova giải thích: - Hôm qua mẹ em giặt mất cái quần sịp của em, mà em thì chỉ có mỗi một cái đó. Cô giáo: - Được rồi. Ngày hôm sau cũng không thấy Vova đến trường. Cô giáo hỏi: - Mẹ em lại giặt mất quần sịp của em à? Vova: - Thưa cô không phải, việc gì phải giặt nó hàng ngày. Trên đường em tới trường, đi ngang qua nhà cô ....... và em thấy quần ... của cô treo trên ban công,...

8/30/2018 2:44:13 AM +00:00

The Model Of A Judge By William Douglas Morrison

There was no one else we could trust. But what does he know about cakes? My dear, he has the most exquisite sense of taste! I still don't understand. It's superhuman. Before we adopted Professor Halder's suggestion, we gave him a few tests. The results simply left us gasping.

8/30/2018 2:40:09 AM +00:00

Những câu truyện tiếu lâm hay nhất thế giới

MỤC LỤC Âm nhạc Sau một đêm ngủ trọ Giống mèo cũng khôn ngoan và lý sự Nâu này của tôi hay của cô Tao bóp ngay đây cho mà coi Gặp cô hàng mắm tôm chợ Đồng Xuân Chỗ rẽ đây phải không? Bí quyết viết thư Cháu là con ai. Chúng tôi đã chia tay. Đừng quên mua dây thun cho quần đùi nhé!. Hạnh phúc yên ắng. Hội nghị các nhà giải phẫu Phó tiến sĩ không hữu nghị Sao cô ấy lại bỏ đi ?. Short - Sweet - Science - Secret Bà Chúa mắc lỡm Ăn...

8/30/2018 2:36:06 AM +00:00

The Deaths of Hintsa

In 1996, as South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission was beginning its hearings, Nicholas Gcaleka, a healer diviner from the town of Butterworth in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, set off on a journey to retrieve the skull of Hintsa, the Xhosa king. Hintsa had been killed by British troops on the banks of the Nqabarha River over a century and a half before and, it was widely believed, been beheaded. From a variety of quarters including the press, academia and Xhosa traditional leadership Gcaleka's mission was mocked and derided....

8/30/2018 2:35:44 AM +00:00

The Nature of Man and Other Essays

Title The Nature of Man and Other Essays (Dodo Press)Authors and contributors By (author) Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, Translated by Syed Nawab AliPhysical properties Format: PaperbackNumber of pages: 56Width: 152 mmHeight: 229 mmThickness:

8/30/2018 2:31:34 AM +00:00

The Gambler By Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky

Though I am not your mentor, nor wish to be, at least I have a right to require that you shall not actually compromise me. I have no money for gambling, I quietly replied. But you will soon be in receipt of some, retorted the General, reddening a little as he

8/30/2018 2:31:33 AM +00:00

Olla Podrida Frederick Marryat

If I return home, the ring at the bell reminds me of a Peel—as I mount the stairs I think of the “Lobby”—I throw myself on the sofa, and the cushion is transformed into a woolsack—if a solitary visitor calls in, I imagine a public meeting, and call out chair! chair!—and I as often address my wife as Mr Speaker, as I do with the usual appellative of “my dear.” 1 .

8/30/2018 2:31:33 AM +00:00

Fantasia of the Unconscious

Only let me say, that to my mind there is a great field of science which is as yet quite closed to us. I refer to the science which proceeds in terms of life and is established on data of living experience and of sure intuition. Call it subjective science if you like. .

8/30/2018 2:31:30 AM +00:00

Action In Waiting

The seventeen essays in this free ebook give a fresh look at the spiritual life as active expectation of God's kingdom breaking into this world. This kingdom is no longer relegated to some afterlife, but takes effect today.

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

When the Time Was Fulfilled

The meditations in this collection witness to the fact that the birth of Jesus is more than history – it is a reality – but only for those who feel their need and are personally ready to come to the manger. A revised and expanded edition of an old…

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

The Early Christians

What did Christianity look like before it became an institution? Find out for yourself with this collection of firsthand accounts of the early church. Includes excerpts from Origen, Tertullian, Polycarp, Clement of Alexandria, Justin, Irenaeus, and…

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

Freedom from Sinful Thoughts

Drawing on the words of Jesus, and on his own experience as a pastoral counselor, Arnold guides the reader from frustration, guilt and self-doubt to single-minded freedom and finding peace in Christ.

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00


This book is the story, told in Annemarie’s own words, of her path from doubt and despair to a life of purpose, faith, and joy. Annemarie was set on this path when she responded to a call from God so strong and direct that it abolished all her…

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00


You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children.” “So would you do it again?” I asked. “Would I do it again?” he said to me, looking surprised.

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

Against the Wind

A journalist's biography of Eberhard Arnold, a man who, in his search for Christ, ended up turning the Christianity of his day on its head. Markus Baum looks at the forces that shaped Arnold's life, recreates the colorful era in which he lived, and…

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

God's Revolution

Eberhard Arnold doesn't approach discipleship as a benign route to religious fulfillment, but as revolution - a transformation that begins within and spreads outward to encompass every aspect of life. Here is the raw reality of the gospel that has…

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

Christoph Blumhardt and his Message

He was an embarrassment to Christians and non-Christians alike. He seemed to challenge and disconcert everyone. And yet he possessed a strange confidence in God’s history; a confidence that inspired hope in many, and continues to do so even…

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

The Awakening

A must-read free ebook for anyone who has doubts about spiritual warfare, The Awakening provides a rare glimpse into the eternal fight between the forces of good and evil...

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

Eberhard Arnold

You must include this credit line: “Copyright 2011 by The Plough Publishing House. Used with permission.” This e-book is a publication of The Plough Publishing House, Rifton, NY 12471 USA (www.plough.com) and Robertsbridge, East Sussex,

8/30/2018 2:31:25 AM +00:00

The Wisemen

Five hundred miles with camels, if you go straight across, stopping to camp every night, or maybe eight hundred miles if you go around the top, would be a very long journey. It would take months. So by that we already know that this was some time after

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

The Guest

But when I told my parents the kind of man he was, how we read religious books together, and talked about the Faith, they were satisfied that there could not be anything seriously wrong with him. Then my father visited him, and invited Timofai to come to see us. At once my pare

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

The Carpenter's Christmas

A 10 page story for Christmas set as a European folk tale. A nagging wife is horrified when her carpenter husband fixes a neighbor's roof instead of going to church on Christmas Eve. Who is right?

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

Grandfather's Stories

11 page Christmas short story for older children: It is Christmas Eve on a large Prussian estate shortly after the great upheaval now known as World War II, and several tenants have gathered with their masters for the evening. Christoph, their…

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

Razor-Wire Christmas

18 page Christmas short story for teens and others: Stuck behind bars this Christmas, Julio worries about his wife, who is about to have their first child. Escape is impossible, or is it?

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

Why We Live in Community

In this time-honored manifesto, Arnold adds his voice to the vital discussion of what real intentional community is all about: love, joy, unity, and the great adventure of faith shared with others along the way. He does not describe (or prescribe)…

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

Walk in the Light

If you wish to make multiple hard copies for wider distribution, or to reprint portions in a newsletter or periodical, please observe the following restrictions: • You may not reproduce it for commercial gain.

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

The Violence of Love

A powerful free ebook of eloquent, simple meditations, bearing witness to the hard life of a man who was martyred for his faith.

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

Thy Will Be Done

With childlike confidence in the possibility of miracles and a deep trust that the Creator is supremely wise and good, the Blumhardts point us away from our woes and to Jesus. As the Great Physician, he offers lasting comfort and healing without…

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00

Thy Kingdom Come

Christians the world over pray Thy kingdom come daily, but do they know what they are asking for? These short selections will spark a burning expectation for this kingdom to break into this world, here and now. Compiled by Vernard Eller.

8/30/2018 2:31:24 AM +00:00