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Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 5 - Hammad Khalid Khan

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 5 - Hammad Khalid Khan. The main topics covered in this chapter include: byte stuffing, transmission errors, error detection and correction, parity checking, limitations of parity checking, alternative error detection schemes,...

4/8/2023 7:09:06 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 4 - Hammad Khalid Khan

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 4 - Hammad Khalid Khan. The main topics covered in this chapter include: packets, frames and error detection; introduces the concept of packets; reasons for using packets; problems with the sharing; solution for fairness; Time-Division Multiplexing;...

4/8/2023 7:09:00 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 3 - Hammad Khalid Khan

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 3 - Hammad Khalid Khan. The main topics covered in this chapter include: basic idea, transmission media, copper wires, types of media, coaxial cable, optical fibers, advantages of optical fibers, geosynchronous satellites,...

4/8/2023 7:08:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 2 - Hammad Khalid Khan

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 2 - Hammad Khalid Khan. The main topics covered in this chapter include: resource sharing; growth of the internet: linear scale, log scale; growth of the internet; tools for probing the internet;...

4/8/2023 7:08:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 1 - Hammad Khalid Khan

Lecture Computer networks: Lesson 1 - Hammad Khalid Khan. The main topics covered in this chapter include: network and internet, classification of networks, networks in daily life, mastering the complexity, complexity in network systems,...

4/8/2023 7:08:36 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 27

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 27. The main topics covered in this lesson include: java servlets, creating a simple web application in tomcat, tomcat directory structure, tomcat setup, servlet types, servlet class hierarchy, writing servlet, types of HTTP requests, HTTP request types,...

4/8/2023 6:44:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 26

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 26. The main topics covered in this lesson include: intro to servlets, web-based enterprise applications in java, java servlets, generating HTML pages dynamically, handle data/requests sent by users (clients), software requirements, environment setup,...

4/8/2023 6:44:33 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 25

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 25. The main topics covered in this lesson include: web based performance review management system, web based school management system, HTTP communication model, request-response oriented protocol, HTTP response contains, HTTP response example,...

4/8/2023 6:44:26 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 24

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 24. The main topics covered in this lesson include: multithreading, reading two files simultaneously, useful thread methods, code example of modify worker.java, code example of sleepex.java, high priority threads should execute sleep method after some time to give low priority threads a chance to run otherwise starvation may occur,...

4/8/2023 6:44:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 23

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 23. The main topics covered in this lesson include: multithreading, threads, three loops sequential execution, compile and execute of threelooptest, multi-threaded output, creating threads in java, thread creation steps using interface, multi-threaded execution,...

4/8/2023 6:44:10 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 22

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 22. The main topics covered in this lesson include: object serialization explanation, example of file, network, java automatic serialization, serializable interface, automatic writing, automatic reading, example code of serialization with reading/writing personinfo objects,...

4/8/2023 6:44:03 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 21

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 21. The main topics covered in this lesson include: umair javed, socket programming, request – response model, socket’s dynamics, transport address to which processes can listen for connection requests, how client and server communicate,...

4/8/2023 6:43:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 20

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 20. The main topics covered in this lesson include: applets, applet support, the genealogy of applet, code example of a simple applet, structure of an HTML page, browser output of applet, the applet life cycle, graphics behavior, code example of understanding applet life cycle,...

4/8/2023 6:43:51 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 19

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 19. The main topics covered in this lesson include: Java graphics and when to paint, understanding repaint cycle, your painting strategy, class MyPanel extends JPanel, coordinate system, upside-down cartesian, live output,...

4/8/2023 6:43:45 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 18

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 18. The main topics covered in this lesson include: Java graphics, painting and how painting works, painting a swing component, desktop gets repaint event, the swing painting methods, your painting strategy, override the paintComponent(Graphics g) method,...

4/8/2023 6:43:39 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 17

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 17. The main topics covered in this lesson include: more on JDBC - meta data, using ResultSetMetaData, useful ResultSetMetaData methods, DatabaseMetaData, using DatabaseMetaData, useful DataBaseMetaData methods, RowSet and JDBC driver types,...

4/8/2023 6:43:32 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 16

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 16. The main topics covered in this lesson include: more on JDBC, result set, default ResultSet, updatable and/or scrollable ResultSet, creating updatable and scrollable ResultSet, ResultSetEx updating existing rows,...

4/8/2023 6:43:26 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 15

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 15. The main topics covered in this lesson include: more on JDBC, example code for executing SQL DML statements, useful statement methods (N-I), prepared statements, precompiled queries, using prepared statements, executing prepared statements,...

4/8/2023 6:43:20 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 14

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 14. The main topics covered in this lesson include: java database connectivity, overview of JDBC technology, JDBC drivers, seven basic steps in using JDBC, example of retrieving data from ResultSet , example of executing DML statements, using prepared statement,...

4/8/2023 6:43:14 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 13

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 13. The main topics covered in this lesson include: event handling, handling window events example revisited, window exit handler example reveisted, adapter classes and how to use adapter classes, inner classes, handling window and mouse motion events,...

4/8/2023 6:43:03 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 12

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 12. The main topics covered in this lesson include: event handling, important points revisited, handling mouse events, interface mouselistener, example code handling mouse motion events, steps for handling mouse motion events, handling window events,...

4/8/2023 6:42:57 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 11

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 11. The main topics covered in this lesson include: event handling, GUIs generate events when the user interacts with GUI, in java events are represented by objects, both AWT and swing components (not all) generate events,...

4/8/2023 6:42:51 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 10

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 10. The main topics covered in this lesson include: basics of GUI, support for GUI in Java, abstract windowing toolkit, GUI creation steps, GUI creation approaches, layout managers, making your own calculator,...

4/8/2023 6:42:45 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 9

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 9. The main topics covered in this lesson include: abstract classes and interfaces, class shape hierarchy, problem AND requirements, example of abstract class Shape.java, interfaces and interfaces definition example, classes implement interfaces,...

4/8/2023 6:42:38 AM +00:00

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 8

Lecture Web design and development: Lesson 8. The main topics covered in this lesson include: streams, the concept of streams, stream classification based on functionality, stream classification based on data, modification of address book code, adding persistence functionality,...

4/8/2023 6:42:29 AM +00:00

Cải tiến giao thức định tuyến LEACH nhằm nâng cao tuổi thọ cho mạng cảm biến không dây

Bài viết trình bày việc đề xuất cải tiến giao thức LEACH bằng cách kết hợp sử dụng thuật toán K-means để phân cụm và lựa chọn các nút làm CH sao cho tổng khoảng cách các nút trong cụm đến CH và từ CH đến trạm gốc (Base Station – BS) là nhỏ nhất, dẫn đến việc tiêu thụ năng lượng trung bình trong mạng giảm và kéo dài tuổi thọ của mạng.

4/8/2023 5:06:40 AM +00:00

ALID-GAN: Phương pháp hỗ trợ học chủ động cho hệ thống phát hiện xâm nhập dựa trên mạng sinh đối kháng

Hệ thống phát hiện xâm nhập (Intrusion Detection System - IDS) dựa trên sự bất thường sử dụng các thuật toán Học máy (Machine Learning - ML) ngày càng được chú ý do lợi thế của chúng trong việc phát hiện các cuộc tấn công.

4/8/2023 5:05:26 AM +00:00

Mô hình định vị trong nhà sử dụng BLE iBeacon và mạng nơ ron nhân tạo

Bài viết trình bày đề xuất mô hình hệ thống định vị trong nhà dựa trên công nghệ Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) và mạng Nơ-ron nhân tạo, triển khai hoạt động trên thiết bị BLE iBeacon, cùng với mạch Raspberry Pi 3. Hệ thống sẽ sử dụng phương pháp Fingerprinting để xây dựng một cơ sở dữ liệu từ cường độ tín hiệu đo được từ các iBeacon, và xử lý qua một mạng Nơ-ron nhân tạo để dự đoán vị trí của Raspberry Pi 3.

4/8/2023 5:02:59 AM +00:00

Nghiên cứu ứng dụng mạng LSTM để dự đoán nhiệt độ cho hệ thống HVAC

Bài viết này đề xuất một giải pháp áp dụng mạng nơron dự đoán theo chuỗi thời gian LSTM (Long short-term memory) cho việc dự đoán nhiệt độ trong tòa nhà. Tập dữ liệu của mô hình được thu thập trong thời gian dài thông qua Wemos D1 kết hợp cảm biến nhiệt độ LM35 và được lưu trữ trên Google Sheets.

4/8/2023 5:02:23 AM +00:00

Ảnh hưởng thuật toán đo đạc và quyết định chuyển giao đến hiệu suất sử dụng tài nguyên vô tuyến, lưu lượng dữ liệu 4G, thách thức 5G

Mạng di động thế hệ thứ 4 và thứ 5 đáp ứng sự bùng nổ lưu lượng dữ liệu và số lượng thiết bị kết nối lớn. Trong một số trường hợp cụ thể, khi số lượng thiết bị kết nối lớn, chẳng hạn như ở khu vực đô thị, thuật toán đo đạc và quyết định chuyển giao hiện tại (A1A2A3 RSRP) không hạn chế được quá tải số lượng bản tin báo hiệu và sự suy giảm của lưu lượng dữ liệu.

4/8/2023 5:00:56 AM +00:00