Tài liệu miễn phí Nghệ thuật sống

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Dốc hết trái tim - cuốn bạch thư của ông chủ lớn và cũng là người sáng lập ra cà phê Starbucks, Howard Schultz. Tác giả tiết lộ không giấu diếm những bí quyết đã đưa Starbucks từ một cửa hàng cà phê nhỏ tại Seattle trở thành một trong những công ty kinh doanh khổng lồ của thế giới như hiện nay.

8/30/2018 2:23:16 AM +00:00

Tìm hiểu về Kỹ năng mềm

Thời gian là quý báu cho nhà lãnh đạo. dù ở trong công việc nào, bạn vẫn phải biết quản lý thời gian của mình. không có khác biệt nào giữa các cấp lãnh đạo. làm quản lý thường là giao việc cho người khác. dù vậy, bạn không thể tổ chức giao việc hiệu quả nếu bạn không tự mình tổ chức cho mình. thời gian là tài nguyên hiếm hoi. tự tổ chức và sắp xếp trách nhiệm có ý nghĩa là tổ chức và sử dụng quỹ thời gian của bạn cho cá nhân hay trong công...

8/30/2018 2:23:15 AM +00:00


Xử lý hiệu quả những câu hỏi và nhận xét của người nghe Giao tiếp bằng lời cũng như không lời một cách mạch lạc, dể hiểu và không bị phân tâm Trình bày slide đơn giản và mạch lạc phù hợp với nhu cầu của người nghe Đảm bảo theme nền liên quan và hỗ trợ cho nội dung bài thuyết trình soạn được một dàn ý trình bày logic bao gồm phần giới thiệu, phần thân bài và phần kết luận

8/30/2018 2:23:15 AM +00:00

Sleeper Awaken (Atlantean Secrets)

This spellbinding epic novel is first volume of the tetralogy in which Samuel Sagan presents the wonders of the Atlantean World, predictions regarding the future of humanity, and initiation secrets - past, present and future. A magnificent story of heart and of a struggle for awakening, with multiple references to mythology and cosmology. It tells of the end of one world, and the birth of a new one. Expect surprises!

8/30/2018 2:23:11 AM +00:00

The Secret Language Feelings

The Secret Language of Feelings was written to provide information regarding the nature of feelings and emotions. It is not designed to be a complete course in counseling, psychotherapy or psychology, or to offer medical advice. It is not meant to encompass all of the information available or needed to do any kind of therapeutic work. No single book could adequately prepare anyone for the practice of therapy or counseling. This book was designed to help individuals wishing to help themselves.

8/30/2018 2:23:05 AM +00:00

Nếu tôi biết được khi còn 20

Những bước ngoặt lớn của cuộc đời như rời xa giảng đường êm ả hoặc khởi đầu một sự nghiệp mới thường khiến ta nhụt chí. Phải đối mặt với một rừng những lựa chọn trong khi hiểu rằng sẽ chẳng có ai cho ta biết mình đang lựa chọn đúng hay sai thật đáng sợ. Chẳng có con đường vẽ sẵn hay công thức viết sẵn nào cho thành công, thậm chí việc quyết định mình nên bắt đầu thế nào và ở đâu cũng đã rất khó khăn rồi....

8/30/2018 2:18:54 AM +00:00


WITH so much at stake, Charles Dennison should not have been careless. An inventor cannot afford carelessness, particularly when his invention is extremely valuable and obviously patentable. There are too many grasping hands ready to seize what belongs to someone else, too many men who feast upon the creativity of the innocent. A touch of paranoia would have served Dennison well; but he was lacking in that vital characteristic of inventors. And he didn't even realize the full extent of his carelessness until a bullet, fired from a silenced weapon, chipped a granite wall not three inches from his head....

8/30/2018 2:18:40 AM +00:00

I'll Kill You Tomorrow

IT WAS NOT a sinister silence. No silence is sinister until it acquires a background of understandable menace. Here there was only the night quiet of Maternity, the silence of noiseless rubber heels on the hospital corridor floor, the faint brush of starched white skirts brushing through doorways into darkened and semi-darkened rooms. But there was something wrong with the silence in the basket room of Maternity, the glass-walled room containing row on row, the tiny hopes of tomorrow. The curtain was drawn across the window through which, during visiting hours, peered the proud fathers who did the hoping. The...

8/30/2018 2:18:38 AM +00:00

Off Course

FIRST ON the scene were Larry Dermott and Tim Casey of the State Highway Patrol. They assumed they were witnessing the crash of a new type of Air Force plane and slipped and skidded desperately across the field to within thirty feet of the strange craft, only to discover that the landing had been made without accident. Patrolman Dermott shook his head. They're gettin' queerer looking every year. Get a load of it—no wheels, no propeller, no cockpit. They left the car and made their way toward the strange egg-shaped vessel. Tim Casey loosened his .38 in its holster and...

8/30/2018 2:18:38 AM +00:00

Service with a Smile

HERBERT bowed with a muted clank—indicating he probably needed oiling somewhere—and presented Alice with a perfect martini on a silver tray. He stood holding the tray, a white, permanent porcelain smile on his smooth metal face, as Alice sipped the drink and grimaced. It's a good martini, Herbert, said Alice. Thank you. But, dammit, I wish you didn't have that everlasting smile! I am very sorry, Miss Alice, but I am unable to alter myself in any way, replied Herbert in his polite, hollow voice. He retired to a corner and stood impassively, still holding the tray. Herbert had found...

8/30/2018 2:14:43 AM +00:00


WELL, there was this song a few years back. You know the one. Phil Harris singing about a thing that you couldn't get rid of, no matter what you did, a thing so repulsive it made you a social outcast. Never thought I'd see one, though. Dirty Pete found it. Don't rush me. I'll tell you about it. We're hobos, understand? Now a hobo is a different breed of cat than you think. Oh, people are getting educated to the idea that a hobo will work and move on, whereas a tramp will mooch and move on, and a bum...

8/30/2018 2:14:43 AM +00:00

Loot of the Void

Dick Penrun glanced up incredulously. Why, that's impossible; you would have to be two hundred years old! he exclaimed. Lozzo nervously ran a hand through his white mop of hair. But it is true, Sirro, he assured his companion. We Martians sometimes live three centuries. You should know that I am only a hundred and seventy-five, and I do not lie when I say I was a cabin boy under Captain Halkon. His voice sank to a whisper, and he glanced apprehensively about the buffet of the Western Star which was due now in three days at the Martian city...

8/30/2018 2:14:43 AM +00:00

The Weakling

NARAN MAKUN looked across the table at the caravan master. “And you couldn’t find a trace of him?” “Nothing. Not even a scrap of his cargo or so much as the bones of a long-neck. He just dropped out of sight of his whole train. He went through this big estate, you see. Then he cut back to pick up some of his stops on the northern swing. Well, that was all. He didn’t get to the first one.” The other waved a hand. “Weird situation, too. Oh, the null was swirling, we know that, and he could have been...

8/30/2018 2:14:43 AM +00:00

Two Timer

THE FIRST time machine, gentlemen, Professor Johnson proudly informed his two colleagues. True, it is a small-scale experimental model. It will operate only on objects weighing less than three pounds, five ounces and for distances into the past and future of twelve minutes or less. But it works. The small-scale model looked like a small scale—a postage scale—except for two dials in the part under the platform. Professor Johnson held up a small metal cube. Our experimental object, he said, is a brass cube weighing one pound, two point three ounces. First, I shall send it five minutes into the...

8/30/2018 2:14:43 AM +00:00

20 điều cần ghi nhớ đối với người thầy

Hãy vui cùng nh ng thành tícữ h nhỏ bé của học trò và hãy chia sẻ với những thất bại của chúng.B n là ng i ạ ườ rất gần gũi với học trò, vì thế hãy cố gắng để chúng luôn cởi mở với bạn. Hãy vừa là bạn vừa là thầy của chúng.Đ ng ng i th ừ ạ ừa nhận với học trò là mình không biết về một vấn đề nào đó. Hãy cùng chúng tìm câu trả lời.

8/30/2018 2:14:42 AM +00:00


But you know what really makes it sting? They barely even worked for it. The average employed Canadian works 85 hours fewer each year than the average American -- more than two full workweeks. And that may be the lesson that Canada has for the United States: Working 24/7 isn't the road to prosperity, much less happiness, and there are numbers to prove it. In fact, across rich countries, it turns out there's no close link between the average hours people put in at the office and how much they make. So go ahead: Take that vacation...

8/30/2018 2:14:36 AM +00:00

Don’t Waste Your Life

Most people spend their lives on trivial diversions, seeking to gain comfort and pleasure for themselves. But Jesus said, Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. If the path to God-exalting joy and purpose is to lose your life rather than to waste it, then this Group Study Edition and the other components in the newly

8/30/2018 2:14:29 AM +00:00

Bí quyết làm giàu vĩ đại nhất trong lịch sử

Tham khảo sách 'bí quyết làm giàu vĩ đại nhất trong lịch sử', kỹ năng mềm, tâm lý - nghệ thuật sống phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

8/30/2018 2:14:25 AM +00:00

Sân ga cuộc đời

- Ẩn sâu trong tiềm thức của chúng ta là một khung cảnh đồng quê. Chúng ta đang đi bằng tàu lửa - và chúng ta đang say sưa với những phong cảnh thoáng qua bên ngoài khung cửa sổ kia - lũ trẻ đang vẫy tay chào trên những ngả đường vắt ngang đường ray, đàn gia súc nhởn nhơ gặm cỏ dưới chân đồi, những hàng bắp,

8/30/2018 2:14:25 AM +00:00

Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.

8/30/2018 2:10:41 AM +00:00

Book: The Issue At Hand - Essays On Buddhist Mindfulness Practice

Essays on Buddhist Mindfulness Practice. An inspiring and very accessible compilation of essays and edited talks on the Buddhist practice of mindfulness. As Gil Fronsdal states, the search for the issue at hand is the search for what is closest at hand, for what is directly seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt, and cognized in the present. Gil brings the practice of mindfulness not only to formal meditation but to all the varying aspects of every day life.

8/30/2018 2:10:40 AM +00:00

The Issue At Hand - Essays On Buddhist Mindfulness Practice

Essays on Buddhist Mindfulness Practice. An inspiring and very accessible compilation of essays and edited talks on the Buddhist practice of mindfulness. As Gil Fronsdal states, the search for the issue at hand is the search for what is closest at hand, for what is directly seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt, and cognized in the

8/30/2018 2:10:40 AM +00:00

One Man's Poison

Robert Sheckley (July 16, 1928 – December 9, 2005) was an American author. First published in the science fiction magazines of the 1950s, his numerous quick-witted stories and novels were famously unpredictable, absurdist and broadly comical. Sheckley was given the Author Emeritus honor by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 2001. There are those who were shocked he was not given the Grand Master Award instead. Commented one scholar, Kingsley Amis' critical overview of Science Fiction named Sheckley as our field's brightest light. But Sheckley was a humorist, and nowadays this is how our Mark Twains are...

8/30/2018 2:10:34 AM +00:00

The Romantic Analogue

Mathematicians are just like people: old, young, fat, thin, male, female. This one was male, thirty-five, with steady brown eyes and a nice smile when he remembered to use it. His name was Norman Venner, and besides being a mathematical whiz generally, he had designed and built an electronic brain, or calculator, which was in some ways smarter than himself—and

8/30/2018 2:10:34 AM +00:00

Nghĩ về bạn

Con người sinh ra đều có danh phận.Lớn lên cùng với sự hiểu biết. Khi trưởng thành biết đàm luận với nhau về việc của Trời. Tranh luận với nhau về sự hình thành của đât. Cãi lý với nhau về thân phận mỗi người. Các Danh Nho thường nói đó là : “ĐÀM THIÊN, THUYẾT ĐỊA, LUẬN NHÂN”. Mọi người sinh ra đều được làm người. Ông bạn tôi cũng thế.Tôi và Ông cùng vào nghề Kế toán.Từ thuở Hàn vi, cùng ở một Bộ. Tôi làm việc một Công ty ở Miền Bắc. Còn ông làm việc ở...

8/30/2018 2:10:34 AM +00:00

he Holy Bible (King James Version, KJV)

This complete edition of The King James Bible was designed for optimal navigation on Kindle and other electronic devices. It has both book and chapter navigation links. In just a few clicks, you can be reading any verse in the Bible.

8/30/2018 2:10:32 AM +00:00

Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days

..This is my “Every Day of the Year is Christmas” Gift to You! Christmas Meditations on the Twelve Holy Days December 26-January 6 can be enjoyed all year as the Earth travels through each sign of the Zodiac. For example, as we are in the sign of Aries, read the meditations for the holy day of Aries. The universal theme for that time is “Behold, I make all things new.” The book

8/30/2018 2:10:31 AM +00:00

The Six Fingers of Time

About Lafferty: Raphael Aloysius Lafferty (November 7, 1914 - March 18, 2002) was an American science fiction and fantasy writer known for his original use of language, metaphor, and narrative structure, as well as for his etymological wit. He also wrote a set of four autobiographical novels, In a Green Tree; a history book, The Fall of Rome; and a number of novels that could be more or less loosely called historical fiction. Lafferty was born on 7 November 1914 in Neola, Iowa to Hugh David Lafferty (a broker dealing in oil leases and royalties) and Julia Mary Burke, a...

8/30/2018 2:10:18 AM +00:00

The Thirst Quenchers

You know the one thing I really like about working for DivAg? Troy Braden muttered into his face-mask pickup. Ten yards behind Troy, and following in his ski tracks, his partner Alec Patterson paused to duck under a snow-laden. This etext was produced from Analog Science Fact & Fiction September 1963. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.

8/30/2018 2:10:18 AM +00:00

Sugar Plum

About Bretnor: Reginald Bretnor (born Alfred Reginald Kahn; July 30, 1911, Vladivostok, Russia – July 22, 1992, Medford, Oregon) was a science fiction author who flourished between the 1950s and 1980s. Most of his fiction was in short story form, and usually featured a whimsical story line or ironic plot twist. He also wrote on military theory and public affairs, and edited some of the earliest books to consider SF from a literary theory and criticism perspective. It has been alleged that he was an early associate of Anton Szandor LaVey in the days before the founding of the Church...

8/30/2018 2:10:18 AM +00:00