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Angst und Leistung in Teams der Medienwirtschaft

Wenn man denkt: Was könnte alles passieren, dann hat man schon den Finger an der Bremse.“ Dieser Satz des Radrennfahrers Erik Zabel bringt das Dilemma auf den Punkt, das man in einer Leistungsgesellschaft wie der unsrigen immer wieder spürt: Auf der einen Seite steht der Leistungsdruck einzelner und der Leistungsdruck ganzer Unternehmen, auf der anderen Seite die Angst. Nämlich davor, dass etwas Unvorhergesehenes, etwas Schlimmes passieren könnte, aber auch davor, dass etwas Erwünschtes nicht passieren könnte. Wie man es dreht und wendet: Angst ist immer....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Bankkredit adieu! Die besten Finanzierungsalternativen Neue Wege der Kapitalbeschaffung

Für die kleinen und mittleren deutschen Unternehmen sind schwierige Zeiten angebrochen. Bis zum August 2008 wurde die Diskussion über die verschlechterten Kreditvergabepraktiken der Banken vor allem durch Basel II und den zunehmenden Kostendruck bei den Banken selber bestimmt.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

.For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front matter material after the index. Please

Throughout this paper, we consider a valuation method for contingent claims taking control of shortfall risk into account in the framework of complete market models. After giving a general form of the valuation, we shall deal with models whose underlying assets are described by diffusion processes, and obtain a result for American type claims.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Next: la prossima puntata del mondo. Sarà globalizzazione? Alessandro Baricco parte da qui. E si interroga con la semplicità che esigono i fenomeni più complessi. Cosa intendiamo con globalizzazione? È solo uno slogan? È un paradiso inevitabile o un inferno annunciato? È come l'Illuminismo o come la Rivoluzione industriale? Mette in circolo idee che mutano il corso degli eventi o produce eventi che mutano il nostro modo di pensare? Baricco mette alla prova definizioni incerte, esemplifica, immagina, racconta, e via via sgomitola un filo di pensieri che ci riportano lì. Al problema che ci riguarda tutti....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Amway Forever

Amway Corporation marked its 50th anniversary in May 2009 with a glitzy celebration at the MGM Grand on the Las Vegas Strip. Spotlights swept across the crowd of well-dressed people who had come from all over the world for the event. A movie theater– sized screen splashed the Amway logo against a cobalt blue background. Cameras fl ashed and music pulsated. The upbeat mood and excitement inside the auditorium felt similar to the energetic vibe at a national political convention or a religious rally....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

An Unprogrammed Life

I first met William after he won the 1998 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year (EOY) award, which continues to be sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation. William went on to become one of the most active judges for EOY award competitions—at the local, national, and global levels. We have also shared the stage at many events, most recently as speakers at the Milken Global Institute conference.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Questo saggio vi parla del più grande crimine in Occidente dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi. Milioni di esseri umani e per generazioni furono fatti soffrire e ancora soffriranno per nulla. I dettagli e l’ampiezza della loro sofferenza sono impossibili da rendere in parole. Soffrirono e soffriranno per una decisione che fu presa a tavolino da pochi spregiudicati criminali, assistiti dai loro sicari intellettuali e politici. Essi sono all’opera ora, mentre leggete, e il piano di spoliazione delle nostre vite va intensificandosi giorno dopo giorno, anno dopo anno....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Broken Markets

The ability of individuals to access information has never been greater thanks to the internet. In the case of the Financial Market Meltdown of 2008, this has been less than helpful for the intelligent lay reader who just wants to make sense of what has happened and where things might go. A Google search for “financial crisis” yields about 24,000,000 entries, and the crisis has spawned many hundreds of books by journalists, academics, and others. Most of these books have some merit or they would have ended up in the infamous slush heap of proposals and manuscripts where every publisher and book agent consigns the vast majority of...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

BUSINESS LAW Fifth Edition

Business and commercial enterprise takes place within a legal context and, in the final analysis, is governed and regulated by law. One of the problems facing the person studying business activity, and the one that is specifically addressed in this book, is the fact that business enterprise takes place within a general and wide-ranging legal environment, but the student is required to have more than a passing knowledge of the legal rules and procedures which impact on business activity. The difficulty lies in acquiring an adequate knowledge of the many areas that govern such business activity. Law students legitimately may be expected to focus their attention on...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Changing the Way We Manage Change

No matter which way they turn, organizations are increasingly expected to find better and faster ways of responding to the change challenges presented by the revolution in information technology, increased globalization, smarter customers, and a constantly changing employee base. Are organizations successfully responding to these challenges, or are they crippled by their inability to bring about the necessary changes? How effective are organizations in managing change? Are the change management or organizational development (OD) theories, models, interventions, and change agent skills proving to be of value to organizations in their efforts to change? If so, how can we improve on them? If not, then what should we be doing...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Complying with the Global Investment Performance Standards

Performance measurement is an important concept for anyone managing or investing institutional assets. Complying with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) provides individuals and firms with two things: (1) guidance for the investment firm in achieving compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards—the GIPS standards—and (2) detailed explanations of the rationale and methodology behind the numbers.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Creating a Sustainable Organization

.Praise for Creating a Sustainable Organization “Peter brings together the wide-ranging aspects of present and future organizations to bolster environmental, social, and governance (ES&G) performance, presenting a clean and clear understanding of organizational sustainability. There are two ways to take over the world in business within the income statement and balance sheet— cash and profits! Peter presents anecdotal and factual evidence for translating typical ES&G data into financial knowledge, ultimately to decrease bad costs, optimize use of assets, and increase the profitability of revenue streams.” —Michael R. Pisarcik, Director, Environment & Safety Management Systems, Sara Lee Corporation “Peter Soyka’s book Creating...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Email Marketing: An Hour a Day

When you stop and think about it, the concept of email as a communication vehicle is a revolutionary one. Long before email became a marketing tool, it was a communication device. The impact that email has had on our culture and our lives is tremendous. Yet, many people forget the vast change in communication that email has produced and think of email marketing simply as a cheap or fast way to sell a product. Email deserves a much higher level of respect.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Equity Valuation: Models from Leading Investment Banks

Every student of finance or applied economics learns the lessons of Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller. Their landmark paper, published in 1958, laid out the basic underpinnings of modern finance and these two distinguished academics were both subsequently awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. Simply stated, companies create value when they generate returns that exceed their costs. More specifically, the returns of successful companies will exceed the risk-adjusted cost of the capital used to run the business. Further, these returns and the securities of the underlying companies must be judged against an uncertain backdrop, such that the risk-adjusted expected returns...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Sono dieci anni che la Apple colleziona un successo dopo l’altro. La società di Cupertino ha portato nelle case di milioni di persone non solo una tecnologia, ma anche uno stile di vita. Chi compra un MacBook, un iPad, un iPhone non sta solo comprando un computer, un tablet o uno smartphone; sta dichiarando un’appartenenza. Sta dicendo qualcosa di sé. Ma cosa c’è dietro questo successo? Cosa è riuscito a fare Steve Jobs che non sono riusciti a fare gli altri imprenditori? Evgeny Morozov, l’enfant terrible del web, ha affilato la sua penna, ha preso un bel respiro, e si è buttato a testa bassa contro i...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Law schools today give the impression they are thriving. Many have magnificent facilities with state-of-the-art technology. Their resources are the envy of every department in the university. Law professors are among the best paid in the academy, with sparkling credentials, and are sought after not just as leading academic and legal figures but also as public intellectuals, as consultants, and for important state and federal government positions. The first decade of the twenty-first century has been a golden age of plenty for law schools....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


This is a very personal book. It has grown out of my years observing, advising and learning lessons from some of the world’s most successful family-owned businesses and business-owning families. Also, the book in a sense records my personal journey through a period of remarkable change, beginning in an era (the late 1970s) when family companies were largely seen as quaint anachronisms of bygone times, and misunderstood as inefficient drags on entrepreneurialism by dint of their under-investment and parochial management style. I feel privileged to have witnessed and to have participated in the transformation that has taken place in this viewpoint. Today, we appreciate the strengths of family enterprises and...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


«Certi anni, come certi poeti e uomini politici e certe belle donne, si distinguono nettamente per fama dai loro simili: il 1929 fu evidentemente un anno del genere. Come il 1066, il 1776 e il 1914, è un anno che tutti ricordano. Uno è entrato all’università prima del 1929, si è sposato dopo il 1929 o non era ancora nato nel 1929». Così il grande economista John Kenneth Galbraith, dapprima testimone e poi studioso dell’epoca, apre la propria cronaca del Grande crollo, sottolineandone il carattere dirompente e la natura di spartiacque della contemporaneità nella memoria collettiva statunitense....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Financial Risk Forecasting

The focus in this book is on the study of market risk from a quantitative point of view. The emphasis is on presenting commonly used state-of-the-art quantitative techniques used in finance for the management of market risk and demonstrate their use employing the principal two mathematical programming languages, R and Matlab. All the code in the book can be downloaded from the book’s website at www.financialrisk forecasting.com

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Funding Your Retirement

This book is meant to be a practical guide for anyone interested in having a fi nancially secure retirement. At times technical points must be discussed, but this book is designed to be a step-by-step guide to help people who want to help themselves.It is not a get-rich-quick, or get-rich-slow, guide based on teaching the principles of borrowing against property and becoming a tycoon that way.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Global Securities Markets

The financial markets touch all of our lives. If you didn’t believe that in years past, you surely do now after the tumultuous events of the late 2000s. The workings and integrity of those markets are vital to our increasingly global and interconnected economies. If you’ve chosen a career that involves working in the securities industry, you have a front-row seat in a dynamic and sometimes unpredictable field. George (Tres) Arnett and I met many years ago at Yale University where we both studied economics. And we have both spent our careers connected to the financial services industry. The Tres I remember from those days was intelligent, articulate, interesting, purposeful,...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Forests are an integral part of global sustainable development. The World Bank estimates more than 1.6 billion people to be dependent on forests for their livelihoods with some 300 million living in them. The forest product industry is a source of economic growth and employment, with global forest products traded internationally is estimated at $327 billion. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that every year 130,000 km² of the world's forests are lost due to deforestation. Sustainable forest management aims to ensure that the goods and services derived from the forests meet present-day needs while at the same time securing their continued availability and contribution to long-term...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Gold und Diamanten

Die Faszination von Gold, Diamanten und anderen Edelsteinen scheint ungebrochen. Fluch und Segen liegen häufig eng beieinander. Dieses Buch nimmt den Leser mit auf eine Zeitreise, in der die wertvollen Schätze das Schicksal der Menschheit immer wieder in neue Bahnen lenken. Es ist die Geschichte glanzvoller Triumphe, grausamer Niederlagen und unendlichen Leids, die vom ewigen Streben nach Erfolg, Reichtum, Macht und Glückseligkeit erzählt. Unumstrittener Herrscher im Reich der Preziosen

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories Edited by Nigel Dudley .Guidelines for

Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories Edited by Nigel Dudley .Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories .IUCN Founded in 1948, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) brings together States, government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organizations in a unique world partnership: over 1000 members in all, spread across some 160 countries. As a Union, IUCN seeks to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. IUCN builds on the strengths of its members, networks and partners to...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT IN AQUACULTURE Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Gianmarco Silva David

HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT IN AQUACULTURE Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Gianmarco Silva David Reinaldo J. Silva .HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT IN AQUACULTURE Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Gianmarco Silva David and Reinaldo J. Silva .Health and Environment in Aquaculture Edited by Edmir Daniel Carvalho, Gianmarco Silva David and Reinaldo J. Silva Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Singapore carries out some of the most advanced and innovative water research across the whole water cycle. Leveraging on technologies and best management practices, Singapore is actively pursuing new technologies and processes to ensure security of supply to meet the ever-growing demands of its population and industry. This effort is spearheaded by PUB Singapore—the national water agency—and the Environment & Water Industry Programme Office established in May 2006 by the National Research Foundation. Research and development under these two agencies not only drives the innovative development of Singapore’s water resources, but also benefits the people of Singapore by enabling them to make ever better use of that most precious...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


March 29, 1973, found me aboard a C-141 transport plane, along with fi fty other U.S. servicemen, returning to the United States after duty in Vietnam. The fl ight was the last in the withdrawal of U.S. military forces under the terms of the peace agreement that the United States and North Vietnam had reached in Paris two months earlier (not to be confused with the much more hazardous and chaotic exodus of the few remaining Americans when the agreement broke down and Communist forces overran South Vietnam in April 1975)....

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

International Financial Reporting

This third edition takes as its theme ‘increasing harmonization in financial statements; mixed comparability and diversity in assurance and corporate reporting’. January 2005 marked a significant stage in the move towards acceptance of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) as the basis for harmonizing financial statements. It was the date from which listed companies in member states of the European Union (EU) were required to apply IFRS in their consolidated financial statements, in place of the accounting standards of their home countries. Beyond Europe other countries have taken a range of attitudes. Some have adopted the IFRS in full; some have revised their national standards to incorporate the main...

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00

Interpreting Company Reports and Accounts

This book is intended as a practical guide to the interpretation of reports and accounts. In it frequent reference is made to the legal, accounting and UK Listing Authority’s requirements that accounts have to meet, but this is done in the context of what interesting information to look out for, rather than to show how a set of accounts should be prepared.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00


Les achats d’une entreprise ne peuvent se comprendre que dans la perspective du cadre économique dans lequel elle opère au moment où elle les effectue. Nous commencerons donc par brosser très rapidement ce tableau.

8/30/2018 1:23:57 AM +00:00