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Dialogue Act Modeling Stage Two: Build an Object Model for the IS Part of WBIS with the Descriptive View This stage is to use the object modeling technique to build an object model for the IS part of WBIS based on the dialogue act model produced at the ¿UVWVWDJH$FODVVGLDJUDPLQ80/%RRFKHWDO 2005) is used to represent the object model at this stage. Figure 9 is the object model of a Web-based car sale and rental system and shows the static structure of the system. It includes classes such DV³FDU´ZLWKDWWULEXWHVVXFKDV³FDUGHWDLOV´DQG RSHUDWLRQVVXFKDV³GLVSOD\FDUGHWDLOV´&ODVVHV FDQEHLGHQWL¿HGIURPWKHGLDORJXHDFWPRGHODV illustrated in Figure 5. For example, in Figure 9, the business contexts (e.g., cars) in Figure 7 were mapped into user interface classes (UI); business entities and resources involved in the dialogues (e.g., car) were mapped into business classes; dia-logues (e.g., car list) and dialogue acts (e.g., offer car) were mapped into operations of the classes (e.g., display() and offer car()); and properties of business entities (e.g., car details) were mapped into attributes of the business classes. Classes have relationships with each other LQWKHREMHFWPRGHO7KH\DOVRFDQEHLGHQWL¿HG from the dialogue act model. For example, Fig-ure 9 shows a relationship between the UI class ³FDUIRUVDOH´DQGWKHHQWLW\FODVV³FDU´WKDWZDV LGHQWL¿HGIURPWKHVWDUWGLDORJXH³FDUV´DQGWKH ‘buy car” dialogue in Figure 7. Stage Three: Build a Behavior Model for the IS Part of WBIS with the Descriptive View This stage is to use the behavior modeling tech-nique to build a behavior model for the IS part of WBIS based on the dialogue act model produced at WKH¿UVWVWDJHDQGWKHREMHFWPRGHOJHQHUDWHGDWWKH second stage. Sequence diagrams and statecharts in UML (Booch et al., 2005; Harel, 1987) are used to represent various aspects of this model. The objects of the classes in the object model have to send messages to each other in order to achieve the goal of a user’s task in collaboration. Figure 9. A class diagram for the cars business context User interface classes displaying information on the computer screen Operations of classes Relationship between classes Business entity classes playing roles and containing data and operations acting on data in WBIS Attributes of classes 2404 Dialogue Act Modeling This aspect of the system is represented in the sequence diagram (see the example in Figure 10). A message can be sent as a demand of operations LQWKHREMHFWV)RUH[DPSOHLQ)LJXUHWKH³RIIHU FDU´PHVVDJHLVVHQWE\WKH³&DUV´REMHFWWRWKH³ &DU6HDUFK´REMHFWIRUGHPDQGLQJWKH³RIIHUFDU´ RSHUDWLRQLQWKH³&DU6HDUFK´REMHFW Messages passing between objects can be iden-WL¿HGIURPWKHGLDORJXHDFWPRGHODVLQGLFDWHG in Figure 5. A dialogue/dialogue act is a message. The speaker and the hearer of the dialogue are the sender and the receiver of the message. A dialogue act is an operation demanded by the sender of the PHVVDJH)RUH[DPSOHLQ)LJXUHWKH³RIIHU car” dialogue act in Figure 7 was mapped into a PHVVDJHVHQWE\WKH³&DUV´REMHFWWRWKH³&DU Search” object. In WBIS, an object can be in different states at different times, and its behavior depends on these states. Events occurring in the system can trigger the transitions of the states. As shown in Figure 5, states and behavior of the objects can EHLGHQWL¿HGIURPWKHGLDORJXHVGLDORJXHDFWV and states of business contexts in the dialogue act PRGHO)RUH[DPSOHLQ)LJXUHVWDWHVRIWKH³ &DU´REMHFWZHUHLGHQWL¿HGIURPWKHVWDWHVRIWKH EXVLQHVVFRQWH[W³FDUV´DQGVWDWHWUDQVLWLRQVDQG WKHEHKDYLRURIWKHREMHFWZHUHLGHQWL¿HGIURPWKH dialogues and dialogue acts in Figure 7. Stage Four: Validate the Three 0RGHOV6\VWHP6SHFL¿FDWLRQ Against Communicational Requirements This stage is to validate the three produced mod-els against communicational requirements. The PRGHOVDUHPRGL¿HGE\UHSHDWLQJWKHSUHYLRXV stages if they do not meet the requirements. This means that this analysis process can be iterative in WBIS analysis. Figure 10. Sequence diagram for the business context “cars” Objects Actors Message Dialogue acts Dialogue 2405 Dialogue Act Modeling Figure 11. State diagram for the objects of the “car” class Offered State demand payment Ordered Dialogue act Dialogue Paid payment confirmation State transition Delivered delivery confirmation FUTURE TRENDS The dialogue act modeling approach presented in this chapter aims to cope with the WBIS culture, in particular to capture and specify communica-tional requirements for the Web site part of WBIS by WBIS analysis. In addition, visualization of interaction, evaluation of usability of WBIS in analysis, and modeling culture aspects of WBIS also will be important to WBIS analysis and critical to the success of WBIS. They should be addressed in the future research on the application domain analysis in Web engineering. Visualization of Interaction Our Web experience has shown that the current Web sites often hide the Web site structure from the user, and the user easily lost his or her path to reach the goal of the tasks in using the Web sites. Therefore, it will be useful if the path of the Web site of WBIS can be visualized. This can be done going on (see the Web site structure in Figure 12). By looking at the dialogue act diagram, the user can understand how to get the goal of his or her task through them without confusion, frustration, and anxiety, because the user now can foresee what he or she will go through in interaction with the Web site before starting a business context. The user can control the dialogues and see what has been done and what is yet to be done in the business context. Ideally, different groups of users with different interests and cultural backgrounds can participate in the production of business context maps and dialogue act diagrams for the Web site of a WBIS in analysis and show their ideas on interactions. Then they can compare, negotiate, and choose the business context map and the dialogue act diagrams that mostly suit their needs. This will UHGXFHWKHFXOWXUHFRQÀLFWDPRQJXVHUVKDYLQJ different cultures and between the user and WBIS. In general, visualization of interaction is hoped to EULQJWKHIROORZLQJEHQH¿WVLQWRXVHRI:%,6 by displaying the business context map on the Web pages on the Web site of a WBIS, as a road map, for KHOSLQJWKHXVHUWR¿QGWKHJRDORIKLVRUKHUWDVNV quickly. The dialogue act diagram produced for a business context then is displayed when the user selects the goal on the map. Feedbacks and other information also are displayed corresponding to the dialogues. The current business context and dialogue with its dialogue act(s) are highlighted in red as a milestone, telling where the user cur-rently is on the path in interaction and what is • It can help the user to avoid confusing and misunderstanding the business context and the interaction. In particular, it can help us-ers who were not involved in development to understand and use business contexts, dialogues, and dialogue acts correctly and effectively by looking at the Web site struc-ture and displayed diagrams. • It transfers the power and control to the user in interaction. The user can work in 2406 Dialogue Act Modeling Figure 12. Web site structure for visualization of interaction WBIS Web site Business context Dialogue act diagram map Feedbacks (e.g., order form) Other information (e.g., contact details) the way he or she likes by using his or her favorite business context map and dialogue act diagrams in interaction. • It provides a virtual guide on the Web site, which leads the user to achieve his or her goal step-by-step through dialogues. This is particularly useful when the system is new to users. • It provides a basis for constructing a frame-work for developing the common interaction pattern for the WBIS culture, like the design patterns used in object-oriented development (Buschmann, Meunier, Rohert, Sommerlad, & Stal, 1996; Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides, 1995; Liang, 2000). stage of development, because the current devel-opment approaches do not encourage the earlier usability evaluation. New modeling approaches like the dialogue act modeling approach should be provided for capturing and specifying com-municational requirements in WBIS analysis so that the developer enables the testing of usability according to them at the analysis stage. Modeling Culture Aspects of WBIS Culture now becomes a crucial issue in Web site design because the Internet has grown globally (Ratner, 2003). However, current modeling ap-proaches used in WBIS analysis do not model the Usability Evaluation in WBIS Analysis Changes made at late stages of software develop-ment inevitably will lead to a huge increase of development cost in software engineering. Many changes required by the user are due to the late evaluation and testing of the software system in the software lifecycle. The research on software engineering has found that the cost of changes FDQEHUHGXFHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\LIHUURUVDUHIRXQG and corrected earlier in the software lifecycle. This is the same in the WBIS development. Us-ability evaluation should be carried out as early as possible in order to reduce the cost of changes. However, in current Web site development, the errors and problems that led to poor usability of the Web site are often discovered at the very late FXOWXUHDVSHFWVRI:%,6VSHFL¿FDOO\DOWKRXJK WKH\FDQVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFW:HEVLWHPRGHOLQJ and design in WBIS development. The Web culture in the future should be acceptable and understandable to global users who have different culture backgrounds and live in different regions. It will provide a basis for capturing, representing, and interpreting interaction with the Web site of WBIS in the global user’s perspective. The cul-tural aspects of WBIS will have to be modeled in analysis because of this need. These aspects can be the terminologies and languages used for recording and publishing information, culture impacts on the Web site, psychology concerns, concerns of different user groups (e.g., groups in age, gender, local social committee), and so forth. Issues on how to capture and specify the culture aspects of WBIS and in what perspectives should be addressed in future research. Cultural 2407 Dialogue Act Modeling rules and business rules possessed by users in their social lives in different regions should be WDUJHWHGZKHQPRGHOLQJWKHVHDVSHFWV6SHFL¿F groups of users, such as children, the elderly, disabled people, and so forth, also may need to be considered and consulted due to their different needs and culture rules. CONCLUSION WBIS is different from traditional IS because of its different cultures shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b). WBIS consists of a Web site in addition to the IS part, but traditional IS only has the IS part. This difference lets WBIS have its own characteristics, such as Web pages, unlimited and untrained and global users. It also makes new challenges and problems for WBIS development; for example, KRZWR¿QGWKHXVHUQHHGIRUWKH:HEVLWHSDUW of WBIS. This chapter addressed these issues by considering how to enhance the ability of WBIS analysis to cope with the WBIS culture and to meet the need of developing user-centered and interactive Web sites for WBIS. This chapter explained why it is important to win users by providing a user-centered and interac-tive Web site for WBIS and why it is critical to cap-ture and specify the user needs for such Web sites (they were called communicational requirements in this chapter) in WBIS analysis. It claimed that a well-accepted Web site of WBIS should satisfy the communicational requirements for effective interaction with WBIS, and therefore, the capture DQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIFRPPXQLFDWLRQDOUHTXLUH-ments is an important task of WBIS analysis. It pointed out that communicational requirements are the new type of user requirements to WBIS with Web, and none of the existing modeling ap-proaches had considered them in WBIS analysis. This chapter, therefore, promoted a new modeling approach calleddialogue act modeling approach that was created, in particular, for WBIS analysis (see Figure 2) with a focus on communicational requirements. This approach is also hoped to be useful in WBIS design, because it can produce the interface tree (see Figure 8) as input to the user interface design. This approach provides a new modeling tech-nique calleddialogue act modeling for capturing and specifying communicational requirements for the Web site part of WBIS with the pragmatic view. It also uses the existing object modeling and behavior modeling techniques (Booch et al., 2005) in analyzing and modeling the IS part of the same system with the descriptive view in WBIS analysis. The dialogue act model built by dialogue act modeling is input to the object model and the behavior model built by object modeling and behavior modeling (see Figure 2 and Table 3). 7DEOH`LDORJXHDFWPRGHOLQJIRU:%,6UHTXLUHPHQWVDQDO\VLVDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQ Observation Pragmatic View Descriptive View Model Requirements Analysis System 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ Dialogue act model Pragmatic aspects of WBIS within the business context Actors and their responsibilities/ commitments within the business context Interaction between actors and WBIS Dialogue to act in the e-business society States of business contexts Object model Data semantics of WBIS Classes (business entities) Attributes of classes. Relationships between classes Behavior model Function Semantics of WBIS Operations of classes (business processes) Object interactions Object behavior 2408 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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