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Patterns for Designing Agent-Based E-Business Systems Figure 10. Collaboration diagram for the agent-based online auction example events regarding the current auction (e.g., if they are winning or losing the auction). While buyer agents only notify a user about the current auc-WLRQQRWL¿HUDJHQWV²NOTIFICATIONAGENT—can be used to monitor other auctions on a user’s behalf. 7KHXVHUFUHDWHVDQRWL¿HUDJHQWE\LQLWLDOL]LQJLW ZLWKDVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSURGXFWRUVHUYLFHVKHLV looking for. On receiving a NOTIFICATION about an auction, a user can decide to create a new buyer agent to join it. Locating Sellers by Product or Service This example switches the positions of buyer and seller agents in the online auction example. Bob wants to buy a certain product or service and, via his USER AGENT, creates a BUYER AGENT and LQLWLDOL]HVLWZLWKDVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIWKHSURGXFW or service. This buyer agent queries a MEDIATOR AGENT—in this case, a search agent or a directory agent—for the locations of sellers for the product or service in question. At this architectural level, we could use static or mobile agents to represent buyer agents. Greengrass et al. (1999) describe a mobile agent scenario in which a buyer agent moves to the known site of a directory agent, que-ries this directory agent, and obtains an itinerary of the locations ofSELLER AGENTS to visit. Fonseca et al. (2001) document a mobile shopping system, where an agent representing a shopper in a mall contacts a directory facilitator agent on entry to the mall, and obtains directions to stores which carry products of interest to the user, provides those directions to the user, and allows him to check the prices of other stores. For further details on this case study, and an illustration of how the patterns can be used as part of a pattern-driven design process, see Weiss (2003). Customizing Navigation Another example is using agents to assist users in navigating through an (online) product cata-log. From a front-end perspective, a USER AGENT FDQEHXVHGWRFROOHFWSUR¿OHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW a user and control how this information is made DYDLODEOHWRVHOOHUDJHQWV7KHSUR¿OHLQIRUPDWLRQ IRUGLIIHUHQWVHOOHUVLVVWRUHGLQDSHUVRQDOSUR¿OH repository in the user agent—USERPROFILING. Sec-WLRQVRIWKHSUR¿OHFDQEHUHVWULFWHGWRDVXEVHWRI WKHVHOOHUVRQO\8VLQJWKHSUR¿OHLQIRUPDWLRQWKH VHOOHUDJHQWFDQFODVVLI\WKHXVHULQWRSUHGH¿QHG VWHUHRW\SHVDQGWKXVLQIHUDSUR¿OHRISURGXFWSUHI-erences—USER PROFILING. With these preferences, a product extractor agent—CATALOGING—can tailor the contents of the product catalog, such as in the personalized Web store in Ardissono HWDO,QDGGLWLRQWR¿OWHULQJWKHFDWDORJ FRQWHQWVDJDLQVWWKHEX\HU¶VSUR¿OHWKHSURGXFW 2384 Patterns for Designing Agent-Based E-Business Systems extractor can propose discounts to retain existing or attract new customers. Although we have focused on using user pro-¿OHVLQWKHIURQWHQGWKLVLVQRWWRVD\WKDWWKH\ cannot equally be used in the back-end. However, the basic trade-off in this case is that users will have OHVVFRQWURORYHUSUR¿OHVFROOHFWHGDQGVWRUHGE\ sellers. Customers may decide to do business with VHOOHUVZKRGRQRWFROOHFWSUR¿OHVLQWKLVZD\RU PDNHWKHSURFHVVRIFROOHFWLQJSUR¿OHVWUDQVSDUHQW DQGWKHSUR¿OHVWKHPVHOYHVDFFHVVLEOH CONCLUSION In this chapter, we described a group of ar-chitectural patterns for designing agent-based e-business systems and gives several examples illustrating their use. These patterns relate to front-end e-business activities that involve in-teraction with the user and delegation of tasks from users to agents. Future work will describe patterns for back-end e-business activities that do not involve direct interaction with the user, but rather depict mechanisms for mediating between agents representing users. These patterns will expand on the description of mediator agents in this chapter. Together, these patterns are just the beginnings of a pattern language for agent-based e-business system design, based on our current understanding of the technology. As the use of agent technology in e-business matures, this lan-guage will evolve as well. It is our hope that the proposed set of patterns and the pattern format may provide a starting point for future effort in this direction. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS To date, only a subset of the patterns of agent-based e-business systems have been documented. This provides many opportunities for future research. These opportunities can be grouped into two areas. On one hand, a better understanding of using agent patterns as part of a pattern-driven design process (Weiss, 2003) is required; we need to be able to reason about design trade-offs between patterns; see Mussbacher, Amyot, and Weiss (2007) for a typical approach and survey of related efforts, and capture pattern knowledge in pattern repositories (Knublauch & Rose, 2002) that can be consulted E\GHYHORSHUVWRDGGUHVVVSHFL¿FGHVLJQSUREOHPV during the development of an agent-based system. )LQDOO\ZHZDQWWRJHQHUDWHFRGHIRUVSHFL¿F agent frameworks from those patterns. On the other hand, many more agent patterns in the e-business domain remain to be mined and documented. Areas of particular interest are pat-terns where agents are used as mediators, ranging from directory agents to sophisticated broker and market maker agents (Deugo et al., 2001), and pat-terns for agents that provide mobile, context-aware services. One example of current research in this area is a set of auction patterns documented by Jureta, Faulkner, and Kolp (2005). However, this would also include patterns for search, reputation management, and integration. A taxonomy of e-business agents, which could provide a suitable starting point for a systematic mining effort is given in Papazoglou (2001). Conceptual frameworks for these activities are also required. Weiss (2003) proposes a pat-tern-driven design framework for harvesting recurring design solutions and documenting them as patterns, and guiding the designer through the VHOHFWLRQRISDWWHUQVDSSURSULDWHWRWKHLUVSHFL¿F GHVLJQFRQWH[W7KHDSSURDFKVXJJHVWVD¿YHVWHS SURFHVVWKH¿UVWWKUHHUHODWHGWRPLQLQJSDWWHUQV identify the forces in a domain, document the roles of pattern participants, and document pat-terns and their dependencies. The last two apply to patterns: identify the overall design goals and select patterns. Finally, we need to document patterns for nonfunctional design issues such as deployment, scalability, and security of agent-based e-business systems, and we must gain a better understanding 2385 Patterns for Designing Agent-Based E-Business Systems of how to integrate such patterns with the current agent development processes. Some progress along these lines has been made in the area of agent security patterns. A good starting point is Mouratidis et al. (2006). ACKNOWLEDGMENT An earlier version of this chapter was accepted for PLoP 2001 (Weiss, 2001). Thanks go to my shepherd Dirk Riehle for his valuable comments. 7KHPDWHULDOLQWKLVFKDSWHUKDVEHQH¿WHGIURP feedback in several tutorials and classes held since RQWKLVPDWHULDODQGZDVH[SDQGHGWRUHÀHFWWKH recent progress in the area of agent patterns. REFERENCES Alexander, C. (1979). The timeless way of build-ing. Oxford University Press. Aranguren, M. (2005).Ontology design patterns for the formalisation of biological ontologies. 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Wang, pp. 1-24, copyright 2008 by Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global). 2388 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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