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Linking Businesses for Competitive Advantage Figure 11. ASC Yellow P ages S erver Agent Service Center Agent Management Customer Management Agent <> Agent Controller TSController TrustedServer <> Customer Customer 0Dnager 0Rbile Agent <> Restaurant S erver Restaurant Restaurant Search Result Search result Controller Static Agent <> IRUZDUGWKH¿QGLQJVWRWKH:HE6HUYHUDQGEH displayed on the hotel guest’s PC. Within the Agent Service Subsystem exist the Agent Management subsystem and User Man-agement subsystem, which provide the overall functionality of the parent subsystem. The Agent Management subsystem manages the creation of agents and provides search results to users. The User Management subsystem manages the creation of users (at the arrival of hotel guests) and maintains a user database. YP Server The YP Server provides a list of online restaurant servers where the Mobile Agent can be dispatched. It consists of a database that provides the route list. Restaurant Server The Restaurant Server is normally provided by each participating restaurant to host the Mobile Agents. The server provides all the information related to the search request submitted by the customer. The dispatched Mobile Agent from the ASC will roam the Restaurant Servers according to the order as inscribed on the route list. .H\6HUYLFHV,GHQWL¿HG $VD¿UVWYHUVLRQRIWKHV\VWHPWKHIROORZLQJ VHUYLFHVKDYHEHHQLGHQWL¿HG Search for Restaurant 7KHXVHUZLOOVHOHFWWKH³VHDUFKIRUUHVWDXUDQW´ option the main Web page. This will take him or her to a new Web page that will form the interface for specifying new search parameters. The user will be prompted to specify the search criteria. The system will generate a public/private key pair and route list for the newly created agent. The agent will then examine the route list and move WRWKH¿UVWGHVWLQDWLRQ7KHGHVWLQDWLRQVHUYHUZLOO authenticate the mobile agent before allowing the parameters to be passed to the static local search agent. The search handler will start searching for VWLSXODWHGUHTXLUHPHQWV7KHUHVXOWVZLOOEH¿OWHUHG before passing them on to the mobile agent for return to update the search result database. 134 Linking Businesses for Competitive Advantage Modify Search 7KHXVHUZLOOVHOHFWWKH³PRGLI\VHDUFKIRUUHV- Internet presence using the mobile agent system. To achieve this, the customer will provide the fol-lowing pieces of information to the system: taurant” option in the main Web page. This will take him or her to a new Web page that will form the interface for specifying new search param-eters. The user will be prompted to specify the new search criteria. The Web page will pass this information to the ASC. The host will retract the existing mobile agent, following which, the system will generate a public/private key pair and a route list for a newly created agent. The agent will then examine the route list and move to the ¿UVWGHVWLQDWLRQ Cancel Search 7KHXVHUZLOOVHOHFWWKH³FDQFHOVHDUFKIRUUHV-taurant” option in the main Web page. This will take him or her to a new Web page that will form the interface for canceling the search. The system will show a list of active user’s agents. The user then chooses the agents to be canceled. The user • Ambience: 8VHU FDQ VSHFLI\ ³DLUFRQGL-WLRQHG´³QRQDLUFRQGLWLRQHG´³SRROVLGH´ and so forth. • Average Price Rating of Meals: User can choose a rating on how much he or she is willing to pay for a meal. • Location: User can specify the region in the country where he or she wishes to have the meal; for example, Orchard, Marina Bay, City Hall and so forth. • Restaurant Specialty: Whether the user has preference for any particular kind of food; for example, Italian, Mexican, Continental, Chinese and so forth. • Name of Dish: Specify the name of any particular dish the user is looking for. He or she can choose the dish based on a textual description provided. Photos images will be shown when available. ZLOOEHSURPSWHGIRUFRQ¿UPDWLRQRIWKHFDQFHO-ODWLRQ2QFRQ¿UPDWLRQIURPWKHXVHUWKHKRVW will track the location of the selected agent and retract it. View Status of Search The user selects an agent from a list of mobile agents using the system Web page. Upon select-ing an agent, the user views the search status of VHOHFWHGDJHQWE\LQYRNLQJWKH³YLHZVHDUFK´ option. The agent controller coordinates the get search status event by asking the static agent to get the search results from the restaurant search results database, which resides in the ASC server. The results will then be displayed on the user screen. Based on these inputs from the user, the mobile agent will roam from one server to another (each server being hosted by a restaurant and providing information about the restaurant) looking for res-taurants that match the user’s requirement. After the results are consolidated, they will be displayed on the user’s PC. If the number of results obtained from the search is large—for example, more than 20—the system will then inform the user that the search has led to many results and will give him or her the option of either seeing all of them or UHGH¿QLQJWKHVHDUFKFULWHULD Flow of Events The following describe the process a user of the system has to go through: Main Parameters of the System The basic aim of the system is to allow the cus-tomer to search for restaurants in town that have an 1. User has been authenticated by the system as he logs in. 135 Linking Businesses for Competitive Advantage 2. User invokes the systems by entering the search information needed to aid the search for restaurants or food before a new mobile agent is created and sent into the network. Parameters that the user has to provide were 5. Once the mobile agent has visited the last restaurant server on its itinerary, it will signal its status to the ASC, which will then present the consolidated search results to the user. described earlier. 3. A new search record is created in the agent-track list and a mobile agent is created and dispatched to the restaurant server to search for the required information. 4. The search result is retrieved by the mobile agent from the restaurant server and is re-WXUQHGWR$6&IRU¿OWHULQJDQGXSGDWLQJRI the search results workspace. The mobile agent then moves on to the next server for information gathering. 4a. At times, certain restaurants may have some promotional dishes on offer. When the mo-bile agent visits those restaurant servers, it will leave the Internet address of its origin with the servers, so that the latter may send promotional information to the ASC. Key User Interfaces of the System Key user interfaces are displayed in Figures 12-15. Summary of System Features A mobile agent system has been developed to perform a restaurant food search for customers from restaurants with a Web presence. Also, GHWDLOVRQSURPRWLRQDORIIHUVDUHDOVR³SXVKHG´ to the user. While not described in this chapter, the security of the system and integrity of the data are ensured by means of cryptography and digital signature schemes. The system provides a user-friendly environment for easy usage. Figure 12. New search (creating new mobile agent) 136 Linking Businesses for Competitive Advantage Figure 13. Displaying results of search request Figure 14. Announcing the availability of special promotional dishes 137 Linking Businesses for Competitive Advantage Figure 15. Displaying details of promotional dishes FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS %HVLGHV¿QHWXQLQJWKHV\VWHPWRUXQLQERWK Aglets and HP Web Services environments, we are also working on the following areas: We are extending the ASC functions to handle reservation requests from the user. This will require further mobile agent activity such that the mobile agent will interact with the restaurant reservation system to place a booking. This will naturally involve payment options that must be provided for the user to pay for his meals. To push the technology CONCLUSION The above sections and application example have demonstrated the feasibility of creating a bridge to link Aglet and HP Web Services into a virtually common platform for recreating mobile agent ap-plications. Such a mobile agent-based e-commerce system can indeed offer competitive advantages WREXVLQHVVHVDQGKHOSPDQDJHLQIRUPDWLRQÀRZV to strategically link enterprises. Main advantages achieved through such a system are: further, we also are exploring the possibility of allowing autonomous negotiation by the mobile agent. Basically, mobile agents representing the users and the restaurant servers will meet at some cyberspace negotiation room to transact their requests for the respective hosts they are representing (Quah & Goh, 2002). 1. Lower cost of operation. This is mainly achieved through autonomous processes of the mobile agents. (I¿FLHQWVXSSO\FKDLQPDQDJHPHQW,QWKH application example, hotels and restaurants have achieved a win-win collaboration through linking their services into a seam-less system that provides added value for their common customers—hotel guests. 138 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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