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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 78-85, Article ID: IJM_11_05_008 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijm/issues.asp?JType=IJM&VType=11&IType=5 Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) www.jifactor.com ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.5.2020.008 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed AN EFFECT OF EMPOWERMENT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND JOB DESIGN EMPLOYEE EFFECTIVENESS WORK IN THE OFFICE DIRECTORS OF PTPN II TANJUNG MORAWA Feby Milanie Magister Management Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi Medan, Indonesia Ayu Kurnia Sari Faculty Social Science, Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi Medan, Indonesia Hendra Saputra Faculty Social Science, Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi Medan, Indonesia ABSTRACT PTPN II Tanjung Morawa, is one of the State-Owned Enterprises that is engaged in oil palm and rubber plantations in North Sumatra. The problem that underlies this research is whether the empowerment of the organizational structure and work design simultaneously and partially influences the work effectiveness of employees in the Office of the Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa. That the results of the F test resulted in a Fcount of 348,816 with a significant level of 0.00. Because Fcount 348,816> Ftable 1.41 and significant probability is much smaller than 0.05 which is 0.00 t table 1.662 with a significant 0.000 t table 1,662 with a significant 0,000> 0,050, meaning that there is a partial and significant influence of job design on work effectiveness. That the size of the adjusted R square of 0.881 means that 88.1% of the variation in performance effectiveness can be explained by the independent variables of organizational structure and job design while the rest (100% - 88.1% = 11.9%) can be explained by other independent variables not included in the study this. Keywords: Organizational Structure, Job Design and Work Effectiveness http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 78 editor@iaeme.com
  2. An Effect of Empowerment Organizational Structure and Job Design Employee Effectiveness Work in the Office Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa Cite this Article: Feby Milanie, Ayu Kurnia Sari, Hendra Saputra, An Effect of Empowerment Organizational Structure and Job Design Employee Effectiveness Work in the Office Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa, International Journal of Management, 11 (5), 2020, pp. 78-85. http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/issues.asp?JType=IJM&VType=11&IType=5 1. INTRODUCTION Every company has a goal to be achieved through the implementation of certain jobs by using human labor as executors, because that human being will process the factors of production and produce the company's final product. Achieving company goals requires skilled labor so as to produce work effectiveness that will be achieved. According to Pabundu (2016: 16), work effectiveness is a condition that shows the level of success of management activities in achieving effective management goals accompanied by efficient management. According to Etzioni in Tangkilisan (2015: 139) Effectiveness is the degree to which an organization which is a social system with all the resources and certain facilities available fulfills its goals without waste and avoids unnecessary tension among its members ". According to Daft (2012: 395) Organizational structure is very important in improving work effectiveness, because organizational structure has management functions related to assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments and allocating resources, and spreading organizational resources to achieving strategic goals. Effectiveness is a picture of the level of success or excellence in achieving the set targets and the interrelationships between various values. In order for the work or task completed by the employee to be effective and efficient as expected, the task load of each field must be evenly distributed and always pay attention to the existence of a work assessment basis. Assessment must be adjusted to the ability and expertise so that the implementation of work runs effectively. Therefore, in the assessment of employees must use the principle of the right man in the right place. The results of work assessment can indicate whether the HR (employees) in the organization have met the target targets as desired by the organization, both in quantity and quality, how employees behave in carrying out their work, whether the workings have been effective and efficient, how to use work time and etc. With this information, the results of the work assessment reflect the organization's development or not. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Every company has a goal to be achieved. This is achieved through the implementation of certain jobs by using human labor as executors, because a human being will process the factors of production and produce the company's final product. Achieving company goals requires skilled labor so as to produce work effectiveness that will be achieved. According to Pabundu (2016: 16), work effectiveness is a condition that shows the level of success of management activities in achieving effective management goals accompanied by efficient management. According to Etzioni in Tangkilisan (2015: 139) Effectiveness is the degree to which an organization is a social system with all the resources and certain facilities available fulfills its goals without waste and avoids unnecessary tension among its members. According to Daft (2012: 395) Organizational structure is very important in improving work effectiveness, because organizational structure has management functions related to http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 79 editor@iaeme.com
  3. Feby Milanie, Ayu Kurnia Sari, Hendra Saputra assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments and allocating resources, and spreading organizational resources to achieving strategic goals. Effectiveness is a picture of the level of success or excellence in achieving the set targets and the interrelationships between various values. In order for the work or task completed by the employee to be effective and efficient as expected, the task load of each field must be evenly distributed and always pay attention to the existence of a work assessment basis. Assessment must be adjusted to the ability and expertise so that the implementation of work runs effectively. Therefore, in the assessment of employees must use the principle of the right man in the right place. The results of the work assessment can indicate whether the HR (employees) in the organization have met the target targets as desired by the organization, both in quantity and quality, how employees behave in carrying out their work, whether the workings have been effective and efficient, how to use work time and etc. With this information, the results of the work assessment reflect the organization's development or not. 2.1. A Brief History of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II (PTPN II) PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II (PTPN II) is one of the state-owned companies (BUMN). Initially the company was controlled by a Dutch state-owned airline whose scope of business was limited to the plantation sector, namely the Veringe Deli My (VDM) company. VDM is famous for trying the Dutch to the Indonesian people, the company changed its name to the NV Deli airline (MOAT CHAPPY), which is headquartered in Medan. Then, the company was taken over by the Indonesian government in accordance with Government Regulation and renamed the Deli Tobacco State Plantation Company (PPN TD-I). 2.2. Definition of Job Design Job design combines job content, service fees, and qualifications required for each job by meeting the needs of employees and the needs of the organization. Job design is a function of determining the work activities of an individual in a group of employees on an organizational basis that aims to regulate work assignments that meet the needs of the organization, technology and behavior (Handoko, 2011: 124). Job design greatly influences the quality of work life which is reflected in the individual satisfaction of position holders. Job design, manipulating work aspects as follows: 1) Job content (job contain) 2) Job functions 3) Job relationship According to Fajar & Heru (2010: 82) the overall goal of job design is to produce work assignments that fit the needs of the organization, technological needs, and that satisfy the personal needs of the job implementer (job holder). The key to a successful job design is to produce. 2.3. Job Characteristics The job characteristics model identifies five core dimensions of job characteristics and their relationship to personal results and work results. The five core dimensions of the job's characteristics are as follows: 1) Diversity of skills (skill variety) 2) Task identity 3) The significance of the task (task significance) http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 80 editor@iaeme.com
  4. An Effect of Empowerment Organizational Structure and Job Design Employee Effectiveness Work in the Office Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa 4) Autonomy (autonomy) 5) Feedback Job characteristics model that describes how the relationship of the five job characteristics relates to internal work motivation, quality of performance, job satisfaction, absenteeism and level of employee discharge a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of the job implementer. 2.4. Work Effectiveness Effectiveness is a vocabulary in Indonesian that comes from English namely: "Effective" which means successfully obeyed, validated, efficacious and lucky. From the series of meanings above, the most appropriate is to succeed well. If someone can work well then he can be said to work effectively. In the implementation of work always uses 5 sources of business namely Mind, Energy, Time, Money, and Objects. Based on the opinions expressed by the experts above, it can be concluded that work effectiveness is related to predetermined results. One thing that needs to be underlined is that work effectiveness cannot be separated from work efficiency. Work efficiency is related to cost, energy, quality and thought. So the effectiveness of work is the ability to choose the right goals in achieving a particular goal or work effectiveness can also be interpreted with results for emphasis on the effect, or results without regard to the sacrifices that need to be given by these results. From the description above, it can be concluded that the selection of the right alternative really determines the level of effectiveness of work which is very high and of course will greatly affect the quality of the work and the quality of the work itself. 2.5. Measurement of Work Effectiveness According to Campel quoted by Ricard M, Steers (2018: 45) to measure work effectiveness there are several variables that are commonly used, namely: a) Preparedness. b) Absenteeism. c) Work spirit d) Motivation e) Job satisfaction f) Workload g) Time Completion of Tasks Conversely, if tasks are charged a lot while employees who carry them out are limited there will be a buildup of work which will result in a lot of work that cannot be completed or delayed resulting in ineffectiveness. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. A qualitative research associative according to Sugiyono is as follows: Associative research is aims to determine a relationship of two or more variables. In this research, a theory can be developed that can function to explain, predict and control a phenomenon. 3.1. Population Population is a generalization area that consists of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions are http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 81 editor@iaeme.com
  5. Feby Milanie, Ayu Kurnia Sari, Hendra Saputra drawn). So the population in this study is all permanent employees of the Board of Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa, amounting to 95 people. 3.2. Samples The sample is a portion or representative of the population studied for just ancer-dilute then if the subject is less than 100, it is better to take all of it so that the research is population research. If the number of subjects is greater than 100, 10 s.d. 15% or 20 to 25% or more 4. ANALYZE AND RESULT Data obtained during the study will be presented to all employees of the Board of Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa, as many as 95 people will be respondents. With the total number of questions as many as 24 items, consisting of Variable X question items namely: Organizational Structure (X1), Job Design (X2), and Variable Y namely: Work Effectiveness. The following data based on the characteristics that can be obtained from PTPN II Tanjung Morawa's Board of Directors employees are as follows: Table 1 Divisions Mr / Mrs help each other in maximizing work output. x11 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 15 15,8 15,8 15,8 2 17 17,9 17,9 33,7 3 25 26,3 26,3 60,0 4 23 24,2 24,2 84,2 5 15 15,8 15,8 100,0 Total 95 100,0 100,0 Based on table 1, it can be seen that respondents who strongly disagree as many as 15 people (15.8%), disagree as many as 17 people (17.9%), disagree as many as 25 people (26.3%), agree as many as 23 people (24.2%), and strongly agree as many as 15 people (15.8%). Table 2 Your working relationship with other divisions is going well. x12 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 20 21,1 21,1 21,1 2 34 35,8 35,8 56,8 3 16 16,8 16,8 73,7 4 11 11,6 11,6 85,3 5 14 14,7 14,7 100,0 Total 95 100,0 100,0 Based on table 2, it can be seen that respondents who strongly disagree as many as 20 people (21.1%), disagree as many as 34 people (35.8%), disagree as many as 16 people (16.8%), agree as many as 11 people (11.6%), and strongly agree as many as 14 people (14.7%). http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 82 editor@iaeme.com
  6. An Effect of Empowerment Organizational Structure and Job Design Employee Effectiveness Work in the Office Directors of PTPN II Tanjung Morawa Tables 3 The reporting path to the highest leadership is appropriate and you know it clearly. x13 Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 10 10,5 10,5 10,5 2 25 26,3 26,3 36,8 3 19 20,0 20,0 56,8 4 25 26,3 26,3 83,2 5 16 16,8 16,8 100,0 Total 95 100,0 100,0 4.1. Validity Test and Reliability Test a) Validity Test Validity test is to determine the feasibility of each questionnaire that has been given to respondents, then a validity test is needed to measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. If each question is> 0.30, then the question is declared valid. Tables 4 Test Results Validity Item-Total Statistics Scale Corrected Squared Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Multiple Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Correlation Item Deleted x11 62,96 450,743 ,640 ,935 ,954 x12 63,39 442,687 ,770 ,940 ,952 x13 62,89 453,329 ,606 ,724 ,954 x14 63,57 440,716 ,793 ,837 ,952 x15 63,41 453,819 ,597 ,753 ,954 x16 63,81 451,517 ,700 ,813 ,953 x17 63,26 449,047 ,681 ,864 ,953 x18 63,68 442,474 ,814 ,843 ,952 x21 63,06 450,294 ,635 ,795 ,954 x22 63,02 446,851 ,689 ,783 ,953 x23 63,28 444,801 ,683 ,813 ,953 x24 63,28 445,525 ,699 ,962 ,953 x25 63,04 451,488 ,582 ,972 ,954 x26 63,44 446,037 ,735 ,953 ,953 x27 62,96 456,743 ,582 ,893 ,954 x28 63,38 463,429 ,436 ,691 ,956 y1 63,57 444,439 ,816 ,822 ,952 y2 63,29 445,891 ,691 ,801 ,953 y3 63,15 450,659 ,626 ,935 ,954 y4 63,43 441,673 ,758 ,948 ,952 y5 63,23 447,073 ,668 ,954 ,953 y6 63,00 452,702 ,582 ,969 ,954 y7 63,32 448,580 ,680 ,953 ,953 y8 63,04 452,977 ,628 ,901 ,954 Based on Table 4 seen above, the correlation coefficient value of product moment product score of each question item with a total of all item questions seen in the corrected item total correlation column. http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 83 editor@iaeme.com
  7. Feby Milanie, Ayu Kurnia Sari, Hendra Saputra From the data obtained all coefficient values exceeding 0.30, it can be stated that all questions and scores obtained are valid. b) Reliability Test Reliability test (reliability) to determine the stability and consistency of the respondent in answering the items related to the structure of the questions arranged in a questionnaire. Reliability of a variable construct is said to be good if it has a Cronbach's Alpha value> 0.60. Table 5 Reliability Test Results Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Based on Cronbach's Alpha Standardized Items N of Items ,955 ,955 24 Based on Table 5 above, there is a cronbach's alpha of 0.955> 0.60 so that it can be concluded that the construct of the question has been presented to respondents consisting of 24 items, both in the Organizational Structure variable (X1), Job Design (X2), and Work Effectiveness ( Y) is reliable or acceptable and said to be reliable. 5. CONCLUSION From the description above and the analysis in the previous chapters, it can be concluded as follows: 1. That the results of the F test produce a Fcount value of 348,816 with a significant level of 0.00. Because Fcount 348,816> Ftable 1.41 and the significant probability is much smaller than 0.05 which is 0.00 t table 1.662 with a significant 0.000 t table 1,662 with significant 0,000> 0,050, meaning that there is a partial and significant influence of Work Design on Work Effectiveness. 3. That the size of the adjusted R square of 0.881 means 88.1% of the variation in Performance Effectiveness can be explained by the independent variable Organizational Structure and Job Design while the rest (100% - 88.1% = 11.9%) can be explained by other independent variables which are not included in this research. REFERENCES [1] Amin Tunggul Widjaya, (2013), Manajemen Suatu Pengantar. Cetakan Pertama. Jakarta [2] Cushway dan Lodge, (2012), Organizational Behaviour and Design. Jakarta: Elex Media Computindo [3] Daft, (2011), Grolier Business Library Human Behavior at Work Organizational Behavior 6th Edition [4] Ernie, (2006), Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Aditama http://www.iaeme.com/IJM/index.asp 84 editor@iaeme.com
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