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101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead VOLUME ONE Online Marketing Driving Leads to your website through paid search advertising, search engine optimization, blogging and more PRESENTED BY 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY 30 Online Marketing Tips for Driving Lead Generation Today, online marketing is vital to any integrated marketing program. With so many new avenues for reaching prospective buyers, we as B2B Marketers have to think outside of the box to stand out in the crowd. From significant improvements in marketing program metrics to greater efficiencies in your sales funnel, employing new online marketing tactics can create immediate benefits, if done right. In this collection of 30 online marketing tips from The B2B Lead, you will find information on the basics of SEO, optimizing your video for the web, boosting your blog using twitter, how to measure your online successes and much more. Here’s a few of the included tips in this eBook: • Using Press Releases to Drive Web Traffic and Leads • Boost Your Google Juice with Link Bait • Invest in the Right Tools to Track the Metrics That Matter • Dive in and Jumpstart SEO With a Quick Start Plan • Practice Metrics-Based Copywriting • Twitter to Attract Readers to Your Blog If you like what your see here, be sure to check out http://www.theb2blead.com for more B2B Marketing and Sales tips. Content contributed by: Scott Daughtry, SEO Specialist Kyle Flaherty of www.engageinpr.com Amy Hawthorne, Director of Marketing at ReachForce Pam O’Neal Mickelson, VP of Marketing at BreakingPoint Leigh Anne Wallace, Marketing Coordinator at ReachForce VOLUME ONE • Online Marketing 2 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY Table of Contents Search Engine Optimization and Paid Search Advertising 1. Dive in and Jumpstart SEO With a Quick Start Plan 2. Boost Your Google Juice with Link Bait 3. 2008 is the Year of Digital Omnipresence 4. Optimize Your Video for SEO Results 5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Checklist: Step 1 - Start with SEM (ala Google Adwords)? 6. Practice Metrics-Based Copywriting 7. Sprout Widgets, Mashups and Other Great Content That Drives SEO Blogging 8. Blog Basics 9. Page Titles are Important 10. Keep Your Blog on Track to Support SEO and Other Business Objectives 11. Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Corporate Blog 12. Want Bloggers to Write About You? Make Sure Your Website is Blogger-Friendly 13. Twitter to Attract Readers to Your Blog 14. Blogging to the Beat 15. Everything I Know About B2B Blogging I Learned from Perez 16. Re-think Blog ROI Social Media 17. When it Comes to Social Media: Play By the Rules 18. A Case Study in Viral Video Marketing - The B2B Lead Vidcast 19. Put These 20 Ideas into Action for B2B Viral Marketing Success 20. Building a Following on Twitter 21. Learn From the 6 Cs of Social Influence Marketing Other 22. Using Press Releases to Drive Web Traffic and Leads 23. TagClouding Your Leads 24. Web Analytics for B2B Marketers 25. Make Some Imaginary Friends AKA a Persona 26. When Investing in New Media Programs Track the Metrics That Matter 27. Invest in the Right Tools to Track the Metrics That Matter 28. Creating Forms for Content - How Much is too Much? 29. 10 Signs You Picked the Wrong Web Design Agency 30. Keyword Optimization for Press Releases VOLUME ONE • Online Marketing 3 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY Dive in and Jumpstart SEO With a Quick Start Plan Attention Conservation Notice: The following post provides quick tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and six-step plan for getting started. You might call me a fast-follower when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. I resisted for some time because the prospect of researching and sorting through hundreds of keywords and applying techniques to outwit Google’s ever-changing algorithms seemed so daunting. I can barely spell algorithm, after all. Then a slew of industry surveys showed that anywhere from 80 to 90 percent or more of B2B tech buyers start their research and buying process on Google. Well, that was a wake-up call. So, last year I made SEO a higher priority. I shifted the funds from online advertising into SEM and a ReachForce role-based database build. (That way, I could cover both my Inbound and Outbound bases.) I also maintained my investments in PR and some key sponsorships to cover the brand awareness and drive Inbound traffic. Then, I pulled resources and funds that had been spent trying to keep up with endless campaign design and development, and re-focused them on social media and SEO. It’s truly amazing how quickly you can get results like Page 1 Google rankings when you focus resources on boosting a particular page ranking. Here are a few tips to help you do the same: • Invest in the right tools: There are literally dozens of free and low-cost SEO tools that you can use to get a lay of the land and assess your best SEO prospects. Of course, Google provides several like Google Suggest and Google Trends. Another one of my favorites is WordTracker. And, a new tool I am using right now is HubSpot. HubSpot’s VP of Market-ing, Mike Volpe makes a great case for SEO in the HubSpot Inbound Marketing blog. More about that another time. • Don’t just go for the highly competitive popular terms. Consider niche or long tail keywords terms. There are dozens of keywords with significant search traffic that have little competition. Optimize for all of them and the numbers add up. • Integrate your PR and SEO efforts to ensure inbound links from press releases support your strategy. • Make sure your “anchor text” on in-bound links is optimized to provide the greatest SEO value. • Optimize with a conversion strategy in mind. • Leverage your “educational” assets for landing pages and social media sites like hubpages.com, scribd.com, flickr.com and others. Here’s a quick plan for getting started: • Information Gathering Session: Just like data cleansing, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to SEO. Pull together a team to discuss and prioritize objectives and scope your initial project. • Research: Review your marketing objectives, competition, and your web site and blog to get a lay of the land and identify low-hanging fruit. • Produce a plan and guidelines for optimizing your top five web or blog pages. This should include recommendations for URLs, internal link building, meta tags, page content updates, blog cross-linking and a conversion strategy for each of those pages. • Then begin to build your inbound links to those pages by leveraging other sites, partners, blogs, social media sites, portals, and other high-value (not spam) paid link directo-ries like Yahoo. • Review and Revamp: After the pages have had sufficient time for Google Indexing review the project and results, and adjust the components of the program if necessary. I realize this post presents a fairly simplistic view of SEO. It is, in reality, a very complex and overwhelming discipline. But this is a quick plan for hopping on the moving train. You will, of course, learn more through trial and error and there are numerous online tutorials that will help you hone your skills. VOLUME ONE • Online Marketing 4 101 B2B Marketing and Sales Tips from The B2B Lead PRESENTED BY Boost Your Google Juice with Link Bait Attention Conservation Notice: The following post provides a list of different types of link bait and key considerations for making sure the link bait is effective. Encouraging inbound links to your website is a sure-fire way to improve your SEO performance, in other words, to boost your Google juice. One of the best ways to build those high-value inbound links is to produce “link bait” by delivering valuable content that encourages others to link to you. Nick Wilson, a contributing writer for Search Engine Land, recently wrote about the various forms of link bait that web marketers use to drive inbound links to their web site content. Here’s a summary of the three types of link bait according to Wilson: • Textual Linkbait: … any kind of page content that takes no more technical skill than being able to type. This kind of link bait is very accessible as the only real cost is time. With good imagination and research, you can quickly devise a series of posts designed to attract links. • Site Based Tools & Software: … functional scripts that run on a website. These vary widely in nature depending on the site. A good example in the search marketing world is the NetQoS network latency calculator. • Widgetbait: The holy grail of link baiting in 2007 will be the widget. In late 2005 and early 2006, I came up with a linkbaiting concept to put my previous company, Perfor-mancing, on the social media map. That idea was the Performancing Blog Editor Firefox extension that has achieved nearly half a million downloads on Mozilla alone. I would also add to this: visual or graphics link bait. Bloggers and journalists love visuals and diagrams that help communicate a point. A popular example of this is the Social Media fatigue visual Andrew Shuttleworth created using Mind Manager flow charting software. Here are a few tips on making sure your link bait is effective: 1. Make it relevant and useful to your target audience to drive the right types of links and web traffic. 2. Make sure it supports your brand. 3. Don’t require registration to use it, but do embed offers for more (this requires a conversion strategy). While link baiting can be controversial, it seems to me that it has resulted in so many new free tools available to users. How can that be a bad thing? VOLUME ONE • Online Marketing 5 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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