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Báo cáo Nitrate – Nitrite trong công nghệ chế biến thịt

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6/18/2020 10:45:36 AM +00:00

Tiểu luận môn Định giá tài sản: Thẩm định viên thu thập và lựa chọn thông tin thị trường để thẩm định giá bất động sản theo phương pháp so sánh và phương pháp thu nhập

Tiểu luận làm rõ hai phương pháp thẩm định giá; thông tin cần thiết cần sử dụng trong sử dụng phương pháp thẩm định giá; chỉ ra các nguồn thu thập thông tin và những điều kiện để thông tin có thể đáp ứng được yêu cầu sử dụng của phương pháp thẩm định giá.

6/18/2020 9:05:06 AM +00:00

Luận văn Thạc sĩ Tài chính – Ngân hàng: Giải pháp quản lý đầu tư công từ nguồn ngân sách nhà nước tại huyện Tây Giang, tỉnh Quảng Nam

Luận văn trên cơ sở hệ thống hóa những vấn đề lý luận và thực tiễn về quản lý đầu tư công bằng vốn ngân sách nhà nước và phân tích thực trạng quản lý đầu tư công từ nguồn vốn ngân sách nhà nước tại huyện Tây Giang, luận văn nhằm hướng tới mục đích đề xuất những giải pháp để hoàn thiện quản lý đầu tư công từ vốn ngân sách nhà nước tại huyện Tây Giang trong thời gian tới.

6/18/2020 9:04:51 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 32 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 32 - Professional standards for teaching science. Teachers know and understand the following: the national curriculum framework for science; The science domain; basic science concepts and theories; the history and nature of science; how to conduct experiments, collect, and analyze data; how to represent data visually; and the structure and process of acquiring additional knowledge and skills in science.

6/18/2020 1:00:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 31 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 31 - Teaching matter in elementary grades. Grades 1–3 do not explicitly specify ‘matter’ as learning content. However, it is somewhat contained in topics like water, resources, and weather. In addition, you need to teach the following process skills: Asking questions, problem solving, making an argument, defending an idea, making and recording observations, categorizing.

6/18/2020 1:00:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 30 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 30 - States of matter and particle theory. Most students have seen the models for states of matter in textbooks. As a result, they might be able to recall some of the basic descriptions. However, most often they are only able to recite what they memorized. They lack a deeper conceptual understanding of particle theory. Therefore, it is it is essential to spend time developing this deeper understanding. Listen carefully to their ideas to prevent misconceptions.

6/18/2020 1:00:25 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 29 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 29 - States of matter. In this lecture, revisit the concept of state of matter with Students. The first part of the week focus on exploring states of matter and changes of states of matter in hands-on activities. The inquiry provides them with a shared experience to build a foundation for more detailed group and class discussions. In those sessions, you will introduce particle theory and discuss the models of states of matter.

6/18/2020 1:00:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 28 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 28 - Defining matter. Ask Students how they would describe matter. Have them describe what matter is and what it is not. It is appropriate for them to speculate and argue their point with their classmates. Have them think about the activity from session 1 where they separated substances into smaller and smaller parts. (They might mention elements, atoms, or even subatomic particles.) What might that tell them about matter? Capture their thinking (also ‘wrong ideas’) on the board for later discussion and revision.

6/18/2020 1:00:13 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 27 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 27 - Matter. By the end of this unit, students should recognize that the observable properties of matter result from atomic-level interactions. They start the unit by reviewing the distinctions between substances and mixtures. Most important, they focus on the concept that mixtures can be separated by physical means, but substances cannot. They learn that each substance has a characteristic set of chemical and physical properties, which leads to the idea that substances differ at the atomic level.

6/18/2020 1:00:07 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 26 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 26 - Properties of matter. In this chapter, by the end of this unit, Students should recognize that the observable properties of matter result from atomic-level interactions. They start the unit by reviewing the distinctions between substances and mixtures. Most important, they focus on the concept that mixtures can be separated by physical means, but substances cannot. They learn that each substance has a characteristic set of chemical and physical properties, which leads to the idea that substances differ at the atomic level.

6/18/2020 1:00:01 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 25 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Choose a specific topic and grade level that you will discuss and elaborate on. The task is to identify age-appropriate activities that teach concept of choice to children in elementary grades. Use hands-on inquiry activities if possible and to make them intriguing. Ask the following questions: what kind of question could children in elementary investigate? What kind of challenge could they solve, and what concept would they learn as a result? What kind of learning outcomes could be expected at that age level?

6/18/2020 12:59:55 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 24 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 24 - Process skills in science. After studying this chapter you will be able to understand: Asking questions, problem solving, making an argument, defending an idea, making and recording observations, classification.

6/18/2020 12:59:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 23 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 23 - Mass and acceleration. Investigate the relationship between mass and acceleration of an object. To begin this investigation, ask Students whether they think there is a difference between two trucks rolling down a hill. One is empty, and the other is fully loaded with heavy cargo. Let them speculate first (make sure they back up their hypothesis with science reasoning as much as possible, and accept different hypotheses).

6/18/2020 12:59:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 22 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 22 - Graphing motion. After completing this chapter, students will be able to: Discuss Student’ findings and conclusions. Give each group 10 minutes to discuss its data in response to the task and the questions You might want to add free-body diagrams to their task for additional practice.

6/18/2020 12:59:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 21 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 21 - Measuring motion. This week, Students deepen their understanding of force and motion. They spend time measuring and graphing the speed of their model car at specific points in time. In addition to collecting data about the movement of their model car, they also practice graphing the data. As a visualization of data, a graph allows you to quickly determine if the car is: travelling at a steady rate, moving at different speeds, changing speeds over a given distance.

6/18/2020 12:59:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 20 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Several forces are involved when the model is at rest and when it is moving. The model has weight, and the wound-up rubber band exerts tension on the axle. The weight is described in terms of the gravitational force. The weight of the car has to be overcome to get it to move. Newton’s first law states that an object will remain at rest unless an unbalanced force acts on it. Also, an object will continue to move unless an unbalanced force acts on it. Inertia is the resistance to motion, and friction causes a moving object to slow down or stop.

6/18/2020 12:59:25 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 19 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 19 - Force and motion continue. Develop conceptual idea of force and motion. Students first distinguish between moving objects that are under the influence of a force and moving objects that are not under the influence of an unbalanced force. When there are forces acting on an object so that it changes speed or direction, they think about the forces that are affecting the motion. They identify the kinds of forces and explain the relative strength of the forces. They consider how to measure the forces and how to diagram (vectors or free-body) the multiple forces acting on a single object.

6/18/2020 12:59:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 18 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 18 - Force and motion. This unit builds a foundation for an appreciation for physics as its own scientific discipline. It provides an understanding of the processes by which physicists increase knowledge in their field. Teachers investigate physics through explorations of force and linear motion.

6/18/2020 12:59:13 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 17 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Young children in early elementary grade should know that the Sun is the major source of light and heat on Earth. As discussed in the previous biology units, they should have explored their natural environment and learned how life depends on the availability of water, food, air, and shelter. Based on this prior knowledge, children can take the next step and study how seasonal change affects life. They could observe (and record) evidence for seasonal change (temperature and rainfall).

6/18/2020 12:59:07 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 16 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

In this lecture focuses on using LMS, please reflect on the past two weeks and the content covered. Jot down ideas about how they could teach the topic of planet Earth to children. What kind of science topics would be relevant to teaching in grades 1–8? Which principles and concepts do they need to establish as a foundation for learning science in high school and beyond regarding the role of Earth’s hydrosphere? What main ideas or concepts should be covered with these young children?

6/18/2020 12:59:01 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 15 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

These can be good questions to start a conversation in which Student can share their prior knowledge. Listen carefully to their explanations. Encourage them to discuss each other’s ideas and to expand their thinking. Their longer statements, not short phrases, can reveal existing misconceptions.

6/18/2020 12:58:55 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 14 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

This lecture focuses on the hydrosphere and atmosphere: the water and air on and above Earth’s surface that make it habitable for life as we know it. By creating models, conducting research, and designing and carrying out investigations, Student explore the key concepts addressed in this unit. Those concepts include the water cycle, the nature of the atmosphere, and the radiant energy from the Sun, which creates convection currents of wind and water that drive weather patterns and climate.

6/18/2020 12:58:49 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 13 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 13 - Earth-the blue planet. The unit focuses Earth science. In previous units, Student studied biological systems-such as ecosystems-on a relatively tangible scale, noticing interactions and interdependencies. In this unit, Student continue their study of systems. This unit introduces them to systems on a greater scale (in terms of distance but also in regard to time). Students learn to see Earth as a system with interactions of its geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere.

6/18/2020 12:58:43 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 12 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 12 - Age appropriate science teaching. In this lecture: Examines characteristics of plants and animals and describes how those characteristics help the organism to live, describes structures of plants and animals that help them meet basic needs in different environments, compares and contrasts structure and function among different organisms.

6/18/2020 12:58:37 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 11 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture teaching populations and ecosystems in elementary grades. In this lecture, students learn: what kind of science topics do you think are important to teach in grades; what kind of principles and concepts need to be established as a foundation for learning science in high school and beyond regarding evolution, genetics, adaptation, and so on?

6/18/2020 12:58:31 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 10 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

This lecture we focus on Darwin’s ideas on evolution. The students should also learn how his scientific work was the basis for criticism but also new research. Have them research the following questions and share their findings with the class: Was Darwin right? Was he wrong? What new discoveries have helped scientists understand better how species evolve? What’s the current thinking?

6/18/2020 12:58:25 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 9 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 9 - Biodiversity, natural selection and adaptation. In this week, students learn that adaptive characteristics of a species affect its chance for survival or possible extinction. As they explore adaptation, they draw on their experience to provide examples of: Biological adaptations that enhance survival and reproductive success in a particular environment; adaptations, such as changes in structures behaviors; physiology.

6/18/2020 12:58:19 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 8 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

In the previous unit, teachers learned that in a healthy ecosystem, the populations of species are stable and the interdependencies among the species are balanced. This unit focuses on why there is such a variety of species in Earth’s flora and fauna.

6/18/2020 12:58:13 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 7 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Lecture 7 - Teaching of science at elementary level. This lecture students builds an awareness of the basic needs of living things. Investigates and identifies resources (light, water, nutrients, and air) that plants need to survive. Investigates and identifies resources (food, water, and air) that animals need to survive. Determines how an organism’s habitat provides for its basic needs. Observes and explains that there are a variety of local environments (e.g. field, forest, dessert, marsh, river).

6/18/2020 12:58:07 AM +00:00

Lecture Science 1 - Associate Degree in Education: Lecture 6 - Dr. Arshad Bashir

Chapter 6 - Teaching of science at elementary level. This lecture, we focus on teaching science in elementary school. It is essential to support them in making the transfer from their own science study to becoming a science teacher in the elementary grades. Many teaching strategies and the pedagogy learned in this course are transferable to teaching at elementary grades. However, the content, activities, and learning objectives must be adjusted to reflect age differences and prior knowledge.

6/18/2020 12:58:01 AM +00:00