Tài liệu miễn phí Thương mại điện tử

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Thương mại điện tử (E-Commerce hay E-Business)

Thương mại điện tử (còn gọi là E-Commerce hay E-Business) là quy trình mua bán hàng hóa và dịch vụ thông qua các phương tiện điện tử và mạng viễn thông, đặc biệt làtrực tuyến qua máy tính và mạng Internet. Thương mại điện tử (Electronic Commerce), một yếu tố hợp thành của nền Kinh tế số hóa, là hình thái hoạt động thương mại bằng các phương pháp điện tử; là việc trao đổi thông tin thương mại thông qua các phương tiện công nghệ điện tử mà nói chung là không cần phải in ra giấy trong bất cứ...

8/30/2018 3:28:32 AM +00:00

New Edition Market leader

Tham khảo sách 'new edition market leader', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, thương mại điện tử phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

8/30/2018 3:23:57 AM +00:00


Tổ chức Thương mại thế giới WTO định nghĩa: “TMĐT bao gồm việc sản xuất, quảng cáo, bán hàng và phân phối sản phẩm được mua bán và thanh toán trên mạng Internet, nhưng được giao nhận một cách hữu hình cả các sản phẩm được giao nhận cũng như những thông tin số hóa thông qua mạng Internet”. 1.2. Thương mại điện tử B2C B2C (Business - To - Customer): là hình thức chỉ bao gồm các giao dịch thương mại trên Internet giữa doanh nghiệp với khách hàng, mà trong đó, đối tượng khách hàng của loại hình...

8/30/2018 3:16:44 AM +00:00

Những rủi ro trong thương mại điển tử

Những tai nạn, sự cố, tai hoạ xảy ra một cách ngẫu nhiên, khách quan ngoài ý muốn của con người. Khi xảy ra gây ra tổn thất cho các bên tham gia trong quá trình tiến hành giao dịch trong Thương mại điện tử.

8/30/2018 3:16:09 AM +00:00

Mô hình thương mại điện tử của Amazon.com

Là nhà bán lẻ trực tuyến lớn nhất Mỹ, với doanh số bán hàng trên mạng internet gấp gần ba lần so với doanh thu của hãng xếp hạng nhì trong cùng lĩnh vực Staples, Inc tại thời điểm tháng 1 năm 2010 Đã cung cấp hàng triệu sản phẩm cho hơn 17 triệu người tiêu dùng trên 160 quốc gia. Amazon còn cung cấp đấu giá trực tuyến.

8/30/2018 3:12:22 AM +00:00


* Các kết nối từ thành phần trong LAN ( có địa chỉ riêng được giấu kín ) ra Internet đều có IP address chung : giả dạng – masquerade * Ngăn vào : từ ngoài truy cập từng máy trong LAN phải qua cấu trúc DMZ (Demilitarized Zone ) với các lệnh : Accept, Deny, Reject * Giới hạn ra : Firewall chỉ cho phép kết nối với cổng/địa chỉ không bị cấm

8/30/2018 3:08:37 AM +00:00


Thanh toán – trả tiền - là giao dịch giữa 2 đối tác : -Bên A: trả một khỏan tiền ( tiền mặt, chuyển khỏan..) cho bên B -Bên B: nhận tiền và xác nhận ( bằng hóa đơn, phiếu thu ) cho bên A - Giao dịch đó có thể thực hiện bằng những thông điệp được thừa nhận, có/không có sự tham gia ( trọng tài ) của bên thứ ba

8/30/2018 3:08:37 AM +00:00


Quảng bá online : - Đặt banner, quảng cáo trên các website chính thức của các nhà cung cấp ( hợp đồng) - Đăng ký “group” với một số search engine thương mại - Liên kết quảng bá với website khác ( chú ý v/đ cạnh tranh : khác ngành hàng, ngành liên quan..) - Các chương trình đại lý quảng cáo liên kết đa cấp (Affiliate programme)

8/30/2018 3:08:37 AM +00:00


Theo Lou Gesternet (Chủ tịch HĐQT IBM): Thương mại điện tử là sự kinh doanh TM toàn cầu hóa, chia sẻ tri thức để tăng lợi thế cạnh tranh, tăng hiệu quả, tăng lượng khách hàng bằng cách sử dụng ICT, đặc biệt là Internet.

8/30/2018 3:08:37 AM +00:00


*Chỉ số xã hội thông tin - Information Society Index *Chỉ số sẵn sàng cho nền kinh tế điện tử - E Readiness Index *Chỉ số sẵn sàng kết nối - Network Readiness Index *Chỉ số Chính phủ điện tử - E Government Index *Vi phạm bản quyền phần mềm *Gia công phần mềm – Dịch vụ

8/30/2018 3:08:37 AM +00:00


Tham khảo sách 'kiến thức thương mại điện tử - ts. nguyễn đăng hậu', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, thương mại điện tử phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

8/30/2018 3:08:32 AM +00:00

Giải Pháp Thương Mại

GiaiPhapThuongMai là một trong những thương hiệu thuộc Công ty Cổ phần GiaiPhapThuongMai - công ty hoạt động theo mô hình tập đoàn với lĩnh vực chính: Truyền thông, Thương hiệu và Đầu tư. GiaiPhapThuongMai được biết đến như một thương hiệu trong lĩnh vực Tư vấn chiến lược thương hiệu, Thiết kế thương hiệu. Chúng tôi, với đội ngũ chuyên gia cùng các họa sỹ thiết kế luôn muốn mang lại cho khách hàng không đơn giản những sản phẩm ấn tượng mà còn thể hiện được giá trị của doanh nghiệp. GiaiPhapThuongMai luôn tự hào tăng bề dày danh sách khách hàng, đối tác trong nước và...

8/30/2018 3:08:22 AM +00:00

Dairy Science and Technology Second Edition

While the structure of the dairy processing industry has improved dramatically, milk collection and distribution is fragmented compared to systems found in other countries. There is a need to improve the supply chain from farmer to consumer in Pakistan. There is very limited data available on the routes to market or the distribution channels employed in Pakistan. Most of the milk produced in the farms is consumed at the household level. The surplus is marketed at the local markets in form of liquid milk or purchased by milk collectors and transported to urban areas through different distribution channels. ...

8/30/2018 3:04:54 AM +00:00

Minimization of Environmental Impact of Wachusett Brewing Company Processes

From an economic point of view, this development corresponds to experiences already achieved in other markets – the shift from supply-driven markets to demand-driven markets. As food is one of the basic goods, this means that once a basic level of food supply is guaranteed, the consumer develops an increased interest in quality and variety. Through the ability to choose between a broad range of food products, the consumer acceptance of new food is the final criterion for a successful market introduction. Accordingly it will be necessary in the future to take the consumers point of view at every stage of food product development, processing and marketing into...

8/30/2018 3:04:54 AM +00:00

U.S. Baseline Briefing Book Projections for agricultural and biofuel markets

Strengthening the economic growth is another objective for supporting R&D in the European food sector. Thus, improving the European quality of life goes wider than only addressing the consumer. Research that fosters the competitiveness of the food industry in Europe creates the possibility for increased employment opportunities. This can be done through the development of new and improved products as well as production systems using new technologies. In many cases research aiming at consumer benefits will have the secondary effect of increasing competitiveness through the successful marketing of improved and cheaper products. Some issues of competitiveness may not however be addressed by development in products and production systems. An example...

8/30/2018 3:04:54 AM +00:00

Tương lai của kinh doanh thương mại điện tử

Thương mại điện tử là một chủ đề nóng bỏng tác động mạnh tới cuộc sống hàng ngày của nhiều người. Sẽ là không quá khi nói rằng thương mại điện tử luôn có đông đủ người tham dự. Tôi đã từng nghĩ rằng xã hội Mỹ với mạng Internet khổng lồ đang tận hưởng trình độ văn minh thương mại điện tử ở mức cao. Nhưng tôi đã bị thuyết phục ngược lại trong một hội thảo Hội đồng kinh tế khu vực Thái Bình Dương về thương mại điện tử tổ chức vào ngày 24 tháng 3 năm 2000....

8/30/2018 3:04:33 AM +00:00

PCS Director Assessment & Cost Recovery Solution Understand, Analyze and Save

African marketers will be working hard to establish the best approaches to mobile advertising. The mix of smartphones and feature phones in the market make implementation challenging, as many African users have limited functionality on their device. Thus, brands should begin with text-based search ads, SMS advertising and mobi-optimized sites. In time, this will give way to screen takeovers, location-based advertising, apps and augmented reality. Dependent on the target audience, most marketers will need to take a two-pronged approach, developing mobile ad strategies for both basic phones and the fast-growing smartphone audience. Our recent AdReaction study showed that mobile marketing favorability...

8/30/2018 3:01:00 AM +00:00


Another closely-related dynamic is a fundamental shift that is taking place in terms of priority geographic markets. A 2011 global CEO survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC’s Growth Reimagined) found that the large majority of corporate executives have shifted their primary focus to developing markets. Although doing business in these markets is nothing new, making them the primary target market, where firms plan to invest the majority of their efforts and expect the majority of their future sales, is new and significant. While these markets certainly present great opportunities, the growth rates there are slowing too and the competition is palpable. The...

8/30/2018 3:01:00 AM +00:00

Future Development of the Higher Education Economic Development (HEED) Fund

It is important to consider the local market situation. Medium-weight hybrids should only be chosen if there is a good market for eggs and meat and a steady supply of good, balanced chicken-feed. If you want to concentrate on selling eggs, consider buying lighter, white layers. In all other situations, the heavier, usually brown breeds would be a bet- ter choice. If you live far from a market and mainly want to produce for home consumption, only selling extra eggs and meat locally, you are best off with a local breed. If you have no experience of raising chickens, it is...

8/30/2018 2:52:59 AM +00:00


A new approach for stimulating long-term credit could be combined with developing the capital market. This concept uses, “on-lending”, (with strict international guidelines followed and best practices of long-term equipment financing implemented by an experienced lender), but introduces the market mechanism of securitizing the loans generated (a pool or portfolio) and the selling them in the capital market. This concept would allow Georgia to develop what is known as a secondary market for loans (financial instruments). This would create an additional source of investments and liquidity for banks. Funding would likely be needed from USAID...

8/30/2018 2:52:58 AM +00:00

OCHA-oPt Socio-Economic Fact Sheet

In the development of capital markets, prospective borrowers could be sourced through participating banks (an outreach marketing component of a given intervention), but final credit analyses, loan terms, collateral requirements, documentation, and funding decisions would be made by the program implementers. Once a pool of loans was completed (for example $2 – $5 million), the portfolio would be securitized and sold (to the banks) to the highest bidder on the capital market. The sale of this portfolio (with or without loan servicing rights, which are very valuable) would then replenish the program’s funding and allow another round of...

8/30/2018 2:52:58 AM +00:00

Stimulating Economic Productivity in Georgia

In addition to the market chain development that is the focus of the AgVANTAGE program, current staff expertise in international finance and business could be accessed to further assist the development of targeted subsectors (like those mentioned above). AgVANTAGE staff is providing strategic development (capacity building) to support the types of import substitution activities and market chain investments that these subsectors require in order to grow. However, with the projects experience to date, this area is in greater need than the current capacity of the project. Project activity could be further expanded to identify, research, market,...

8/30/2018 2:52:58 AM +00:00


More normally, gains in factor effi ciency by a corporation should result in gains in social utility in the long term. Un- less the corporation is a monopoly any gains will be won at the expense of other market competitors. Th ese other fi rms will then have to either increase their own effi ciency or lose market share. Over time more and more of the goods produced in that market will be produced more effi ciently, and the price off ered to consumers should be reduced by competition. (Th is will not hold...

8/30/2018 2:52:35 AM +00:00

Principles for Economic Regulation

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, New Zealand’s exports were concentrated on a few products and on the United Kingdom market. The collapse in the price of wool and the entry of Britain into the European Union (EU) resulted in marked product- and export-market diversifi cation. New Zealand’s export-product concentration is still somewhat higher than the OECD mean. New Zealand’s export-market concentration, on the other hand, is slightly lower than the OECD mean, refl ecting a more diverse range of export markets. New Zealand’s merchandise exports are still heavily weighted toward food and beverage exports relative to the comparator...

8/30/2018 2:52:35 AM +00:00

Economic Development Strategies

On broader measures of innovation, New Zealand fi rms have higher rates of marketing and product innovation, but relatively lower rates of process and organisational innovation. New Zealand businesses focus their innovation mainly on production for the domestic market rather than international markets, and innovation for international markets is low relative to fi rms in the EU. The share of medium-high and high-tech products in exports is low, and the sophistication of New Zealand’s exports overall is consistent with its per capita income. There is a high proportion of Crown Research Institute (CRI) research funded by business but...

8/30/2018 2:52:35 AM +00:00

The RepoRT of The high-LeveL MeeTing on WellBeing and Happiness

In addition to retained earnings or profi ts, fi rms can access investment capital from a number of other sources: banks; the sharemarket; private equity; the venture capital market; and informal capital markets. Improving fi nancial development in these markets can stimulate economic growth. The Milken Institute’s Capital Access Index evaluates the ability of business to access capital across all sources. New Zealand is ranked 15th in the OECD on this index, at the OECD mean and below countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Denmark, and Australia. New Zealand’s sharemarket capitalisation relative to GDP...

8/30/2018 2:52:35 AM +00:00


PDS, food price policies, food subsidies, food safety net, food for work programme. Food quality. Measurement of poverty. Poverty alleviation and development strategies. Rural infrastructure policies, agricultural labour policy, institutional development policies, communication and transfer of technology policies, Policies for common property resource management, energy policy- renewable, non-renewable and use of agricultural waste, integrated pest management policies, fertilizer policies, bio-fertilizer in agriculture, water resource policies, micro-nutrient issues, land tenure policies and changing agrarian structure, technology policy, linkages in agricultural research and extension, agricultural research policy, employment policy and choice of technology, marketing policies- market liberalization policies, agricultural market reforms with special emphasis to crop, livestock and fisheries....

8/30/2018 2:52:21 AM +00:00

Implementing Indonesia’s Economic Master Plan (MP3EI): Challenges, Limitations and Corridor Specific Differences

Market structure, conduct performance analysis. Marketing channels for different products in agriculture and animal husbandry. State intervention and parastatals in agricultural marketing. Pricing of agricultural inputs and products. Buffer stocking and import policies for agricultural produce. Value addition and its impact on prices of agricultural commodities. Systems approach to agricultural marketing. Marketing costs, margins and market efficiency. Market integration-horizontal and vertical, spatial and temporal. Price integration between domestic and international markets. Forward trading, speculation and hedging. Application of quantitative techniques in marketing. Markov chain analysis, decision theory, transportation model, network analysis. Demand for and supply of farm products. Cobweb model. Demand- supply models- Estimation of elasticities. Demand supply projections....

8/30/2018 2:52:21 AM +00:00

IE Brown Executive MBA- Liberal Arts meets the Developing innovative leaders for a changing world

I show that, just as investment bankers are key drivers of financial markets, shocks in financial markets have important and lasting effects on the careers of investment bankers. Specifically, using data from a 1996 and 1998 survey of several thousand Stanford MBAs, I find that stock market conditions while MBA students are in school have a large effect on whether they go directly into investment banking upon graduation. This effect of themarkets on initialMBA placement turns out to be a lasting determinant of career choice and earnings....

8/30/2018 2:48:19 AM +00:00


These results also shed light on how financial markets are affected by, and affect, the people who work in them. Randomfactors in financialmarkets deter- mine, at least to some degree, who willmake thosemarkets in the future.While it is well known that market shocks have large effects on the wealth of those who buy and sell in those markets, I show that market shocks also have large and persistent wealth effects by determining where people will work and how much they will make.

8/30/2018 2:48:19 AM +00:00