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The States Parties to this Convention, Bearing in mind the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order, Considering that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among States,

8/29/2018 4:12:04 PM +00:00

Roles of CIO for Innovative Government

The promotion of structural reforms should be encouraged for existing social structures as well as for any forces that have been resisting the various reforms that have been implemented up till this time. In the process, Japan shall aim to significantly advance into becoming a society in which more people actively have a vision and dream for the future.

8/29/2018 3:59:50 PM +00:00

Các quy định quản lý thực phẩm, dược phẩm của Mỹ

Food, Drug Administration (FDA) là cơ quan thuộc Bộ Y Tế Hoa Kỳ, tập hợp nhiều nhà khoa học kỹ thuật của Hoa Kỳ để đề ra và giám sát thực hiện các biện pháp đảm bảo an toàn tiêu dùng đối với thực phẩm, dược phẩm và dụng cụ y tế và mỹ phẩm sản xuất tại Hoa Kỳ và nhập khẩu từ các nước ngoài vào lãnh thổ Hoa Kỳ.

8/29/2018 3:59:49 PM +00:00

Viet Nam Australia Development Cooperation Strategy 2003–2007

Australia has national interest and humanitarian reasons for providing aid to Viet Nam. Its centrality in the region means that a stable and growing Viet Nam will be good for regional cooperation, security, trade and prosperity. The prospects for poverty reduction are good. Australia has a valuable contribution to make by building on the successes and lessons learned from the past 10 years of bilateral development cooperation.

8/29/2018 3:52:24 PM +00:00