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  1. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com VI. CORRECT WRITING N guai hoc da di qua tat ca cac phan can ban cua qui luat van pham, phan ke tiep se gom nhung dieu so dang (fundamentals) de tach biet cac grammatical elements trong mot cau va tranh cac loi thong thuang. Punctuation Diction 98 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  2. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Punctuation Cho tai day nguai hoc da thu nhan dupe nhung qui luat van pham tuang doi du de viet mot cau van, tiep theo den phan q u a n tr o n g vai vai trd cua Punctuation. Dat dung vi tri cho cac d a u se chung to nguai viet da hieu ro qui luat cau true cac chicc nang van pham. Qui luat dung cac dau trong mot cau se dupe coi la c a n va du ; nghia la, neu dat dau khong dung cho thi tat ca cau van viet ra khong co nghia hay khong ro nghia, hay nguai doc khong hieu nguai viet muon noi gi. End Marks The Period Dung period (dau cham .) sau mot cau xac dinh (declarative statement) hay mot cau de nghi / ra lenh (request / command), hay noi mot cach tong quat la khi cham het mot cau. The study hall is too noisy. Please stop your whispering, (declarative) (request) J o h n a n s w e r e d th e te le p h o n e , (d e c la ra tiv e ) A n s w e r th e te le p h o n e , ( im p e ra tiv e ) She asked whether John had answered the telephone, (indirect question) 99 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  3. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Dung period vai nhung tu da quen nhu Mr.. Mrs., Ms., Dr. truac mot proper noun (Mr. Smith, Dr. Smith). Jr., Sr., Ph.D. sau names. Chu y: khong dung period voi tu Miss (vi£t tit la Ms.), va nen v ilt chu Ms. chu khong viet Miss hay M rs. khi chua biet ro tinh trang hon nhan cua mot nguai (marital status), co gia dinh hay chua. The Question Mark Dung ? sau cac cau hoi true tiep (direct question), thuang bat dau vai cac tu nhu who, when, what, etc. Note: Subject va verb dao ngugc. When did you study chemistry? Do you ever wonder what your future will be? You want to make a good impression, don’t you? Dung ? sau nien hieu khong biet chac: King X was bom in 1661 (?) and died in 1701. The Exclamation Point Dung ! sau nhung cau chua dung cam xuc manh (strong feeling). What a horrible accident! Fire! Help! It was exciting, w asn’t it? Oh, I had a pleasant time. 100 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  4. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Ngucri viet van ngay nay (modem writing) it dung dau ! (cam than), nhung tu oh, goodness, well, yes, no, thuang dugc theo sau bang dau phay (comma) chu khong dung dau cam than. The Comma Khi dung mot trong nhung coordinating conjunctions sau day de noi lien (connect) cac main clauses ( and, but, or, nor, for, so, va yet ) thi luon luon co comma dung truac. Dau comma hien ra de cho biet mot independent clause cham dut va bao hieu la clause ke tiep sap den. The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave the park. I placed the typed sheet on his desk, and he picked it up and read it slowly. His face turned red, but he did not say a word. I knew he was angry, for he rose and stamped out o f the room. Uyen chuyen: Khi nao mot hay ca hai main clauses dupe noi lien bang mot conjunction neu clause dai hay co nhiiu ddu thi co the thay c o m m a bang s e m ic o lo n : The Mounties, dressed in red tunics and riding well- trained horses, were a familar sign on the Canadian frontier; but few people in the United States saw Mounties except in the movies. (Mountie or M ounty : [colloq.] a member o f the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [canh sat cuai ngua]) 101 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  5. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Dung comma de tach nhung doan ngan hay menh de: I washed the dishes, I dried them, and I put them away. He walked into my office, took off his hat, and sat down. The old house was empty, cold, dark, and uninviting. She rushed into the house, up the stairs, and into her room. Dung comma vai nhieu adjective cung mo ta tinh chat mot noun: Hong Kong grew up around a beautiful, sheltered, accesible port. Dung comma sau Introductory' prepositional phrases: According to legend, Hercule had enormous strenght. After his long exile to France, Charles II returned to England in 1660. Dung comma sau Introductory verbal phrases: To succeed as a long-distance runner, a person must have strong legs. Exhausted by her effort, the swimmer fell back into the pool. Dung comma giua hai tu de tranh doc li|n nhau (pause): While we were eating, the table collapsed. After we had washed, mother prepared breakfast. Shortly after ten, thirty new recruits appeared. 102 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  6. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com W hatever is, is right. Dung comma de tach appositives (words that immediately follow a noun or pronoun and stand for the same thing): Mr. Galloway, our science teacher, told me about it. The teacher, a friend o f many years, advised me to stay. The new boy, the one with red hair, sings beautifully. Dung comma trong mot direct address (goi ten nhau): Can you show me, Kathy, how to punctuate this sentence? Will you speak a little louder, George? Quan sat nhirng truang hap duai day de thay rang da dung thira comma va sai (incorrect): I had studied hard, b u t failed the test. (incorrect, vi studied va failed la hai joining verb, cung mot subject) The man at the far end o f the head table, is my uncle. (incorrect, vi khong the ngan cach giua subject va verb) T he Semicolon Dung semicolon de tach cac independent clause khi khong noi lien bang mot coordinating conjunction, va khi clause theo sau co conjunctive adverb (however, therefore, moreover, consequently, etc.) 103 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  7. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com There are only a few o f the urgent problems concerning our ecology; many more exist, (no connective) You must fill out the application form; later you will be interviewed, (adverb with second clause) “He is sick,” she said; "therefore, he will not come." Dung semicolon de tach cac independent clauses khi noi lien bang mot coordinating conjunction ma trong cau da co nhieu dau: I invited Sara, Susan, Leon, and John to the party; but Joe, Robert, and Charles also dropped in. Dung semicolon trong mot cau dai co nhieu comma: Jean Smith, the cardiologist; Angelo Martinez, the dentist; and Alan Wilson, the psychiatrist, meet for lunch every Tuesday. The Colon Dung colon de bao hieu se co giai thich (explain), lam sang to (clarify), dan chung (illustrate), them chi tiet (specify detail). Charm, in the abstract, has something o f the quality of music: radiance, balance, and harmony. The poets I likes best are these: Housman, Yeast, and Eliot. One characteristic accounted for his success: complete honesty. 104 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  8. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com The recommended treatment for a cold is as follows: plenty o f fluids, bed rest, and aspirin for fever. Dung colon sau nhung tir nhu he said truac khi co mot trich dan : The speaker rose to his feet and said: "Students and teachers, I wish to call your attention..." Dung colon de tach nhieu items (dieu noi tai) trong mot cau: For the most part we are an intemperate people: we eat too much when we can, drink too much, indulge our senses to much. The Hyphen Quan sat nhung truang hap duai day de dung hyphen: Compound noun Sister-in-law M other-in-law Daughter-in-law Head-ache Chinese-American Long-distance C o m p o u n d n u m b e rs : sixty-four sixty-fourth 105 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  9. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com eighty-seven eighty-seventh thirty-five thirty-fifth Title ex-President ex-Director The Apostrophe Xem lai Possessive Noun a phan truac da dung apostrophe vai nhieu truang hap, quan sat cac truang hap duai day de dung dau nay: Units o f time twenty minutes’ drive (a twenty-minute drive) one dollar's worth (one-dollar worth) ten days’ wait (a ten-day wait) Contraction I'm (I am) Y ou're (You are) There’s (There is) W ho’s (who is) Y ou’ ve (you have) D on't (do not) 106 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  10. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com ITALICS Viet chu nghieng tat ca ten cac tac pham nghe thuat va nhat bao, tuan bao, va tap chi (khi muon trich dan). A M idsummer Night's Dream The Song o f Hiawatha Christina's World the Washington Post the Chicago Tribune The Economist Paris Match ViSt chu nghieng cac ten airplane, ship, train the Spirit o f St. Luouis (airplane) U.S.S. Constitution (ship) the Sunset Lim ited (train) 107 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  11. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com CAPITALIZATION & Abbreviations Vi£t chu hoa (capital letter or upper case letter) chu
  12. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com We visited the late President X ’s house in Hanoi. Tonight the President will appear on national television. (vi co tir the dung truac) Fam ily relationship At the moment M other, Father, and Aunt Lucy entered the room. My mother, father, and aunt are... (khong viet hoa vi co possessive My dung truac) Points of compass Before we moved to the W est, we lived in the South for a time. We drive three miles east and then turn north on the Pacific Highway. (chi viet hoa khi chi ten mien dat, khong viet hoa khi chi phuang huang) Academic subjects I intend to register for History 322 and Sociology 500. Last year I took courses in history, sociology, German, and Latin. (Vi£t hoa ten mon hoc thuoc Cuon Danh Muc cac mon hoc cua truang [catalogue listings] nhu a cau tren, khong vi£t hoa khi noi cac mon hoc nhu a cau duai; viet hoa khi noi ten ngon ngir [language]). 109 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  13. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Title of books V ilt hoa chu dau va tat ca cac chu tiep theo, khong viet hoa nhung a, an, the va cac prepositions / conjunctions. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” “A Portrait o f the Artist as a Young M an” Titles before proper nouns Chi viet tat title cua mot nguai khi nao viet ca ten hp (surname) Dr. Amy Jones Prof. James Boston Chi viet tat nhung chu Hon. (Honorable) Rev. (Reverend) Prof. (Professor) Sen. (Senator) khi co surname (family name) va given name (first name) Examples: The Hon. W.C. Jones (but not Hon. Jones) Nghi thuc hon (more formal) thi vilt h it title va co tu the: The Reverend W.C. Jones Titles after proper names Examples: Amy Jones, MD Nguyen D. Pham, Ph.D 110 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  14. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com DICTION N gu ari h o c vua di qua nhung phan ghi nhan dugc nhirng qui luat c a n va d u (essentials / fundamentals) de viet va noi dung theo van pham. Trong nhirng phan tiep theo, nguai hoc se gap cac cach viet cua mot so cau tuomg trung do sinh vien dai hoc (a nude My) viet va giao su sua kem theo lai khuyen nen chon dung tir (choice o f words) khi viet, nen dien y trong moi cau nhu the nao de nguai doc de hieu; nghia la, tranh loi viet ruam ra (wordiness); xa hem nita la dim g de nguai doc cam thay cau van te nhat (triteness), khong bi roi vao tinh trang noi m a ho (vagueness) hay vay muon nhung tir dung di dung lai nhieu roi ([sao ngu] euphemism, idiom). Han nua, neu English la ESL doi vai nhirng ai dang tim hieu cach dung ngon ngu nay thi lai la mot dieu k h o k h a n horn; do do, s u kien nhan trong viec tu hoc la dieu cdn t h i i t : chiu kho doc nhieu va nhan xet cac cach viet. W ordiness D uai day la nhung cau dien hinh cua cac sinh vien vi£t, va nhung huong dan cua giao su. Chu y quan sat, va vai vdn lieng van pham da co thi nguai hoc se tim thay sinh vien da dung nhieu tir khong can thiet; nghia la thira, khi dien ta y muon noi, va vi ruam ra nen cau van thieu ro rang. 111 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  15. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com wordy There is a man in our neighborhood, and he has written three novels. better A man in our neighborhod has written three novels. A neighbor o f ours has written three novels. Thu gon nhu 2 cau tren da bat ruam ra, nhung cung con co the lam cau van nhe han a cau duai day: Our neighbor has written three novels. Cau van ruam ra, va y muon noi khong ro rang vi nguai viet dung nhieu tir but hay and nhu nhung cau duai day: wordy The test was hard, and the students were resented, and their instructor was irritated. better Because the students resented the hard test, their instructor was irritated. awkward Mollie enjoys her work as a marketing manager during the day and going to the theatre in the evening. parallel Mollie enjoys working as a marketing manager during the day and going to the theatre in the evening. 112 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  16. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com N ote: Can chu y khi dung coordinating conjunction (and) nhu or truang harp tren thi nhirng tu truac va sau phdi cung mot fo rm (parallel): enjoys working and (enjoys) going. faulty Ellen not only has been outstanding in her studies but also in athletics, parallel Ellen has been outstanding not only in her studies but also in athletics. ambiguous Maria wants to write stories that describe the South and study the habits o f the Creoles, (stories that study the habits o f the Creoles), clear Maria wants to write stories that describe the South and to study the habits o f the Creoles. Trucrng hop ruam ra khac thucmg thay a cach viet khoe chu, nguai viet muon to ra biet nhieu khi dung nhung tir c^u ky nhu "blessed event", "passing away" thay vi vi
  17. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Nen viet: Because he was in love with Angela, Thomas behaved foolishly I regret extremely the necessity o f your departure. Nen v ie t : I am sorry you must go Vi coi thuang (carelessness) hay khong biet (ignorance) nghia cua tu, nguai viet da mac vao loi diep ngir (noi nhieu lan [unnecessary repitition]). Day cung la loai wordiness nua thuang xay ra, goi la redundancy a nhung cau dien hinh duai day: Repeat that again, please. (why again?) Vi tir repeat da co nghia la "lap lai" His solution was equally as good as hers. (why equally?) Vi cum tir as good as da co nghia la "bang n h W The consensus o f opinion o f the group was that Mrs. Jacobs will make a good mayor. Chi can dung: consensus o f the group hoac la the opinion o f the group (Vi tir consensus va tir opinion a cau nay co nghia giong nhau, hai tir of lien nhau da lam cho cau van ruam ra) wordy This location is more preferable than that one. (preferable co nghia la "more desirable"; do do. more a day thira.) 114 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  18. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com better This location is preferable to that one. (verb prefer luon luon co preposition to di theo) wordy The union continues to remain at odds with factory management (continue va remain co cung mot nghia) better The union continues at odds with factory management. The union remains at odds with factory management, wordy It was a dog large in size and brown in color, better It was a large brown dog. wordy Mrs. Frost rarely ever wears her fur coat, better Mrs. Frost rarely wears her fur coat. Vagueness Khong nen dung tu nao neu chua hieu ro nghia. hoac chua auen cach dung; neu khong thi se roi vao tinh trang y m a ho. Trong Anh ngu co nhieu tir rat triu tuang thuang thSy nhu asset, factor, phase, case, nature, character, line, field. CSn than khi dung nhung tir nay cho dung cho, hay t6t hem het la khong dung de cau van dugc nhe nhang, de hilu. Nhung cau duai day cho thi du nen tranh: 115 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
  19. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com In cases where a person receives a ticket for speeding, he must pay a fine o f fifty dollars. (a ticket for speeding la giay phat vi lai xe qua toe
  20. Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Faulty D u ai day la mot so tir sinh vien thuang hieu Ian Ion nghia hoac dung khong dung cho (faulty): Above, nghia la higher place, overhead, up - khong viet: the above reference, the above names. Accept, Except, am thanh gan giong nhau - to accept is to receive; to except is to make an exception of, to omit. Except (as a preposition) means with the exception o f A.D. chu viet tat cua Anno Domini (in the year o f our Lord), chi dung khi co nien hieu : A.D. 1400 AH ready, Already. Tir truac nghia la all are ready (da san sang) {The players were all ready); tir sau nghia la before now (She has already gone) (da di roi). All together, Altogether. Tir truac nghia la cong tat ca (all o f a number) (She invited them all together); tir sau nghia la entirely, completely (He was altogether wrong) Alright, sai spelling, dung: all right Anyone, Any one. Tir truac la indefinite pronoun, mot tir viet lien; tir sau nghia la bat cu mot nguai nao, mot vat gi luon luon hai tir (Any one o f your friends will be glad to help you) Likely, nghia la credible, probable, probably (He had a likely excuse). As far as. dung la mot subordinating conjunction, nghia la theo sau co ca subject va verb, (faulty: As far as 117 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com
nguon tai.lieu . vn