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The King`s Post Being a volume of historical facts relating to the Posts, Mail Coaches, Coach Roads, and Railway Mail Services of and connected with the Ancient City of Bristol from 1580 to the present time. BY R.C. TOMBS, I.S.O. Ex-Controller of the London Postal Service, and late Surveyor-Postmaster of Bristol; Author of "The London Postal Service of To-day" "Visitors` Handbook to General Post Office, London" "The Bristol Royal Mail." Bristol W.C. HEMMONS, PUBLISHER, ST. STEPHEN STREET. 1905 2nd Edit., 1906. Entered Stationers` Hall.[Pg iv-v] TO THE RIGHT HON. LORD STANLEY, K.C.V.O., C.B., M.P., HIS MAJESTY`S POSTMASTER-GENERAL, THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED AS A TESTIMONY OF HIGH APPRECIATION OF HIS DEVOTION TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE AT HOME AND ABROAD, BY HIS FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. [Pg vi-vii] PREFACE. When in 1899 I published the "Bristol Royal Mail," I scarcely supposed that it would be practicable to gather further historical facts of local interest sufficient to admit of the compilation of a companion book to that work. Such, however, has been the case, and much additional information has been procured as regards the Mail Services of the District. Perhaps, after all, that is not surprising as Bristol is a very ancient city, and was once the second place of importance in the kingdom, with necessary constant mail communication with London, the seat of Government. I am, therefore, enabled to introduce to notice "The King`s Post," with the hope that it will[Pg viii] prove interesting and find public support equal to that generously afforded to its forerunner, which treated of Mail and Post Office topics from earliest times. I have been rendered very material assistance in my researches by Mr. J.A. Housden, late of the Savings Bank Department, G.P.O., London; also by Mr. L.C. Kerans, ex-postmaster of Bath, and Messrs. S.I. Toleman and G.E. Chambers, ex-assistant Superintendents of the Bristol Post Office. I have gathered many interesting facts from "Stage Coach and Mail," by Mr. C.G. Harper, to whom I express hearty indebtedness; and I am also under deep obligation to Mr. Edward Bennett, Editor of the "St. Martin`s-le-Grand Magazine," and the Assistant Editor, Mr. Hatswell, for much valuable assistance. R.C.T. BRISTOL, September, 1905. CONTENTS. [Pg ix] CHAPTER I. THE EARLIEST BRISTOL POSTS, 1580.—FOOT AND RUNNING POSTS. —THE FIRST BRISTOL POSTMASTERS: ALLEN AND TEAGUE, 1644-1660.—THE POST HOUSE.— 1 EARLIEST LETTERS, 1662. CHAPTER II. THE POST HOUSE AT THE DOLPHIN INN, IN DOLPHIN STREET, BRISTOL, 1662.— EXCHANGE AVENUE AND SMALL STREET POST OFFICES, BRISTOL. CHAPTER III. ELIZABETHAN POST TO BRISTOL.—THE QUEEN`S PROGRESS, 1574. 16 CHAPTER IV. THE ROADS.—THE COACH.—MR. JOHN PALMER`S MAIL COACH INNOVATIONS, 1660-1818. CHAPTER V. APPRECIATIONS OF RALPH ALLEN, JOHN PALMER, AND SIR FRANCIS FREELING, 45 AIL AND OACH DMINISTRATORS CHAPTER VI. BRISTOL MAIL COACH ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1802, 1830.—THE NEW GENERAL POST OFFICE, LONDON. CHAPTER VII. THE BRISTOL AND PORTSMOUTH MAIL FROM 1772 ONWARDS.—PROJECTED SOUTH COAST RAILWAY FROM BRISTOL, 1903.—THE BRISTOL TO SALISBURY POSTBOY HELD UP.—MAIL COACH ACCIDENTS.— LUKE KENT AND RICHARD GRIFFITHS, THE MAIL GUARDS. CHAPTER VIII. THE BUSH TAVERN, BRISTOL`S FAMOUS COACHING INN, AND JOHN WEEKS, ITS WORTHY BONIFACE, 1775-1819.—THE WHITE LION COACHING HOUSE, BRISTOL, 93 ISAAC NIBLETT.—THE WHITE HART, BATH. CHAPTER IX. TOLL GATES AND GATE KEEPERS. 110 CHAPTER X. DARING ROBBERIES OF THE BRISTOL MAIL BY HIGHWAYMEN, 1726-1781.—BILL NASH, MAIL COACH ROBBER, CONVICT, AND RICH COLONIST, 1832.— 119 BURGLARIES AT POST OFFICES IN LONDON AND BRISTOL, 1881-1901. CHAPTER XI. MANCHESTER AND LIVERPOOL MAILS.—FROM COACH TO RAIL.—THE WESTERN RAILROAD.—POST OFFICE ARBITRATION CASE. CHAPTER XII. PRIMITIVE POST OFFICE.—FIFTH CLAUSE POSTS.—MAIL CART IN A RHINE. — 151 FFECT OF ALES ON OST AND ELEGRAPH ERVICE CHAPTER XIII. BRISTOL REJUVENATED.—VISIT OF PRINCE OF WALES IN CONNECTION WITH THE NEW BRISTOL DOCK.—BRISTOL-JAMAICAN MAIL SERVICE.—AMERICAN MAILS.—BRISTOL SHIP LETTER MAILS.—THE REDLAND POST OFFICE. —THE 160 MEDICAL OFFICER.—BRISTOL TELEGRAPHISTS IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR.— LORD STANLEY, K.C.V.O., C.B., M.P. —MR. J. PAUL BUSH, C.M.G. CHAPTER XIV. SMALL (THE POST OFFICE) STREET, BRISTOL: ITS ANCIENT HISTORY, INFLUENTIAL RESIDENTS, HISTORIC HOUSES; THE CANNS; THE EARLY HOME OF 175 THE ELTON FAMILY. CHAPTER XV. THE POST OFFICE TRUNK TELEPHONE SYSTEM AT BRISTOL. 195 CHAPTER XVI. THE POST OFFICE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY: ITS ANNUAL MEETING AT BRISTOL.— POST OFFICE SPORTS: TERRIBLE MOTOR CYCLE ACCIDENT.—BRISTOL POST 199 OFFICE IN DARKNESS. CHAPTER XVII. QUAINT ADDRESSES.—THE DEAN`S PECULIAR SIGNATURE.—AMUSING 223 NCIDENTS AND THE OSTMAN S NOCK UMOROUS PPLICATIONS CHAPTER XVIII. POSTMASTERS-GENERAL (RT. HON. A. MORLEY AND THE MARQUIS LONDONDERRY) VISIT BRISTOL.—THE POSTMASTER OF THE HOUSE OF 232 OF ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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