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Shella bility of a p oset of p olygonal sub divisions Torsten Ekedahl Sto kholms universitet SE-106 91 Sto kholm Sweden t e k e m a t h . s u .s e Submitted: Ot 31, 2008; Aepted: De 7, 2009; Published: De 15, 2009 M athematis Sub jet Classiation: 52B22, 18D50 Dedi ated to Anders Bj örner on the oasion of his sixtieth bir thday Abs trat We intro due a s equene of p osets losely related to the asso iahedra. In this we are motivated by reasons s imilar to those of Stashe in the ase of the asso iahedra. We make a study of this p oset showing that it has an indutive struture with prop er downwards intervals b eing pro duts of smaller p osets in the same series and asso iahedra. Us ing this we als o show that they are thin dual CL-shellable and in partiular that they are the fae p oset of a regular ell deomp osition of the ball. 1 Intro du tio n T he pu rp ose o f this a rtile is to intro due a sequene of p osets losely related to the fae latties of the a sso ia hedra a nd study their ombinatorial prop erties, in partiular it will b e sh ow n tha t they a re shella ble. The origin of these p osets are in priniple not relevant for suh a study, nevertheless I shall start by briey disussing it. The asso iahedra are rele vant to the desriptio n of pro duts whih are asso iative only up to homotopy A -sp aes). ( The pro totypial suh example is the path spae of a top ologial spae w he re th e o mp o sitio n o f pa ths is not asso iative but is asso iative up to homotopy and two map s fro m o ne spa e to a nother onstruted out of suh homotopies are homotopi and so on. M Supp ose now tha t the spae is a manifold and that we are really only inte reste d in smo oth pa ths. The problem is that the omp osition of smo oth paths is u su ally not smo o th. The so lution would seem to b e to smo oth the omp osition but the p rob lem then is tha t suh a smo o thing is not unique. Thus one is fored to sp eak ab out a omp ositio n a nd will have to o ntend with the ambiguities inherent in that. A diret way of e xp ressing a o mp o sitio n is as a smo oth map from the standard 2 Δ to-simplex the electronic journal of combinatorics 16(2) (2009), #R23 1 M , w he re the o rig ina l two pa ths a re the restrition of that map to the rst two edges and the p artiula r o mp o site is the restrition to the third edge. The map itself is then the p artiu lar smo o thing o f the o mp o sition of the rst two edges to the third edge. We write a b → ab a b a b , where represents the omp osition, a re the original paths, a nd this as ab ab as end result.th e smo othing and the a rrow represents a partiular smo othing with Following the pa ttern o f hig her oherene onditions that made the asso iahedra ap- ab → ab , p ear in the rst plae, we a ssume that we have dierent hoies of omp ositions bc → bc abc → abc abc → abc , and we are lo oking for some supplementary oherenea nd on d ition tha t wo uld express that these hoies of omp osites are oherently asso iative. In th is p artiula r a se the o mp o sites t together to give a smo oth map from the b oundary Δ M Δ to itself. However, a nd we o uld dema nd that this map extend smo othly to of we wou ld rather have o nditio ns that an b e formulated in terms of omp osition of paths A and the - struture. Hene using the homotopies given by the smo othings together with a(bc) −→ (ab)c the asso iativity ho mo to py gives us a mapping from the b oundary M : of th e p enta g o n into the pa th spa e of a (b c) abc (a b) c a bc ab c abc T he oh erene o nditio n sho uld then b e that this map extend to the full p entagon. The p entagon of o urse is the seo nd a sso iahedron indiating that there is indeed a relation b etwee n this o nditio n a nd the asso iahedron. If one analyses the next oherene ondi- tion , on e arrives at so mething tha t is not an asso iahedron (see Fig. 2) but is visibly a p oly he d ron. In this no te we sha ll g ive a general denition of these oherene onditions le ad ing to p o sets tha t share the simplest ombinatorial prop erties with the fae p osets of p oly he d ra suh a s b eing a la ttie a nd b eing shellable. From the p oint of view of the origi- n al motivatio n shella bility ha s the imp ortant onsequene that the p osets are fae p osets of a regu lar ell deo mp o sitio n o f a ball. However, its lose relation with the asso iahedra se ems to me a n india tion tha t they should b e interesting from a purely ombinatorial p ersp e tive. Just as f o r the a sso iahedra themselves everything is b est phrased in terms of trian- gulation s of n - g o ns. A new no tion app ears however. We shall need to onsider not just trian gu lations o f a xed p o lyg on but also triangulations of a subp olygon all of whose verti es are verties o f the la rg er p o lygon as well as a simple way of passing from a partial trian gu lation to a pa rtia l tria ng ula tion of a smaller p olygon. CC , the p oset of omp ound ollapses;C on erning sp ei results o ur prinipal p oset is by ad din g a sma llest element we g et CC+ whih is proved to b e a graded p oset (Corollary CC+ is dual 3.5) an d a la ttie (Pro p o sitio n 3 .7 ). Finally it is shown in Theorem 4.2 that C L-she llab le a nd thin. Ana lo g o usly to the ase of the asso iahedron we also have a lo al the electronic journal of combinatorics 16(2) (2009), #R23 2 ]0,x] is a pro dut of smaller p osets of omp oundstru tu re theo rem in tha t every interval CC ollapses and f a e p o sets o f a sso iahedra (P rop osition 3.3). As will b e seen to b e very an alogo us to the f a e p o set o f the asso iahedron the following problem omes very n atu rally. Pro b lem : CC the f a e p o set of a onvex p olytop e? Is M y own exp eriene with p o lyto p es is to o meager to allow me to venture an opinion. 2 A low d im ens io n al example CC , the rst non-trivialTo m otivate o ur subsequent delib erations we start by desribing e xample. (No te tha t in order to simplify we shall disregard some terminologial distin- tion s th at will b e ma de later.) n -gon as partial parenthesisations We an a s usual desrib e ell deomp ositions of the n−1 k k 6 n of a pro d ut o f we shall do the-gons for symb o ls. As we shall deal also with followin g: We a ttah symb o ls, letters starting with a in our example, to the initial edges n of th e -gon a nd then to a n a rbitrary edge we attah the onatenation of the symb ols in orde r of the initia l edges o nneting the initial vertex of the edge to the nal. (An in itial vertex ha s b een hosen a nd the p olygon is then oriented ounterlo kwise.) Hene, if we attah a b c 4 , a nd to the initial edges of the, -gon, the edge from the rst to the ab . The nal edge will in general get the lab el obtained bythird ve rte x will get la b el 6 -gon on aten ating a ll the la b els o f the initial edges. For instane if we start with a w ith in itial edg e la b els a b c d e 6 , then the , -gon itself will orresp ond to the, , and , a b c d e 4 whereas the -gon onsisting of the edge fromu np are nthesised expression the rst to the third vertex, f ro m the third to the fourth, from the fourth to the sixth, ab c de (f., Fig.and the na l edg e will orresp o nd to the unparenthesised expression abcde 1 1). T he fu ll o natena tio n -gon onsisting just of thewill then orresp ond to the e d de c a•b•c•d•e c ab•c•de abcde b ab a 6 4 1 -gon and -gon ontained in it.Figure 1 : A - g on a nd a nal ed ge (i dem ). k Furth ermo re a ell deo mp osition of a -gon, whih is the onvex hull of a set of n - g on o nta ining the initial and nal vertex, will orresp ond to a partiallyverti es of the the electronic journal of combinatorics 16(2) (2009), #R23 3 p are nth esised expressio n of o natenations of the lab els of the initial edges suh that the ab cd lab e ls ap p ea r in inrea sing o rder. Thus orresp onds to the ell deomp osition, 5 - g o n, o nsisting of the edge onneting the rst vertex to the third, u sin g e d ge s o f the the e dge onneting the third to the fourth and (as always) the nal edge. A omp ound ollapse th en o rresp o nds to repla ing p ossibly several but disjoint unparenthesised sub- (ab)(cd) e xp re ssions with the o rresp o nding onatenation. Continuing the last example ab (c d) (a b) cd ab cd . , and , ollapses to a ny o f N ote fu rther tha t a ording to o ur denitions any ell deomp osition ollapses to itself C → C ∈ CC C . also by just and we shall deno te In Figure 2 we have a ssembled all the ollapses (or as they shall b e alled later 5 a b c d and- gon exept the ones orresp onding to om p ou n d o lla pses) inside o f a abcd → abcd ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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