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  1. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 3 – of it. (4) In winter this pond was frozen over, and he (8) Once it has been determined that it is just had taken his daughter Abigail there when she was fine to enter a building, the process of overhauling small and tried to teach her how to skate. (5) She begins. (9) Firefighters can often detect hidden fires hadn’t been able to catch on, and so after two or by looking for discoloration, peeling paint, cracked three lessons Abigail and him had given up the idea. plaster, and smoke emissions; by feeling walls and (6) Now there came into his mind an image of such floors with the back of the hand; by listening for clarity it caused him to draw in his breath sharply; popping, cracking, and hissing sounds; and by using an image of Abigail gliding toward him on her new electronic sensors to detect heat variance. Christmas skates, going much faster than she should 25. Which of the underlined words or phrases in the have been. passage should be replaced by more effective or 23. Which of the following changes needs to be appropriate words? made to the passage? a. just fine a. Part 6: Change the semicolon to a colon. b. heat variance b. Part 4: Remove the word and. c. elongate c. Part 3: Change the semicolon to a comma. d. re-ignite d. Part 5: Change the comma to a semicolon. 26. Which of the following numbered parts contains 24. Which of the following changes needs to be nonstandard punctuation? made to the passage? a. Part 8 a. Part 4: Remove the comma after over. b. Part 6 b. Part 6: Replace Christmas with christmas’. c. Part 9 c. Part 5: Change him to he. d. Part 3 d. Part 3: Replace their with there. 27. Which of the following changes needs to be Questions 25–27 are based on the following passage. made to the passage? a. Part 2: Insert a comma after process. (1) If a building is to be left in a safe condition after b. Part 9: Remove the comma after paint. a fire is extinguished, firefighters must search for c. Part 6: Replace the semicolon with a comma. hidden fires that might re-ignite. (2) Typically this d. Part 9: Replace all the semicolons with process known as overhaul, begins in the area of commas. actual fire involvement. (3) Before searching for hid- den fires; however, firefighters must first determine Questions 28 and 29 are based on the following passage. the condition of the building. (4) The fire’s intensity and the amount of water (1) The Competitive Civil Service system is designed used to fight the fire are both factors that affect a to give candidates fair and equal treatment and building. (5) Fire can burn away floor joists and ensure that federal applicants are hired based on weaken roof trusses. (6) Heat from the fire can objective criteria. (2) Hiring has to be based solely on weaken concrete and the mortar in wall joints; heat a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities (which can also elongate steel roof supports. (7) Excess you’ll sometimes see abbreviated as KSA), and not water can add dangerous weight to floors and walls. on external factors such as race, religion, sex, and so 265
  2. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 3 – poor people in urban areas. (8) The victim should be on. (3) Whereas employers in the private sector can placed in a tub of cold water or repeatedly sponged hire employees for subjective reasons, federal with cool water until his or her temperature is low- employers must be able to justify his decision with ered sufficiently. (9) Fans or air conditioners will also objective evidence that the candidate is qualified. help with the cooling process. (10) Care should be 28. Which if the following numbered parts lacks taken, however, not to chill the victim too much once his or her temperature is below 102° F. parallelism? a. Part 2 30. Which of the following sentences, if inserted into b. Part 3 the blank numbered Part 3 in the passage, would c. Parts 2 and 3 best aid the transition of thought between the d. Part 1 first and second paragraph? 29. Which of the following numbered parts has an a. Heat exhaustion is a relatively unusual condi- tion in northern climates. error in pronoun agreement? b. The typical victims of heat stroke are the poor a. Part 1 and elderly who cannot afford air condition- b. Part 2 ing even on the hottest days of summer. c. Part 3 c. Heat exhaustion is never fatal, although it can d. Parts 2 and 3 cause damage to internal organs if it strikes an elderly victim. Questions 30–32 are based on the following passage. d. Air conditioning units, electric fans, and cool baths can lower the numbers of people who (1) Heat exhaustion, generally characterized by suffer heat stroke each year in the United clammy skin, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, profuse per- States. spiration, and sometimes fainting, resulting from an inadequate intake of water and the loss of fluids. (2) 31. Which of the following numbered parts draws First aid treatment for this condition includes hav- attention away from the main idea of the second ing the victim lie down, raising the feet 8–12 inches, paragraph of the passage? applying cool, wet cloths to the skin, and giving the a. Part 6 victim sips of salt water (1 teaspoon per glass, half a b. Part 10 glass every 15 minutes) over the period of an hour. c. Part 8 (3) ______________________________________. d. Part 7 (4) Heat stroke is much more serious; it is an immediate life-threatening condition. (5) The char- 32. Which of the following numbered parts contains acteristics of heat stroke are a high body temperature a nonstandard sentence? (which may reach 106° F or more); a rapid pulse; a. Part 8 hot, dry skin; and a blocked sweating mechanism. b. Part 1 (6) Victims of this condition may be unconscious, c. Part 5 and first aid measures should be directed at cooling d. Part 3 the body quickly. (7) Heat stroke often occurs in 266
  3. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 3 – Questions 35 and 36 are based on the following passage. Questions 33 and 34 are based on the following passage. (1) Theodore Roosevelt were born with asthma and (1) Charles Darwin was born in 1809 at Shrews- poor eyesight. (2) Yet this sickly child later won fame bury England. (2) He was a biologist whose famous as a political leader, Rough Rider, and hero of the theory of evolution is important to philosophy for common people. (3) To conquer his handicaps, the effects it has had about the nature of man. (3) Teddy trained in a gym and became a light-weight After many years of careful study, Darwin attempted boxer at Harvard. (4) Out west, he hunted buffalo to show that higher species had come into existence and ran a cattle ranch. (5) He was civil service as a result of the gradual transformation of lower reformer in the east and also a police commissioner. species; and that the process of transformation could (6) He became President McKinley’s Assistant Navy be explained through the selective effect of the nat- Secretary during the Spanish-American War. (7) ural environment upon organisms. (4) He con- Also, he led a charge of cavalry Rough Riders up San cluded that the principles of natural selection and Juan Hill in Cuba. (8) After achieving fame, he survival of the fittest govern all life. (5) Darwin’s became Governor of New York and went on to explanation of these principles is that because of become the Vice-President. the food supply problem, the young born to any species complete for survival. (6) Those young that 33. Which of the following sentences represents the survive to produce the next generation tend to embody favorable natural changes which are then best revision of Part 5? passed on by heredity. (7) His major work that con- a. Back east he became a civil service reformer tained these theories is On the Origin of Species writ- and police commissioner. ten in 1859. Many religious opponents condemned b. A civil service reformer and police commis- this work. sioner was part of his job in the east. c. A civil service reformer and police commis- 35. Which of the following corrections should be sioner were parts of his job in the east. d. His job of civil service reformer and police made in punctuation? commissioner were his jobs in the east. a. Part 4: Insert a comma before and. b. Part 3: Delete the comma after study. 34. Which of the following should be used in place c. Part 2: Insert quotation marks around nature of man. of the underlined verb in Part 1 of the passage? d. Part 1: Insert a comma after Shrewsbury. a. will be b. are 36. In Part 7 On the Origin of Species is italicized c. is d. was because it is a. a short story. b. the title of a book. c. the name of the author. d. copyrighted. 267
  4. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 3 – Question 37 is based on the following passage. wood nervously. (6) A typewritten card, yellow with age, bearing the name of its genus and species. (7) (1) Herbert was enjoying the cool, bright fall after- The classroom itself was outfitted with a stainless noon. (2) Walking down the street, red and yellow steel sink, and behind the lectern loomed a dark- leaves crunched satisfyingly under his new school wood cabinet through whose glass doors one could shoes. see rows of jars, each holding what appeared to be an animal floating in a murky liquid. (8) The class- 37. Which of the following is the best revision of the room wreaked of formaldehyde. passage? 38. Which of the following sentences, if inserted a. Herbert was enjoying the cool bright fall after- noon. Walking down the street red and yellow between Parts 6 and 7, would best fit the author’s leaves crunched satisfyingly under his new pattern of development in the second paragraph school shoes. of the passage? b. Herbert was enjoying the cool, bright fall a. Howard would be teaching Byron, Shelley, afternoon. He was walking down the street, and Keats this term. red and yellow leaves crunched satisfyingly b. In the display case opposite Howard’s class- under his new school shoes. room, a pocket gopher reared up on its hind c. Herbert was enjoying the cool, bright fall legs, staring glassy-eyed into the open afternoon. Walking down the street, he doorway. crunched red and yellow leaves satisfyingly c. Although Markham was at least twenty-five under his new school shoes. years younger than Renwick, the administra- d. Herbert was enjoying the cool, bright fall tion had chosen to renovate it rather than the afternoon. Walking down the street, red and aging, crumbling science building. yellow leaves were crunched satisfyingly under d. Genus and species are taxonomic categories. his new school shoes. 39. Which of the following numbered parts contains Questions 38–40 are based on the following passage. a nonstandard sentence? a. Part 2 (1) The building in which Howard Davis was to b. Part 7 teach his undergraduate evening course, Interpreta- c. Part 1 tion of Poetry, was Renwick Hall, in the General d. Part 6 Sciences Building. (2) Markham Hall, which housed 40. Which of the underlined words in the passage the English Department offices and classrooms, was to be closed all summer for renovation. needs to be replaced with its homonym? (3) Howard’s classroom was in the basement. a. led (4) The shadowy corridor that led back to it was b. their lined with glass cases containing exhibits whose titles c. read read, “Small Mammals of North America,” “Birds of d. wreaked the Central United States,” and “Reptiles of the Desert Southwest.” (5) The dusty specimens perched on little stands; their tiny claws gripped the smooth 268
  5. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 3 – S ection 3: Writing (Part B— American students are said to have fallen behind in Writing Sample) the sciences, and some educators believe it is because American teachers are conducting science classes ineffectively. Carefully read the writing topic that follows, then pre- Write an essay in which you suggest ways sci- pare a multiple-paragraph writing sample of 300–600 ence classes could be conducted so as to more effec- words on that topic. Make sure your essay is well- tively challenge high school and college students. organized and that you support your central argument with concrete examples. 269
  6. – THEA PRACTICE EXAM 3 – 6. d. Ephemeral is used to describe something that A nswer Explanations lasts only a short time, something that is fleet- ing. The context clue that best helps you to Section 1: Reading answer this question is found in the first two 1. b. The author describes in paragraph 1 how glam lines of paragraph 6, where the author states rock musicians were characterized by their that grunge faded out of the mainstream as flashy hair and makeup, and refers to their music quickly as it rocketed to prominence. as a product, as if it was something packaged to 7. d. In the second sentence the author states that be sold. The choice that best describes a musi- Prometheus is a complex character, and in this cian who puts outward appearance before the and the following sentence, the author lists quality of his or her music is choice b, style over several specific examples of the rich combina- substance. tion of often-contradictory characteristics of 2. c. Ostentatious is an adjective that is used to Prometheus. describe someone or something that is conspic- 8. d. The passage relates the key episodes in the life of uously vain, or showy. There are numerous con- Prometheus. This is the only idea broad enough text clues to help you answer this question: it is and relevant enough to be the main idea of the stated in paragraph 1 that the glam rockers had passage. a flashy style, and their music was symbolic of the 9. b. Prometheus’s actions show that he cared for superficial 1980s. humans more than he cared for Zeus. He gave 3. d. Trappings usually refer to outward decoration of man knowledge of the arts and sciences dress. If you did not know the definition of trap- although Zeus wanted men to be kept in igno- pings, the prior sentence supplies the answer: rance (paragraph 3); he tricked Zeus to give Grunge rockers derived their fashion sense from mankind the best meat from an ox (paragraph the youth culture of the Pacific Northwest; a meld- 4); and he stole fire from Mt. Olympus to give ing of punk rocker style and outdoors clothing . . . mortals the fire that Zeus had denied them The author makes no judgment of the attrac- (paragraph 5). tiveness of grunge fashion (choice c). 10. a. Zeus had given Prometheus and his brother the 4. d. The author states in paragraph 1 that White task of creating humans as a reward for their Snake was a glam rock band and therefore not help in defeating the Titans. associated with the Seattle grunge scene. Don’t 11. a. Prometheus helped create mortals and then be distracted by choice a; Mr. Epp and the Cal- became their benefactor and protector (second culations may not have been a real band, but the paragraph). He is thus most like a parent to name will nonetheless be forever associated with humans. grunge music. 12. d. The transgression refers back to the previous 5. b. The relationship between grunge music and its paragraph, which describes how Prometheus mainstream popularity is best described as con- disobeyed Zeus and stole fire from Mount trary. The most obvious example of this is found Olympus to give it to man. in the second sentence of paragraph 6, when in 13. c. The style is neither formal nor informal but an describing the relationship, the author states it easy-going in between to make the material eas- is very hard to buck the trend when you are the one ily understood and interesting to a lay audience. setting it. In addition, the passage does not take for 270
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