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MỘT SỐ CẤU TRÚC CÂU THƯỜNG GẶP BẢNG 1 Structures To make an effort Have sth done See eye to eye on sth - In conflict with - Get along/on well with In my opinion = To my mind = In my view Go off To suffer from To insist on According to Owing to = because of = due to Whereas = In contrast Take/ have a chance There is a chance As quick as a flash To be worth doing sth To prevent from Apart from = except At random = by chance As regards sth = In terms of sth To be acquainted with There is no doubt of sth Have trust in someone To be at sea Break into tears To be opposed to sth Vietnamese Nỗ lực, cố gắng (Cấu trúc bị động) Có cùng quan điểm Mâu thuẫn với (ai) Hòa hợp với (ai) Theo quan điểm của tôi Đổ chuông Đau khổ vì Đòi hỏi, nài nỉ Theo, tùy theo Bởi vì Ngược lại Chấp lấy cơ hội/ Có cơ hội Nhanh như chớp Đáng, bõ công làm gì Ngăn chặn Ngoại trừ Ngẫu nhiên, tình cờ Về, có liên quan đến Quen thuộc với Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa Tin cậy ai Hoang mang, bối rối Khóc òa lên Bị phản đối bởi Examples I want her to make a special effort today. I have my car repaired yesterday. We see eye to eye on most matters of business. I find myself in conflict with the directors. We always get along well with each other. In my opinion, she is a good teacher. The alarm clock didn’t go off as usual. She is suffering from heart disease. She`ll insist on getting up early and playing her radio loud. The work was done according to her instructions Owing to the rain, the match was cancelled She puts two colours in contrast. He has a chance of winning the prize It’s worth learning hard. nobody can prevent us from getting married everyone except me got an invitation She opens the book at random. I have little information as regards his past. Are you acquainted with the works of Shakespeare? There is no doubt of the action he has made. We have trust in our teacher. She was at sea last night because of the bad news. She was so surprised and broke into tears. She was opposed to become the director of company. As soon as As far as Accuse sb of doing sth Depend on Belong to To be lack of sth = To lack sth = To be short of sth Prevail on sb to do sth = Persuade to do sth Keep in touch with sb = Keep contact with sb Lost contact with sb Count on sb/ sth In order to do sth In order that In order Take place in Be in favor of In advance Have/ Take a break = Have/ take a rest Keep away from Keep up with Keep hold of Be concerned about Be concern with Be capable of = Be able to A loaf of bread (Số nhiều: loaf- loaves) Refuse to do sth = Object doing sth Put on Take on Catch on Be in charge of On duty Have sth in common Get/ Be involved in Ngay khi Cho đến tận Buộc tội Phụ thuộc vào Thuộc về Thiếu Thuyết phục ai làm gì Giữ liên lạc với ai Mất liên lạc Hy vọng vào ai/ cái gì Để mà Mục đích để Theo thứ tự/ hợp lệ Được tổ chức Có thiện cảm với (làm gì đó) trước, sẵn Tạm nghỉ Tránh xa khỏi Theo kịp, ko thua kém Nắm, giữ Lo lắng về Đề cập đến Có khả năng làm gì ổ bánh mì Từ chối, phản đối làm điều gì Mặc/ đội, lên cân Đảm nhiệm Nổi tiếng, thành mốt Thay mặt, đảm nhiệm Đến phiên, đảm nhận Có đặc điểm gì chung Dính líu đến, thu hút He left as soon as he heard the news. I`ll walk with you as far as the post office He was accused of stealing the car. I have depended so much on my parents. This book belongs to me. She was lack of communication skills. We prevailed on her to talk with that old man. We have kept in touch with each other since we finished the course. We count everything on her. She arrived early in order to get a good seat He left early in order that he should arrive on time Is your passport in order? The Olympic 2010 takes place in South Africa. We are all in favor of his behavior. She always prepares her report in advance. We have a short break after 2 hours working. You should get away from her right now. I couldn’t keep up with them when running. Please keep hold of this book for me. We`re all concerned for her safety Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment. My computer is not capable of running this sofeware. She refuses to tell me the truth She objects telling me the truth. She put on a new style of dress. We have to take on extra work. I was in charge of managing the company when she was on business. I’m on duty from 6.0 am until midnight. We have some interests in common. She was involved in playing the games Let sb do sth = Allow sb to do sth At once = Immediately Take notice of = Pay attention to = Focus on = Concentrate on Keep in mind that = bear in mind that Make up (my) mind = Make up a decision Enable sb to do sth Take part in = join On behalf of Driving license On account of sth - Alike = like (giống nhau) - Unlike: không giống nhau Likely Unlikely Be annoyed with sb Be angry with sb tâm trí vào Để ai đó làm gì Ngay lập tức Chú ý, chú tâm đến Ghi nhớ rằng Quyết định ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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