Xem mẫu

  1. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH MÔ HÌNH CÔNG NGH* X) LÝ N C TH I CHO KHU NUÔI TÔM THW CHÂN TR NG T I HÀ TXNH Hà V n Thái1, Phí Th Hwng1, Nguy n Công Hoàng2, Chu Chí Thi
  2. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH 2.3. LFa LFa ch2n $i3m $i3m và công ngh8 xL lý lý n #c th6i v#i không khí và gi6m thUi gian l ng (vách ng n là 2.3.1. LFa ch2n $ a $i3m: các bbc t Ung xây có tác dKng nh tràn x6 n #c). N #c th6i $^y ng n 1 tràn sang ng n 2, ng n 3, ng n H%p tác xã Nuôi tr@ng và Ch< bi
  3. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH Quy trình l5y m9u lBp l i liên tKc theo tXng $%t - XL lý s. li8u bwng ph^n m m Excel. c5p, x6 n #c $
  4. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH ThUi gian l ng t i ao l ng bùn $ %c thí nghi8m b). L %ng bùn th6i trong ao l ng sau 1 l^n l ng trung trFc ti
  5. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH + ) mBn: có thay $pi nh ng không l#n ch/ lý 1 hàm l %ng amoniac (NH3) c"a các l^n l5y m9u thay $pi 1- 2‰ do l %ng n #c b.c h i trong thUi gian $ u gi6m tX 20% $
  6. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH n@ng $) sunphua tF do H2S không $ %c v %t quá + Hàm l %ng BOD5 và COD: Theo QCVN 02- 0,05 mg/l. 19:2014/BNNPTNT n #c nuôi tôm ph6i có hàm K
  7. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH + Coliforms: Hàm l %ng coliforms trong n #c Vi8c lFa ch2n mô hình xL lý n #c bwng ph ng th6i trong quá trình xL lý luôn nwm trong ng ‚ng pháp sinh h2c trên vXa có hi8u qu6 v kinh t< cho cho phép. ng Ui nuôi vXa thân thi8n v#i môi tr Ung xung quanh 4. K T LU!N, KI N NGH( và phát tri3n b n v?ng ngh nuôi tôm th‡ chân tr ng. Ky thu;t xây dFng $ n gi6n d áp dKng, không t.n 4.1. K
  8. KHOA H C CÔNG NGH TECHONOLOGICAL MODEL FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT OF P. vanamei AQUACULTURE IN HATINH PROVINCE Ha Van Thai, Phi Thi Hang, Hang, Nguyen Cong Hoang, Chu Chi Thiet Summary At present, intensive and ultra-intensive whiteleg shrimp farming on sandy soil, less water without circulation have been strongly developed in the North Central Coast provinces and have brought great economic effects for local people in the region. However, these have impacted negatively on environment causing the diseases occur frequently and unsustainable development of the shrimp industry. One of the reasons of environmental pollution is the untreated effluents of shrimp farming areas discharge directly to the environment. Therefore, waste waster treatment of shrimp farming is mandatory requirement for intensive and ultra-intensive shrimp farming. Currently, there are many treatment technologies being applied around the world as well as in the country. In this paper, the authors will introduce a three-pond experiment model (sedimentation pond - first treatment pond with seaweed - second treatment pond with the combined seaweed and mussel culture) to treat wastewater for the white-leg shrimp farming on the sandy soil at Xuan Thanh farming and processing cooperative, Ha Tinh. The results show that, the quality of post-treated waste water meets the standards regulating in QCVN 02-19:2014/BNNPTNT when discharge to the environment. Then, the authors recommend applying this waste water treatment technology for the whole areas of intensive and ultra-intensive white leg shrimp farming on sandy soilin the North Central Coast provinces in order to mitigate environment pollution, reduce diseases, increase economic effects and sustainable development of the shrimp industry. Keywords: Waste water treatment, white-leg shrimp, seaweed, treatment pond, sedimentation. Ng Ui ph6n bi8n: PGS.TS. Lê bc Ngày nh;n nh;n bài: 3/10/2017 Ngày thông qua ph6n ph6n bi8n: 3/11/2017 Ngày duy8t duy8t $ ng: 10/11/2017 102 N«ng nghiÖp vµ ph¸t triÓn n«ng th«n - KỲ 1 - TH¸NG 3/2018
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