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Learning Words by their Roots Prefixes PREFIXES ab ad ambi an, a anti ante be bi cata circum com, cor contra de deca decem di dia dis du dys epi equi ex extra fore hemi hyper hypo in, ir in, ir inter intro, intra kilo meta micro mili, milli mis mono multi neo Meaning from to both without against before throughout two down around together against down (negative) ten ten two through, between apart (negative) two abnonnal, impaired upon equal out beyond in front of half excessive too little not very between inside one thousand changing small one thousand bad, hate one many new Example aberration adequate ambidextrous anarchy anticlimatic antecedent belie bilateral catacomb circumference confluence contraindicate debase decathlon decimal dipole dialectic disprove duplication dysmenorreah epicenter equitable extricate extracurricular foreword hemisphere hyperboleventilate hypothennia inefficient invite, inflammable interloper introduce kilometer metaphysics microcosm millisecond misanthrope monopoly multiply neophyte nil, nihil non ob, oc, of, op pan para per peri poly post pre prim pro quad re retro semi sub,suc, sup super, supra syn, sym, syl trans un uni nothing not against all beside throughout around many after before first forward four again backward half under above together across not one nihilism nonentity obstinate panoramic paranormal permeate periscope polygon posterity predecessor primate procession quadruple reiterate retrograde semiliterate succumb superannuated synthesis transgression unkempt unique Suffixes Suffix able, ible acy ant ate er, or fic ism ist ize oid ology ose ous tude ure Meaning capable of state of full of to make one who making belief one who to make like study of full of full of state of state of, act Example credible celibacy luxuriant legitimate censor traffic fascism racist victimize steroid geology verbose pious gratitude primogeniture ROOT LIST A, AN- not, without amoral, atrophy, asymmetrical, anarchy, anesthetic, anonymity, anomaly AB, A- from, away, apart abnormal, abdicate, aberration, abhor, abject, abjure, abortive, abrogate, abscond, absolve, abstemious, annul, avert, aversion AC, ACR- sharp, sour acid, acerbic, exacerbate, acute, acuity, acumen, acrid, acrimony AD, A- to, toward adhere, adjacent, adjunct, admonish, adroit, advent, abeyance, abet, accede, acquiesce, affluent, aggrandize, aggregate, alleviate, allude, ascribe, aspersion, aspire, assail, attest ALl, ALTR- another alias, alienate, inalienable, altruism AM, AMI- love amorous, amicable, amiable, amity AMBI, AMPHI- both ambiguous, ambivalent, ambidextrous, amphibious AMBL, AMBUL- walk amble, ambulatory, perambulator, somnambulist ANIM- mind, spirit, breath animal, animosity, unanimous, magnanimous ANN, ENN- year annual, annuity, superannuated, biennial, perennial ANTE, ANT-before antecedent, antediluvian, antebellum, antepenultimate, anterior, antiquity, antiquated, anticipate ANTHROP- human anthropology, anthropomorphic, misanthrope, philanthropy ANTI, ANT- against, opposite antidote, antipathy, antithesis, antacid, antagonist, antonym AUD- hear audio, audience, audition, auditory, audible AUTO- self autobiography, autocrat, autonomous BELLI, BELL- war belligerent, bellicose, antebellum, rebellion BENE, BEN- good benevolent, benefactor, beneficent, benign BI- two bicycle, bisect, bilateral, bilingual, biped BIBLIO- book Bible, bibliography, bibliophile BIO- life biography, biology, amphibious, symbiotic, macrobiotics BURS- money, purse reimburse, disburse, bursar CAD, CAS, CID- happen, fall accident, cadence, cascade, deciduous CAP, CIP- head captain, decapitate, capitulate, precipitous, precipitate CAP, CAPT, CEPT, CIP- take, hold, seize capable, recapitulate, captivate, deception, intercept, precept, inception, anticipate, emancipation, incipient, cede, precede, accede, recede, antecedent, intercede, secede CARN- flesh carnal, carnage, carnival, carnivorous, incarnate CED, CESS- yield, go cease, cessation, incessant, cede CHROM-- color chrome, chromatic, monochrome CHRON- time chronology, chronic, anachronism CIDE- murder suicide, homicide, regicide, patricide CIRCUM- around circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumscribe, circumspect, circumvent CLIN, CLIV- slope incline, declivity, proclivity CLUD, CLUS, CLAUS, CLOIS- shut, close conclude, reclusive, claustrophobia, cloister, preclude, occlude CO, COM, CON- with, together coeducation, coagulate, coalesce, coerce, cogent, cognate, collateral, colloquial, commensurate, compassion, compatriot, complacent, compliant, complicity, compunction, conciliatory, concord, concur, condone, conflagration, congeal, congenial, congenital, conglomerate, conjure, conjugal, conscientious, consecrate, consensus, consonant, constrained, contentious, contrite, convalescence, convene, convivial, convoke, convoluted, congress COGN, GNO- know recognize, cognition, cognizance, incognito, diagnosis, agnostic, prognosis, gnostic, ignorant CONTRA- against controversy, incontrovertible, contravene CORP - body corpse, corporeal, corpulence COSMO, COSM- world cosmopolitan, cosmos, microcosm, macrocosm CRAC, CRAT - rule, power democracy, bureaucracy, theocracy, autocrat, aristocrat, technocrat CRED- trust, believe incredible, credulous, credence CRESC, CRET - grow crescent, crescendo, accretion CULP- blame, fault culprit, culpable, inculpate, exculpate CURR, CURS- run current, concur, cursory, precursor, incursion DE- down, out, apart depart, debase, debilitate, decry, deface, defamatory, defunct, delegate, demarcation, demean, demur, deplete, deplore, depravity, deprecate, deride, desist, detest, devoid DEC- ten, tenth decade, decimal, decathlon, decimate DEMO, DEM- people democrat, demographics, demagogue, epidemic, pandemic, endemic DI, DIURN- day diary, diurnal, quotidian DIA- across diagonal, diatribe DIC, DICT - speak diction, interdict, predict, abdicate, indict, verdict DIS, DIF, DI- not, apart, away ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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