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V. CLAUSES Sau khi nam bat dugc cau tao cac cau ca ban, phan nay se giai thieu viec ma rong mot cau vcri nhieu loai menh de. Simple Sentence Compound Sentence Independent Clause Dependent Clause Noun Clause Adjective Clause Appositives Adverbial Clause 88 CLAUSES Mot nhom tir vai chuc nang van pham (subject va verb...) hap thanh mot clause. Mot cau co the gom mot hay nhieu clause. Thi du duai day la mot cau co 2 clause: Fanners worked hard, and crops thrived, s v adv s v clause 1 “* Co hai loai clause: 1. main clauses, cung goi la independent clauses 2. subordinate clauses, cung goi la dependent clauses Neu mot clause hoi du dieu kien van pham de dung mot minh (alone) thi goi la main clause (independent clause). Mot cau phai co (it nhat) mot subject, va verb(s)... (predicate / xem lai 5 Basic Sentence Patterns); nghia la c^n co it nhat mot main clause. N£u mot clause khong dung dugc mot minh nhu mot cau thi goi la subordinate clause (dependent clause). Nghia la subordinate clause chua noi het dugc y, chua du nghia (not complete); do do, can co main clause trong cau thi moi noi het dugc y, du nghia (a complete sentence). Observation: I went to school, (independent clause) 89 When I went to school, I studied my lessons, (clause thu nh4t la subordinate [dependent] clause) Note: BSt cu clause nao bat dau bang mot trong nhirng subordinating word: what, that, who, which, when, since, before, after, if se d£u la subordinate clause (dependent clause). Observation: U p prnnnmv grew when farms prospered. main clause subordinate clause Clause thu nhat noi het dugc y, du nghia va co the dung mot minh nhu mot cau. The economy grew la mot main clause. Clause thu 2, when farms prospered co ve con muon noi them gi nua mac du co subject va verb... (predicate). Clause thu 2 khong dung duoc mot minh nhu mot cau vi clause nay bat dau voi tir when (subordinating word). Simple Sentence & Compound Sentence Mot cau chi co mot clause thi goi la simple sentence. Subject co the la mot compound subject, va predicate co the co compound verb. Ca subject va verb co the dugc mo ta them bang cac chuc nang van pham theo sau nhu 90 adjectives, hay adverbs, hay infinitives, hay participles, va prepositionalphrases. Observation: Farmers worked hard, (simple sentence) Farmers and ranchers worked hard, (simple sentence with compound subject) Farmers worked hard and lived well, (simple sentence with compound verb) Farmers in the Tennessee Valley have prospered in recent years, (simple sentence expanded) Mot cau co 2 main clauses hay nhieu hon thi goi la compound sentence. Cac main clauses trong mot compound sentence co the dugc noi lien (connect) bang mot comma, va mot coordinating conjunction and, but, or, for hay bang mot semicolon thay vi la comma. Observation: Farmers worked hard, but the winter was severe. Farmers worked hard, the winter was mild, and food prices dropped. The drought struck; crops were destroyed. ` OTHER CLAUSES Trong van chuomg, ta thuang thay co nhimg nhan xet Id cach viet nhe nhang hay kho khan. Ve ky thuat, co 91 nguai viit d i hieu, co nguai viet kho hieu. Chung ta vua tim hiiu gom cac dieu can thiet de viet theo qui luat van pham. Song khi viet, mdi nguai se co loi viet rieng de dien ta y tuang, mien sao giu duoc qui luat van pham chu khong nhat thiet phdi xep dat cac nhom tu theo thu tu truac sau, nghia la giu van pham nhung uyen chuyen cach chon cac qui luat. Nhitng phan tiep theo se co mot so clauses de nguai hoc co the dung the cach (style) cua rieng minh khi viet. Noun Clause Mot so tir vcri chuc nang khac nhau tao thanh mot noun clause (la mot dependent clause), chira dung y nghia cua mot noun ma nguai viet muon thay the tir da noi truac, thi du: Your plan is interesting. (Day la mot cau dan gian, khong co dependent clause. Subject la plan [noun]) Quan sat nhung cau duai day de lam quen vai cach viet mot cach uyen chuyen ma giu duac y muon noi: What you intend to do (your plan) is interesting. (Noun clause la subject cua dong tir is^ nghia la tir plan (noun) co the dugc thay the bang mot noun clause mai) Tell me what you intend to do (your plan). (Noun clause la direct obiect cua dong tir tell.) That is what you intend to do (your plan). 92 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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