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Hapy2 hare the Nile floods. He was born when a virgin cow was impregnated by moonbeams or by lightning. Hara1 Hindu [Prah Eysor.‘ravisher’.‘robber’] a name of Shiva in Cambodia Harbardsljod Norse [Lay of Harbard] a story in the Elder Edda He helped to bring Osiris back to (see also Harihara) This story tells of the meeting life, after he had been killed and dismembered by Set, by suckling him after Isis had reassembled the parts. Hara2 Hara Berezaiti Hara Ke (see Mount Alburz) (see Mount Alburz) African between Thor and Odin (as Harbard) when they boasted to each other about their adventures. He was sometimes depicted as a goose with two heads and a human body or as a naked fat man with erect phallus and pendulous breasts, holding a fan and tray. [Harake.Mistress of Water] a Nigerian water-goddess and rain-goddess She is assisted in her duties by two dragons, Godi and Goru. Harbarthr Hard Ghilli Hard Gilly Hard Servant Hardar Saga (see Harbard) (see Gilla Dacar) (see Gilla Dacar) (see Gilla Dacar) Icelandic Hapy2 [Hap.Ha(a)pi] Egyptian Hara-Yama-Tsu-Mi a Shinto mountain-god Japanese [Harthar Saga] the story of the outlaw, Hoder an ape-headed or dog-headed god one of the 4 Amenti son of Horus Harab Serap a raven in the Cabbala harae-do [harai] Hebrew Japanese Hardaul Hindu a local plague-god and god of weddings Hardgrep Norse He was guardian of the north and of the lungs of the dead or, some say, the north and the small intestine. a simple shrine; an area used for purification ceremonies (see also hitogata) a sorceress daughter of Vagnhofde She acted as nurse to Hadding when Hapy3 [Hap.Ha(a)pi] Egyptian harai Harake (see harae-do) (see Hara Ke) he was wounded and escorted him in battle. a name for the bull-god, Apis, in some accounts Harakhtes Greek the Greek name for Harakhti She died when a huge black hand appeared and strangled her. Hapy Qementu Egyptian Harakte (see Horus of the Horizon) Hardred (see Heardred) a rite involving Hapy, Isis and Harakhti (see Horus of the Horizon) hare Nephthys A cake in three pieces symbolised the deities and one piece (Hapy as Osiris) Harald1 [Harald(r) Hilditonn] a king of Denmark Norse a small animal like a larger rabbit, with long ears, which appears in many myths, often associated was hidden or lost. Har1 father of Tiriel Har2 British Norse Odin promised to protect the king in battle if he would hand over those he killed but, taking over as the driver of the king’s chariot, Odin stabbed and with the moon (1) In West Africa, Hare (or Rabbit) is a trickster-god and is regarded as the precursor of Brer Rabbit, taken [Harr.Mighty] one of 3 mysterious deities visited by Gylfi, probably a manifestation of killed him. Harald2 [Haraldr] (see also Brun) Norse to America by slaves. (2) In Buddhism the hare is regarded as a previous incarnation Odin a chieftain or a storm-demon of Buddha. Har3 Norse He tried to open the barrow said to (3) In China, the hare (t’u) [Harr] contain the body of the god Balder to represents longevity. It is said that a rock-dwarf steal its treasures. Water poured from the female animal becomes Har4 Har-em-akhet (see Horus) the opening he had made and the land was flooded. pregnant either by looking at the moon or by licking its mate’s fur (see Horus of the Horizon) Haraldr (see Harald) and delivers her young through the Har Hou Har Magedon Har-mau (see Hou1) (see Armageddon) Egyptian Haravaiti [=Afghan Helmund] a river-goddess Persian mouth. Some say that the hare can live for 1,000 years and lives in the moon where it sits at the foot of a [Heru-sam-taui:=Greek Harsomtus] Harbard1 Norse tree pounding the drug of a name of Horus as unifier of the 2 kingdoms [Hagbard(r).Hagbarthr.Hagbarthus. Harbardr.Harbarthr] immortality. In this role, it is known as the Gemmeous Hare. Its Har-nedj-itef [=Greek Harendotes] Egyptian a name adopted by Odin in one of his disguises transfer to the moon is said to have been the reward of self-sacrifice. Horus as the guardian of Osiris Harbard2 Norse (4) In Greek myths the hare is the Har-pa-khered Har-pa-Neb-Taui (see Harpakhrad) Egyptian [Hagbard(r).Hagbarthr.Hagbarthus. Harbardr.Harbarthr] animal of Aphrodite, Eros and Hermes. a name of Horus as ‘Lord of Two Lands’ a lover of Signy He killed Signy’s brothers and, when (5) In Hindu lore, Shasha, a hare, is said to live on the moon. Har-pi-chruti Har-Soped (see Harpakhrad) Egyptian he was executed for the crime by her father, the king of Denmark, she (6) In Japan also, Usagi, Hare in the Moon, is said to live on the moon a syncretion of the hawk-gods, Horus and Soped killed herself. Harbardr where it spends its time pounding (see Harbard) rice which it makes into cakes. 455 Hare in the Moon Harpalyce1 (7) In Roman myths the hare is the animal of Mercury and Venus. Harischandra a king Hindu Harleus British a knight (see also Great Hare) son of Trishanku He was on a quest when, at the king’s Hare in the Moon Hare of the Aloes Harek son of Kol (see hare) (see Mexitli) Norse father of Rohitaswa He had a hundred wives but no children so he prayed to Varuna and was granted a son. Varuna demanded request, he was taken by Balin to the king’s court. Before he could greet the king, he was killed by the invisible knight, Garlon. brother of Biorn Harendotes the boy as a sacrifice but Harischandra Greek kept postponing the rite. When the Harma Armenian father of Aram the Greek version of the Egyptian Har-nedj-itef boy came of age, he hid in the forest and eventually persuaded a Brahmin to Harmachis Greek [Harmakhis.Hermakhis: Harfer Hari1 [‘tawny one’] (see Holda) Hindu sacrifice his son, Sunah-sepa, in his place in exchange for several herds of cattle. When the boy prayed to the =Egyptian Har-em-akhet] a name of Horus as Horus of the Horizon a name for Vishnu as Vamana gods, he was saved from execution and Harmakhis (see Harmachis) in Cambodia (see also Harihara) the dropsy from which he had long Harmerti (see Horus of the Two Eyes) Hari2 Hari Hara (see Vahguru) (see Harihara) suffered was cured. To mitigate an offence to the sage Harmonia Greek [Hermione] Hari Krishna Hindu Vishvamitra, Harischandra handed daughter of Ares and Aphrodite or the young Krishna as the stealer of hearts He is said to have made 10,000 copies of himself so that each maiden could appear to dance with him alone. He over all his possessions, including his wife and son. He was then sold as a slave to Chandala. When his son died of snakebite, Harischandra and his wife proposed to die on his funeral of Zeus and Electra wife of Cadmus mother of Agave, Autonoe, Illyrius, Ino, Semele and Polydorus She was given a magic necklace made eventually fell in love with Radha. pyre but the gods intervened. by Hephaestus as a wedding gift from Hariasa a minor deity Harihara [Hari Hara] German Rohitaswa was restored to life and took the throne so that his parents Hindu could reap the reward of their piety and go to heaven where Indra had Aphrodite and a magic robe or veil by Athena. Both she and Cadmus were changed into black serpents at the end of their the Cambodian deity combining prepared their own heaven for them. lives and sent to the Islands of the aspects of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara) Hariti Buddhist [Ananda:=Chinese Ho-li Ti: Blessed. Haroeris(see Harwer.Horus the Elder) In statues, Vishnu (Hari) is the left half, Shiva (Hara) the right. The two gods combined forces to defeat the =Japanese Kishi Bojin] a child-snatching demon, goddess of plagues Haronga Pacific Islands son of Rangi and Papa father of Atarapa demon Guha since neither could defeat him single-handed. consort of Kubera or Panchika mother of Pingala and the Yakshas Harpa-khruti Harpagus (see Harpakhrad) Greek (see also Kritarajasa) This female demon ate the children a horse of Castor and Pollux Harimau Kramet ghostly tigers Malay she stole until Buddha hid her own son, Pingala, so persuading her to Harpakhrad Egyptian [Har-pi-chruti.Har-pa-khered. Harimella a minor deity German change her ways when she became Ananda, protectress of all children. Harpa-khruti. Harpi-chruti.Her-pe-khred. Heu-pa-khart. Heru-pakhret:= Greek Harinaigamaisin Harinegamesi (see Haringamesi) (see Haringamesi) Harits Hindu the winged steeds of Indra Harpocrates.Harpokrates] a god of silence Haringamesi [Deerhead.Harinaigamaisin. Harinegamesi] a messenger of the gods Jain These twin sisters are sometimes regarded as the female version of the Aswins. In other accounts they are said to be the same as the Rohits. a name for Horus as an infant son of Banaded and Hatmehyt In some accounts he is half man, half crocodile. He conveyed to Devanda the Harivamsa Hindu Harpale (see Harpalus) instruction from Sakra that her son, Mahavira, still an embryo, should be transferred to Trishala. He has the power to grant children a 16,000 line epic poem, a supplement to the Mahabharata, relating the life and deeds of Krishna Harlequin1 Harpaluke Harpalus [Harpale] a dog of Actaeon (see Harpalyce) Greek to those who worship him. hariolate foretell the future hariolation [Arlecchino.Arlecchioe.Hellekin] a pantomime sprite Harlequin2 British [Arlecchino.Arlecchioe.Hellekin] When Artemis turned Actaeon into a stag when she caught him spying on her as she was bathing, his hounds, including Harpalus, tore him to pieces. divination Haripriya a fairy king Hindu lover of Morgan le Fay, some say Harpalyce1 Greek [Harpaluke] a name for Lakshmi as ‘beloved of Vishnu’ In some accounts, he is a giant, leader of the Wild Hunt. daughter of Clymenus wife of Alastor 456 Harpalyce2 Harwer When she married Alastor and left her home, her father seized and brought were never seen again. On another occasion they harried Hart Fell British a Scottish mountain her back, wanting her himself. She killed her younger brother (or her ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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