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–LISTENING COMPREHENSION REVIEW– once then next following while prior during no later than until preceding afterward as soon as and When you see these words or hear them on the TOEIC test, take note. These words mark time and can help you understand what you are hearing. For example, imagine that you hear the following sen-tence during the TOEIC test: When the accountant came home, he realized he had a meeting the following day. To answer any questions based on this sentence successfully, you need to understand that the ac-countant arrived home first, then realized that he had a meeting the next day. Understanding the words on the list of time markers can help you understand sen-tences like this more effectively. You may also want to be alert for words of nega-tion on the TOEIC test. These include words such as: not nor never rarely seldom scarcely no nowhere neither barely nothing impossible hardly These words change the meaning of words around them. If you hear the phrase I seldom drive a car, the speaker is saying that he or she does not usually drive a car. However, if double negatives are used, such as It’s impossible to not like this movie, the meaning is not negative. In the previous example, the speaker is say-ing that he does like this movie. When taking the TOEIC test, many questions will be about relationships between things, ideas, or people. For example, in the photograph section of the test, you may see a photo such as this one in your test booklet. You may be asked a question such as: What is the girl with the barrette in her hair doing? a. She is showing that she is taller than the other girl. b. She is playing a game. c. She is asking a question. d. She is having fun. In this case, the correct answer would be choice a, the girl is measuring height and showing, therefore, that she is taller. To answer this question correctly, how-ever, you need to understand the relative relationship between the girls and you must have the vocabulary for comparisons (in this case, the word taller to de- scribe the relationship). 95 –LISTENING COMPREHENSION REVIEW– You may have to discuss the relationship be-tween speakers in the conversations portion of the test. Knowing how to explain relationships or con-nections accurately is important. In the conversations section of the test, for example, you might hear a con-versation such as: (Man) The president seems really upset today. (Woman)Yes, he has seemed grumpy ever since I joined the company, and that was three years ago. (Man) That’s nothing. I have been in our HR department for six years and I have never seen him in a good mood. (Woman) At least our vice-president is really friendly. You may then see the following question in your test booklet: 1. Who are the man and woman complaining about? a. The vice-president b. A coworker c. The president d. The accountant In this case, the correct answer is choice c. To under-stand this answer, you must understand that the two speakers are coworkers in the same company, with the same president. They are complaining about an em-ployer and stating that their vice-president is far less grumpy. The best overall way to study for the listening portion of the TOEIC test is to listen to as much English as you can and to speak as much as possible with English speakers. This way, you will build your listening comprehension skills. Consider starting small conversations with colleagues or friends. Some libraries and community centers also have volun-teers who work with students who are learning to speak English. These services are a great way to practice your listening skills.You can even bring this guide to your volunteer or tutor and ask him or her to test you on the specific question styles found on the TOEIC. You will want to practice as much as possible, even when you are not with a volunteer or tutor.You can practice on your own by completing the practice questions in this book. For the photograph section of this test, practice by looking at photos and making short statements about the people, actions, items, and places in the photos. For the short talks section, prac-tice by listening to announcements in public places. You can practice for all parts of the test by building your listening skills. You can do this by getting audio books from your local library, listening to podcasts online, and listening to news on the radio. The more you listen, the better your listening comprehension will be. If you are having trouble understanding the spoken word in audio books or on the news, look for simpler books or programs that you can understand more clearly. 96 –LISTENING COMPREHENSION REVIEW– Practice 3. Look at each photograph. Select the one statement that offers the best description of the photograph. 1. Now, listen to Track 135. 4. Now, listen to Track 136. 5. Now, listen to Track 133. 2. Now, listen to Track 137. Now, listen to Track 134. 97 –LISTENING COMPREHENSION REVIEW– 6. For these questions, you will hear a statement or ques-tion and three possible responses.You will select the best response, based on what you have heard. 8. Now, listen to Track 140. Select the best response. 9. Now, listen to Track 141. Select the best response. 10. Now, listen to Track 142. Select the best response. 11. Now, listen to Track 143. Select the best response. 12. Now, listen to Track 144. Select the best response. Now, listen to Track 138. 13. Now, listen to Track 145. 7. Select the best response. Now, listen to Track 139. 98 –LISTENING COMPREHENSION REVIEW– In the following questions, you will listen to short con-versations between two people. After each conversation, you will be asked three questions about the conversa-tions you have just heard. Choose a, b, c, or d for each question. Now, listen to Track 146. 14. Now, listen to Track 147. How much do the speakers know about Caribbean food? a. Both have researched it well. b. Both have tried authentic food in the Caribbean. c. Neither has tried it. d. The woman has eaten Caribbean food. 15. Now, listen to Track 148. What specific diet does the woman follow? a. low-fat b. diabetic c. no sugar d. vegetarian 16. Now, listen to Track 149. Overall, how open are both speakers to trying new foods? a. Both seem open to trying new things. b. Both dislike trying new things. c. The woman is open to trying new food, but the man is not. d. The man is willing to try new food, but the woman is not. Now, listen to Track 150. 17. Now, listen to Track 151. What does the woman like to read? a. romance novels b. horror novels c. biographies d. uplifting nonfiction 18. Now, listen to Track 152. What does the man like about the book he has just read? a. It doesn’t gloss over difficulties the main character experienced. b. It is about French cooking and about buying a house in France. c. It’s set in France. d. It’s nonfiction and offers good practical suggestions. 19. Now, listen to Track 153. What is the book the man read about? a. a British man who sets up a new life in a foreign country b. a romance a man has with a French woman c. how to buy a house abroad d. practical tips for starting over In the following questions on the test, you will listen to a short talk by one speaker. After each short talk, you will have three questions to answer, based on what you have heard. On these practice questions, read each short talk. Then, select the best answer for each question. Now, listen to Track 154. 20. Now, listen to Track 155. What sort of novels does Emma Hardy write? a. romance b. horror c. nonfiction d. mystery 21. Now, listen to Track 156. Where does this short talk take place? a. at a bookstore b. at a conference c. at a book club d. at a seminar 99 ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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