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Chunnel Surfer II Scott Sherman "Scix" Maddix CHUNNEL SURFER II ©2007 Scott Maddix Published by Scott Sherman "Scix" Maddix Printed through Lulu Press: lulu.com, America`s fastest-growingPrint-on-Demand service. Book Design by Scott Maddix This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. This book and e-book are works of fiction and metafiction. Everything you read is a lie. There is no secret message in the copyright page. ISBN: 978-1-4303-1536-0 Spring 2007 First Edition ~~ Dedicated to all who have gone before, and all who are still going. [November 24, 2006: this book is hereby declared COMPLETE. No further edits or editions will be made. It should then therefore be understood that any apparent errors or flaws are part of the thema of noise in the signal. Have a nice cup of coffee, relax, and read it as w=you will,you`ll probably get most out of it without the internal editor-voice yammering in your ear.] [February 3, 2007: Well, oops. Added introduction and some book design goodies. Life is unpredictable.] ~~ ~~ Introduction: What you hold is an experiment. It is a book, part novel, part autobiography, part short story collection. It is, as far as I know, a unique form of literature, applying rules of collage, abstract, punk and mashup remix to a print medium. Unbeknownst to the author, it was written by an undiagnosed adult with ADD -- Attention Deficit Disorder. The author might argue that "Deficit" and "Disorder" are misnomers, but that`s what the Smart Guys call it, and having a dia-gnosis helps one begin to learn how to live in a non-ADD world with an ADD brain. So does that make the book a mere symptom of a disorder? I would like to think not, but I believe all of the more interesting things in life can be viewed usefully through more than one model. So CSII can be seen as a sign of madness. It could also be genius. Or a map of a chaotic mind, or a model itself of a multilayered universe. Or a sign of a short-attention-span generation. Or its own internal conceit, a literary channel-surfing, something that might be more interesting as a writers` exercise than as a book to read. Pick your favorite(s). So how should you read it? I`d say there is no right answer. Skip around. Read it backwards. Open it at random. Skip slow bits. Scan and read things that strike your interest. Flip around and look for sexy bits. Or, you know, you could read it linearly from cover to cover. Let it wash over you. Analyze it. Make notes and maps and diagrams. Read it on the can. Read it in groups. Photocopy pages and make collages from them. And if you think you`ve found something hidden within, you have. Whether the author was aware of putting it there or not. Feel free to drop him a line, if you can find him. Sequel is still being written. We wonder how much has been learned by writing CSII. ~~December 2006 ~~ ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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