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NAME DATE Y GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH WORDS: REVIEW Y The sentences below tell a mystery story.After you read each sentence, follow the directions in parentheses. 1. Lottie enjoyed working with her lab partner, a tall, red-headed girl named Angie. (Circle the third letter of the first proper noun.) 2. Lottie and Angie always waved and smiled when they saw each other. (Circle the first letter of the first verb.) 3. One day Lottie saw Angie in the food court of the shopping mall. (Circle the first letter of the first preposition.) 4. Lottie waved and smiled, but Angie just stared past her. (Circle the second letter of the first conjunction.) 5. “Angie!” Lottie shouted, but she received no response. (Circle the first letter of the first verb.) 6. “Hi!” Lottie shouted again, thinking Angie might not have seen her in the crowd. (Circle the second letter of an interjection.) 7. Angie passed by as if Lottie did not exist. (Circle the third letter of the first verb.) 8. Lottie felt ignored and unhappy. (Circle the fourth letter of a proper noun.) 9. Eventually, she began to feel angry, too. (Circle the first letter of the first adverb.) 10. What could explain the strange behavior? (Circle the third letter of an adjective.) Now solve the mystery by writing the circled letters on the blanks below. Answer: This was Angie’s ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 Beginning Writing 2 · Saddleback Publishing, Inc. © 2001 · Three Watson, Irvine, CA 92618 · Phone: (888) 735-2225 · Fax: (888) 734-4010 · www.sdlback.com NAME DATE Y GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH WORDS: QUIZ Y A. Complete the sentences with the names of the parts of speech listed in the box. Use consonants to fill in the blanks. Hint: You will not use all the words in the box. interjection preposition adjective conjunction adverb interjection common noun proper noun 1. A __ __o__e__ __ou__ is a word that names a particular person, place, or thing. 2. A __o__ __o__ __ou__ is a word that names any person, place, or thing. 3. A __ __o__ou__ is a noun substitute. 4. A word or phrase that shows surprise or strong feeling is an i__ __e__ __e__ __io__. 5. A linking word that joins ideas is called a __o__ __u__ __ __io__. B. Circle the word that belongs in each group. Then name the part of speech. 1. important, handsome, ( gentleman / gentle / gently ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 2. over, in, ( sky / above / but ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 3. shoe, Chicago, ( song / sing / sank ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 4. silently, extremely, ( hurry / speedily / freeway ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 5. Oh, Hurrah, ( and / yet / Wow ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 6. and, but, ( on / or / tin ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 7. they, she, ( Marylou / above / we ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ 8. ask, are, ( suggest / topic / underneath ) PART OF SPEECH: ____________________ Saddleback Publishing, Inc. © 2001 · Three Watson, Irvine, CA 92618 · Phone: (888) 735-2225 · Fax: (888) 734-4010 · www.sdlback.com · Beginning Writing 2 9 NAME DATE Y GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH SENTENCES: RECOGNIZING A SENTENCE Y Review these important facts about sentences. A sentence: ·expresses a complete thought. ·begins with a capital letter and ends with an end mark. ·has a noun or pronoun in its subject and a verb in its predicate. ·can be a statement, question, exclamation, or command. Seven of the following word groups are sentences. Three are not. Check each word group to see if it matches the qualifications described above. If the word group is a complete sentence, mark it with an S. At the end of the sentence, tell whether it is a statement, question, exclamation, or command. The first one has been done for you. (If the item is not a sentence, leave the lines blank.) 1. _____ The Brachiosaurus belonged to a group of giant dinosaurs. 2. _____ It roamed North America and Africa ages ago. 3. _____ What did the Brachiosaurus look like? 4. _____ More than 75 feet long and 40 feet tall! 5. _____ Had a huge body. 6. _____ Its head, however, was quite small. 7. _____ Scientists once discovered an entire Brachiosaurus skeleton. 8. _____ Rebuilt it and put it in a museum. 9. _____ Museum visitors, don’t touch that skeleton! 10. _____ Wow! That Brachiosaurus is really huge! 11. _____ It is the largest animal skeleton ever found and rebuilt. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ CHALLENGE: On the back of this sheet, write four sentences about an interesting animal.Write one statement, one question, one exclamation, and one command. Exchange papers with another student and make sure your classmate has written complete sentences. 10 Beginning Writing 2 · Saddleback Publishing, Inc. © 2001 · Three Watson, Irvine, CA 92618 · Phone: (888) 735-2225 · Fax: (888) 734-4010 · www.sdlback.com NAME DATE Y GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH SENTENCES:WRITING A SIMPLE SENTENCE Y A simple sentence has a subject and a predicate.The subject includes a noun or pronoun and tells who or what the sentence is about.The predicate includes a verb that either tells what the subject does or expresses its state of being. EXAMPLES: NOUN VERB NOUN VERB My unusual friend eats chocolate-covered worms. Doug is an odd fellow. SUBJECT PREDICATE SUBJECT PREDICATE A. Make a complete single sentence by matching each word group in the first column with a word group in the second column. Draw lines to show your matches. 1. _____ the lazy cat 2. _____ know the best fishing holes 3. _____ wore a silly red nose 4. _____ the first job applicant 5. _____ the early bird a. gets the worm b. waited nervously for her interview c. the experienced fishermen d. purred softly in the sun e. the circus clown B. Each of the following word groups needs either a subject or a predicate to be a complete simple sentence. Write subject or predicate to show which sentence part is missing. Then write a complete sentence by adding your own words. Use correct capitalization and punctuation. The first one has been done for you. 1. ____________________ the sputtering engine ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________ burst through the front door ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________ eats tacos in bed ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________ is ready for a nap ____________________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________ a cold wind from the north ____________________________________________________________________ CHALLENGE: On the back of this sheet, use each of the following noun-verb pairs to write a complete sentence: parents taught, job/was, stranger/disappeared, storm/brought, I/left. Saddleback Publishing, Inc. © 2001 · Three Watson, Irvine, CA 92618 · Phone: (888) 735-2225 · Fax: (888) 734-4010 · www.sdlback.com · Beginning Writing 2 11 NAME DATE YGETTING COMFORTABLE WITH SENTENCES: PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES Y A phrase is a unit of two or more words that cannot stand alone. It is part of a sentence. A phrase does not have both a subject and a predicate. A prepositional phrase always has a preposition and an object (a noun or pronoun that follows the preposition). PREPOSITION OBJECT EXAMPLE: Our antique clock sits above our fireplace. PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE A prepositional phrase serves the same function as an adjective or an adverb. It adds meaning by telling which one, where, when, how, why, or to what extent. A. Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. Then write which one, where, when, how, why, or to what extent on each line. 1. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 3. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 6. ___________________ 7. ___________________ Justin often takes the bus in the morning. He catches it at dawn. The city bus stops on the corner. It takes him directly to his office. He makes the bus trip with several neighbors. The bus with air conditioning is their favorite one. The riders appreciate relief on hot summer days. B. Complete each sentence with a prepositional phrase that adds meaning. Use some of the following prepositions: on between in around with over out of about down above after along through 1. We usually eat dinner ______________________________________________. 2. The coat ___________________________________________________ is mine. 3. Don’t forget to put the cat ___________________________________________. 4. The horse galloped _________________________________________________. CHALLENGE: On the back of this sheet, write original sentences using the following prepositional phrases: on the desk, in my dream, with great excitement, at midnight, with modern features. 12 Beginning Writing 2 · Saddleback Publishing, Inc. © 2001 · Three Watson, Irvine, CA 92618 · Phone: (888) 735-2225 · Fax: (888) 734-4010 · www.sdlback.com ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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