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  1. 222 LANGUAGE IN THE BRAIN alongside it a thin sheet of grey matter, the claustrum. These are all behind the folded-in part of the cortex behind the temporal lobe which is called the insula. Of all these structures the ones which have been most studied in respect of language are the thalamus and the lenticular nucleus. All the evidence concerning the role of these structures in language inevitably comes from brain-damaged patients including ones undergoing electrophysiological stimulation prior to surgery. That some of these structures play a role in the motor production of speech has been known for some time, but the idea that damage to them might produce aphasia (although milder and less longer-lasting than cortical aphasias) has been revived relatively recently. Studies have generally distinguished between damage to the basal ganglia and damage to the thalamus (Wallesch and Wyke 1983). Damage to the basal ganglia accompanying Parkinson’s disease has been reported to result in language difficulties as well as motor speech disorders. Lees and Smith (1983) describe naming difficulties in this condition. Tanridag and Kirshner (1987) have reviewed a number of studies which describe language disorders after strokes in the left internal capsule and striatal regions. Particular attention has been paid to the lenticular nucleus, and aphasic symptoms have been described after either putamenal lesions or lesions to the globus pallidus. Haemorrhage frequently occurs in the region of the putamen, and Nauser, Alexander, Helm-Estabrooks, Levin, Laughlin, and Geschwind (1982) have suggested that the pattern of aphasia differs according to whether the damage is anterior or posterior. Although these subcortical aphasias are most commonly linked in type with the transcortical aphasias (Wallesch 1985), since the ability to repeat is generally preserved, patterns distinct from those of cortical aphasias have been described e.g. the occurrence of articulatory difficulty with jargon. Aphasia after damage to the thalamus has been studied in rather more detail (Ojemann 1982; Mateer and Ojemann 1983; Mohr 1983; Lhermitte 1984). Word-finding difficulties are greater and may be accompanied by perseveration and lack of insight. Language difficulties, however, fluctuate, a feature not seen in cortical aphasias, and the perseverations may be intrusions of irrelevant words. ESB, instead of blocking language, may result in the production of these perseverative words. Perseveration seems to be associated particularly with the medial central portion of the ventral lateral thalamus, which Ojemann interprets as a site of interaction between language and motor speech functions. The ventrolateral part of the thalamus is said to include alerting circuits which are involved in short-term memory as well as in naming. Stimulation here can have an effect on word retrieval which may last as long as a week, suggesting that it participates in long-term memory as well. Crosson, Parker, Kim, Warren, Kepes, and Tully (1986), however, consider that that part of the thalamus known as the pulvinar is the critical zone, as deduced from a post-mortem study of an 82-year-old man, whose thalamic lesion had resulted in a fluent aphasia with semantic paraphasias. These authors hold that the thalamus maintains the tone of cortical language mechanisms and releases monitored language for its motor programming. Bechtereva, Bundzen, Gogolitsin, Malyshev, and Perepelkin (1979) have also suggested that subcortical structures have a pace-maker mechanism which controls and reorganises the brain for the maintenance of mental activity. Specifying in more detail what role subcortical structures play in language will require the tracing of cortical-subcortical circuits, such as those proposed by Lamendella (1977). Wallesch and Wyke (1983) have proposed three parallel anatomical pathways: firstly a cortical-subcortical (basal ganglia and thalamus) loop; secondly reciprocal cortical-thalamic-cortical connections and thirdly the ascending reticular-thalamic-cortical activation system. Crosson (1985) has advanced a more elaborate model in which he has incorporated some features of the classical cortical model (e.g. that the posterior zone performs phonological verification and the anterior zone motor programming) with inhibitory circuitry through the caudate nucleus from the anterior zone, and inhibitory links with the posterior zone through the lenticular nucleus and thalamus. In this model subcortical structures inhibit motor output, while the cortex exercises an editing and checking function on the planned language. This could perhaps account for the reportedly frequent occurrence of semantic paraphasias after subcortical damage. Crosson’s model is reviewed by Murdoch (in press). A scheme of subcortical aphasias has been set out by Alexander, Naeser and Palumbo (1987), based empirically on the profiles of 19 patients who had subcortical damage and showed language disturbances of varying types and degrees. This model suggests that ‘white matter pathways are the critical structures in the language disorders’ (984), and proposes that the patterns of the disorders can be mapped specifically on to the combinations of subcortical lesions. For example two cases had lesions in the putamen, posterior limb of the internal capsule and/or posterior periventricular white matter; their language disorder was like that of Wernicke’s aphasia, without dysarthria but with hemiparesis. A question mark hangs over any model based on subcortical aphasias, however, and that is the uncertainty as to whether such patients do not also have cortical damage due to secondary degeneration of cortical neurones. The rCBF and other imaging studies described earlier have indeed suggested that such distance effects may occur. Weinrich, Ricaurte, Kowall, Weinstein, and Lane (1987) have acknowledged this difficulty of interpretation in the patient they examined; rCBF study showed that cortical hypoperfusion might be a possible cause of the ‘subcortical’ aphasia. Intuitively plausible though it is that the neural substrate of language in the brain involves a synergism of cortical and subcortical activity, the extent to which the damage is limited to subcortical structures in ‘subcortical aphasias’ is controversial.
  2. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 223 6. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL MODELS It is clear that much is yet to be learned even about the gross neuroanatomy of language, in respect of subcortical involvement, right-hemisphere involvement and intrahemisphere localisation. The advances in techniques of brain imaging described earlier will play some part in clarifying a very obscure picture, but until large numbers can be studied the problems of individual differences will dominate. Developing as rapidly on the psychological front, in parallel with the anatomo- physiological, are models which interpret language disorders as malfunctions of abstract language structures and processes, and which may eventually lend themselves to the embrace of mind and brain, although at present they resist such an extrapolation. For an introductory review of such models in the context of aphasia and alexia, see Coltheart (1987). Two such ‘box and arrow’ models are shown in Figures 14 and 15. Figure 14 shows a cross-modality model indicating stages and routes in reading aloud, writing to dictation, repeating heard words and copying writing. The dissociations which have been found in language disorders after brain damage have been instrumental in developing such a model and in fostering the modular approach in the analysis of the mental representations of language. From such a model patients have been identified who have selective disturbances in repetition, reading, or writing which can be related to dysfunctioning semantic, lexical or non-lexical routes. The number of psycholinguistically-motivated symptom profiles (e.g. through subdivisions of the main features previously noted in deep, surface, phonological, and letter-by-letter dyslexias) multiplies (Ellis 1987). Despite their authors’ intentions, these psycholinguistically-motivated symptom profiles are already being related to anatomical locations. Rapcsak, Rothi, and Heilman (1987) studied a man with a transient phonological alexia (i.e. who could not read non-words successfully) and spelling difficulties, but with no other problem except some mild naming difficulties. His lexical route was apparently intact for reading, although the grapheme-phoneme conversion route was non-functional. He attempted to use a phonic system in spelling, however, as evidenced by such errors as ‘ritchewal’ for ‘ritual’. CT scans indicated a small infarct at the temporo-occipital junction, which involved only the posterior part of the middle and inferior temporal gyri and their underlying white matter, but not Wernicke’s area. The authors postulate that ‘a ventral pathway from inferior occipital association cortex to Wernicke’s area via the posterior-inferior portion of the left temporal lobe may be involved in mediating reading by the non-lexical phonological route’ (120). This model in Figure 14 is restricted to single words. The model in Figure 15, taken from Butterworth and Howard (1987), incorporates some aspects of the lexical model and extends it to sentence production. Here five distinct systems are identified: semantic (which encodes thought into a semantic specification), lexical (which selects words from an inventory on the basis first of semantic identity and then on the basis of phonological form), prosodic (which chooses the appropriate intonation contour for the semantics and pragmatics of the utterance), phonological assembly (which merges the outputs from the last three systems) and the phonetic (which specifies the phonetic parameters needed for programming articulation). Butterworth and Howard drew up their model partly on the basis of observations of five patients who had paragrammatic speech (i.e. who produced fluent but grammatically incorrect utterances). They made no attempt to draw localisation inferences about such language symptoms, but report incidentally that the three who had had CT scans had signs of bilateral damage, in two cases in the temporal lobes and in one case in the parieto-occipital region of the left hemisphere with extensive right hemisphere damage. Again, speculations have been made about localisation in respect of aphasic problems with grammar. Zurif (1980) optimistically stated that computational units in language ‘have been pinpointed neuroanatomically’ (311) through the investigation of aphasia, and proposed that processing of functors in their syntactic role (but not their semantic) is discretely localised in the anterior part of the left hemisphere. The ultimate question is whether it will ever be possible to find neural systems which correspond to components such as these models define. The models bear resemblances to the processing models which have been used in artificial intelligence. For this reason, Arbib et al. (1982) have urged that neurolinguistics should be computational. An intermediate step between mapping such models on to brain function is to test them by setting up a computer model which can then be ‘lesioned’, to see if its output follows the predicted pattern. Attempts to do this have been made by Marcus (1982) and Lavorel (1982). Marcus used a computer parser, PARSIFAL, to predict what would happen if a selective difficulty in comprehension of closed-class words (functors) was introduced; the resulting comprehension was similar in some (not all) respects to that associated with Broca’s aphasia. Lavorel applied a computer model of the (denotative) lexicon, JARGONAUT, to the study of lexical retrieval for speech in Wernicke’s aphasia, specifying ‘lesions’ such as semantic fuzzing, paraphasia applied to lexical selection and blends applied to parallel selection. As Lavorel’s use of adaptive network theory in many-layered intelligent machines indicates, not all psychological models applied to aphasia postulate a box-and-arrow separation of components. We have already referred to models of interactive processing in the section concerned with behavioural measures of reaction time. Allport (1983) applies a distributed memory (or adaptive network) model to an analysis of naming disorders in aphasia. Allport proposes that we need a model of functionally separable components which also has some meaning at the neural level, and offers the distributed memory model as an example of this. In this, single elements participate in higher level patterns according to a particular set of on/off states.
  3. 224 LANGUAGE IN THE BRAIN Figure 14 A simple process model for the recognition, comprehension and production of spoken and written words and non-words. From M.Coltheart, G.Sartori, and R.Job (1987) The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Language. Lawrence Erlbaum: London: 6. (The dotted lines indicate three hypothesised routes in reading aloud.) The same elements can therefore simultaneously participate in a vast number of patterns, which are maintained through recurrent activity. Retrieval from this memory system consists, not of fetching from a distinct store, but of selection of a particular pattern for heightened activation. There is thus no difference between ‘store’ and ‘processor’. In such a model behavioural deficits can be consistent with complete anatomical overlap in the underlying representations. Allport argues that the behaviour of anomic speakers supports such a model, particularly in respect of semantic paraphasias. For a simple introduction to how associative network theory has been applied to neural networks, see Ferry (1987). The modelling of cognitive processing by computers linked in parallel and using interactive networks of neuron-like units has been given the label of ‘connectionism’ (see Schneider 1987 for a review). The ability of such systems to make inferences, categorise semantic information, and to learn how to associate English text with English phonology has close similarities to human behaviour (Sejnowski and Rosenberg 1987). A connectionist system can also cope with a differentiation between controlled and automatic processing, a distinction which is noticeable in many aspects of behaviour in aphasic individuals, and which may be related to physiological and anatomical differences between cortex and subcortical structures like the thalamus.
  4. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 225 Figure 15 A model of the production of sentences. From B.Butterworth and D.Howard (1987) ‘Paragrammatisms’, Cognition, 26:1–37:32 Churchland (1986) has sought a similar rapport between neurophysiology and neuropsychology by application of tensor network theory to the control of movement in the cerebellum. As with Allport’s proposal, it is the connectivity of arrays of neurons which is important. These arrays can be considered to form mathematical matrices, in which vectors on one co- ordinate system can be transformed into other vectors in another co-ordinate system by means of tensors (generalised mathematical functions). Churchland speculates as to how the brain might make adjustments to the reach of an arm for a seen object on the basis of a neural grid which has become adapted to transforming visual space to the required motor space of the arm. Neuronal activity, in fact, may be able to pattern itself so as to constitute an analogy map of the relevant space. This may even provide an explanation for the laminar, columnar, and mosaic patterns that have been noted in the structure of the cortex. Churchland suggests that tensor network theory may eventually help to explain even more complicated activities than moving
  5. 226 LANGUAGE IN THE BRAIN an arm e.g. how a phonemic string might be recognised as a word. For further discussion of how neuropsychology and neurophysiology may meet, see Caplan (1987). From this chapter it will have become clear how rudimentary is present knowledge of the relationship between brain and language. These pages have set out some of the problems, and described how limited our tools are for attempting to answer them. Nevertheless, mathematical modelling of neural network functions, computational representations of language, the refinement of neuropsycholinguistic models, the more accurate analysis of linguistic and psycholinguistic dimensions of language disorders after brain damage of various kinds, the further development of electrophysiological techniques and of imaging of localised metabolic changes, all these hold out promise in nibbling away at this challenging question. In many ways we are at the threshold of new perspectives and in the next decade a chapter on neurolinguistics might have much more to add. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is grateful to Dr Vic McAllister, Consultant Neuroradiologist, Newcastle General Hospital, for comments on an earlier version of a section of this chapter. REFERENCES Albert, M.L., Goodglass, H., Helm, N.A., Rubens, A.B., and Alexander, M.P. (1981) Clinical Aspects of Dysphasia, Springer, Vienna. Albert, M.L. and Obler, L.K. (1978) The Bilingual Brain: Neuropsychological and Neuro-linguistic Aspects of Bilingualism, Academic Press, London. Alexander, M.P., Naeser, M.A., and Palumbo, C.L. (1987) ‘Correlations of subcortical CT lesion sites and aphasia profiles’, Brain, 110: 961–991. Allport, D.A. (1985) ‘Distributed memory, modular subsystems and dysphasia’, in Newman, S. and Epstein, R., (eds) Current Perspectives in Dysphasia, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh: 32–60. Aram, D.M. and Ekelman, B.L. 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  11. 12 THE BREAKDOWN OF LANGUAGE: LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY AND THERAPY PAUL FLETCHER 1. INTRODUCTION Most children learn language successfully and most adults find no difficulty in maintaining the language they have learned. But any speech community (at least in the developed world, which is as far as our knowledge extends) will contain a small proportion of children for whom language learning is considered to present particular problems. And it seems reasonable to suppose that adults in any speech community are prone to the cerebrovascular accidents, or stroke, which we know result in the disruption of language. Because language is so intimately concerned with other areas of intellectual functioning in both development and breakdown, and because many of the identifiable causes of language impairment are medical, language pathology cannot be the sole province of the linguist or phonetician. Nevertheless, recent years have seen a steady infiltration of linguists and phoneticians into the field of speech and language disorders. Of course an interest by linguists into this area is not new: Jakobson’s hypothesis concerning phonological breakdown in aphasia is over forty years old (Jakobson 1968 (1941)). But in the last decade we have seen much more than the occasional foray. There is, particularly in the English- speaking world, a quite widespread application of phonetics (including instrumental techniques) and phonology, of descriptive grammatical frameworks, of grammatical theory, and of concepts from semantics and pragmatics, to a variety of disorders and their remediation, and an extensive literature is developing. The term ‘clinical linguistics’ is often now used to refer to this new field (see Crystal 1981), suggesting an emerging identity. In this chapter we will illustrate how the main areas of linguistics are applied across a varied range of impairments. Before considering the application of linguistics to language disorders in any detail, however, we need to examine the contexts in which this application is made, so as to assess how the contribution from linguistics fits into the overall framework of language disorder. 2. LANGUAGE DISORDER: BACKGROUND We will use the term language disorder to refer to any persistent non-normal language behaviour in children or adults. For convenience, the label is taken to include those disorders which are primarily problems of speech, as well as those that concern the language faculty more generally. We will concentrate here on disorders to do with spoken language; it should be remembered, though, that some affected individuals may have reading and/or writing disorders in addition to whatever spoken language problems they show (Snowling 1987). We will also restrict our focus to those cases where the linguistic problem is primary, and not a concomitant of a more general intellectual deficit such as mental handicap (Rondal 1987), or of some abnormal psychological condition such as schizophrenia or autism. Chapter 11, above, discusses the neurological aspects of these various conditions. 2.1 Adult aphasia The area of language disorder which has the longest history of systematic study in modern times is adult aphasia. The present- day field of research into this problem, known as aphasiology, brings together the medical tradition, and more recent linguistic investigations, in an inquiry into the relationship between brain injury and language behaviour. One of the most common causes of brain damage is cerebral vascular accident (CVA) or ‘stroke’, as it is usually known. There are several types of CVA (see Garman 1989), but all involve interruptions to the blood supply to an area of the brain, and consequential effects on the tissue surrounding the site of the CVA. If the area damaged is in that part of the left hemisphere of the brain which controls language functions, then the affected individual will, depending upon the location and
  12. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 233 Figure 16 Lesion site for Broca’s aphasia extent of the CVA, experience difficulties in understanding, or expression, or both. A good deal of aphasiological research has been devoted to determining correlations between focal brain injury and the nature of the concomitant disturbances in linguistic behaviour, even though the ‘localisationist’ hypothesis, as this line of research is referred to, is not uncontroversial (Garman 1989). It will be helpful to examine this correlation in some more detail, not in order to address the complexities of brain-behaviour relationship (for which see Chapter 11), but to illustrate one important type of language disorder, in which there is an identifiable cause and more or less specific linguistic consequences. As we shall see, in many instances of linguistic disorder, particularly in children, cause-effect linkages are not so readily available. 2.1.1 Broca’s aphasia An illustration of the source of a particular adult aphasic syndrome appears in Figure 16. The figure is a schematic representation of the surface (the cerebral cortex) of the left hemisphere of the brain, with a number of salient features marked. The forward shaded area indicates a focus of damage often associated with what is known as Broca’s aphasia, after the French neurologist Paul Broca, who first described it in 1861. The site of the lesion with which this type of aphasia is associated tends to be in the anterior portion of the left hemisphere, just in front of or involving the primary motor strip for muscles involved in speech (Cooper and Zurif 1983). The major clinical symptoms of this syndrome so far as oral language is concerned centre round the effortful and non-fluent utterances that are produced, and their syntactic form. Output rate is low, and utterances tend to be short. The utterances also show what is referred to as an agrammatic character. This term refers to the tendency of sufferers from this type of aphasia to omit grammatical morphemes in their spontaneous speech. A grammatical morpheme is either a member of a grammatical category with a limited number of items, such as determiner, preposition, or auxiliary, or an inflection such as third person present tense, past tense, or progressive, in English. It is not the case that all grammatical morphemes are always omitted: there are reliable differences in the rates of omission of different types of function words (e.g. determiners are more readily omissible than connectives) and of different inflectional markers (e.g. in English -ing is retained much more frequently than past tense). (See Caramazza and Berndt 1978, Garman 1989, Cooper and Zurif 1983, Goodglass and Menn 1985, for more detailed information on the nature of agrammatism.) However the frequent omissions of function words and inflections, in relatively short utterances, with often quite effortful articulation, give the speech of these aphasics the telegrammatic character on which its label is based. It would appear from this outline of agrammatism that in one kind of aphasia, at least, a rather basic linguistic description of the utterances of a patient’s spontaneous speech can be helpful in delineating symptoms of a particular type of brain damage. Is such an approach possible for other types of aphasia?
  13. 234 THE BREAKDOWN OF LANGUAGE 2.1.2 Other types of aphasia In a study of the incidence of aphasic syndromes, Kertesz (1979, reported in Garman 1989) found that in a sample of 365 patients, Broca’s aphasics comprised 17 per cent of the total—the second most common type. Over three-quarters of the sample fell into either this category, or one of three others: anomic (29 per cent of the total), global (16 per cent), or Wernicke’s (15 per cent). Each of these syndromes can be associated with different lesion sites. To characterise the linguistic behaviour associated with them, however, we may need to go beyond the grammatical form of spontaneous speech utterances. Anomic aphasia, for example, is the term applied when the major symptom is a general word-finding difficulty. Sometimes the word that the speaker is searching for as he is producing an utterance is substituted by a word that seems inappropriate but is somehow linked in meaning to the assumed target word, e.g. chair for ‘table’, knee for ‘elbow’, or hair for ‘comb’ (Gardner 1974, quoted in Aitchison 1987:21). In this type of aphasia, then, the focus of interest will be the nature of these difficulties of lexical access. The inquiry will be considerably assisted by an appropriate model of how the lexicon is represented and accessed in the course of speech recognition and production. The investigation of anomic aphasia will thus go beyond formal linguistic frameworks. Explicit attention to the processes which are assumed to be involved in language use may be termed the psycholinguistic approach to language disorders. Such processes (or ‘computations’) happen in real time, and as Caramazza and Berndt put it (1985:28): ‘although these computations will bear some relationship to the formal, linguistic description of a language (the grammar), they are not isomorphic with such descriptions’. Linguistic frameworks are still essential to the characterisation of aphasic language impairments. In the view of a number of investigators, however, a psycholinguistic approach which incorporates linguistic descriptions but takes proper account of the language-processing abilities in normals and their impairment in brain-injured adults, is essential. Wernicke’s aphasia, which occurs with similar frequency to Broca’s in the Kertesz sample, is characterised by fluent (sometimes over-fluent) spontaneous speech, with generally good grammatical structure (at least for simple declarative utterances—Gleason et al. 1980). There may however be inappropriate stem/affix formations such as is louding for is loud/is talking loudly (Garman 1989: Chap. 10). There are lexical problems also. Utterances are lacking in specific content words, and there are errors in word usage. Some of these are of the semantic type exemplified above for anomics; others result from sound substitutions, such as plick for ‘clip’; yet others are neologisms, such as lungfab for ‘window’ (Benson 1979, quoted in Aitchison 1987:22; see also Edwards 1987:272). Perhaps the most crucial feature of Wernicke’s aphasia, though, is a severe loss in auditory comprehension: Several studies are in agreement in concluding that, although Wenicke’s [aphasics] can use order information in the service of assigning meaning to sentences, they do not have the normal capacity to compute algorithmically full structural descriptions — either for complex sentences featuring discontinuous constituents…or for simpler sentences in which relations are signalled morphologically. (Cooper and Zurif 1983: 235) Comprehension, unlike production, cannot be reliably investigated by observation in naturalistic contexts. The studies referred to used sentence-picture matching tasks, in which the patient has to select from a pair or set of pictures the matching item for a stimulus sentence. A classic grammatical contrast (used also in comprehension tests for children) is active-passive. The study of auditory comprehension abilities in this way is necessarily time-consuming and somewhat limited. Certain areas of the grammar are difficult if not impossible to represent pictorially—temporal contrasts, for example, or modality, or even the declarative-interrogative contrast. It is also not clear how performance on grammatically-based picture-matching tasks relates to the normal processes of impaired individuals. Nevertheless the study of auditory comprehension is clearly of at least equal relevance to that of production in Wernicke’s aphasia, and by extension in other syndromes as well. We will wish to determine, for example, whether the problems with grammatical morphemes, which are apparent in production for Broca’s aphasics, are paralleled in comprehension (Cooper and Zurif 1983:228ff.). This brief consideration of some well-known syndromes underlines some important points about the role of linguistics in aphasiological research. The study of language disorders needs to be concerned with both expressive and receptive language. Linguistic descriptions and theories use as data the language output of normal individuals. The study of language disorder requires, in addition to the analysis of output patterns, the use of techniques for investigating how impaired individuals comprehend language input. And as speaking and understanding are real-time processes which involve the interaction of the linguistic system with attentional and memory mechanisms, the interpretation of linguistic descriptions of aphasic language should be set in a framework that takes this into account. 2.2 Child language disorders While the localisationist hypothesis for aphasic impairments may still continue to be a matter of controversy in aphasiology, disagreement centres on the relative ease with which different syndromes can be localised, or on techniques for identifying
  14. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 235 and delimiting the site of the lesion. (Garman 1989: Chap. 10). That the brain insult is the cause of the observable cluster of symptoms of language disruption is not at issue. The role of aetiological factors in children’s language disorders is much less clear. There are of course some obvious cause-effect relationships. A severe hearing-loss is likely to have marked effects on the pronunciation of an individual and later on his written language abilities (Crystal 1980:137). A cleft palate, a congenital malformation which can involve the hard and soft palates, and the upper lip, will have obvious effects on speech if it is not repaired (see below). A very small percentage of young children have strokes or other brain injuries with consequent effects on the language they have acquired up to the point of the injury (Miller et al. 1984). There is however a large proportion of children who present as language-impaired to speech therapists, but who do not have a hearing loss, any identifiable neurological disorder, or any intellectual deficit. The (rather unwieldly) term used to refer to the class of problems manifested by these children is Specific speech and language disorder in children, henceforth abbreviated to SSLDC. 2.2.1 SSLDC: aetiology The absence of any clear aetiology, and the lack of delineation of predictable clusters of linguistic symptoms, make this a very imprecise term. A good deal of effort has been applied in the last decade to make good the shortfall in linguistic characterisations of language-impaired children in this category, which we will deal with in more detail in the later part of this chapter. Research into the causes of SSLDC has been more limited, but there are available both large-sample studies of correlations between possible aetiological factors and clinical features (e.g. Rapin and Allen 1987, Sonksen 1979, Shriberg et al. 1986, Robinson 1987), and smaller-scale experimental tests of specific neuropsychological or cognitive hypotheses (Tallal et al. 1985a, Johnston and Weismer 1983). 2.2.2 Correlational studies There is at present no clear indication of a neurological basis for any of the sub-syndromes of SSLDC (Rapin and Allen 1987: 21). By contrast with adult aphasia, the aetiological picture is diffuse. There are a number of well-known facts established about language-disordered children, and a range of independent variables that can be associated to a greater or lesser degree with the clinical symptoms. Robinson (1987), in a study of 82 language-disordered children, examined a range of correlations between aetiological factors and clinical features. Table 12 summarises his conclusions from his own work and others he reviewed. Table 12 Possible aetiological factors in SSLDC (adapted from Robinson 1987:13) 1. There is a high proportion of boys, and there is an important genetic or familial component, which appears to be stronger in boys. 2. About a quarter of the affected children have a plausible medical ‘cause’, but these causes are very varied, and they are rarely sufficient in themselves to account for the SSLD, since none of these ‘causes’ invariably leads to such a disorder. 3. A number of other associated anomalies are found more commonly in these children than in the general population. These include: seizures, left handedness, late walking, and clumsiness. However, none of these factors except clumsiness is found in more than 30 per cent of children with SSLD. 1. In his own study and in ten others reviewed, Robinson found a much higher proportion of boys than girls. The sex ratio is, overall, in these studies 2.82 to 1. (See also Shriberg et al. 1986:143). 2. Medical causes include definite factors—those that have a recognised link with language disorders such as a major neurological illness, as well as other problems less certainly associated with subsequent language problems, such as low birth weight. None of the ‘causes’ represented in the Robinson study, however, leads inevitably to a language disorder. 3. The ‘associated anomalies’, while more frequent in the SSLD children than in the general populatoin, are found in a minority of them, except for clumsiness: 90 per cent of the children in Robinson’s studies had ‘significant motor impairment’. Robinson’s (entirely reasonable) conclusion from the correlations found is that SSLDC children are a heterogeneous group, and that ‘in most of them causation must be multifactorial’ (1987:13; see also Rutter 1987:52). 2.2.3 Experimental studies The most extensive experimental work is that of Tallal and her associates (see Tallal 1987). This has been devoted to experimental studies of the possible neuropsychological basis of language disorders, in deficits in the speed of processing of
  15. 236 THE BREAKDOWN OF LANGUAGE temporally-ordered information. Initially deficits in SSLD children were identified in auditorily processed material. Tallal and Piercy (1973) found that, in order to discriminate successive non-verbal tones as same of different successfully SSLD children required a 300 msec pause between the tones, whereas normals only required 75 msec. Later studies have identified a relationship between such temporal-processing deficits and the pattern of speech perception and production deficits, and the degree of receptive language impairment in language-impaired children (Tallal 1987). The other prominent area in which deficits have been documented is in cognition, specifically with reference to symbolic function or representational thought. As Miller (1987) notes in discussing this, for neither the auditory processing nor cognitive deficits have central nervous system deficits been identified which would help to explain the deficits or at least provide a neural basis for them, though this may simply be a result of limitations on investigative methods currently available. It is reasonable to conclude, with respect to aetiological factors in SSLD, that no clear picture emerges at present. It is also true that in terms of clinical symptoms also, there is as yet no agreed syndrome delineation. As with adult disorders, research into child disorders has to consider receptive as well as expressive language (see Bishop 1987), and speaking and understanding as real-time processes (Chiat and Hirson 1987, Fletcher 1987). To date, however, most progress has been made in the detailed description of linguistic output which, carefully analysed, can lead us towards the delineation of symptom- complexes. It may then be possible, (particularly in phonological disorders— see below) to link clinical symptoms to potential causes. With this brief account of some of the background to language disorders, we can now turn to examples of the linguistic contribution to language pathology, using the major headings of linguistics dealt with in Part A of this book—mainly phonetics, phonology, and grammar, with some reference to semantics and pragmatics. 3. PHONETICS, PHONOLOGY, AND LANGUAGE DISORDERS Pronunciation problems (other than those associated with stuttering) which affect intelligibility are estimated to be present in 10 per cent of the preschool-age and early school-age population (Enderby and Philipp 1986:155 ff.). Some of these problems can be traced to an obvious cause. For example, cleft lip and/or palate, which occurs in one of every 700 live births in the U.K. (Enderby and Philipp 1986), is associated in a significant number of cases with speech problems. In many cases though there may not be such an obvious physical cause which can be directly linked to the pronunciation difficulties. Both types of disorder require detailed descriptions, so that the therapist can assess the nature of the problem, plan a therapeutic programme, and evaluate the success of this programme over time. To enable speech therapists to characterise pronunciation disorders, phonetic ear-training, and transcription have long been part of speech therapy training. In Britain, phonetics has been part of the syllabus in training establishments since the mid-1940s (Quirk Report 1972:9). More recently however, while phonetic transcription of samples of speech continues to be the initial data for assessment in most instances, this data serves as the starting-point for a phonological analysis. An early example of this approach is Haas (1963), a case study of a six-year-old boy. Despite being written a quarter of a century ago, this analysis has most of the features that form part of today’s assessments: 1. An initial description using a broad phonetic transcription, in the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) (to be found in Chapter 1), with some special symbols added for particular features of the child’s speech. 2. A phonological analysis based on a phonetic inventory organised according to place, manner, and voicing features of segments identified in the transcription. The analysis considers the functional (contrastive) value of the child’s restricted system, and also makes an explicit comparison with the adult phonological system. 3. Therapeutic implications. What advice to the speech therapist for planning a remediation programme seems to emerge out of the analysis? 3.1 Transcription The starting-point for a description and analysis of a pronunciation disorder remains an auditory impressionistic transcription using the IPA, together with a set of symbols specifically designed for some of the commonly-occurring immature or deviant pronunciations of children. An extract from a recent set of conventions suggested for additional symbols for clinical transcription appears in Fig. 17. The first set of symbols, under A, relate to place of articulation; there are other symbols relating to manner of articulation, vocal fold activity, co-articulation and so on. The second set of symbols in Fig. 17, under G, are provided to assist the transcriber by allowing for underspecified segments of various types. It is in the nature of transcription of disordered speech
  16. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 237 that certain segments will resist full identification. Such modifications are necessary because the IPA symbols (segmental and diacritic) are devised to deal with the range of sounds possible in the languages of the world as used by adult speakers. The articulation of both normal and disordered children may (and does) deviate considerably from such ‘normal’ adult speech sounds. Without specific transcriptional features to capture the idiosyncratic character of the pronunciations of impaired individuals in particular, there is a considerable risk of data distortion. As Carney (1979) points out, however, the limitations of standard transcription systems for dealing with disordered speech are often not acknowledged. The drawbacks are most obvious when a transcription of speech amounting to a phonemic representation is used. In normal circumstances such a transcription allows the inference of a considerable amount of phonetic detail, since the range of allophonic variation, for most accents of English, is well-known. Thus (to take one of Carney’s examples) in RP the transcription of a lateral in different contexts using the same symbol will not mislead: in [klei], [lei] and [eil], we are able to predict the phonetic variation in clay, lay and ale from the position in which the lateral appears. Following the voiceless velar stop, it is likely to be devoiced, while pre-vocalically so-called ‘clear’ [l] has what Gimson (1970:201) describes as a relatively front-vowel resonance, as opposed to the back-vowel resonance of the post-vocalic ‘dark’ l. (For these differences, see Chapter 2, above.) There is no guarantee however that a child with speech problems will respect the allophonic variation of the adult language. It is not uncommon for example for such children to produce ‘clear’ l in both pre- vocalic and post-vocalic positions. A transcription which assumed adult allophonic variation would miss this information which is potentially valuable for remediation, and so constitute what Carney (op. cit.) would refer to as ‘inappropriate abstraction’. Careful and detailed transcription by well-trained individuals, using where relevant the recommended symbols of Figure 2, will overcome most of the problems of too abstract a transcription, and in most instances furnish the speech therapist with the information needed. 3.2 Instrumental supplementation It has been argued however that the procedure of phonetic transcription can be unreliable, because the child (normal or disordered) may be making distinctions, or using articulatory postures that the transcriber cannot hear, however skilled. Since this information may be relevant to the characterisation and/or remediation of the child’s problem, it may be necessary in certain areas to supplement an auditory impressionistic transcription with information from instrumental phonetic techniques. We will consider one example which uses acoustic data from spectrograms, and one from speech production data, using the electropalatograph. It has been a general observation of young normal children’s developing speech that the voicing distinction in initial English stops is neutralised at a certain, quite early stage in their acquisition. An instrumental analysis of the speech development of normal children (Macken and Barton 1980) revealed that one stage of development, for some children producing their versions of voiced and voiceless stop targets, involved a consistent but sub-phonemic difference in voice onset time, a crucial cue for voicing in English and other languages. In distinguishing /p/ and /b/ in English, described respectively as voiceless and voiced labial stops, the point at which voicing begins, after the release of the stop is crucial. If voicing begins at the time of release or up to about 30 milliseconds after, then the sound will be interpreted as /b/. But if voice onset is delayed until after this 30 msec cross-over point, then the sound will be heard as /p/. The VOT range for /b/ (and other voiced plosives) is referred to as the ‘short lag’ range, and the values for /p/ as the ‘long lag’ range. The children in the Macken and Barton study, in their early pronunciations (and the age of the children in this longitudinal study was from about 18 months to 2 years) showed no consistency in their use of short lag and long lag for labial stop targets. But then for a period before they gave evidence of having controlled adult parameters, they made a consistent VOT distinction, but within the adult short lag category. This distinction was not one that a transcriber would reliably pick up, and it required spectrographic analysis to be detected. Similar data for VOT in labial stops (but using pneumotachography as the instrumental technique) is reported for one of the disordered child subjects considered in detail by Hardcastle and Morgan (1982). They also considered other aspects of their subjects’ pronunciation instrumentally, with some interesting results. One technique they used was electropalatography, in which a real-time analysis of tongue dynamics can be made by fitting the patient with an artificial palate, in which a number of small electrodes are embedded. As the patient speaks, the tongue contacts he makes are recorded by the electrodes and transmitted to a computer, which records them. Comparisons were made between contact patterns of the impaired subjects and those of normal children, in the pronunciation of single words. For one impaired child, for example, it was apparent from the pattern of contacts that for initial alveolar or alveolopalatal sounds such as the [t] in tent, or [ʃ] in sheep, there was considerable velar contact as well as the more forward contact necessary for the alveolar obstruents. The velarisation would not have been picked up by a transcriber, but is obviously important for a speech therapist concerned to have detailed information on articulation available for planning remediation. In the remainder of our discussion of phonetics and phonological disability we will for the most part be concerned with data analyses that rely on auditory impressionistic transcriptions. It should be clear however even from this brief excursus on
  17. 238 THE BREAKDOWN OF LANGUAGE Figure 17 Extracts from suggested transcriptional conventions for disordered speech (reprinted with permission from Grunwell 1987) PRDS—Recommended additional phonetic symbols For the representation of segmental aspects of disordered speech A. Relating mainly to place of articulation 1. Bilabial trills 2. Lingualabials plosives, nasal fricatives lateral (tongue tip/blade to upper lip) 3. Labiodental plosives and nasal ( is an alternative to the usual ɱ) 4. Reverse labiodentals plosives, nasal fricatives (lower teeth to upper lip) 5. Interdenta plosives, nasal (using existing IPA convention for advancement) 6. Biodental fricatives percussive (lower teeth to upper teeth) 7. Voiced palatal fricative (reserving j for palatal approximant) 8. Voiced velar lateral (using existing IPA convention for retraction) 9. Pharyngeal plosives (using existing IPA convention for retraction) G. Relating to inadequacy of data or transcriptional confidence 31. ‘Not sure’ Ring doubtful symptoms or cover symbols, thus: entirely unspecified articulatory segment unspecified consonant unspecified vowel unspecified stop unspecified fricative unspecified approximant unspecified nasal unspecified affricate unspecified lateral probably platal, unspecified manner (etc.) probably but not sure (etc.) probably , but not sure (etc.) Note: A voiced, but otherwise unspecified, fricative may be shown as ; similarly, avoiceless, but otherwise unspecified, stop as ; and so on. 32. Speech sound(s) masked by extraneous noise (( )) big ((bæd wul))f thus or big ((2sylls)) 33. The asterisk. It is recommended that free use be made of asterisks (indexed, if necessary) and footnotes where it is desired to record some segment or feature for which no symbol is provided.
  18. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 239 instrumental analyses that auditory transcriptions will not always be reliable. In particular, explanations of phonological disability which rely on such transcriptions need to be evaluated carefully. (See Hardcastle et al. 1987. A detailed review of supplementary instrumental analyses appears in Weismer 1984.) 3.3 Analysis The introduction of phonological concepts into speech pathology in the 1960s led to a re-interpretation of the data of ‘articulation disorder’ and ‘misarticulations’ (Grunwell 1985a). The initial analyses of available phonetic transcriptions were within the framework of phonemic theory (e.g. Haas 1963). More recently a variety of generative frameworks has been applied. The most widely used has been some form of process analysis, particularly in North America (Shriberg and Kwiatowski 1980, Ingram 1981). Some researchers in Britain (e.g. Crystal 1982, Grunwell 1985s have argued for and exemplified a more eclectic approach to analysis, which combines insights from phonemic theory and process analysis, in an initial description of a disorder. We will accept this approach in providing illustrations of children’s pronunciation problems in English. 3.4 The phonetic inventory and systems of contrast The majority of approaches to the assessment of pronunciation problems in English have concentrated on consonants. It used to be generally accepted that vowels did not present problems to children acquiring the sound system normally (although Haas 1963 does mention vowel problems in his case study, and Crystal 1982 allows for the analysis of vowels). More recently problems with vowel acquisition (which, however, probably seem to occur only in a small percentage of cases) have been reported (Stoel-Gammon and Harrington 1987). However, the data to be reviewed here will refer only to consonants. Most recent approaches to assessment, following the normal phonological acquisition literature, accept that procedures need to be sensitive to distributional differences in the availability of phones for contrastive use. The system of contrastive phones that a child might be able to use in initial position in a monosyllable is usually different from (most commonly, more extensive than) the system in final position. To provide a full description, then, it is necessary to examine separately phones in different positions in syllable or word structure. A clear illustration of this appears in Figures 18 and 19. Figure 18, adapted from Grunwell 1988, shows the inventory of phones available to two children. Figure 18(a) is a consonant chart for Simon, aged 4 years 7 months (4;7), while Figure 18(b) shows the range of consonant sounds available to Graham, aged 9;0. It is clear that Graham has a greater range of sounds available to him, overall. He has the full range of plosives (p/b, t/d, k/g, plus a glottal stop), fricatives in two places of articulation (f/v, s) and the alveolopalatal affricate /ʧ/. Simon has no velar sounds, no fricatives, and no glottal stop or affricate sound. Despite Graham’s wider articulatory repertoire, an analysis of how this repertoire is deployed can reveal limitations on Graham which Simon does not have. The consonant chart reveals the extent of the child’s articulatory abilities (or limitations). Further analysis is required to determine how these abilities are employed at different positions in word and syllable structure. Figure 19, again adapted from Grunwell 1988, reveals how the two children use their articulatory potential in making meaning distinctions, in one position, syllable final/word final. If we consider the structure of the word piglet, in terms of its consonant and vowel structure, we can represent it as: cvccvc piglet The word consists of two syllables, and, without considering here exactly where the syllable boundary is, we can safely say that p is a syllable initial/ word initial sound (SIWI) and t is syllable final/word final (SFWF). These labels are also used for monosyllabic words: in pet, p and t would still be referred to as SIWI and SFWF respectively. It has long been an observation in the literature on normal language development that children’s phonological systems are not monosystemic. Phonological development is not simply a matter of developing phonemic contrasts which are then immediately generalisable to all places in word and syllable structure; different systems develop in different positions. In English it is in general the case that a wider range of contrasts develop earlier in SIWI position than in SFWF. This generalisation does not however rule out the existence of children who run counter to this tendency or particular contrasts, e.g. fricatives (Shriberg and Kwiatowski 1980:135), being more readily developed in SFWF. Since assessment procedures in child language disorders are referenced to normal development, a number of them, including Grunwell (1985b and Crystal (1982) examine the child’s use of the phonetic inventory at different positions in word structure. The charts for Simon and Graham in Figure 19 show only SFWF position (from Grunwell’s procedure). Each chart shows the range of phonetic realisations for target adult phonemes. Thus the top left hand cell of Simon’s chart (Figure 19a)
  19. 240 THE BREAKDOWN OF LANGUAGE Figure 18 Phonetic inventories for Simon (a) and Graham (b) (adapted from Grunwell 1988) Phonetic inventory (a) Name: Simon (4; 7) Labial Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal Other Nasal m n Plosive pb td ? Fricative Affricate Approximant w l j Other Marginal Phones: ɫ υ Phonetic inventory (b) Name: Graham (9; 0) Labial Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal Other Nasal m n ʧ ʔ Plosive pb td kg Fricative fv s h Affricate Approximant w l Other Marginal Phones: ɫ ʏ υ indicates that for all adult target words ending in m, Simon produced m. Graham however (Figure 19b) failed to produce any realisation at all for a final m target (Ø indicates a zero realisation). A cell by cell comparison shows very obviously that despite having the more restricted phonetic inventory, Simon has a more extensive range than Graham of potentially contrastive elements. Pronunciation problems seem to require for their full characterisation not simply an account of phonetic limitations but also details of the distributional patterning of the segments that are available to the child. 3.5 Process analysis The phonemic approach embodied within the description of pronunciation problems so far described has either been supplemented (Grunwell 1985, Crystal 1982) or supplanted by some form of phonological process analysis (Ingram 1981, Shriberg and Kwiatowski 1980). This is now widely used in assessment procedures, particularly in the United States. The term ‘phonological process’ derives from Stampe, who sees the phonological system of a language as ‘the residue of an innate system of phonological processes, revised in certain ways by linguistic experiences’ (Stape 1969:443). The processes were seen as innate, and acquisition was a matter, in part, of inhibiting those processes not relevant for the language of the child’s environment. Processes have been commonly observed in sound changes in the world’s languages. A commonly cited example of such a process is devoicing of word-final obstruents, which synchronically is a feature of German but not English. Stampe’s account of the English child’s acquisition would require that an innately-present devoicing tendency was eventually inhibited, to allow for voicing, which is phonemically relevant in English, to occur word-finally; on the route to mastery we would expect a stage in which all final obstruents were devoiced. The German child on the other hand, will devoice from the beginning. It is not necessary to subscribe to Stampe’s views on the innateness of processes to find them useful in characterising impairment. Processes can be viewed as strategies adopted by the child in the face of the complex task of learning how to pronounce, and related to structural and physiological aspects of speech production (Shriberg and Kwiatowski 1980:4). We can illustrate some of these features with examples from V., a Southern English girl of 4;8 with a history of pronunciation difficulties: (a) cluster reduction initial: [t] for /tr/ in train /st/ in stamps /kw/ in queen /cl/ in clouds
  20. AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF LANGUAGE 241 Figure 19 Contrastive possibilities for Simon(a) and Graham (b), SFWF position (adapted from Grunwell 1988) /kr/ in Christmas Any consonant cluster target containing a voiceless stop is substituted in V.’s output by a singleton voiceless alveolar stop. The obvious outcome of this will be considerable homonymy in her vocabulary. The following words, for instance, would all be pronounced as [teɩ]: tray, clay, stay. Cluster reduction is a widely attested phenomenon in normal and impaired child phonologies in English and related languages (see for example Magnusson 1983 on Swedish). (b) assimilation A commonly reported assimilatory process is consonant harmony, in which for a CVC monosyllable target the child produces the second consonant at the same place of articulation as the first (there may also be manner assimilation). Examples from V.: [ti:d] lip cheese queen Both stop consonants in V.’s production are alveolar. Of course the relationship between her segments and the targets is quite complex, showing the simultaneous application of a number of processes, with resultant homonymy. Initially the lateral, voiceless affricate and cluster are all substituted for by [t]; finally a labial stop, voiceless alveolar fricative, and alveolar nasal, have [d] substituted. The influence of the [tVd] word-shape on V.’s output at this stage of her development can be gauged by her production of CV target monosyllables at this point:
nguon tai.lieu . vn