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For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org and in malls. There are many special foods, hospitals and facilities for pets. Having pet has advantages and disadvantages but according to me its positive effect on human life is more than negative effects. pet has specific characteristic, for example it is loyal, companion and also it brings enjoyments for its owner. First of all, when owners talk about their pets, they most focus on companionship. They believe that pets are companions in human life. As long as you feed them they are with you and never let you down. There is a ecret relationship?between pets and owners that hardly can be found in human relationship. In our busy and stressful world, many people are always alone so having pet is the best solution of their loneliness. In addition, pet change the environment of house. Beyond companions it offers enjoyment and satisfaction to its owner. You can play with your pet for hours and have enjoyment time together. It never asks you money or never blames you for your mistakes and it is friend forever. Finally, the most important characteristic of pet especially dog is that it is loyal and faithful. It never cheats on you, never let you alone and always keeps among you. It protects you in hard situation. Having a pet is therapeutic. Each individual member of a family has his own pet. in today`s world that the number of stepmother and divorced people is increasing, each people need something or some body who love them and be with them so many people choose pet as solution. In conclusion, having pet has positive effect on human life. It offers many pleasant things to today human modern, wild life such as love, companion and enjoyment which costs a lot. Essay 917 Topic 182 There are some people that like their pets a lot and they think people should treat the pets as family members. Others think that it is not good to keep a close relationship with pets. If I would be asked this question, my opinion would follow the latter. In the following discussion I would like to provide reasons and evidence to support my viewpoint. No issue is more important today than the one that keeping a close relationship with your pet may harm the relationship between you and other people. I will try to explain this with some examples. Since you have to take care of you pet, you have no time to go out with your friends and you may have no time to talk to your family. Also, if you feel that it is easier to get along with animals, you may lose interest in getting along with people. As a result, you will be isolated from the community. Moreover, some people treat their pets even better than their sons or daughters, which is illogical. Don`t you think the examples given above are very persuasive? Keeping a close relationship with a pet costs money. This is another main reason that I have chosen to put here to support my argument. I could not think a better example to illustrate my viewpoint as the following. If you treat your pets as your family members, you will want to give the best thing to your pets. It will cost you a lot of money to buy the pets` food. In addition, if the pet got ill, you would For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org have to it to the animal hospital. You will pay a good amount of money for its treatment and medicine fee. If you ever had a pet, you should understand this point better. However, having pets also has its advantages. Some animals are human`s friends and sometimes they help us a lot. But the disadvantages of keeping a close relationship to pets carry far more weight than those of its advantages. So the reason I think people should not keep a close relationship with their pets is very obvious. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole, and thus become more persuasive, we could safely arrive at the conclusion that people should not keep such a close relationship with their pets. It affects the relationship between you and other people and it also wastes your money. Essay 918 Topic 182 Pets in the past are often cats, dogs, birds, however, nowadays, even snakes and worms are called pets too. It is undeniable that they are lovely friends of people, especially the old, children and single ones, but I do not think that it is good to treat pets as members of family as the following reasons. First, pets are only animals, and cannot be treated as human beings. Although some animals such as dogs and cats have been domesticated for a long time and are intelligent in some aspects, they do not have human feelings. Their instincts only enable them to distinguish between good and bad, love and hate, while people ourselves have many kinds and levels of feelings. In addition, pets regard people as their master rather than friends. Their actions towards people are fidelity, not friendliness. Treating them as people can make them confused as they have not developed enough to understand these treatments. Second, while some pets are treated as man, other individuals are considered animals. These people are the poor who have no homes, no food. Nobody cares about their lives, they get away from them as if these poor people suffer from an epidemic. They are people but do not have the rights of man. Meanwhile, cats and dogs have either wonderful houses or enough food or the care of people. These facts are unfair. Some people may argue over the second reasons that the poor are none of their business. They do not have any relation with them. Nevertheless, should people not raise pets, they will have time caring about their relatives, their friends and their relationships. For instant, single people raised cats, dogs or other animals because they feel lonely, but had they not raised pet, they would have found their lovers. In conclusion, I personally think that not treating pets as human beings would be better for the animals themselves, the masters and other people. We should consider them as they are, not as what we want them to be. Essay 919 Topic 182 In modern society, more and more people like to keep pets in their family. And some of them treat their pets as a member in their family. They eat with their pets, stroll with their pets, and even sleep with their pets. Although someone think there is no problem with such relationship, I am not totally agree with it. Undoubtedly, keeping a pet at home can provide us a lot of fun. We can play with to our pets when we feel lonely, we can tell our secret to our pets since they always be a good listener and will never expose our secret. For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Moreover, some pets can protect their host when they are in danger. But there are still many disadvantages. We should notice that pets never can be real human, so it is impossible to establish a relationship with your pet which is same as you establish with human. A pet cannot think in the same way as us, and a pet cannot really understand human beings` emotion, so it is stupid to assume that your pet can understand what you think or your pet is your best friend in the world. Furthermore, there are now more and more stores devoted entirely to pets. They sell pet food, pet toys, pet clothes and pet homes. All of these stuff for pets are expensive, however, some pets owner do not care about the price and spend hundreds of dollars on supplies for their pets. Do they have ever thought about that there are still many children in the world who do not have food, toys, clothes? We feed our pets with the expensive food but never care about some of the human beings are suffering hunger at the same time! Why do not now use this money to help them first? In addition, if you have the habit to read newspaper, you can find a lot of report like someone was attacked by neighbor`s dog yesterday. Pets bring so many problems to our society administration and make us in danger. In brief, compared to live with a pet and spend our money and time on it, it is wiser to pay more attention to our parents, friends and other people in our society and spend superfluous money on charity. Essay 920 Topic 182 There are some people that like their pets a lot and they think people should treat the pets as family members. Others think that it is not good to keep a close relationship with pets. If I would be asked this question, my opinion would follow the latter. In the following discussion I would like to provide reasons and evidence to support my viewpoint. No issue is more important today than the one that keeping a close relationship with your pet may harm the relationship between you and other people. I will try to explain this with some examples. Since you have to take care of you pet, you have no time to go out with your friends and you may have no time to talk to your family. Also, if you feel that it is easier to get along with animals, you may lose interest in getting along with people. As a result, you will be isolated from the community. Moreover, some people treat their pets even better than their sons or daughters, which is illogical. Don`t you think the examples given above are very persuasive? Keeping a close relationship with a pet costs money. This is another main reason that I have chosen to put here to support my argument. I could not think a better example to illustrate my viewpoint as the following. If you treat your pets as your family members, you will want to give the best thing to your pets. It will cost you a lot of money to buy the pets` food. In addition, if the pet got ill, you would have to it to the animal hospital. You will pay a good amount of money for its treatment and medicine fee. If you ever had a pet, you should understand this point better. However, having pets also has its advantages. Some animals are human`s friends and sometimes they help us a lot. But the disadvantages of keeping a close relationship to pets carry far more weight than those of its advantages. So the reason I think people should not keep a close relationship with their pets is very obvious. To sum up, given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole, and thus become more persuasive, we could safely arrive at the conclusion that people should not keep such a close relationship with their pets. It affects the relationship between you and other For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org people and it also wastes your money. Essay 921 Topic 182 Pets in the past are often cats, dogs, birds, however, nowadays, even snakes and worms are called pets too. It is undeniable that they are lovely friends of people, especially the old, children and single ones, but I do not think that it is good to treat pets as members of family as the following reasons. First, pets are only animals, and cannot be treated as human beings. Although some animals such as dogs and cats have been domesticated for a long time and are intelligent in some aspects, they do not have human feelings. Their instincts only enable them to distinguish between good and bad, love and hate, while people ourselves have many kinds and levels of feelings. In addition, pets regard people as their master rather than friends. Their actions towards people are fidelity, not friendliness. Treating them as people can make them confused as they have not developed enough to understand these treatments. Second, while some pets are treated as man, other individuals are considered animals. These people are the poor who have no homes, no food. Nobody cares about their lives, they get away from them as if these poor people suffer from an epidemic. They are people but do not have the rights of man. Meanwhile, cats and dogs have either wonderful houses or enough food or the care of people. These facts are unfair. Some people may argue over the second reasons that the poor are none of their business. They do not have any relation with them. Nevertheless, should people not raise pets, they will have time caring about their relatives, their friends and their relationships. For instant, single people raised cats, dogs or other animals because they feel lonely, but had they not raised pet, they would have found their lovers. In conclusion, I personally think that not treating pets as human beings would be better for the animals themselves, the masters and other people. We should consider them as they are, not as what we want them to be. Essay 922 Topic 182 In modern society, more and more people like to keep pets in their family. And some of them treat their pets as a member in their family. They eat with their pets, stroll with their pets, and even sleep with their pets. Although someone think there is no problem with such relationship, I am not totally agree with it. Undoubtedly, keeping a pet at home can provide us a lot of fun. We can play with to our pets when we feel lonely, we can tell our secret to our pets since they always be a good listener and will never expose our secret. Moreover, some pets can protect their host when they are in danger. But there are still many disadvantages. We should notice that pets never can be real human, so it is impossible to establish a relationship with your pet which is same as you establish with human. A pet cannot think in the same way as us, and a pet cannot really understand human beings` emotion, so it is stupid to assume that your pet can understand what you think or your pet is your best friend in the world. Furthermore, there are now more and more stores devoted entirely to pets. They sell pet food, pet toys, pet clothes and pet homes. All of these stuff for pets are expensive, however, some pets owner do not care about the price and spend hundreds of dollars on supplies for their pets. Do they have For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org ever thought about that there are still many children in the world who do not have food, toys, clothes? We feed our pets with the expensive food but never care about some of the human beings are suffering hunger at the same time! Why do not now use this money to help them first? In addition, if you have the habit to read newspaper, you can find a lot of report like someone was attacked by neighbor`s dog yesterday. Pets bring so many problems to our society administration and make us in danger. In brief, compared to live with a pet and spend our money and time on it, it is wiser to pay more attention to our parents, friends and other people in our society and spend superfluous money on charity. Essay 923 Topic 182 Response to Topic 182 Nearly everyone has ever kept one or more pets. There are dogs, cats, birds, and even monkeys and pigs. Many people treat them as members of their family. But other people dislike keeping pets. In my opinion, I approve of such relationship because I think that having a close relationship with pets is very good thing for people. In the following discussion, I would like to reason and provide evidence to support my viewpoint. First of all, pets are so reliable and loyal. For instance, when the old feel lonely or sad, their pets stay at their side. People can tell the pets their feelings, dreams and secrets. Not only will the pet listen to he or she, but it will also feel the same feelings as the narrator. They can help people get released and forget the sadness quickly. Furthermore, the pets even volunteers to guard your house. So pets are our good friends. In addition, having a pet exposes children to the cycle of life and death. For example, with a pet, a child is able to watch the life of his dog, from being a puppy, to being mother, and to dying. Moreover, the relationship, because it will eventually end in the span of maybe ten years, will expose to the child to know the reality of death and the hardship of losing a loved one. Although, as a matter of fact, some people have pointed that sometimes pets can cause a lot of troubles. They may carry many terrible diseases and even bike you. Other people think the more time playing with pets, the more likely away from the society. However, I think that may be not so serious. Pets are our good friends. They give us joy, reduce our loneliness, and also teach us how to build up the friendship. In summary, I believe that treating a pet as a member of the family is a good thing, because it is so reliable and loyal. Moreover, it teaches children the cycle of life and death. So have a pet if you can and enjoy the life with it. Essay 924 Topic 183 What have you learned about a country from watching its movies? Watching movies is an excellent way to learn about other cultures and countries. You can learn about language, customs and other subtle details about a culture. Historical events and political situation are also often mentioned. The first and most useful thing you can learn about a country or culture from a film is a language. Of cause, it is very difficult to learn to speak the language fluently, but some simple phrases or accent is very easy to learn. For example, I can recognize many languages by listening to only several phrases. ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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