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For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org Choosing friends is never considered to be an easy thing for most of the people. We spend lots of time on selecting friends and we often carefully measure by ourselves what kind of people should we choose as our friends. Some people choose friends who are different from themselves, while others prefer to having friends who are similar to themselves. Fairly speaking, these two attitudes both have their own advantages over the other. Undoubtably, there are a number of advantages of choosing friends who are similar to ourselves. One most oblivious thing is that it tends to be easier for people with the same character and personality to get along. They can always feel free when talking with each other and express their own opinions openly without worrying too much about the consequence. Meanwhile, for two friends who are similar with each other in some degree; it will be easier for them to make a decision or build a common view at most of the time, just as most of the people would agree with this boundless proud sense `that is what a friend for`. However, there are also certain advantages people often overlooked of making friends with those who are quite different from you in some ways. For example, this way offers an excellent opportunity for two people to learn from each other. They will discover time by time that there are many merits existing in the other which they lack and can benefit from. Also, this method of making friends will teach people one of the most important life skills, that is, how to successfully interact with those people who are different from yourselves; how to get along with them. Since a lot of the time in our lives, due to working, studying or even traveling, we actually deal with many people who have the completely different personalities or experiences from us. So that it is especially significant for us to develop a communicating skill from choosing friends who are different from ourselves. Personally, I would prefer to choosing those who are in some ways different from me as my friends. For I always hold the belief that the key point in making friends is that we must be able to learn from each other, and therefore making progress together. That is the higher level of friendship I wish to achieve. For a true friend is not just someone who you share fun with, who you tell secrets to or who you search comfort from; a true friend is considered to be someone who can also give you some positive influence and from whom you can always learn from. Essay 599 Topic 117 Sharing the same thought, going in the same direction, understanding and helping each other in the easy way are the advantages of friends who are similar to you. On the other hand, friends who are different from you can easily help you to find out your week points, give you new ways of living and may change your life direction to make you become a new person-a successful person that you have never dreamed of. With the friends who are similar to you, they always understand you deeply. In daily working, they can share the work with you. When you get stresses they can easily find out the best way to cheer you up to release your worries. In studying, playing sports and doing your interests you often feel pleasant when being with those kinds of friends. Because if you best know each other, it is very easy to get understanding in discussion, get fun in playing sports and subsequently, you will be always happy. Another good thing of those friends is, they are helpful friends; they are always available when you need them because they go in the same ways as yours. Without them, your life will be less interesting. However, For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org with the friends who have the same characteristics as yours, you do not have chance to get new things in your life. But you can find them easily in the friends who are different from you. Those friends help you to figure out your week points and help you to amend them in properly way. While giving you new ideas, different ways in solving problems, those friends may sometimes give you important decisions and one of these decision might change your life or give you new position that you have never think about. For example, with me the important change started from this time last year when I lived with a new friend. While I paid much of my time in chatting, playing games and doing waste things, he paid this time to study English. I began to think of his way and tried to follow him to study English. At that time my English skill was very week, but after one year living with him, now I have good English ability and with my high TOEFL score I have just been promoted to a new position-project manager. This is a great point in my life that I got from my new friend. So, from my discussions above, I would like to say that I like to have both kinds of friends. Friends who are similar to me make me always happy and friends who are different from me may give me some great changes in my life. Essay 600 Topic 117 Choosing friends is never considered to be an easy thing for most of the people. We spend lots of time on selecting friends and we often carefully measure by ourselves what kind of people should we choose as our friends. Some people choose friends who are different from themselves, while others prefer to having friends who are similar to themselves. Fairly speaking, these two attitudes both have their own advantages over the other. Undoubtably, there are a number of advantages of choosing friends who are similar to ourselves. One most oblivious thing is that it tends to be easier for people with the same character and personality to get along. They can always feel free when talking with each other and express their own opinions openly without worrying too much about the consequence. Meanwhile, for two friends who are similar with each other in some degree; it will be easier for them to make a decision or build a common view at most of the time, just as most of the people would agree with this boundless proud sense `that is what a friend for`. However, there are also certain advantages people often overlooked of making friends with those who are quite different from you in some ways. For example, this way offers an excellent opportunity for two people to learn from each other. They will discover time by time that there are many merits existing in the other which they lack and can benefit from. Also, this method of making friends will teach people one of the most important life skills, that is, how to successfully interact with those people who are different from yourselves; how to get along with them. Since a lot of the time in our lives, due to working, studying or even traveling, we actually deal with many people who have the completely different personalities or experiences from us. So that it is especially significant for us to develop a communicating skill from choosing friends who are different from ourselves. Personally, I would prefer to choosing those who are in some ways different from me as my friends. For I always hold the belief that the key point in making friends is that we must be able to learn from each other, and therefore making progress together. That is the higher level of friendship I wish to achieve. For a true friend is not just someone who you share fun with, who you tell secrets to or who you For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org search comfort from; a true friend is considered to be someone who can also give you some positive influence and from whom you can always learn from. Essay 601 Topic 117 Sharing the same thought, going in the same direction, understanding and helping each other in the easy way are the advantages of friends who are similar to you. On the other hand, friends who are different from you can easily help you to find out your week points, give you new ways of living and may change your life direction to make you become a new person-a successful person that you have never dreamed of. With the friends who are similar to you, they always understand you deeply. In daily working, they can share the work with you. When you get stresses they can easily find out the best way to cheer you up to release your worries. In studying, playing sports and doing your interests you often feel pleasant when being with those kinds of friends. Because if you best know each other, it is very easy to get understanding in discussion, get fun in playing sports and subsequently, you will be always happy. Another good thing of those friends is, they are helpful friends; they are always available when you need them because they go in the same ways as yours. Without them, your life will be less interesting. However, with the friends who have the same characteristics as yours, you do not have chance to get new things in your life. But you can find them easily in the friends who are different from you. Those friends help you to figure out your week points and help you to amend them in properly way. While giving you new ideas, different ways in solving problems, those friends may sometimes give you important decisions and one of these decision might change your life or give you new position that you have never think about. For example, with me the important change started from this time last year when I lived with a new friend. While I paid much of my time in chatting, playing games and doing waste things, he paid this time to study English. I began to think of his way and tried to follow him to study English. At that time my English skill was very week, but after one year living with him, now I have good English ability and with my high TOEFL score I have just been promoted to a new position-project manager. This is a great point in my life that I got from my new friend. So, from my discussions above, I would like to say that I like to have both kinds of friends. Friends who are similar to me make me always happy and friends who are different from me may give me some great changes in my life. Essay 602 Topic 117 Company of friends People always look for those friends who are good in nature, best attitude, and one of the most important trail "trustworthy and honest", and other characters, etc. Some people chose friends who are different from them, others take those friends who are similar to themselves. I would prefer to choose friends who are similar to me. By choosing friends who are of similar type could gain several advantages like better understanding, helping in difficult situations, and in one`s attitude and actions. Taking friends of similar kind could be benefit in better understanding among each other. Sometimes, when we want to express our feelings or when we are inclined toward something we often ask for advices from friends in such situation. If they are similar to ourselves they will verily look into For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org our matter through our prospective and can give advice accordingly. Contrary to this, friends who are different from ourselves may often present their view which may be contrary to our thinking because they are not similar to us and at times they also fail to understand the problems of their friends. Having friends who are not similar to us may not understand what our concern is on difficult problems, because they never thought of such situations due to different similarities and therefore in this case friends also cannot help in certain circumstances. Whereas, friends of similar kind will always help in every situation because they can feel the same as we do and our sensitivity will be akin to each other. This also is another advantage of having friends of similar kinds. When choosing friends who are similar to us usually have same kind of attitude toward different phases of life. When facing with different problems often our attitude changes and friends with similar kind could only understand the reasons in changing of our attitude. Whereas, friends not similar to us sometimes feels odd and may not be cooperative because they have different kind of attitude and actions. In conclusion, I would choose to have those friends who could understand me in every way, who could share same feelings and expressions towards me, who could be of same characteristic as I posses which could result in the strong relation of friendship. Essay 603 Topic 118 New experiences vs. usual habits Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences; others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Both of the ideas are have the advantages and disadvantages. However, I prefer the first idea. The compare and the reasons are as below. First, enjoying change and looking forward to new experiences is a good way to make the knowledge of people more plentiful. There are two ways for people to make their knowledge more plentiful. One is reading books and another one is from experiences they get. Personally, I think the knowledge which get from experiences are more easily to remember and understand than from books. Besides that, people can also make a lot for friends though enjoying change. However, if people do not like change, they do not get them. Second, to stay the same place and no change for the usual habits, it can make live much easy because of always living in the same place with the same or almost the same people and doing the something everyday. It will not happened the people do not know what they should do in the next day because they do not like change and they do the same thing day by day. In my opinion, I am the people enjoy change. I traveled a lot and I do not always like stay in the same place, do the same things, and always with the same people. I like have different experiences. I think people, especially the young people should enjoy change. When people get old, they think about they live. If they enjoy change, they will have a lot of things to think and to talk; but if they do not like it, they have nothing to think and to say because everyday in their life are the same and it just likes one day. That life is not For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at www.tailieuduhoc.org interesting. In conclusion, enjoy change and enjoy your life. More experiences are good for everything. Essay 604 Topic 118 New experiences vs. usual habits living in this world, people keep different rules and preference to their life. Some people prefer to experience what they do not know, some choose to regular their life and enjoy the quiet. Obviously, no one is wrong, while as for me, my personal opinion is similar with the former. By positively changing their life people can enrich their knowledge. As for from the change of their job, People will meet the new environment where they must work hard to learn new techniques and skills to catch up with the new coming requirements. Staying in a stated position, people tend to be involved in their daily activities with all their time and energy without further progress. Consciously changing their life will also benefit people to live happily. The feeling of life is boring is for sure coming to human being step by step if they always keep a stagnating living. As we all know, lots of couples complain their life is full of dull, and he or she also grumble that cannot feel their affection existing anymore. Why? it is, to some extend, for that they do not realize they should change they every day life from being stagnation. No changed life tends to make people tired and loose interest. A report said the contemporary social problem of youth suicide is very seriously, and investigation shows the reason is mainly for the kids feel their life is no novel. If only they were taught how to absorb the fresh air into their life! I would like to claim again, keeping old habits and enjoying a stated life are not bad also, what they need is to use another way to make their life positive. Essay 605 Topic 118 New experiences vs. usual habits The topic about change could be approached from different angles because it is complex. Some people seem to enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences; others tend to like their lives to stay the same. Comparing these two points of view, I feel change and new experiences are better for us. On the one hand, there are only two advantages to always stay the same. The one advantage is that people do not need to spend more time studying. If people do anything that they are used to, they can achieve the goal efficiently. For example, my father is used to drive along the first avenue to his office, so he doesn`t need to spend much time finding the way every morning. The other advantage is saving money. When we want to ... - tailieumienphi.vn
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